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i , <br /> . « _ . --�„_.. <br /> oa-tthifl99 RE•REC��Ee OE�D OF TF3U�T Pa�o 2 ".. <br /> �oa�,�o msasn3 ��°�����D (Cort4lnuod) � �Qi�A4� <br /> ., � - - --- �--u------�—_�_�= --__-�-__=._...�— ---�----_�:_� <br /> ___-�-- '"--^ pprts, und addition�to,nit <br /> o►vnOd.Uy TtuslOr,pnd nawjOr horOnttCt nitnchQd or a�cCd t0 th�Fiaal PropCrty; tegothar wlth ail aCCas5lans, <br /> •• roptacomont� oi,and nit oub�titutlons far,nny ol e�eeh proporfy;nnd tognthor with a�l procands (tncluding withuut t►mllntlon nti Inawnnao <br /> , prnocads nnd rolunds of promturtssl from nny�nlo u oth�r dt�posttlon of tho PropcAy. <br /> Ptoparty. Tho wotd"Proporty'maans eollcctivoty IAO Ro�l Proporty nnd iho Poreonat Ptoporty. , <br /> „ � aqcf prqpar4y.Tho words'fioal Proporly'mon�ino p�apartY�Intcr6sts nnd dghts doscrlbnd nbovo In iho•Convayonco ond OrnnY'6ccdon. <br /> Rotn2e8 CotumIIntB. Tho words'Rotatod Oooumonb'mosn and Inciucie wilhout f!m!luUOn nll promissory ne�cw�c►ed��aU►ca^�^���� <br /> agreament�,onNronmontul agru�monts,gunranttrn,taewhy n0�aomant�,moAgages,deods of trust,and ali other instrumenis,agraomont9 nnd <br /> dxumsnts,whothor now or hOronNor exfsting,exceutod�n Gonnectlon wllh tho Indebtodness• <br /> _ Rente. Tho wwd'Ronts"moans all presont und IuW�a rents,revenuos,�ncomo,issues,roynittps,profits,and olher benofits dcdvod hom tha <br /> °'' Property. <br /> " Tnlateo.The word?rustas"means UNITEO NEBRASKABANK and any substilGla or successor trustees. <br /> TroBtot. Tho word"frusto�'mesns eny and all pmsons end entities exacuting thls Oeed of Trust.including without timllation alt Trustors nnmed � <br /> abovo. ' <br /> TNIS DEED OF TRUST, INp.UD�N(i THE ASSItiNMEN?0� RENTS AND TF{8 8ECURITY �NTEREST IN TKE RpriTB AND PERSONAi tt. <br /> ' PROPERTY,IS ti�VEti TO SBCURE (1)PAYMENT OF TNE IN0�7FDN883 AND (2)PERFOHMANCH OF ANY A.'11D ALL 08LlGATtONB�f 1:. <br /> "" TRUSTOR UNDFJ3 TF4E t10TE,THH RFINTED DOCUtA�TB,AND THIS OEW OF TRtDBT. TMIS DEEO OF TFiUST 08 fi1VF.t�AND ACCEPTCD } _ <br /> ON THE FQLLOWING TERPAS: u � <br /> PAYNlENY ANO PERFORMANCE Exe�pl6s otherwt�o pro+Adod In th'.s�nad of Trust,Trt�!or ah�A pny to ltind3r n1�nmounb snc�tr�s3 mv th�PoEtd .; . <br /> .. ' ot T�ust ea th0y becoma due,and shelt sMet►y and In a 1lmorymannor porfarm all of Trusto�e obligatlons undot the Noto.this Oas�ot 1'rvs1,and the _ <br /> ' Aetated Dacumant�. t� <br /> ROSSESSION AEID MAINYENANCE OF THE PRQP�RTiI• Trustor agrees that Trustots�ossess�on and use ot the Property shali Qo govcsmad by ;, <br /> • �, the tolloxing proWlslons: � 1� <br /> � '����tt'�•� ppa3�sston and USO. UnUI the oscurtence of an EvaN of flofault,Trustor mey (a)romuin in possa5sion and contrd of tho PropCAy, (b)u:,o, <br /> ;��,r,':;;,;;,•,..:� operate or menage the Property,aed (o)couect any Renb t�rom the P�operty. <br /> 'S':������ Outy to Mnintafn. Tro�tor shell motntaln the PreDmty In lonantnbte condltlon and promptry pertortn a0 ropahs,roplaoomente.and ma�ntenanCe <br /> ' �ecesserY to pre&erve Its vaiue. <br /> ,. ;�..