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<br /> ' ' ��� Th/s Home EQuity6lccass UnoRldeils dated n2/aA/�g99 _andls an amendment to the =.
<br /> ' ���•�'�S `��AR Mongnge oi Deed of Trusr f"Mortgnge!of the same date gTven by the undorsig�ed f'Bo�rower°/to secaie Borrower's Nome
<br /> T .�11 t. �.'1}I� .
<br />;' ;;:•�;fq�r ' Equlty Access L/ne Agreement wlth NORS:'SST B��"� N°ARnaI n . NSTI^.r;;aTiABSACTA�AN
<br /> ' "t;.��'��.. ' I'Leader'1 -_
<br /> �N'_'il��1,�,• .,-
<br /> '�'•:�`;r.��._ �` of the seme dato c��edng the propsrty descdbed!n the Mortg'Ago end locat�d et:
<br /> a�kj:�"`ir,[f�3�yi_
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<br />"��-�+�!:;,:,;�g;,; !n oddJtlon to the covenonta and agroements msdo!n tha Mortgago,Bonawer and Lender larther covonont and agree as fOlfow�:
<br />�r"'"�s'•"'j'�� 1. The wo�d No�s,'as used/n the Mortgoge and thls Rldei,�efers to the Home fqulty Accesa Une�Ac�reomeni.
<br /> ,�;,��si:Y�:�x..
<br />•;�,;r�;i��r;��,
<br />� �'����"rY� ?. The Noto evldonces en op:�n cmd revo/vinp 1lne of credlt a�raement betw�een Borrower and Lender. 7he amour►t ateted!n tha
<br />-N�Ik�,`��,1� .,
<br /> �,�:�;�+u;,�{+Y Mortgage os the princ/pel sUm ol the Indebtedness Js ihe c�edit Iimlt lor the/!ne ol oiadit.AO odvences mode or ony rimo fa y
<br />�,�u_��w� Lender in accoMance wlth the terma of the Note,artd al!/nterest on the advances shol!bo securcd by tho MoKg�Do.
<br /> "=°;="�".-�-"-.�'-"�"� Howovor,ot no dme sh�U the pdi�clpal�mount of tlie indebtedness socumd�by tAe Mo�tguge,not Including sums udvoaced ln
<br />`=°��'��-_ aacor+danco with tho monpage to proi¢st the securlty of tho MongAgo,exceed the a�tatod crodlt/lmit/or the/!ne o1 crcdit.
<br />.�:.rc,:,r.,Yi��-9e�m
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<br /> �}�1"'F.4,i�;; 3. T�re Noto provldes tor.
<br />_'_;:5_�l�li4 _ . 1 . —.
<br /> ------ . o vadable rote uf Inte�est expressed as a dnily po�lodlc rote equu/to 11366 of an onnua!ioto of o.50 `1b
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