,f.:� .'; .._.
<br /> , ' •\S .. . . ,
<br /> ` �•
<br /> i
<br /> - : . I) .. ,.� .. . . . . - .
<br /> ' ....yT '�' .�:.. .. . . .. ...
<br /> . (o) All ep8t�cab:o mrm cnd reQu►atlons,Inei:�dinp,wllhout nmltntlon,thn At�dvsna�y��h Dlnnbilltioa Act�42�rtu o9any fcd 2N,atc�to or�madcipai •
<br /> � rcpututlonn p�orrartgatcd thoreundar)nnd al t3ning artd bulldn8�:.un cnd reQuiatlona ruatirtg to tno Prop�ny by n
<br /> �� nuthuriry wlth judsdletlan ovot tho Prop:rry.p7oscntiy a�fl cnd cha!t ba ob.cnrsd nnd compltcd etlth In nil mztcdal roepccta,nnd eii r1�to, Uaonooa, �
<br /> ' �m�ita,cnd a:nitlaatoa ol oecuprnay tlnctud:np bu1 Rot ilrtltod to aonlrtg vnrinn�s.cPcdN°ot thto PropQttyn p of��Y mm�ndnchc Inb�'ob�Irtcd, �
<br /> upprovNu),+�h�thcr Icmpotnry ot porPronanl�v�hkh n►o rtutC�la►to tho uco cnd ooa�panaY �
<br /> prac�rvad and,v�hcro nnooun�rfr.ronwr�od;
<br /> � (d^Q n th hn4provl�e o tany'tuto,rapula lon,ordlnanoo.ruto ol nw�oontrQa�cl or othor rapraomona vhlch m�Y t���9 n��ntor at ny Nmll�not
<br /> 00 .
<br /> (oI No nctien or proocading ia ot uhntt b�ponding or thrct►toncd vfilch rN f�t rtnto�lalty n(tact tho Pra�riy,nnd Q�����R��utCnB,but nat U�ttcsl to, . ,
<br /> (� arantor haa not vtolntod amf ahnll not vlolnto ony etatuto,�c�on,ord':rtcnco.NIo of Idw,oammct or mhor agrc �
<br /> thaso gavaming Htuntdoua MntodWe)vihlch rtfght«at°rl°�h►°tt o��o P���or Londora daMo or Intoroot In tho Prop�ny paraurnt to thie Doad ol . ,`
<br /> � - Taat. of tho Prap:�N oxxpt na aot tonh • �
<br /> "':-,;-'' 3. PRIOR OHEDa QF TRUBY. t3rantor roproaonto and wisrrams thnt thoro aro no prf�r dsads of truat nHacting nny p�rt �or dauds of wst thon "
<br /> - . on Sehcduio B nttaohcd to thia Ocod of Tmst.wt►Ioh Ciramar t�qrnon to pay and pnttor►n In n tlrt�iy mvmor. U ihoro oro any P : -„'
<br /> Cirentct cgraoo to pay all tmpunta owod.and pNo61�►��a��1t u�o�hla 0 Td of Taatda�►d Ehall omi�tlo Lond�to nl�ri4Ji1�a��d fla�OO tn n�nod •.
<br /> ' agreos that a dofnuh undor any�p�or dood ot t ':
<br /> • horoln ar In iha 01�:�83tione to v�mrch�°na°r v�ouid bo cr�titl�d 6i tho ovont ot any othor dafault. :_ ;
<br /> ,�.:.