•. Ma�ardous Substancea. The terms"herardous Waste"hamrdaus substance""disposal,"'telease,"end Rhreatan8d�eloase,"as used In thls , ' <br /> Oeed of Trust,shalt have ths samo meanings as set foAh in Ihe Comprehensive Environmentfll Response,(:amponsation,90d UN111�1y A41 Ot .; r <br /> ''r,'��'." i980,as amonded,42 U.S.C.Secuan 960t,et seq. ("C E F�C I A"?�i h e S up eAund Amendments end Reauthorira0on Aot of 1988,Pub.L.No. <br /> -•��;;y� '�:�. <br /> ,,;,.,, ; t gg..ygg(•SARA7,the Hemrdous Materiats TranSporteUan Aet,49 U.S.C.Seotlon 18Q1,ot saq.,the Resource ConsarvatlOn and Recoveuy Ac1� �.,�,r;, <br /> ��� ,• 42 U.S.C.Seotlon seq.,or other applicabla stele or Federnl laws,Nies.or rsgulaUOns adoptod pursuaM to any ot the fqrog0:ng. The <br /> .e 4 <br /> } ; terms"he=ardous waste"and"hurardous substance shau also Includo,wlthout Iimltation,peUotoum and petroieum by-producb or eny trncUon u_' <br /> ir.srsat=nd�...°��=°-• T!!�tl�r represents and wartaRb to Londer th8t: (a)Ourinfl lhe psrtod nt Trustor's owne�s�lp of the ProAartY�thoro Qtes � <br /> �����: been no use,gonereUOn,manufacturo,staage,treatment, dlsposal,reiease or mrsaianaa rete+mo vi 8�y ha�at�aL:.�'°--�s�ss�"--�!'Y°^Y !.-�� <br /> .. •..-e:;-�-�n �yc,:�. <br /> :�;;•;•.r, i peraon on,under,about or trom the Property; (b1 Trusta has no knowtedge ot,a reason to bAlleve that there ha3 boen,e�ccePt as DrevfmcsH L;2 _ <br /> •.:,,;.,� disclose0 to and acknowledge�i by Lender In w�ng. p)anY use,9onaratlon,msnufaoture,storage,keutment,dtsposat,re:oase.ot tArentono0 r'��� <br /> ��`,.'��''h` :' �r re:ease of any hazerdous waste or substence on,under,about or hom Ihe Prop�rty by any pdor owners or oacupaots of the�o or�i�nny <br /> -�1�:�L��'. <br /> ,' a S� actuai or threatened utigation or cta�ms ot uny wnd by aryy porson reledng to such mattors;and (c)Except as preWousry d osed to aod -- <br /> Q acknowlodged by Lender In w�itlng, (1)nslthar trusla nor eny tenant,�nt or other authorizsd user ot the Ptoperly sAaN uso, <br /> µ +' eenerate,manufacture,slore,treat,dispose ot.a retease any ho�rdous waste or aubstance on,under,ebout or tram tho Propsrty snd (Iq any - <br /> such aell�ily shnfl be aonductod in compNance wAh al eppucable federat,slate,and local laws,rc9u�edons end ordin�^�s��^��Ud��41 W�thout <br /> � � � umitatfan those laws,reguintioru,and ordlnances desalbed above. Trustor authorlses Londer and Its agenls to enter upon!he PropeAy fo <br /> ��'"� % � meke such Inspecllons c►nd test8,at Trustcrs exDense,es�Lender may deem approp�iate to determino compilanoo ot tho Ptapaly vrith this _ <br /> " `r�,�" ,w. secilon of the Dood at Trust. Any tr�specilons or Iests mede by Londor shau be far Londore putposas only and aht�1 no!bo eonstruod to ereato ___.. <br /> any rasponsibility or Ilability on the part ot Lendar to Tmstor or to any other person. The reprosenfations and wartanQas contctnod ho�ofn uro <br /> „ �� t,;:, based on T�ustor's due diligenoa In Invesdgatlng Ihs Property for hazarEous wastv a�d haaudous substunces.Trusta heroby (n)ralQnsos and __ <br /> walves any tuturo claims agalnst Lender for Indemnity a contrlbutlon in the evenl Truetor