<br /> 1
<br /> , . . „ - ..,..�. -
<br /> : .�. .. :
<br /> . , .
<br /> :, o�-,a-9e�� , ��� �a��� a�������u�� ��$a s
<br /> � Lsmn Na�ti3f��4 (6orcYlnuod)
<br /> .—.—,.-�-- — —
<br /> r�ard loNa ctdn�u��y a!l:�cccufdy,ant�r upen and tulco R�'=o,^lan ot th�WropeAy,ar nnY touA lhsrcof,in Ib own naino w In tho�ama �
<br /> •• of Yrustcre,and do ar►y�eb whtolf it deems neCe�eary ot dostr6bi9 4o prasa�ra tR9 va►uo,mnrkatabl;ily or ranlnbilly of Iho Pro�oAy,or paR
<br /> of the Praperty or Intnrsst In tha Propmry;Irt�cras:e tha tnaoms trom tho PrapErly or prote�nt tho secudly of iho Praperiy;end,w�th a wlthout
<br /> �kln�pae�slon ot lho Propszty,¢un tor or eihcn�t�o ce:!:at Ihn roab.1�9u�nnd profita o!tho Pro�crry,Includinp thaso pn�l duo and
<br /> unpald. and epply tho Qnm�.less cosb arsd oxpanso3 at oporaUOn and co�carion,tncludinp allomoyn toos,lo m►y lndeSt�rJn:.:a cr.curcd , ,.
<br /> by this Qeod of Ttust,atl In suah ard�r es Lendsr may dcrtormlrre.The ent�irtg upoa and tekln�possos_!on o4 tRO Ptopo�t�r,tho coltocllon
<br /> 04 IIuch��nts.11st�os und proSib,and!ho appl!c3UOn thercot tshM not curo a waiva any dtstaull or nottco ot detnuit und�r tAls Oosd of Yast , •
<br /> ' or invalideto nny act dor�e In responso to ouah dsfauit or purounnt to oah not:co of dotnulh,nnd,�olwithstnnding tho conUnuartco In
<br /> . r �emry i phi p��tor n t e�NoL��m th Roint�d 0��nb orf by I��v�upon�lho xiurro co af n y ovont o}dofa It,bineNding Ga
<br /> � �tght to amrctso tR0 poYl:,r af salo: .
<br /> � (b) Carnniorroo an aaUan to taacto�thS�Q,,:,d a!Yn�t n�n morfgaigo,Cppolnt o toCGiver or spctctIlcalfy ontorccfo any ot lhe eovannnts
<br /> hetrtOh,end '..'
<br /> - (e) OQ:..'��Ev Tru�tes a vrtlttsn dedomtlon ot dafautt and dnmend for�to end a w�ilton noftce ot dntauit and etcctlon to cuuso T�usta�e
<br /> Intc�ro34 En t`�a Proporly to bo sold,whloh�oUca Tru3ta�otatl cnuso to�o duty flad tor record in tho n�prop�lato afficns oi tho County In ; `:'�;
<br /> , whkh 4:haPropmly b tooatodp and '.:rr
<br /> (d) HIitA r�peet to ati or any pnrt of tho Par�onrl Proporty. Lond3r chrilt havo etl the dghb and romodtos of a aocurcd pnAy urtdm Iho •
<br /> � taebraskallnitcrm Cemmerdat Code.
<br /> �� 4 ForeclA�ttto 6y�owar o}Sele. if Londnt atxts lo farc�ctose by exordsc�ot tRa Power of Sate hereln conUslrt.^,d,Londer shell�oUfy TNStoo flnd .::_
<br /> ohnA depastf r�l;h 7nistno thl�Oc�sd a}Tn��t and tha Note und suoh rocnlat�eed c-+vldance of oxpand�ture�r�3�a ard�eurcd by!hb Derd ot
<br /> .;y,.,. . TNet as Tru3teo rnay ne4att�.
<br /> . .. t o b o r e x o r�u d, u'�L�^����d dellvared to Trustat Eueh Notico of Oefsuit �?��
<br /> , (s)Upon rc�oetpt of sucfl rtmtioa from Lendor,Tn�stco ohntl causo G .;.,,±;..
<br /> and Notbo of Sale ea iflnn rqqutrod by taw and by tP►ts Dend ot Yrust Tn�s4aa sl��1.nrlth��t demnnd on Trustcr.uttu such Umo n�m�Y ,;;.��,�.�,
<br /> then bo requfred by law and afGsr recordaUon o!suah Notba of Dotaufl and aRar No4toe oi Sele having bnen given as requUod by Isw.tn7 �,•,�:^.
