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�'S'�iF1�,;{:i• .. i� r. � . - �"�' +,i� ' <br /> . 'F-;:.'. . , <br /> II • - <br /> j , <br /> �n .. � . ' � - � , <br /> , .. . , . . � 1: . .. 'i " . . . tl1tl�, • <br /> .. � 'i - . . . .. ... _.�__' <br /> / "� . - , �...._.. , -. _. .. - .. - . <br /> � .. '":��1�ISril.: ' " � - ...... .'" ' <br /> .� l� <br /> _ f5� ' . ��Q �.a���� <br /> . <br /> , l�ny rider("lYtderr°) n����n na�a pp9ement t�rnvemm�iaad n�gn�ements of thl.g Etc�d of v'I'evsY�na P <br /> agrecmenta oithe Rtd r��`'-` <br /> the�tidcr���.re fl p�e�hepca4. <br /> • Borrower coveaants that Borrower is lu�vfl�Uy seized of the estute hereby coiiveyed and hos the dght to grnnt nad convey :�,,,��'; <br /> � __.�I tlno Propetty. end thut the Progerty ia uaencwnbered. except for encum QrAaces�t�ms aad 1'mAnda.��u jecch o .� <br /> � - • Borrower wartants and will defend IIeaerntly the tltle to the P[operty 8 <br /> ' �-�� e.ncumbrnnces of record. . <br /> � ''``�.^I: <br /> UNIFORIV4 COaJEN�1T�. Botcower nnd Lender cavenunt und a�as foUows: , ��'�= <br /> :,__-; <br /> 1. Puyatent of Friacipul c�nd Inte�est. Borrower shall prompdy pay whan due the prlucip�l and interest indebtedness , <br /> . � ,, <br /> � evldenced by the Nate ond late cDnrges as provided�n the Note. '1'Mhis Deed of Ttust sesums paytnent of satd Note Y �:.. <br /> , : � c�ecordin8 to its¢erms.which are iacoiporated hareia by reference. �,_- <br /> ,. ., � x 2. Appllcsztion ef�yments. UW�ss aPplicable law provides othenvise. ell paymenta tecetved by iRader under the ��"' <br /> `` �. Note and paregraph 1 i�ereof shall ba appliod by Laader first to intere�t duo on the Note. secoad w the nrincipul duo _ <br /> ' on the Noi�,and then to late charges due an the Note. �_'�;°= <br /> ,. ��� —_ <br /> " 3. Prior Y1�Iortgages uad Beed�o��; ���' Li�' �nOWer shall perfora►all of Borrower's abligatione, ��� <br /> , �. ment with a liea whirh hos pdortty over this D�eA�f Trust, �� <br /> under any mortgage. dced of m�st or other sewriry a$rce <br /> . y. including Borrower's covettunta to make paym�nts when due. Bntrower sbaU pay nr cause to�re pF►iQ till t�es� —_ <br /> assessmeats and other chargea. fines and imPpaitlana attrlbutable to the Preperty which s�y attaia a prioriry over th[s <br /> Deed of Trust,and leasehold paytrt$nts or grouad rents, if any. _. <br /> �� _ <br />-_:�?- -�._ , � ����.�.a��, al Borrower shaU keep the:lmprovements now eaisting or bereatter erected on the Progeriy __ <br /> :i�::-, ;, �, .. . _� _._.. <br />-;�ti• f � insurEd against losa by fi�,hoztuds included withln the term"extended covesAge=, und any oiu�ua��s� �.�8 -- <br /> ;� • tloads or ttcod,for which Lendes r�uices Insur�►c�• 'd'his inau�sca s1��be mafntained ia tha smounts aad for the <br /> ,;, ,�e �����pro��g ybe insurar� sheti be chasen by Borrowor subSect to <br /> � .�.;i periods that I.ender requtt+es• <br /> � � • Lender's appmvat which shall noc be uiueasennbly withheld. I�Borrower fatla to maiatain wverag�dascdbed above, <br />�r:`. „ � �� Lender m� Lead�r's opdon.obtaiu coverage to protect Lender's rlghts in the Property in accordaace cvith pArap�caph =_ <br /> �:.';��', ' 6. <br /> �%r: <br />_._,5.,;.....;s,1`•}• - <br /> ' '�'�f�'�'�`��;� b) ,�11 {nswcnnc,v policies and renewais shall be aa�table to Leader and ahaU inelude �standard mortgage clnuse. __ <br />_ ,, ` ;yJ�,i�A;..:�s ve co <br />,��+,,„ , Lender shall have tho rigl►t to hold the poltcies and cenewata. If Lender requires, Borrower slwll pinmpdy Bi <br /> � j�e1� �;p�of paiA pz+emiums and renewul notices. Ia the event oY loss.Bor[ower shnll�ive pmmpt to tha <br /> J�';j+`�. .. inawgnoe ca:rter aad Lendar. Ixuder may malce proof of loss if not mude ps�ampdy to Borrower. !��: <br /> �.��,,.