<br /> 4. TRANSFBRB OF iHfi PROP6BTY 0R BENEFICUI.i o�R���������S�aWdRu o AE��i+r►y In�.�crmsi th�aln or o�ci!I or uny b���d� • :�;,
<br /> oontract for deod or ttanatvt to nny porcon o t e t!o r a n y p a rt �n n o re hl,tna3t,or � ,
<br /> imcro3t In Borrowor or Qrantor(If Borcowar or t3rr3ntot is noe n nntura��l�?r�son or porsona 6ut Is a aorporetVon.Q m it a d�I�4 l l i t y a o m p a n Y,P ';-
<br /> othor�l1aag..�lAi LondooroRuo tya�oT or�8ar�►owor�aheiho c so m8y�•z�l►t�um hat�aomploto�atntQ�ni eotti°�ng lor9h nl%t i s eta�dtr�ol�doro��mc��aa _
<br /> • . �srs.as ap�oprtuto.and tho a�iont ot thotr ra�pectivo owncrah,p tmoro�ts. ,;
<br /> i e. A83tttNMENT�� L�e ir�itoros,delm�and d.'-rtrsd r�iow�owncd���ho►o�nftn�yRu!►crlhna�Os��B�d hrtaro W8�sos�of�fha Pr�oporiy k�G ding � ,+�
<br /> a r a M o r's o 8 l a t o, �n � o f t h o P r a (�1 1 such loasos e��d aya�r�rns e1h=lher wrltton or orEil,nro 'z`�
<br /> extensiona,rs�now�s cind sub,oasos),a l l�oo r ra m e f a r u a o a n d o o a+p a n c y W m � �:
<br /> � haresftor retom3d to Aa tha'Lnasos�.and ellg�amnlies of�°ssoa8�P�K°�►�°undar tha L Oauos,togothor w it h t ha Irtrrx;d i a t o a n d�n t i n u N g r 4�t i o .I`n
<br /> e o U a c t e n d r e a s i v o e 1 1 o f t h a r e n t s.I n c ome,ree¢�pta revenuos,iscuos,proflts end olhor ineomo of �aturo now or hareaflor duo t�nd�dl�e ar'Y�m°of y,_.
<br /> eny nature remsgP�rld 9 pt9�n� ��maime n�an��rr�ithribu�tons gtex e�nd ins u�rin���a�om�f�buttoPns�Heis n�cymQ m�s,Ilqu�t d�^,t d diadefiUs l o l o t v i n g ,
<br /> � �: P°f0°� e u n d e r e n 1 ot inaurenoa eovedn8losa ot rents ro�ufting hom ur►tonartab�iqr c3uc�d bv�s1�+��on ar :.:�
<br /> .. , doleu ft In any L vaso.a i i p r o o c i e d s p a y a d Y P a� , ��,.
<br /> . proo �e���uh af a�ns�ads exordeo o f tin o p t ton t o p u r c h a s o t h o P ro g t�t t l+,�9 PTOOe�d3 dorhred hom Iho
<br /> . , dart�ago to ihe Pro�arty.alI prooaoda P'�Ya or other InsoNon�yp adin and ell Eds trom eny dghto cu�d c'.aims oi any Wnd whloh C3ramor a;.,;.
<br /> •�t;�� to r m ina uon o t reja c t l rn o f an y Loaco in s banlm�Plcy � ..7,
<br /> ,�:�1:� -
<br /> ,; � rtny have against any�oasoe under the loasos or an�y oocun a�o���'r��(��°��ho R°Ms gThls aas��rtn�M Is ro�ao dcd in aaoordanoo w t h ,:�,
<br />- asslc�nmont la twbJoG to ihe d�t��1D�8fld 91t�hanf+9N
<br /> _� �i ap�llaabto statv law;thv�lcn uoatod by thiu aaEfgu�nt lo inten�krd to bo spodflc.poA od,ond cAonto upon tho r000rd�ng of ihls Ocod of Trust.all sa ,;___
<br /> ;4►" provit9ed bY eAP��eable etato law ae emendod trom�im°to tM°. As 1°ng as thoro ia no dotault undnr tho Obligationa or thin Deud ot TruW�LOtI�Df�ifl�8 -f.�y
<br /> s in arerrtafu husinosa opotations. Howovcr.l�ondor
<br /> ., ararrtot a cmrocabta Iloonso to w:iuct aU Ror�a tram tho Laasos whon dua and to uso¢�uh proceod r loaso tusd cWrnto tho
<br /> _ _ .� may at eny ttrro roqutro Qrenta to dupos��tt n�s,Lendor m3ya Ns optton tako poIISOSS�Ion ot iho ProTpo A�yand havo thotd n. l�-Jp-a�n dofFwit in tho paymotn -
<br /> ot.c�r!n Iho portorm3noo of.c�nY of the Opiga �,°r m, .,re+eend to aol!ad and roonlva a!I Roms hom thn proPertY•and L�ond�:i
<br /> ..� PropoAy on torms and tor a paAod ot time that i.,m�doi�en'a�• r Wndci��Q a rs�°f''�"°-'� �-
<br /> g�._.