<br /> ttec�P+epedy at tho Nmo und pi[�co of sals Poa;d Dy N ln euch Notbo af Sste,atlAer as a wholo,or in coparete lot�or paroets a Item3 es ,
<br /> � Trusteo ahaU deem o�sd�snt,ead In sttch order as lt mny determina,t���fe!!o nucUon to the hlphost btdder for eash in Inwtui money e1 ^�;.'
<br /> ` '� the Urtiied S.etns payable at the tlme ot sate. Tnuteo shali deViro�to suah purcheser or p�uchasers thareot ib good and sut8cior�deed rr �;°
<br /> ' � " � or faot3 shal�j pu cpnc rous v�p ot ofdtho truthiut�ness thmeafe Any porsa4�t dudlnp�vri Aout dllmiTaUon Trusto,Ytustoe�o�Londor�.may '�
<br /> �; purchtiseet such Eale. ��
<br /> �� (b)As m4Y�P��by taw,eftsr dedructing nil eosts,toos and a�ens�s ot Truate¢�and of this Trust,induding casks o?ovldeiWB ot .
<br /> e,.�
<br /> ` iftie In eortnedion wllh eate,Tntstee shn:�.apply the proeoads of eais to paymont of p)ali aums expendad unda tha tenro o1 this Deed ot �•
<br /> �� n. T�►�����.nna e�i�,o weta�t thnn reaeld.inelud:n�but not limilod to accruad intprost nnd Iato ohar8�� (II)aSl olha sums then F�:_
<br /> — e�cxurod he�eby.aad p:q the romnindor,tt 8ny.fo the pdaon a pe�sons f+�Dafi/em�etl�h�xe�o. `
<br /> ` �1 (c)T�mny in tho mannor provlded by taw postp000 sato W atl or anypmrHon of tho F'royerty. � _�:
<br /> Vwhe=
<br /> ' y, Remedtes Not Occl�atve. T�us4ao and Lender,and eaah of thom,ahaJl be e�tlod to eMo�pnyme�t and patormanoe o?mnY�debte�nos� ��
<br /> ��� .,i,' ot dbltpalieas seeured by thb Dond ot Tnist artd to exarciso ali dpAb and potivers under ihb qoed ot Ttust,undet the N o t e.un�9 r eny at t h o -- _
<br /> . • Rolpied Daounenb,a under any othar apreemant a any Iawa now or hor�al�r In foroe;nolwfthslanding,soma or ail ot suoA indebiedn�ss F��
<br /> � tnd ob9ga�ore rjoeuured Dy this Doed ot Trust may now a hereuftar bo otR�xvAso exured,whotha by moAgago,doed of hust,p�adBo.Oen. �
<br /> oe 4xv ---
<br /> asssfgnment a othariRse. Netthor the aoosptanoa ot tNs Deed ot Tn�t nor its eMoraemerd,whether Dy court actlon or puiauant to tfio power o7 -
<br /> ;'!';' 'i ssb or other powe�s conteined In this Deed of Tnut,ahali pro udb0 or in eny manner aftect Trustee's or Lvnd�s�lght to rDalira uPOn or
<br /> [`�.—
<br /> %�i�•'' . y enface my pihe►securlty now or hereaftor held by Tn�ttos ar ndor,ft bolnp ngmad thut Tntstoo nnd londar,and eafl?►a4 a3eem,shnA bo
<br /> t ���==.
<br /> �� eMillsd to anlorco tM;s Oaod ct Trust unA any othor socurity now a horoafter hetd by Londer or Trush�c+in aoah order artd cnanaer as theY or �
<br /> ° w; eithor at then n�ny in Us�r nbsotuto dlscrorion 6Q2ermine. No romedy confened uAon or►�erved to Tn�stee or Lorale►.is iniendsd to bo _
<br /> Y• t�ocduslve o!eny other remsdy in tMs Dosd ot Trust or by Inw pro+Adod or�f ttod,but each shall Do cumutn1iva snd ahuU bo ta addtHOn tm _
<br /> hmn b Ih�
<br /> overy oiher romedy Qiven in thls Q9od of Tn�t or now ar h�xeaftor WdsUnp a�taw ar in equity or by statuto. Evon��awctt ar romrdy p Y �
<br /> �: Not� ar any of the Related Ooaumerda to Trustae u I.snder u to whtah eilt�u o?them msy bo otharw�a onttNed, mey bo exercBed. _
<br /> '+':;�': '� concupror�ly a independentty.from tlme to tlmo and es often ea may be deert►ed oxPodt�nt Ay Tmstca or Londw.and otthor at them m�y �f.