�,. ,� <br />;--, :"� ""k, c) Uales�Lender aad Borrower othe�vise agroe ia writiag�iusur�ttoa prooeods aluill be t�plled to restoradoa or repatt <br /> =•.',-�"'.""b��r,� . ed, Uthe restomdon or repair is econom3s�Uy feusibla and Lender's suurfty �S nat lessened. I4' - <br />_::. ,.. : �� of ttte ProPertY Aamag _. <br />�;�•:� . :,��y, � t&e restoratioa ar repaic is nat eoonomicNly feasible or Leader's seawlry would be lesseaed�the insurance pms�da shell �- <br />';,�, : ,�•;.�. be applIed to the�a serured by tbla Secudty Insm�ment.whether or aot thea due.with uny exoess puifl to Borrower. ny.,,- <br />;�;y' ,;m-, If Bormwer aban�+ms the Property or does aot swawer wlWin 90 doya n not3�e frnm Leader thzu the insu'raace cturler r�;�':� <br /> Rd <br />-�•,:.� has offered to settle u claim,then Lander mny coUect t�e insu1rsmc�prac�da- Leader�uy use the pmceed�w repntr <br /> � '•:'� or to a wma socured by thie Sewriry Inst�ment.whether or aos tLen duo. 'Ihe 30�ny pertod - <br /> - ` :`;.,�.,; or restoro tha ProperiY P Y _ <br /> _._ ..,�' � wW begin svhen tkz�odce ia given. <br /> . ._ , �p�:,. <br />�". .,A?lu�"�'_.."�. Ritt;:.:: <br /> �-a- � d� F 3�C C�=� P�y����s u�p�.ph 4(e)below, aheuld partial or aomplete desttucdoa or dama�e ocxur to the �: <br /> :.1i Finaerty� Bomower hereby agreea thnt uny aud ell insuuments evidencing iasvrance p r�x e d s rea iv e d by L e n d e r s u►u <br /> �° resb►Te a►7 sald dmm�ge or destru c t ion�s h a l l b e p l a e e d i a a a c+n-i n t�r e s t b e a d n+�escrow ncom�2 wtttl►Lender. At Lender'a � <br /> ''r<: diecietiom. Lender may releuse some or a11 oY the procea9s ffrom escmw ufter Borrower presenta Leader with r� --- <br /> . �,� r �,eceipt(s). inv�icets��written estimutes(s)qr azR�¢r document(s)ncaepti;blo to Leader which relates to t�e tepnlr tsad/or _--- <br /> ' .. : iin,pmvements of Y�he Property aecessary as a n�sult of esid daauige und�or destau�don. Absem cin�,acement to the .v_. <br /> . „ , t, aon I.ender slaall not be requinwl w puy Boirower uny interest oa tho�rooeads held ta the escmw nccouat. Any �•: <br />� ' • amounta�nmaialn8 6►the econtr�t utter elt repairs andlor fuiprnvementa have bcen aoa��to tha Lender's sntiafuctton. �' <br /> � s� ahrilt bo�,ppltes!to a�se evms s�u�e9 M►this Deed of Ttust,Dc�d to Secure Debt�or l�daisga,c. Horrowee iL�her agrees ��, <br /> . to 000perato v+ith E1e�chr by endo:sinII alt.checka�dPnRa and/ur ather i�snuments evidenoing inaurance pmoeoda:und �:,; <br /> z uny n�docmmmnts. Suoutd Bomower fail to provide any re9uimd endoreement aadJor e�cecut�on c�llhln tbirty(30) �,,:�;; <br /> dnys nfler Lender seada borrower notice thnt Leadar hus reoeivad nn iaatrument evi�encinII lnsucaace proceeds�or ��;; <br /> �,��g����gfl�wrer�s si}�nture, Homower hereby autheri�es Lender to endorse aaid iasuument aadlor � <br /> _ -------- •--•- --�_ �.�.�.�.,......e.�.,......��* <br />— _----_ --___... _. . - <br /> ..,,.- , dacument<s)on Borrowers beDalt.and ooitoc�oud nppiy�s N;:��us�,.���.s.L,�_,,. .._.--•------r— <br /> ' of the PropertY or to sums secured by tWs Deed of T:ust,Deed to S�m Debt.or Mortguge. it ia not the inten�on <br /> °" ' of either party that thi8�sc�W Pro�ion, aad/or Lendes's eadonement or execution of ua insunment(s) rutNor <br /> docununt(s)on behalf oi Sormwer creute a fiducicuy or ageacy relatioaship between I.ender aad 8omawer. <br /> � • e) Unless I.eader aad Borrower othenvIse a�C+ee ia writin8��Y�+PPlication of pmoeeds to principai shail not e�ctend <br /> �,�.� or postpone the due dute of the mouthly puymenta referr�d to in pam8m�ha 1 uud 2 or rhan�e the umount ot the <br /> i'� paymencs. If under pa�ragrnpL 16 the FroFertY ia�cquir�d b�'��e!' $0n'Ower'a right to nny fasurunce palicies and <br />' . �iueeeda resultinII from dumt�8e tc+the pml�ertY Prlor to Use ucquteitioa ahmll pass to l�ender to the e�ctent of the sums <br /> ' ` secured by this Securiry Ltstrument. ' <br /> „� msn�an� �r+��►s roia+�rm r•cueac��re�.e�a <br /> OO�JII61S9 TUFiGR <br /> � <br />