e t.�
<br /> .�t;i•�,�l �� � r r't. . ' . . -
<br /> �`;.:. - �'YJ,. ',: '.,.i. ;; .� . ..
<br /> �'�4��,'{��Y.i�` .. � .. �.'�I. �.� .
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<br /> .�
<br /> , . , - .. - - .... '_' "....._._...__""_'._"'_`_.... ... .... .__.. .. . . . .. .. .... . ..
<br /> . ,
<br /> �'"'..�._.,,."""""'.....�..._._."_"1"'___._......_ ......,.. .. ._..._. ...._.......r,.._ . _.. ....-..�. � ..
<br /> � : .. 0�1�1fl99 ���. �E����`YRl��Y �a�o 4 •
<br /> � uasn t�a��a�a . . S�Ci��,� �coMt�ued� � .
<br /> _—�--- _ -.�� ---.—.�—_ �—�..—���---� ..
<br /> locnt�d In nn ara�dcstprtata�bp Iha�Ircator at tt�Fe�toral Emo�enoy HancQ�m:snt aqoney es n epac�J ftood hn�ard¢ren. Truatar agrc:,a to
<br /> obtain and mnlntain E=odr.ra�flcad Insumrtco for thm tu:l unpnid prlrtss�pal bnlartoo of tho toun,up to Iho mmdmum potloy 4mlb cot under tho
<br /> Nntional Ftaad(rsuraaoo ProQnim,or ea otherwEse�qulred by londar,nnd to melntnln euoh Insumnoo lor tho tarm of tho loan. �
<br /> Q�1AIl�3t:sfl aY R7ac�Eile. Trustor ahail pramptly not�fy Lcnder ot nny loss or dnmapo to tho Rroparty. Londar mny mako proaf of lozs It Tn�lor . •
<br /> tal'�!a�io a�si�tf�ln f ii;an pb�d;.ya ci lfla caatwJly. Wh;1hcr or no!tcnd-�n t�$urlly N��mpntmd,Lender mtty,c�t Rs ol:xtlon,m.eaivo und rotNn •
<br /> '' ' the proaeeds a1 aq Insura�e and eppry tha pr�aods to Iha reduoUon of tha tadebtednaa,paymont of c�ny tlon affaallnp tho PropuAy,or tho .
<br /> � rostomtlon und ropatr af th�P►apoAy. If L.cndor oSoatfl to tippy lha procaada to ro�tomtlon nnd apNr.Trustor aha11 rnpalr or repleoo tho ��''+::
<br /> . ' dam¢god or dc�troyod Imyrovamunb In n mannor suYstnctory to Lender. Londnr ahsill,upon sndsfaatory proaf of ouoh oxpondituro,pny or � ��
<br /> �•� --•�, rolmburse Tnistcr hom tho proaoods fcr tho reasonsbto cost of mpNr or rnstomUon it Trustor i�not la dafaNt undor thl�Ooed ot TnisL Any
<br /> ?•°'i•= proeood3 v�Rtoh havo no!boon dL4u�esd��rllNin 1B0 daya nRor thefr rocnfpt nnd whtoh Londor hua not eommltto�to tho ropair or rrrstomtton of
<br /> . � �� iBo Proparl�►shM bo usa9 Hret to pay any nmounl owing M Lvndar under this Deod ot Tru3t,thon to puy aaxuad intnrest,nnd tho romnlndor,If -
<br /> - any,MNt ba appIlod to tht►pdncip�bnlanoa of tho Indnbtoffnaas. it Lend�r holds uny proccods aQer payment in tull of tlro indubtedrm^�,suoh
<br /> . pro�ada nhntt ba paid to Tnutar ac Tn�torb intcr�to maY nppcsr• -��_
<br /> tk�e�{rtd(nasrartce at 8elo. Any unaxpirad Inaumnco shnQ Inuro ta tho bonsflt of,and pass to,th�purohaser of tho Properry coverod by this .,�.