<br /> �• �' ehNl have full power to melro e�torattons ronovatkna.re or rc eoomaMa to tho Proponfl as��►�Y d0°m�°P°'
<br />- � � ��do�e cote dsaetton to paymom of�Cb118a��ons a�tha�rd of tho oost of cuoh attorattcna,ronovations,ropalro and ro���y�1ho ��
<br /> °•� " u�onsoo inddom to tc{ldng and mmiMng possession of tho Proporty PF+tiod�tiy end tho mana9v�m flnd�°��n ot tho Prop�t�y
<br /> 1d
<br /> :�t� Properly proPadY insurc�d and may�acnergo any t�ucos�cha�o�,ue�.asscsamoms and otfior Ilons wh rtn noauo. Tha oxpensa and aost o! oso _
<br /> �; aalons may ao aid trom trtu ReMs reaolvaa,�anNydu�mys n�eoa ot T���addod to iho prinalpnl of tho odigattons. rnoFO emoums.togothor witn f��:-
<br /> ��••���,;, of tho Obligat
<br /> ��;y„�'• athor ooslu.chN�ocome part p
<br /> - ��� 8. USE AND MAlNT�ENIINCE OF PROPER7Y.CirarAor shsill tet:e ail aplons end m�iw enY top3l�0i E�IdUSO lh PfOj1CTN s%lotyyfn�mp1'+enco�w�h
<br /> s. .
<br /> Or�amor shail not oamn or pumit any wasta to ba oommittod wHh ro�pxt to iho ProPurtl�• «
<br /> ' . ar app11aabk�tav�and insurer►�policio�. Orantor shall not rtr�iw any alloretions,additiona or mP�va���t bo ubroAt�ho�bnno�fdsi Mora�d°lon�ng Y....
<br /> bk
<br /> consom. Without Ilrtiting tho foroaoinD e��e�ons.ad�tbns and k�g�rova�Ms rt�ade to tho PropeAy � ;y;;,,
<br /> � �� to Londet,shait rtot bo rcmovctd wlthout lando�s prior wrttten ooneont,and stuill b°mad°at Qranta�u eob a�cp�nso. ot�y _
<br /> ° 7. �0,48 OR D��������r!n°�e�of er�y Losa or D�erra�o.a�►An1c►�h�all,m tho opUon of Londar,�WU tho affoGod Pr porty to Ita - -
<br /> portton thoraot Y
<br />:,� . '� provlous oondtion or pay or causo to bo Pa1d to londor tfie daoroar.o in tho fafr rtrazkot v�tuo of thc aHodad Propurty .
<br /> . : ,,..� 8. MSURANCE Tho Prop�ty wiil bo kopt incwod tor Ns tulllnsureWo vNito(ropleanmont aoatl r�ainst all harards indu�ng toas or dama90 caused ^
<br /> . ,. . �ood,esrthqualcd,tomodo c�nd flro,thoft or othor casually to 1h�oxtorA rc3qulrod by L+ondoT. C�ramm m�y°�n insurdnw���n�r�with t�ouat� ��.
