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/7 �� � '.ai+�+�4-+qj�Ys--. ___ .. . . . .— .�' <br /> /L . '�G.'" ' ' . <br /> w�.7yf t!t�l I(,i r1� <br /> ..� .��•���� :. :�: � ���.. n --� ' ' <br /> ,:,,. � <br /> .� <br /> .� _ <br /> �-.::.•��NL_._..)y.4�ad�e.uA.L� , <br /> - �___ . ADJUSTABLE IiATE RIDER 93���,0�.5 <br /> -- _ _ ..-_ j . , � u Y«�r rn.aar�naa•a.aa.v.� <br /> �___ �__� -r� nits�wtusr�et.��►rs Aroaa[�n�c�a �5TH �,y� , JANUARY _,�y 9� -_ <br /> _� <br /> �od it i�oo�poaud iato aid sAdl be deaeed w�a�a�d�od wpplanw�t 1he Monp�a. Deed ot tnut.or Sawlry Dead l��"�Y <br /> -- IaqrumaN")of tb��aae due�IKn by tbe urtdeni�ned(!Ae•�Banwv")to saum Borrower'�AdJwubk lute Note(t4e••Nau��)to�� <br /> . ���L BAVIN08 a LOAN A880CIATIQN OF OMND IdLAN�.N�IIASKA pM"I.eiwla••)af ti�e wme d�te�ad aorai�tbo <br /> � propeily de�aiMd islhe Sewr�tlr lefpuwe�t aad loo�ted at: �—_ <br /> -.- �I r 2208 W. OKLAF{OMR. GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA 69903 -- <br /> (P�opa�y wddresy <br /> Tw.otr e.MN..�rowb�r alfo*�t t« I�wy alenea na.ra.y.�oMMls =-- <br /> `.�-:^;,_ wrsrb.TW wN��Iw M�in IM��w�t w�Id�pl nM a�c��N�q�11�w�M ___ <br /> _■+w...w...w��wrw. <br />...-��_._ �.:9�,•y..L+.�^ @'—T. <br /> _,�.. � ADIPIT�ONA1.(.'OYFJ,VAl�i7�S.1��dlfiti00 f0 t4C OOn�a�i i�ammR�i�dR fY t4t So�vs�4� 4�.�OR9wi!ito�A IR�def =_ <br /> ._ ° � '�k;��, }� fYMtMRroo+refratrod�aepfoQows: ' _ <br /> ::��r j: 4,��n.,t, �- ' <br /> �I';'�' ''''+;�;f�;.'�'.,"�±?� ' ' ' � ,. <br /> .t�: �� ,r��?�•r t�x t, A. IMERFBT RA7E AN�M�MW114Y PAYMENT CNANC.I�S i� �: <br /> �., , , ,� �>�;��' The Nou pravida fa�An InNtal iate�at mte ot 5•50.�'1�.�ctlon 4 ot the Note piovtdta for clun�a ip the ime�at nte and IBe , <br /> -;`y�:oi.'�' .:��}�� 1't�'j���.jf�.{l;};�follm�n: . � _ - <br /> � y ��,��i� . '� r �...— <br /> �� � ' <br /> �'j��, r�=�''"5 kt�'JS�Ler�t+' 1. lNTER6ST RATE AND MOMHLY PAYMBNT CNAN06S <br /> � `M.,���S�r �t .. <br /> -�-�. ,,���i��^}f�� r IA) �/rO�IE� t,� <br /> , '•" ,�� ,�;�,,.,�.•;t�• The intaat ale 1 wip p�y m�y chanQa on the 8nt day oi FE6RUARY . i9 9k ,and on th�t day every �' <br /> f�� <br /> , _.�'`;�,.' ";��";. 1� mmNhs t6eraRer.Bach d�te on whfcM my intaat nue eouW c�e b called a"Chane Wk." iui'�' <br /> , ,#" , ,�. (61 'I'Me 1Mea g -? <br /> � . `."�'"""�' Oeainnina with the fint G7un�e Date,my(nterest rate rvill be basM on m Indea.The"Indeu"ie�Ae warlly�vas�e yietd on United Suta �°,�;•,:. <br />_ � :.i`.t..��.:`._ �....:•�i�.��� �'"__ <br /> . ';,. ��,,.,, , ,� •„�: 7}puyry�eeudtia�dJwtad to�oo+w�nt mnuHty ot 1 yeu.a made�vvlabk by tM F�dad ReYerve Bard.Tbe mat rxent lude��ti{ure �j;x�•' <br />- .. r , �ri.;,,•;i�;,}� <br /> ,i . . .�;, .,,� '�'» : walbbk u of the dnte�S d�ya befo�ach Chan�e Dne i�alled Ihe"Cu►reallnde�.'• �;;_ <br /> .,. ,. �;� ' .'.,e If the IMwe I�no laq��vait�blo.the Nol�Holdet MrW choow��ew inda wbkb i�bwd upon aaa0u�b�e Iafarartlaa.Tb�Nolt = <br /> . �� ."� Hokkt wIU�ive me nollae otlhi�choloi. � <br /> �. �'. <br />_�.. ,.; ,.. _-_ <br /> -=_ --�-:�-�:,�,. �c► c.�u.uo.or�r.�. Tmo arx�or�a�sn�.� — <br /> �✓:��.: . R;;,. , � �'.