becomey��eb�o for deanup or other Costs under eny <br /> - + such laws. and (b)agreos fo Indemnlfy and latd harmless lender aguinst am and ell dalms, Ios�os. Ilablitttes,dnmagns,Ponaltlo9, nnd _�- <br /> ;�'��•�, � oxpanses wnbh lendor may dlroclly or indlrec�f� sus4tin or suifer resulting hom a breach of thfs section of the Deed ot Ttust or as a <br /> '•,';�'• !D• epnsequenee o4 eny�se,genersUon�+nanutactwe,storege,disposui.rolease or threatened rel�iue M n hamrdous waste or substanoe on the �_ <br /> . '�L'��tn�� � r propedles. The provislons of this�ectlon of INi Oeod of Trust, Inctuding the obligation to IndemnHfr. shatl survive the payme�o! lhe _�. <br /> �!• Indebtedr�ess und tha satlstaoNon and�econvoyence d tho Ilen ot this Deed of 7rust and sAall not be atteotsd by LenderB acqufsiUon of any <br /> ~ ►� inte�est tn Ihe Properly.whether by toreGosurO a othe�wk'..e. �;,._. <br /> Nulsance.Woste. Trustor shall not cause,conduct a permit any nuisanco�or commit,permit,or sutter any atripping ot or waste on or to tho ,�:� <br /> '���`1.�:. ��� P�opmrly or any portion of tho Properly. Withoul Bmlrip tho�yanetallty of the torogoing,Trusta vNf noi remow,tK gmM to any offior puAy ihe .:t;;_ <br /> � � rlght to romovo,arry tfmbor,mfneral�(includirtg o�a�dgas),soN,gravcl or rock producb w��hout th�pdor w�iMon const�nt of Londor. •, .- <br /> ';�;�;r.,,�;,. � •. <br /> lr•�'� " Removel of Improvements. Trustor chall not demoYSh or remove any Improvomc3nts ham tho Real PtopQAywithoul tho pdor wdtteneon�ont �';i:. <br /> ., •. �+ ef Lender. As a condiNon to the removN of an�Impovement9,LenOer may roqulro 7rustor to mako arranpemenffi satfsiactory fo Lendcx lo ���:_�- <br /> _ '..u„,:=_._ _.�_�. replace such Improvement5 wilh lmprovoments ol at lsast equal vauo. �'.___ <br /> � � LendeP6 Ripbt to Hnler. Lender and Its age��b and reproso:stnUvas may entot upon the Heat Properly e�al{raa8ott�Dl�tirtt�!C elt9/+d fo <br /> � ' Lendars interests and to tnspect the Property fa ptarposes of T�ustePS compifunco with the terms nnd conditlons of lhls OQad of Tnrst, � <br /> ` ' r tuilt om tl comply with nit taws,adinance�.un0 rogulatlons,naw or hmoaftor in �F;__" <br /> Compllence wfth tiovemmontal Requirementa Truslo e u pr p Y <br /> � t` eNOCt,of ell govemmontnt authorltios eppitcabb lo the�se or occupan�tlt tho Propnrtft. Tnr3tor may contost In flood faith uny auoh taw. <br /> t ordlnancp.or ragulatlon ttnd withhotd complin�ue duMp any proceading, ncluding upRroprinto appc^Js,so long as Trustar hns notiifod LonQer �';;� <br /> ru <br /> �� � in w�tGng prior to dotng so nnd so Iong as.�n tsnder'esoio opinfon,lendere lntor�sta 1�tho Propcxfy nro not�ebperdlwd. Lnndcr may require �;,'_ <br /> � . • ,, ,�� Trusta to Qost adequnto securliy or a suroty Dond, reasonably�tUstactory to landor,to proteat Londer's tnterest. �^ <br /> � Duty to Proteat. Trustor ngroos nelthsr to abandor�na toavo unattondod tho Propedy. Trustor shull do cili other aets,ln uddlUon to thos+�aen <br /> ;, � su1 forlh ctbovo In thts soclfon,tivhlch hom the chuncta t�nd uso 07 tho PropoAy ere rauyon3D.y nocessary to proiact and preserva th�Pro�My. .