<br /> ' corr�anEoa us aro aoospte6io to Lendor m tts wta mcs�otton. Tho tncuranco poltdos�hell reqvlro tho insurnnoo aompany to Pro e`:r,,;,
<br /> rrolnt to tho �="
<br /> .,� :; 30 dayo w�ittan nottae before aueh poAdo�cue ettorod or canooUod In an m3nnor. Yho insumrtao poUctoa shaU�arro LeWndor as a osa
<br /> .�„ py��a that no act or omtsslai of Cirantor or enp oYhorpo�ran ehali affcct tho d�►1 of lo�er to bo paid tt�h�suranca pr0000ds Pm �B =-
<br /> �+ bsa or danago ot tho PropoAY. In tho evarrt�renlmr lalls io uoqu[m or m3l�rtciin ir�suranoe.l�ondor(cdtor ptrnrldrtg aatioe aa rtriy bn�oqulrod b,lro)Lnvaa
<br />_�' �''- �`• in its tAscrotion proouroappnprInto Snauenoo aovo�o upo n tho P�apo�y nnd tho inwrartoo and�scair�od haroII by.Laremoi�bsh�i�um�ir.h Lcndor wnn _
<br /> ;� �fbOd In iho RCIMBURSEP�#E�OF AMOUNT3 �7c�ENDED BY LENOER'�ra�
<br /> ' ��r�y���o�oy.{n• tor Qr��ma in m�Mrtg and sott'.ing dsilms under In�uranoo ,;�,;.-.
<br /> . _-'�. ovtdnnao of tnsuranoo in�ct►Ung U�a requlmd oovara8�• m ;�;?:"-
<br />' -° po1 idos.o�oeliln9�Y P�lcy or ondorcJnn9 Cirentoro namo on any�eft ot nogolluWo inatrument dmwn by nny insuror. A11 auch�nnux�noe P��o���16n `
<br /> r �
<br /> �. IrmtodatuN assl�od.pi�gad and d:Worcd to Lortdor ns tunher�^curity f�tho ObUgattois�ro�ed to�mak��aYr��d��o��°�M�ad of� �_--
<br />� - wAttan notiae���lendnr ta authotlzed to rt+ako{root of loss. Eech incurEneo aompant � ...
<br /> 00 appry
<br /> ` �'� � Londor end Qrea�tor. Londor shall havo iho efght�rat ito aolo opii od ln tho fmureo�of tho duo d1los�thoroam or tar�ani oost of robull�Rng and M .
<br />— - ^' ',�� �ostoring tho Properiy. My emauma tmy at I.�otMora optlon bo opplt -
<br /> � �lona or prhrato oovonarrio af(�eqing tho 6=---
<br /> . � ' 0. ZOMNt�AND PRIVATE C�AYF�ANTB. Qrontor sheN not InlNato or wnsoM to eny ohans�In No za non�n Oming uso undcr any zankg povlaton, E`��.�
<br /> ,� use ot cho Propodfr wdhouc Londera P�Or w�inon ooncam. It Qrnmofo uco ot fho Propony b000moa �•-,�_
<br /> ttl
<br /> y Qrarttor cMJI not causu or 9omit cuoh uafl to bo dicaominuad or t3b sf�wi�o�th�o���tt�Ir�ig�ho Propnriy. . G��wiil Imr�atoly �`I_
<br /> ; Landcr wkh wrltton notia►of any proposad diangOg to tho zonfig provf
<br /> a
<br /> '`,,�;�K 10. COP�DFA�VATIM�I. �rarrtor shaU Imma�9atoty provldo Landor whh wrltton notloo ot t�t►y actuni or throat�nod ocndcrmallon ot arrtnor�t darcain _
<br /> edirtg portaining to tha PropoAy. All mantos�ablo to firantar 1rom suoh oondormatlon or�f 8�4�n wnnedion wi�thtt�ha cendomnatkn a�r cminon► .
<br /> ret 10 ihn psYrtmm of Londots aitamoya tcoe,1o�orAo�sos�d other ooata pndudn8 aAPmi :
<br /> '!' • dor�+ln proocadln9s and than,At tAo opdon ot Londor,to mo Payn.,m ot tno oai��t�o or mo rostoTation ar ropair ot tho Property.
<br /> . ,r.�
<br /> ���
<br /> � - b;w;..�.
<br />_ -- . -�T� �;.:,:
<br /> ,.
<br /> „ NEDOTB R�+.1291 Pt��dO
<br />