<br /> �� Q3o�l ot Ttust at any fiqtcw'8 s41a or olhor s910 hald undx Ihc�proY,s:a�of thls Dood of Trust,or at amr tareclosuro anto of such Prapmty. _
<br /> ;, Tn[siar'a Report on Inauronce. tJpon roquost at Ler►dor,howovor net Qnoro than oretb a yanr,Tru�tor shdi lumish to Londcr a roport on euoh :•�
<br /> ' obsUnp poqay of Insumrtco ohowln • (a)tho numo 04 tha Insuror (b)the�ks Insurod; (o)tho nmount o?tho polfoy; (d)tho proporty ln�urod, �,;�;-
<br /> tho thon oum�nt re�aJacament valuo af suoh propury,and iha mannor of detormin;op chat value;and (o)tho expVnL'on dnto ot the pWioy. 'ylb;_
<br /> um
<br /> Tn�tor shull,upon roquast af Lendor,huve an indopandant appratser sRtissfectory to LmndRr detertnlne tho cesh vat��o mplacement cost ot tho ��:;,`
<br /> P►oporty. —��°-°�
<br /> �;%;:', � k7(PElIDiTIRiE$BY LQI�ER. It Trusto7 QaAs to compry with any prov�ton of thfs Qeed of Tn�st,nr ft�fi��:e�on ar pmc�;3ding kt cot�t�d 1ha! ��'°"
<br /> • ° '��. woutd matoduihl aftoot Lender's intorosts in 1he Prnpary.6endor on Yrustofs behalf may.but sRNi not 0o requlred to,t�ko any acHon that Lnndcx �° •
<br /> �r�°`"••• de�ms flpproprlate. My emcunt that Londor axpend3 In sa dqng wUl boar IMesost at tho rats provlded tor tn the Noto hom tfi9 date inourred ot psid !�s--
<br /> � by Londor to tRp dato ot ropaymant Gy Tntslor. NI aueh o�e�s.at Londafs optlon,�vf:1 (a)bo payabte on demand, (bB�added to tho ba�tneo ,°�.-:
<br /> o f the Note and be apportlonod amonn artd bo payabta wlth any instnllmontpaymun t a to bscome d u e d u r i n g�I t h e r p)t A P t a r m a f a n y e p p ii c a bin _
<br /> insulanoo pollay ar pl)Ilsfl remaining torm of Me Note,or (o)be Crciatsd aa a bailoon paymant whioh wlit be due and pttytibl9 at fho R!ots's mutudiy. -
<br /> �'�;�ii;; . Th t s D Q e t E o f T n t s t a►s o w i i l s o e u N p a y r rt p n t a t t h o s o a m o u n t s.T h e d g h t s p ro v i d e d t ot in Mts pars 8reph shatl bo in addltlon to a�y nthsr riEE��s ot any ' _
<br /> ,,�,:J3 ,!� temedie�ta whieh Leador may be enbKad on account of tho dofaulR Any suoh actlon by Lender shnl l not be constr�tdd as cudnp Ehe d�avTi s�o oa to ti=:
<br /> •���:��," bar Lendar trom uny romady that R otRcnw�o woutd havo had. -
<br /> ,-,..-;.�„ .
<br /> : ;'%N'� .,� WARAANTY;DEFEtlSE�F�'71E. Tho toilovring provtsinns reiating ta owno�ship ot iha�roperty are a part ef thb Deed c?Tcr,�st. __
<br /> � , Tittb. Tntstor wetmnb thsx (u)Tiustor hotds�ood and marketabJe HUe of reoord ta tha Properly in teo simpts,tras And cioar of all Ilens and
<br /> �•������.�� er�oumbrartces other than thoso set ta�ih in lhe Real Propo�y descriptlon or In any 1Hlo hisurance poltoy,Grie roport,or finsl U�o opinton Issuad tn ,:_
<br /> '"`��"''F+r '�' 4avat of,and ao�optod by.Londo�tn conneaUon with this Deed of T►vst,and (b)7rustor has the tult dght.power,end authadty 4o ezecute and
<br /> • M:`�`•-
<br /> •�'?�,`''"�%`-°-�r'-'. delhrer Ws Qeed o7 Trust to Londor. �:--
<br /> � ��,':�?���,,`�•.�.�� Qebtus of TIUs.SubJoct to the exoopdon In tho para�raph ebova,Tru�tor warmnts and w:it tarover Qefend the tlpe to tho Ptoperiy ayai�t thr� '
<br /> n�-=—
<br /> IBwtul otelms a}dl paeara. In tho event any noUan or prccoedlnp i�commoncod lhat quastlona 7rustors titla or the trdarest of Truatoe at �:,,
<br /> Lender undar thb Dead of Tnist,Tlrusta sheU dotand tbe aotlon nt Trustor's expen=a. Truator mny be the nomlrtai pariy In auoh proceading,but -
<br /> Lenda ehaU bo entliled to part►dpate in the pracoedinp and to be represonted In ths prooeed►np by counset aP L,entle�s own chotce,and
<br /> �,:''+'!;.•�� 7Yuato�w1U del►ver,or ca�to be cl�tNered,to Londor suoh instrumords as�endar may request ftom ttmo to tlmo to permit suoA particiDatlan. __
<br /> � �'.� Oom�tUttce With I.aws. Tnistor wnr►nntn that tho Propcuty artd Trusta's uso o}tho Proporty com�a116s wlth ati e�ds�ttng appStaabb tawu. "••
<br /> uty c—
<br /> � ".' !�'�' ordtnencos,and regutadana ot gown►mentel uuthodHas. ""'
<br /> ' � '' OOHOEIl1NATlON.TRn 9o0owinp provlsfona rolnUng to condomn�tlon prooesdingo cun n Part ot thla Deed of 7nuf. ''_
<br /> �' IlppltCatton o!Net Pro�. It NI or uny part of tho PropeAy�S eondomno�f�y ominont domtiln�rooeedlnas or by any pr000ading or "
<br /> ' " ' purohaao In ltou of candomnaUon,Londor may at Ita e[octlon requlre tt�at M or any porUOn of tho nat proocjeds of tho award boap pliod to the _
<br /> � � ;` tndebtedrta�„s or the repalr a rostornUon o?tha Proporry.TTeo nat procoods of the award shati menn the awcM after puymeM of stl�eaaonebte �-�
<br /> � cosb,�xpenses.ertd attomeys'fens Incurtad by Trustoe a Lender in aonrtoaHnn with tho condamnaUon.