•r <br /> "`. , . OUE ON SAl.E-CQDt9HNT BV lp�IDER. Londer tNM.aptlon,d+aclere immcdlutory due and pauahto nit sums secured by lh.�Oot�d of 7rust <br /> c.::: �; <br /> " „ - � upon the snlo ar trnrister,without tha Wndcts prlcu vrrttten aenxsnL of alt or any patl ot tlw Raa1 Praporry,or any lnt�rost In iho Roal R'oper�lr. A <br /> 'sals or transtof m�ans thi�convoyurxo of Real Properfy a any dght,tilie or Int�rost th�eln;wh9thor tegul,bortottdal at equitpbt0;whather vofuntnry <br /> h <br /> , or�nvotuntary;whathrx by outrl�ht sNo,dood,Instaum�nt sa�o contracl,tand con�et,conhact tor doad,leusehW�interest wilh u tnrm B�eater tR.n <br /> " ��•"•:� throo(3)years,teaso-opt►on co�tract,o:by salo.assl9�ment�or Uansfer at any benoitdN fntarest In or lo any lan�hust halding Utlo to lho Rcal <br /> '��':;%i� RrnaorN,or bv anY oth3r method 0�convoyenCEt d Rcai PrOpeAy tnteresf. If nny TNStot is n COrpomtlOn,purtrrorshlp ot Ilmitod IisblUty CompIIny, <br /> ,.,. . . _—_ <br /> _`�`;..,•���� transter otso Indudes&ny Chnngo m owoersinp ui nnnn udi. �:.o:'�fYC,^.Q!^_°nt(96%1 ot ihn vel:Ml SfOdt,pnAnership Intorasts or Ifmited li i , <br />- �_ �T_....,, u....,e,b. �wa.v�een shau not bo c�xBrcLSOD�SY LUndCGit suC4 Oxme�SO is prohtbaCO oy iudmai � <br /> , ... . <br /> -- --•_-- -- - ..--•-•--• - -- <br /> - gqmpdny irro c����o�•,o.... ..,....... . - f <br /> " Iaw or by Nebrctsk9 It�w. <br /> ` � TAXE8 AND L1�1S. Tho toli�Dwing�tpui5bn9 retatinp to tho toxos ttnd Ilens on lhfl Propttdy aro t►�IIrt ot ihis Oc3o0 ot Trust. <br /> �� �� Paymant. Trusta shatl pay whon duo(nnd in ut1 ewnts pdor to dennquonoy)atl foxo�,spuc�sl tcUCOS,��s a����wodc�Gono on tX a <br /> and sm+ar�,Hnt►s ond Irt�posiNons�3viad ngaNist ot an nxou�of!h0 Pro�ly. nRd sh011 pny w�cf,. <br /> smvices ronderod or matorlat fumishad to iho Propary• 7hmter W+all m�intaln fhs ProAortY frai ot eU Uoset3 Mvlrtp prtority oYC+'or ctq�1 tQ.1ho � <br /> • Intarost of Lortdar undcr this Doad o!Trost,oxcopt fa tho non o!fc�xos and ass6��:nb not duo.oxcopt tor tho o�dsUng(ndo�todnoss rtYtdmd <br /> to bcstow.nnd exccAt us othonxlso provtdad in Ihls Oocd of Trust. <br />- ' i ute avcv the oblt tVbn <br /> Ri�Ot T0 C9tltotb Trustor may withhoid ptsyment of any tvc,eSS�ssmont,or claJm n connBCtfon with a g0od talth dlsp 4 <br /> Io pay,So long as Landor's Intcrost in Ihu Ptoperty b not Jeopardl�od. It o Ifen artsus or Is filad as a ra3ult a!eonpaymant,Y�ustor shatl vAth!n <br /> � littCOn(15)duyD nitar tho Ilon arfsos or,il n Iton ts filed,wllhtn fiftCCn(i6)dDys nftCr Tntstor hn9 noUL'e of tho fittnp,soturm Ih0 dlsChIItgo of INo <br /> t,en,or�f requesiQd by Lender,dopos�t�vith lander ca,h or a suhldont corpoccito suroly bond or othnr caurtly saU5lectory to Londor In nn <br /> amount suNic�OM to d�sehnrgo tho Ilen piu3 nny tosts and aROrnoys'leos or othQr ehurgo9 that CCU�d CCCruO Q8 a ro5uit of a teuod09uro er BIIIo <br /> • und�tr iho Uon. In ony Contost,Truslor sha11 dotond itsotf and LOndar nnd s�all sttt�sty tiny advCrsO�udgmCnt botoro onforCOmDnt Q(�11ns1 ihn <br /> _ . • � � <br /> � <br /> � `� <br />