°�`� Hefore a�ch Chan�e Wte.Ibe Notc HoWer will cakulate my new intaa[�ne by�ddiiy Pa�� <br /> '>:;, ;;,�i�•�`?;,,,;.�.�;,�����., p��q t 2_�+ �)to Ihe Curcent Indea and roundina to the nauat 1/11h oi I�li.wbjoct to the Wufiu suted io Sectioa 4(D)bduw. <br /> `' '•rLva..,,•;.. � '-`,+;� Th4 rounded amount wdll be rt�y new interat�ue untH the next ClunYe Date. :�:`. <br /> � ;.4�'�'•. �� r� The Nae Hofder wiU iFiea determine the amoum ot the mon�NY paymmt�hat woutd be:ufficfent �o rep�y in fWl the principd 1 an � <br /> �.,�.,..�'.., �,��.•_ <br /> , . . . . . pcpertcd to mve on 11ut Clunse Date tn substanWUY e9�WY�►u by the n�turltY date at my new iaterest mte.The tauit of thi�o�kul�tioa <br /> ; , wiU be tNe new sawunt ot my monthl9 P�Y��• `�°�Y. <br />-- i t'"' . '?'.$ ' (D) U�IU w 1�Ineu RNt(*�asa �'��,•- <br /> ... • ` .. ,��°Y �. The iMerest nte 1 am rcquired to pay �t the fint Chanye D�te wiU not be grcater than 7.50 � a� than ';i;;� <br /> _ - ' •''r`•""�•.:i";,:',��•��:�. 3_5f1 �.�rcafter,my Inlerat nte wfll never be increa�M o�decreased on�ny singk Chan�e Dxe by mort than °���� <br /> '� :' a `l�� ;1 T�+{r; � ��hom Ihe rpte of interal I Fuve ban psyin�for the prcading�welve mon�hs.The minimum inurest n[e a►tdis lwa wUl never be � <br /> .' Y�r�'`tFb :' . ��pn �_50 �and the rtwdmum int«at rate wiu�rcva be areater�Nn 10.50 �l�i. ':. <br /> ��.� ; ,�.,�.t���'# �K . <br /> . '•.�•,' �� , <br /> -� �;.t .�..,,...:,;. . ; :,�s, <br />--. .. , ,,�,,;;,t�'�,rr,'ti; :•• , (Ef I�lfeetln D�te of Ci�ga ___ <br />`5:� . '� My new taterat nte will 6aome effative on each Ch�n�e Date.I will pay tAe amoun:of my new monlYy p�ymeM bqlaNnQ oa�he fir�t ,, <br /> �.�;�v�.� ,�•. <br />�I"�. �' �:;i{,:�;, ;� `` y a•r� � ���. <br /> x 5�.P n►onthl t date afta�he Chan4e Da�e untfl the amounl o!my nanchly payokn chanQes a4ain. ,�;% <br /> , s_ .l�: . ..' . <br /> ' (� Notke ot CMaa <br /> ' � �' ��f,;;, • The Nwe Hofdu will m�l or deNver to me a notia before e�►ch CtwnQe Date.The ootia aiQ advlse me of: <br /> ; • ,. �t�y, :. - <br /> � ::�?:rf, "`-` ;:' (q �he new intereat rate on my loan as of�he Ch�nge Dau: Ff•• �" <br />'�';i.j�p ;ZK..r��_., .,5� + ,,��.. �'�- <br /> "�",��{� ..�� (ii) the�moun�ofmymonthlYpAYmentfollo�vingtheChangcDatr, [`-��x <br /> ,�i� <br /> `l,�!�'tnI ,,�' y�.`'L.;,,.,_,,,�, (ill) �ny addUtanw!metten which the Note Holdcr is rcqulrcd todicclose;nnd �..:,•: <br /> �} pv) tbe addreanf the associ Won you oould oonuct reaudin�my quations about the adjus�mar notloe. @' -- <br /> � �.�' ; ., '� �,`i <br /> �"y,��h�, 1E�?:,`°i�}w, r. B. CHARCBS=WENS i,, <br /> -:% '���, '��i•.,,�.',.;��:..,;'i;c;��`} Uniform Coven�m�1 ot the Secudty Irotrument i�amendM to tead s►s follows: :; <br /> '�Y ��� �. Chu�st IJew.Borcowet sh�Jl pay all taaa,assessments.and otha charaa,tines,and impositions auribu�able to�he Property which may � <br /> ` � �tlain a prlority over thie Securitr Ins�rumml,and lasehold p�ymenteof ground rents,if any,ln�he manner provided unde�psragraph 2 hercof c;:1�� <br /> :4:�:.:_�. �`�:. <br /> • �"����5�ti•''. or.if not pafd in�uch Borrower