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<br /> � ' Ls n Ne9Y�Q04 �������� (G�rtir�eod) ' � .
<br /> --�_ „
<br /> Tne�t oflap h�vo th�rvec�nlrtfla eltYJu2�A taauCh terms In th3 UnHorm Commcrcl�l Cod3. NI ret�ronoca to deltar ameun2s ohnll mean amourtt�In
<br /> Ia�vM monsy o?Ihe Un3ed Stat,;3 ot AmaAaa. , �
<br /> �� ° a�naflctf.�►,'Piia v�ord`Honailclay'manns Flvo Polnt�Banl�,tb 8uca.:�oro nnd a,sl0n�• Flvo Polnta 8nnk also Is rotormd to ns'LondaP�n
<br /> . thts t��d of Tnr.;t. ° ,"
<br /> Daed of YNOt. Tho words'9�d of T�ust�meun this Doed ot Tncst among Trustn�,Lcndor,nnd Trustoo,nnd InWudos wShout Ilmltation ail -;,,p �
<br /> " aast0nmonl nnd Qcourity Intoro3t prov[�IOn�rcfa8ng to tho Pcreonul Propzrty c►nd Ronb. ; -�:.
<br /> ;�1 Qusrentnr. Tha word"(ivamntot'mesns and InGudas w►thoN Amitadon any nnd ul�guamntoru,uurotloa,and nceommodnGon pnrtloo In .
<br /> � � ' � oonnactio�wflh tholndobtodt�3. '"�. �'�
<br /> ' Improyas�enta. Tho word 9mprovamonis"mnuns und Inctu6os w�ihoul 1ImltaHon ttll e�dsting And tuturo ImprovomonW,bulldinga,otruaturos, ; ,
<br /> �� � mobL'�homos aff�xed on lho Re�n►P�opedy,faclllHos,udditiorq,reptnc�monta and olher conoWatlon on tho Rcu�t PropoAy. s.. „��-,
<br /> " � IndtbteQflosa. �he�vord"Indabtodrtoss"monns cVl pdndp�l und Interost pnyahle undor the Noto and nny nmounta oxpr�nded a ndvancod by t ��
<br /> londer to discharg�ob:lgatlons ot Tncstor ar o�onsos Incurtod by Trustoc►or Londm to onforce obligntlona of Truator undar this�oad of Trust, i!'�;�;��
<br /> toaetha Hilh Ir►t�ma4 on oueh amounts as provided!n thb 1?ood of 7rus4 �n addlUon to tho tdote,the�vord'9ndobtndnoss"Inctuda►all : t ��
<br /> obliga9one,dab4�andl IlabUiHns,p�us Intorost thoreon,of Ttustor b Londsr.or any ono or more ot ihom,aa�votl uo nit olsimu by Londnr ognlnat �'-,`�
<br /> Trustor,at any eno ar moro ot thom,ovh:ther now a�dsHng or horesftor erising,whothar rotatod or unrolatod to the purpor.o of tho Nato,r�hothor {;_..y!
