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.,.�. , <br /> . ��'',, '� " <br /> � � � , <br /> , „ . <br /> . . „ <br /> . <br /> , .... <br /> , . .. . .. .... .. . ..--�--..._.._....... <br /> � _:S._:__.__.�:».1.._�_.�_.L_�._....:L......_. . . . ... .. . . .. . _ .. . �. . • �i <br /> • ��� ������ " <br /> B.Ali Puture advunces from 9eneftclnry ta Truator ar osher ti�ture obliguclona of'1'cuatar to Beneflcinry under uny � <br /> promiesory note,contr�et.BuArnnty,or other evidencQ of debt executed by Trus�or!n fuvor ot Benelicinry oxecuted .;., <br /> nR�r thia 5ecurtty In9tcument whe�l►er or uot thia Securiry Instrument is epeciflcnity referencxd. I!mor� thnn�no <br /> , per�on eigas this Sccuriry Inauument. euch Trustor agmxs thac thia S�curity IrtstnuRent wlll secure nll futuro . <br /> udvnnces und fiature obli adana that tue Btven ta or lncuaed by ony one or more Trueroe.or nny ane or more Trusror "`��r� <br /> � twd uthera.All futura a�variccs and other f�ture obligatfons nre seaured by�his Securiry inatrununt even tt►ouQh all <br /> or part m�,y►not yet be advnace�i. All future ndvnnces nnd other i�nue obl�gadon�oro secur�A t�s if mude on the date �,�1�,, <br /> of�hia Secudty Inatniment.Nathiag in this Secuciry Iastnun�nt ehull const]mt�n commiunent to make ndditionul or <br /> ` .,1... Poture loua�or advances in aay amount. Asy such commitment mi�st be a rced to ia u sepurato writing. <br /> �_.;Y..--� G.AII other obQIIudona(imntor owes to[.ender�which may luter arise,to�e eateat not prohibited by In�� lncluding, ,':,; <br /> �� but not limited to,Iiubilitles for ovecdrnfts relnting to any deposlt uccount agreemeat between Cfrnaror ond lxnder. , , <br /> " D.All udditionul sums advaaced ond sxpenses incwred bi+Beaeficlary for Insurinng, reserving or otbenvlse protectin� i-:: - <br /> u p <br /> � �� the Properry aad(ts vulue nnd eay other sums advnnced aad expenses incurred by Beneflciury uader the terms of this ;,,;;, <br /> , ', Secutlry Instrument. �'`�" <br /> tn the ovent that Lender fails to provide an necessary notice of the right og rescissioa with c+espect to any addltlonsl ��`=L:_- <br /> ,.r._, <br /> r,�._° <br /> ,- indebtedness secured under p�agrnph B of s Section. Lender waives uay subsequent securlry interest in the arnntor's ,�,n;� <br /> � � ptincipal dwelling that is creuted by this Security Instrument(but does not waive the securiry interest for tha debts •�;".;i <br /> " - � reierenced in paragr:�pb A oY this Section). � °� <br /> ,• � . ��:;. <br /> s�,.- <br /> 3. DEE&D OF TItUST COVEIVANT3. Truator Agr�ees tbat the covenants in thls sectiop sue matedal obligations undar the �� _ <br /> , Y Seeut�M Debt and tbia Seeuclty Insuvment. If Trustor breaehes aa�y caveaant in this secdon, Benaficiary rnay roftise to � <br /> mnke a�diti�nal ext�vitons of crrdit aad reduce the credit lisn�t. By uot exercbin aitber remedy on Trustor's breach, � <br /> t ppena again. <br /> Be�teficiary does uot waive Be�.,:fic`nry's r�,�ht to later consider the evsnt a brench if�ha �._ _ <br /> n .:, <br /> �.:_�::�: <br />�;{•,i- ... ' . � �— _- <br />"-^��' � Pnnyments. TrusWr agrees that all psyments under tbe SecUr�d Debt w�It be paid whcu d1e aad itt accor•fatisce s:}tli the ��. <br /> � ' umas of the Secured Debt and this Securlty Insmunont. ;,�-- <br /> "��'`��'-�F Prior Secaulty Iatere�is.With cegerd to aay otber mortgage,�er,d of tivst,secudry agc+eement or oWer lien docwntent that , <br /> ' ,.