maklnQ payment,when due,dircctly to the paya thereof.Borro�rer slull promptly fumi:h Lender ; <br /> �' ,��. � dl notioes of amount�due under thf�{wrt�raph,and In the even�dorrower shall make paymem dlrecUy, Borrower slull promptly fumish to <br /> ,�"� . a •-� F Lender raxipt�evidencinQ�uch payment�. Borrower shall promptly diuhar4e�ny Ben which has prioriry over thii Securfty In:uument; �_•�. <br /> "�3 ' �� "����� however,Borrower shrll nw be requlred�o dfuhar4e any such Ifsn so lony as aaresin writinQ to the paymem of the <br /> �� '�' ,�' obN�tion securcd by such Ilm in the manner acceptable to Lender;(b1 shall fn good fai�h comcst such licn by,or defend aQainst enforcemen�of • <br /> , �.. . . <br /> ",' �a '° �� '.,�;f�,� such tlen In,Itgd proceedino�which in the opinion of l.ender oprra�e io prevern�he enforcement oi the Ifen a fak{tureof the proper�y or any 4 <br /> �'.•��� �'°�".;•'a •�•� part thereof;or(c)shall secure from tlx holder of such Ifen an a�trcemcm in o form wtisfactory to Lender subordinatinQ such lien ro�hic <br /> -'-., � .'`- Security Instrumenl. � <br /> —.?.•ri,: ,•,;i;t4.�n;,�.:s If l.ender determina thot all or any part of the Pro{xrty is subjec� to w Ilen which may attafn a priadty over thfs Securily Ins�rumem, � <br /> _,; —_�_ __ _ _ _ - <br /> • Lcnder shnl)Qivc Borrower 4 nwfce Identifying such licn.Borrower shall solisfy such Ifen or take onc or more of the action�set tonn aoove g � <br /> f <br /> � ` �• within ten dayc of the�IvinQ of the notke. � <br /> - � rY�I�;J�„`�,4, .M �. ��1: <br /> ,, '• ��t:,,;,�s,;:.�. C. 1VMICE ' <br /> . !. u �5�f,•�i��,.�, y;:': <br /> ;;, Si , dr�,; -,��¢�•�•- UnifortnCovenantl4ofiheSeeurityl�utrumentisamended�o�eadastollows: �' <br /> •._,.. ,: �.�,� � f''� <br /> . :�..' ' k?i��i;:'j�:.•'.1��' ��"� 1� . <br /> �'��:�.•`;' ` � ;.;1�,Y:�t!;,����u.�;: ➢4. Nodee.Except for any notice required unde�8pplicubk taw�o be given in another manner,la)any notia to Eorrower provided for in this �� <br /> ;'��; ts,..;' , ���.,:;?��c,�•;� ,i <br /> k„q, , ,� ,;:.;,�r�,.�j,.�•,��. ,, Security Instrument shall6e gloen 3y deliverfna It ot Ay mai8ng it by flrst class rnail io Borrower at thc Properly Address or at such olher address ;. . <br /> ''`� ' ' 1 '�'''''?iS�%.,"� ` '���' a:;Borrower may designa�e by r,oticz to Lmder ue provided 6rn,n,and(b)any notia�o Len:fer shall be giren by�Pirst class rr,u:(�o Lender's '• <br /> 1�. :t ',,`i".i-.:�� <br />'`'' ;����-''""'�``:• �;��' address etated hereln or tosuch o�her addtess as Lender may designau by ndice to Borrower as proviJrd herein.Any no�lce pro�ided i�r in thi+ �� _ <br /> '���• �, t�. �.c';t�j',�`�'.'.� !��,?:•.•� � <br /> �� � ,. �, :`��� ;� Security Instrument fhaq bedeemed to have been given to Horrower�r Lender when given in Ihe manner des ianated herein. ; <br /> ;'.. �;- .,:;i`� � ��,; .,,, �, <br /> . ;���• <br />.+��'�,.1;,ii,` '6,;lPC.{�,�.�,����i�!�}1��,.i�r� <br /> '�i',tl�' �t i•'• =#' :i't��J�'•��M!ti�� <br /> 't. !�;(.�.i� � ,���;�� �t,t. �. <br /> '�' ���:1' %.�,, •, . <br /> , � <br /> _.-'� i - ._r���LFe-� a. �;' _..._ . . ..__ -- <br />