<br /> ;,,; f �p�u�py or p(punrlSE�,whather duo or not dut�,absoiute or conUrqont,Hquitlntod or unNquldnted ttnd whethor Trustar may be Ilabie indlvidunlly .�
<br /> ' at jdMty vAh othE�s,whether obdgated Qs gunrunlor ot othorwtsa.and whether rocovery upon aueh Indobtodness mpy bo ot horoaftor may ��
<br /> ,�,:;�_ ± boeome berted by ue�y stntuto ot IImIAtUons,and whpthar auch Indebtednass may bo or hetoaftor msy beeome otharwk3o unentoreoa4io. �?_:
<br /> �•`�" � gp�utty,aithoui limffation,t?ds Deed ot Tnat r�cutos,in eddl8ort to the amounls apeclBod In the No1B,ell Nture amaunts Lendor In ib
<br /> �`;`;�.�•�; "� dlscroGor�may loan ta Trustor,t c�hat with nll Int�zt thoreon;howovor In no ovant shaitsuoh tuturo advanot►a(acctualnp intorostj oxcood In ��"jj,�?`�
<br /> • ,����;i,� �� tho eqpropate�7b,ua3aa 'R�a�ta�of thts De��o!Truet ehnll nut ax�ae�d at any one tlme S�+�o�•�. �-�:
<br /> . ".;;��j.? Lenflat. Tho word�nda�'mcan3�vo Polnts 8ank,lb saoces�oB and sss�pns. �.:
<br /> °�� Notm.Tf�e vrord nio4a•meane tha Noto dated Fnbruery te.1�D,In 4hcz prineipal amoueo'd o4 S40�040�60 irom Ttu:ttot to Lendor, �;;;;_,
<br /> � togoUar �ilh ap renoweb.oxtonslons,modiflcador�s,roflnar►cinps,aM aubsdtullon�for ihe Note. Tho maturib datu ot this Ceod of Truat is -
<br /> , � �.,� FBbNary 18�2�Q4. ' °�'�
<br /> tho word9'Pa�sonal Properly'moan atloqutpment,Hxtures,end other arUcles ot peraonal propedy now or herosiftor =_
<br /> ' :�� ow�wd by Tru�sta and naw or hereafter attached or afPoced t the Ronl Proqerty;logethor wlth ell aocosslons,parts�and nddirionsrto,NI _
<br /> � ��t reainopmeats of,and alt 8ubstlluUons for,uny ot suoh prape�y; and togathM w8h ntl proccmds(inciuding without timltatlon c�ll�nsurance ;_:�_
<br /> �.{� procoeds cnd ro(unds at premiums)from any sale or othor disposllion ot tho Property. ��:!�*�•
<br /> �; �j i`"_'--
<br /> propptty.The word°Property'mean9 colleeHvoty Iho Resl Ptopaiy und the PEUSOnN Proporly -
<br /> �� ��a,e�,+Ro�a�P�ouoAy'mean tha proporh.lnterosts and dghb desalbsE above in the"Convayance and aranY'sectlon. ___
<br /> _ . .:.n - �iL�r• 7• —�--
<br /> .,,�,,'.,,,s Y Re1�eA DoCUmenls. Tha wards'Relnted Documenta°meanurtd inalude vAlhout Ilmitntlon atl promissoryr nctes,cradit eQrcamants,iosn �
<br /> .'�,';,•,�>�,c� �m�'e�°f no���ret�Rai�eoc.+sU g�enxci�cuted in con�noctlan wtth the Ind bt�dnnss.f�1,aad nIi other Im�trumenta,a8teemonta and =_Y
<br /> - �:!.i>1yr dta0um9eb�W►h61he w -
<br /> . �"''•..����r„1•��;' RQn�, The word'6ZOnta rt�eaes et1 Dresnnt und tuture rents.revenuas,tncome,Rssuai,royrtlde9,pro8b,nnd other boneflb derived hom the
<br /> ,:i• ,., �� : ��. _.
<br /> .. �. y�Qp.The vrord`Trustea'meena Flve PoIMa Bank nnd any substilute or su000ssor Avatoos.
<br /> • ' �C �gtpr,Yryy wad"Trustpr�noans any und ai►persons and on�tas o�ccteutlng tlYS Dood ot Tntst,induding wlthout Itmitallon otl Trustas nsmed __
<br /> .;;?s. �i. ehova ---
<br /> ;,:;yt�,.r7�;� PAYN[�HT AN�PEiiFOAMAAIC& Frxv9t+�s otha�wiso provtded in ihis Oosd ot Trust.7rustot ehali pay to Londar ntt amounta seaured by fhts Deod
<br /> 7�'ip '
<br /> "��``�i�{11• of ltua!as they bceQme du0.and����^d tn Umely msni+a PoAmm+�D cf Tru�tats ob�tgnriona undor tho Noto,th19 Qoed of Tntsl,and tho _
<br /> ,...:,rry•�'` Ft81dt9t9 00CUlR9nt5.