•,;i'f�''� rty Tiustor a ees to m3ice all n menta whea due and to �--- <br /> :..e:,:..1+7' created n prior securIty lnter�st or encumbraace on the Prope � 8� P Y <br /> ' ```� rform or com 1 wlth a11 cavenaats. Tmstor also agrees not to sllow any madiffcadon or extonaion of. nor to re uest <br /> .,."�i"t:.`� ,. - - <br />-'� ' �y t�ture advp�s under aay note or agr�ment secured by the lien docwnent without Beneficlary's prlor � tten __ <br /> - " ' approval. <br /> . " • C�m�ane Ag�inst Tltle.Ttustor wtll pay all taxes (including any cax assessed to ttils DeEd of Trus�hen duem8en$�d�� - <br />., � _.� ,' encumbraaces lease pnymeats,grouad reata.ut�litlea, aad other c es relatiag to the Pacperty �S' <br /> , �� �s • mny re4uic�'�ruaw�t���vlds ta Beneftclsr��gi�s�f au���jcec c�such amounta an dae And the recet�ts evldeacing <br /> �;, . . ^ Tmstar s payment. Trusror will defend title�o the Pmperry against any clnims that would impair tiie tten or t6is��urisy <br /> ::t,;,. , n � Inytrwnptt.Trustoragxees to easiga to Benefic�ary� as reqneste�i by BEAB�ICI3�', anY rl8hta�cl�ms or defenses Truecor <br /> " ' tnay have agaiast part�es who suppIy labor or�nter7ula to mainttd�a or unprove the Property _ <br /> �, ,,:. {�, pnoperty C.ondtdon,Alterr��Cons uad Ins on.Trustor will keep the Propeny in good condition nnd malce aIl repairs <br /> , thnt are reasonably necessary.'�tustor s not commit or atlow an waste,fmpairmems.os detertoration of the Ptoperiy. <br />- ��:5;:.;;��`� Trustor a�s t�at the nature oY the occupancy aad use wlll not su�$c���uy ���e�w�on�a�fi�i�y's.prlor wtitten <br />,-,7,�� � consent. Tn+stor will not permit any chan e ia eay licenaa. restrlcdve covenant or easement wlthout Benet�etary's prlor <br /> wrltten conseat.Trusror will aodfy Bene�ciary of ell demands,pmaedlnSs� c�airw�ead acdons ugaGist ltststor. aad of {,`,,L_ <br />=t;�;%� ; ,� Any loss or dumnge to the Property. r_ <br /> ., , Beneflciary or BeasRcinry's egents a►ay.ut Aeneficiary's option,enter the Property et Fu►y reasoaable ttrae for the puipgsII � <br /> "' of imspactlnII tQo Pn�pertY• BQaeficlnry ahtill give Trustor notice at the tl�e of or before aa Ins�ctloa sprcifyrin <br /> '-.,-• reasonable purpose for the iiupectton. Aay inspectlon of the Properry ehall be eatirely for BeneticiFUy's 6enerit and <br />-�r` .` . ltustor�vill ia no wny rely on Seneficiary's inspecdon. <br />�;�i••�-�:��^�.•+ <br /> .:.,�, Authorlty to Perform. If Tcuator fails to perform any dury or any of the coveneuts conwined in this SoeuritY�s�ebt. <br /> , � ;,�. _ Beneflci ma ,without notice, erform or cause them to be performed.'ihasror appoSnta BenNiciary as attorney ln fact <br /> . ,„ w sign Tn atorYe uama or pay any amflunt neces for pedormance. BenoRciary's d�hht to�p�rform for Tn�ator ahaU not - <br /> ., ,';"�;��S' crente tm obligatton to perForm,and Benetictary'�eilure to perform wtll not preclude Beneficinry fcom exercistng any of — <br /> T` •��,���:,,: Benefictary e otder righta ua�er�tlie law or this 5ecurity Iuateumeat. <br />:�`��'�� •� � ��seholds:Condominiume;P'lnnned UNt�evelopments.Teustor to comply wlth the provlslons of any Icase if P� <br />��`'•',� °'�°' , this 5ecudty Insaument is oa a leasehold.If the Property includes a t in u coadominiwa or a plaaned unit developraent __ <br />_..