<br /> , , �� • puiaue M�corolste�remedieo. Noth►np In thts Oeed of Tn�►1 e;ha1 bo eonstruud as prohd�itinp l+ondm irom s4oking n dofl�tonoy Jud�mant �ry�i
<br /> ;�� � apnirtat Ne Ttusta to the eMont nn►�t�actlon t3 permiltod by tavr. !�"'
<br /> Reqtte�t For hollep. 'lhisto�,on bahAlf ot Tnrltor and Londer,herebyrequesb that n copy ot any NoUco of Deffiu�t flnd n eopy a►any NaCcs _
<br /> ' of�ale underlhb Oeed ot Tnist be maibd to thom c�t the addres�e3 so1 tortP►�n Ih�flrst paraaraph o}Ihis Oa3d of Trw^t. ___
<br /> , �� Wetrer�Eteetton o!Remedlea. A wNver by any party of a breach of a WroVtslon o4 thts OaaO of Trust shoU not consUtute a walvsr ot ar e_
<br /> � �re j�r p y t o �f g h t s o t h e r w�s t o d e m a n d s M d c o m p l t a rt d�wlth that proviston or nny othor provislon. Hk+atlon by Le►�dtx to pursuo any �._
<br /> ' � n�this Deatl ot 7n�st,tho tloto,in uny Ftetated Oooumont.a proNded by law ahalt rtot o x c tu d o pursu,t o!on/a t A e r r o m Q d y. �..
<br /> nn0 nn etaa9on to mnkee�s ndtturer or to tako actlon to peAorm en obQ9eUOn of Trusta undor th4s Ooed of Tnnt nttor kUfuro of Trusta to �:•
<br /> •� - pahum ei�Y na1�f{act Lendw's�tyht to H::ek:ro n�=fautt nnd to cxcrctro an}r o►w;rem^d!�. �_: .:
<br /> ..�(�.�
<br /> � .... ;:�.':. Attornepa•kes;Dcpensea. If Lendar I�Gtutes nr�r euit or actton to enforce enr of�ho ta�ms of thb d�1 at t�ust,tendor sl�ti bt�artiL"'.bd to �,,--
<br /> b
<br /> ,,•"���� r e c p v a r e u c h e u m a s t h e c o u r t m a y e d J u d p o ro a s onuble as ettar�Y 3�foos at trial nrtd on any appaal. W�hatl�er o�not any couR action L� �:_ -
<br /> -,,,^� � Imrclved�eti raasonab t a e�o n s e s I n c u r r e d by Londor whlah In Londe�'s o plrtlan aro noce�snrS+nt enY 8mo tor tho pro t a o Uon o f i t�I�x r e a t a 1� R..,.
<br />�^,�, erito►cemerd ot ih�hb cttafl boCOmo a part ot tho Indabtedn0s3 pnyablo an domand nnd oP+�D bear tn43rost nt tho t�tole r�a't�from the date ot ,,;,
<br />�,t`: r experedllure until repaid. F�per�eovaied by thts pareQreph tndudo,wlthout Iimttatton,P�a�v�ruor subjcet to uny Iimita unsier appHoabb law. _�%`
<br /> . Lendcda attaneya'tea►wfie'llu�or�ot tho:�ls n Ia'Na►d�i�roladin�attomays'teas tor bantuuptay 0���+n^�tuding oRort�to mody os =
<br /> rm —
<br /> � ' vacato any tutomaUo etay or InJuncUonb aAPcnb artd ary anUolpated caas'�udlimeM eoL'octton cncvtcos�tho cost of sonrahinp �carda. �__
<br /> „ abtalntn8 ti�a���wa��o ww�y a�y i�easts.�in eddiuw��4oat1 otht�surro providod�by a fa�for tho Truste�.to iha cxlar�t► _
<br /> . , pe�mSfted bYeP�
<br /> �;;; ° Riyht�O!TNSY�e.Tntstoo ehNl have NI ot!he rlgMs and d�t:q at Wndor ns cot fath M this socUon.
<br /> . �1�AS�!tl19 pDLD0ATt0I���iF 1RiJ..4TEE. Tha tatlotiAng provt3tons rol3Ung to the powas and obllgatlons ot Tnutoo ero pAr1 of tt���Cood o!
<br /> . Trlett.
<br /> ;,. �.
<br /> . ;�;�;��,1',
<br /> ;... -=---�5 ,,.�m.s.� �?s
<br /> —� - -
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<br /> r• ..�. - • , .r, . ...rt . .
<br />. � �� . . o .' . ,,! • .
<br /> ' i
<br /> �� '
<br /> . .. . . . ... . ..
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<br /> �. �� .. � .. .' . ., „ - .. •. ,/1 � .. •. 1 . > .
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