<br />-: � �` pp$��oN ANfl 1�1�Ap((•�'OF 4f�PROPERTY. Trustar agrees that Trustor'e posse�ton and uso ot tho PropaAy shaU bo govcs�ned Dy _
<br /> .i. ;, � thBfO110vAnOptov�'.CrO:
<br /> • 1�, ', p�tees�ipn attd ttse, UnW the�d�nco of on Event ot Default�Trustor msy ia)romain in possosston snd control ot tha PropertY� (b)uso, _=�
<br />_ .. ' , � o�mdv a mae&ya tha P�ope�tY ()collect sny Renta tromlho Propady. --
<br />=�' � ;�� �ry to MMntatn� Tn�stu elsa11 malntain the Propmly►U tnnantebla condiUon and prompUy poAOrm nft ropalre,cept¢oements,and mNnt�ne�e �
<br /> - -,.- �== nc�to�rw:.rva Ihs vati�. �----
<br /> - ° K�e�ottt Eu�anas� '�Fw ierri�s"�emrda�zs uasl3,""he�nM�us substenoa`"d�AOSei"Yetease:and'lhroatonod retease:as used fn ti�i _
<br />-�,.�'..� � _,�� Deed of Ttust.ehatl hnvo U�e eamo meanleps e�set torM in tho ComPrehonsNC�EmBronmental R�sspora�.Compensatlon.and Linbilitr Act ai =-
<br /> tggp,ps eme»ded.42 U.9.C.Seal�on 9601.ot s0q.f��'?.�s�°d�^0ndments and Rosulhorl�tlon Act of 19g8.Pub•L Na
<br />_ „ .. .,� g g„4 8 9�g p q p i,t h e H a m r dous R�faWrlals TransportaUon Aa1,�8 U.9.C. on 1001�et aoq.,the Rasourco ConservoBon and Recowry Aat� _
<br /> . F 42 U.�.C.Soctien 6901.ot saq.�w o�dx�r a' Itcable atato or Fedc�ral taws,Mas�or ro9u t a U o ra u dcp t e d p u�u a n t t o n m r o!t h e t o rt�p o l np. Th e ---
<br /> �.�d a�y�y�a•�e 9�n�rdpu,q 8�stence"shall Nso include,vefthout Ilmllatfon,petrolaum and potroleum by-produeb or sny Nactton _
<br /> • r. � thraeot g�d e�,yyatag,Tnwta rcprese►rta end�vartnnta to Londar thak (a)Ourirtg tho perl o d o f T n�s t o rs owrt a s h l p n f 4h o Pro p o r t y.thmo has _-
<br /> . � boen no uso.�onaratlon.manutucture.atorugo.freatmeM�d�Pc".,at�►olease er lhreate^ed rotoa:,o ot any ha�rardous waste ar 6ubstnnco Dy any �_
<br /> � pason on u�0a,mbout a hom tho PropExly; (b T�tor hiis no koowled�oi,cor mason to�ouavo thst tAero hos D�on,exa�pt on provlo�w��cy
<br /> "' atisd�d�o and aBicnawted8ctd by Lon d9f U W��10� (1)Qt1y USO.6snesa 9on.marwtacturo.tit 0 l II Q0�treatmont.dISpOS01�f010A50�Of lh�Q�V�W� f�_-:
<br /> " :,� ralease of flnp Mxardous wa:,2e ar oub�tEtnc3 on,undor.abauta tram tho Propofir4Y any pdm ovtnem or aocupant�ottho Properhi or (Iq nny �{ _
<br /> a�lunf pr 4hrcatenod GUQaUon a Galma ot any kind by any porson rotaUng to auch mattoro;and (o)F.xcoAt 89 Prevlousry dtsdosod to and �%,
<br /> � adcnowbdQod by i.en6or In wriUnO� (q no►lhor Trustor nor ary tonnnt,contmator,ngont or other authoAmd�or of the Pre�a�ly ehNi uso, �_.
<br /> .y_
<br />- t Qonor�ato,manNaaha'e,store.traa1,disp�o of,a rolonsu any hoanrdous wnste cr aub�tnnco nn,undor.about or from tho PropeAy and pl)nny � 2,
<br /> ., , �. ��'-
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