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If Lender exercises this optton, Lender Rhall give Borrawer notice of nccclerntinn.Tl�e�u►tice shall pr��vide o period of ttnt <br /> " less than 30 days from the date thc notice is delivcred or muiled within whSch Horrawcr mutit puy ull sums sccurc.�i by tt�ie �:;- <br /> '( '�� Scrudty Instrument.If Borrawer fails to puy these suma prior to thc expirution of this perlud,I.cnder muy invoke uny remcdies — <br /> - - : permittecl hy this Security Tnstrument without further notice ar demund on Barrower. � �.::_- <br /> �:'. 18. Borrower's Right to Reiastnte. I f B onower mee ts ce r u�i n c o n d i t i o n s. B u r r u w e r n h a i l huvc thc rl ght to have � � <br /> :'"'L enforcemant of this Secudty Instrument discontinual at any time prior to the eutlier af: (u) S dnya(ar such other petiad us � 4 <br /> �� ' applicuble law may specify for reinstatement) be fore s a le o f t he P r o p e n y p u rsuant to an y pawer of sale contained in tt�is � �. <br /> ��: Secudty Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcin�this:;ecurity Instrument.Those conditions are that Banower: (a)pays � - <br /> L.ender all sums which then would be due urtder thia Security Insnnment and the Note ns if no ucceleration had occurred; (b) <br /> ��-��m-^'��` cures uny defuult af any other covenants or agret:ments;(c)pays all expenses incurred In enforcing this Securlty Instrument, ___ <br /> including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'fcea;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requirc to assure <br /> • r• �i'.- that the lien of this Securfry Instrument, I.ender's rights in the Pmperty and Borrower's obllgation to pay the sums secured by = <br /> ' � this Security Instrument shall continue unchanAed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Securtty Instrument and the <br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if na acceleratian had occurnd. Huwever,this right to reinstate shull <br /> .. , µ, nat npply in the case of acceleration under para6raph 17. <br /> 19. 3ule of Note; Change o�Loun Servicer. The Note or a parti�l interest in the Note (together with this Security <br /> Instrument)may be sold one oe more times wlthout pr[or notice to Baaower.A sale may resuit in a chan�e in the entity(known <br /> � " us the"I.oan Servtcer")thut coller.ts monthly payments due under the Note rmd this Sccurity Instrument.There also may be one <br /> �- �' � or more chunges of die Loan Serviccr unrelated to a sale of the Note. If therc!s a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be <br /> y` ' given wrltten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the nama and �- <br /> ': :+,':.':?' addresa of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The nutice will also cantnin any other <br /> �� "" Informatlon required by Appltcable law. <br /> ''`��%,'Y�f�� 20. Hazardous Sub.taatces. Horrower shall not cause or pecrcnit the presence. uxe, disposal, stora�e,or rele�.se oF a+�y =_ <br /> �•:��<',},;,�,��r2.�.� , H�,��ous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow unyone else t� do, anything affecting the <br /> ��' '����r''<'Y Propeny that is in violntton af any Bnvironmental The precedinB twu sentences shall not apply to the presence, use. or <br />•, '''�'�«' storage on the Property of stnell quantltles of Hazardous Substances thst are generally recagnized ta be appropriate to normul <br /> : .��:�, ? residential uses and to meintenance of the Property. <br /> , ;i'. ;a� <br /> • �onower shall promptly give Lender written notice af any investigation,claim, demand,lawsuit ar other actiora yany <br /> .:��►�`,+'r�F govemmentnl or regulatory agency or prlvate party involving the Property and any HAZardous Substnnce ar P.nvironmental <br />�;•�'a�':�;� , of which�orrower hna actual knowledge. If Hornower leams, ar is notitied by any governmental or regalatory authori , that <br />::y,�;��:�:,,,� ,., <br /> :_�a,,,,,�.,�.� any removal or other remediatlon oi any Hazardous Substance affectins the Property is necessary.Borruwer shaU promp y take <br />- L�'',•:'�' a!1 ts�r;ret�?�l a�tions;n acmrdance with Environmental <br />��L� ,�s"7''��� As usal in this parngruph 20, "Hazardous 5ubstances" are those substancea deltned as toxic or i��iuus eu�ias►� �s'i <br /> _:r;'�,.�}��� ' <br /> � � Bnvironmental Law and the follawing substances: gasoline. kerascne, other flummable or toxic petroleum producta, toxic <br /> `%�'��r'��:'`%�' pesticides nnd herbicides,volntile solvents.materials containins esbestos or form�ldehyde.and rndioactive materials.As used in <br />_-:�'_�J�,�.,:,"� . <br /> �,...,�,,,,.,,,, this parugraph 20. "Bnvironmental Law mectns federal laws und IawR of the jud�dicdon where the Property is located at <br /> -4ys�r"�'"� relnte to health,safety or envimnmentat protection. <br /> ''-��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant und agree as fotlows: <br />__'�`�M��� 21. Aacelerntlon;Remedt�.Lender shall�ive nottce to Borrower prior to acceferntion foflowing IiorrowFr's bm� <br /> T;_,=�;_^�a�•,�� �f any oovennnt or a�reement M this Security Instrument (but not prtor to ttccelerntton urtder pArngrnph 17 unlcss <br /> - ,,`� upplicnbte Inw providea o4herwise).The noUce shnll specifys (aD the defnultt N)the sctlon requtred to curc the defuulti <br /> . Y^::.�a (c)a dnte,not tess than 30 days fmm the dnte We notice Is Qiver�to�vhtch the defuult must ba curedi and <br /> :.-____;;:�� (d)thnt tuQure to cure the defnult on ae before the dnte 6pcc1f1� In the notice may result tn nrceteratdon of the sums <br /> _ --- - secured by this Security Instrument nnd snle of the Pruperty.The n�lce�hall fLrthcr inform Borrowc*of tl�e right to <br /> , �~ reinstate atter ecccltratton und the right to bring n court ¢ctton ta as.5ert thc non�actstettcc oP a default or uny other <br /> � defease of Borro�ver to accelert�tlon nnd sule. If the defnult is not curc�l on or befor�the dute specified in the nMDce� <br /> - --- Lender. ut Its optton� moye�qulre tmmediete puyment in iuli of ull ewns securcd by th(s SEturlty instrument �vtthaut <br /> furthcr deman�nnd Reny Invoke the puwer of snle and nny ott�er remedies permitted by appl[cAble Inw.i.ensla�shntl be <br /> — entitled to oollect all expenses incunrd[n pursutng the remedies prnvtded tn th6s parnsrnph 21�includln�,bvt nat Itmited <br /> to,reasonnblc uttorneys'fa:es and wstx uf titl�e evtdence. rt of the <br /> ------ °-�""- - If thepower of si+le is invoked,Trustee shnll record n rtotice of defnult 1n each county in whlch uny ps► <br /> ��_��_�� i?roperty is Isented nnd sbaq mall copt�of snch noitce In the cnanrter prescrlhed by appltcuble law to Borrower nnd to <br /> ... — tAt dther persons pa�crlbed by appitcable Inw.After the time requ[red by aPpllcnble Inw,Trustce shu11 Qiae publtc natts� <br />