<br /> �"��:;';,.''r�`. � ProCeedlrt�. t}nny proeoedinp in eondemnt►Uon Ns filed,Truator shall promptly noby Lender in wAtlng,and Trustot ohail promptty tnko saah
<br /> ':_�r..:�,* �teps as may be neoessary to dotend tho eetlon and o6tein tho award. Tnistor may bo ihe nominal party In aucA pr�ocaedi�,but Londer shail
<br /> .a aause ta be depthrored to Landor e�h I�tr�umon�tae m��n ua�t�ad bq t trom tlm�e o Ume to permi!sao pn ePpaliand Trustar wiA dalvor or __
<br /> T:,::.r w^:�'•�'.,.
<br /> `" `f'�'�' � IMP03DT10:lt OF TA�3�FEEB AND diARGI�BY GOYFAHMENTAt.AtITFtGROT1E8. The followln8 ProvtrJons miaHnp to povammonlel texos, __
<br /> p�s�f. .� =:
<br />-:,;..{���_ t, tee9 pnd cAGryos�re�parl ot this Oeo9 ot Tn� -.--
<br /> 3�+
<br /> �f' ;'��;• Curtent TIOt1ls�FEl�B�rtd Che��em. Upoe requtr3l lsy lonotor,Trustor ahali axoeWo euch doaurt�nb In ad0lNon to thls Dood of Twst and U�ke �
<br /> ...,�.. ' k
<br /> �vhateve►�actlan Is ruquested by Lenda ta pori�ci and conrinus Londer's 0.^,n an th3 Rc�t PropulY. Tntsta st�u9 rotmbu�so Lmndor tar oil E`�v
<br /> t�as descrlboal Defow,t�ather wtih NI e�ionaes Inaurred in roconllrtg.poNecUnp or conUnulng thl�4 Co�fl mT 7rust,Inctud�rre�vithout �.:..
<br /> •,�•�,•i;` .,;"=� ' on sU tezos,fc�es.doeumor�tnry atamps.nnd other aharpes for reaordlo�or ropl�talnp th►s Deed af Tnr F :
<br /> -• '�':i�ii_,.�'�, .; Yaxa. The loilowing ohaY co�^tqute texAS to wNoh this seeUan eppRes: (a)a spaoiRo tex upon thb type ot Deed of Tru53 or upon ali ar a�+
<br />-_;-�;:,;.,.• pa�t of tM indebtedness sec�med by this Oood of Tnist; (b)a apodtb tax on Tntstor whloh 7rcc�lor ta authorlu+d or raqutrod to deduet trom F�=_
<br /> • .� paymenta on the Irt�febtodness seeured by thts lypo of Doed of Tn� (o)a tnx on thls rypo of DesO of 7rust chargsublo agalnst the Lende�or ��,
<br /> �':",;�... the hotdor o!tha Mote;nrM (d)a spac(tio tex on�11 a nny porUon of tho Indobtednos�or on paymonb o!pAndyW and tnten3st made by �
<br />.;,• � � 7YItStCt. �-
<br /> 8tcD �ltnt Taces. if any tax to w►doh thb coctlun nppllos ts onsoted subsequent to tho dato of this Ocied ot Tnrst,thts evoat aAaU Rave the �.
<br /> ~t' �„
<br /> �tune es an EvoM of Qa!luti ima doflncd bolotv),end Lendar mcry exorcl".'o any ar nIi o}its availablo romodtos for an Evunt of Datault es ��
<br /> . ,'r'-='::� • ;� proYtda�bato�+unJuss Tn�tcr btlhnr (a)pny�s tho tex botore tt bc�omos doAnquent,ar (b)cont�tho Vix as proNdod aRiove tn the Te�css artd R'
<br /> .��,'�'- . �. Uons cxtton and dap�ib++rli?f tmnzx cash cr a sutllclent corpcmdo suroty bond ar otha sacurily sn9i�faatory to Landor. '`
<br /> y,.
<br /> ��i �t4r
<br /> �na,.
<br /> `�' �is�+-;
<br /> Fi
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