__� ,� ; .:; Trustor will per[orm all of Trustor's dudes under the covennnta. by-laws.or reguladona of tho condominium or planned -.— <br /> --' �•�!�'.•, - enit dcvelopm^nt. <br />-_.s7;�;.��,s,�utE� � -- <br />_ _ ' , ,-:°�. C'oad�anaatEon.Truetor will�ive Benefl�tary pmmpt notioo oY any peadIn�,q or tiu�tened action,by prlvate nr publlc <br /> A s eattttes to purcbnsc or take any or ell of tha Property through oondemnadon emUcent domriin,or any ofher means•7Yustor <br />=`F`�'- � • uuthorizea Beneflciary to intervene in'�rus2or's aame in aay of the above�escrtbed ncdons or clatms.Truator asslgna to <br /> � Beneftctury thc praceeds of any award or clnlm for daznisges connectod�vtth a coademnatton or other wtdn�of all or a�ry --- <br />- . ;: ; art of t}►e Pmporty. Suct► psoceeds shtill b ec�t oi hee�ter ns of an8 prlor moitBago�d��of�t�s��iul�ry e�greem�t ol -_- <br /> :t� •y �astNment.This ossi�uneat of proceeds is au j Y - <br /> ".��,� , otfr:Pr lien document. � <br /> _. .. ��-: <br /> Insurance.Tsustor ahnll keep property insured a�alnet loss by flrc, ilood theft and other ho�.�tds and dsks reasonably !_ <br /> _ °, w, agsocisued tvie'�t�e Pro�erty Aue to itsty�pP nnd locatlon. Thia insur�oB s�sxll b�mnintained�2he amounts and for tho <br /> � eriods that Beneficiaryre9uires. The �nnue�nce cnrrier provid�the insuranoe ahall he chos� by Tn�stor subject to �. <br /> - '� �, �Eneftciary's appmvel� wh[ch aha11 not be w�rcasonubly withheld. If Trustor fails to ma9ntcdn the cover�e descrtbed -"" <br /> • ':.:��- a�ove,B ene fic fuy m a y,a t 1 8 P n e fi c i a ry's o p t i o n.o b t a i r s o v e rn g e t o p r o t e c t Beae€ici n r y's rt g hta in the Acoperay�ccordin�T �`{'. <br /> to the tern�s of this Securlty Ynsaument. <br /> - �� pU insurauce licies and renewals sh�ll�acceptable to Beneflciury and shrill include o stand;u+�i'mortguge clnuse"and. .. <br /> -===�.=-�-. W��...,.::.-�:, s.�a�eee cl�se."�r►„crer shatt immediatel.Y aotify t3eneHeta�of cancella�ion or temdnation of the <br /> � „---r-�---- ..,....r:-- T,,,�..,. -�,*n -.-' <br /> _ ,.__. ..--..—_�}--- ......�.=.c"'.�-' ---- - <br /> -- 1II6l1i�111C�. Benef�clnry s"hntl hava thd dght to hold tne poucies ano �eaewa�s. u �utasi�im� avyw.w� •• �-. <br /> m p <br /> � ic me�diate na�x�tothe�ttin uiutnce c,�ur ler�and Beneficadeyp. B�enefeiarydma�y ma�ke promf of loss�if lt��ia ely by <br /> ,; <br /> ;�: . Trustor. <br /> �� Uuless atherwlse ngreed in wrtting utt inaurnnce pr�ceeds sha11 ba applied to the reswrntion or regair af the Propercy or to <br /> the Secured Debt. whether or uot then due�at Beneflctary's optioa. Any applicadon of proceeda to principal shatl not <br /> ° �� eactatd or postpone tite due dnte of the scheduted payment nor chonQe the u�nount ot nny payment.Any excess wtlt be pa�d <br /> to the Tcusror.If the�rope�y ia ucquired by�eneticfary�Tcustor's ri�t to any insuraacepolicies and praceeda cesultiaa <br /> � � � from dnmaBe to ttie Prope"rty l�efore the ucquisitioa eh�li pass to Beneffcfary to thQ cxtent oithe Se�.'ured�Debt i/pmmedau�t,ly <br /> before the ucquisit{on. <br /> �• �19040anad�8vetuns.tno..Gt.Cbud.MN FamOCP•N@OT�NB t0/7180 <br /> - , ixrraw.nm tea <br /> a� <br /> :t, <br /> ?Y _ <br />