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<br /> Y .:: ..; � ��y 't� r� �i.. - - ,:�� - ' `c���`�;'�-�r '� � - - -- . . . . �+�
<br /> 3Yc'i�:, .+�
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<br /> - �:��;; ,�'��� .�:.. « ,x, : - ^',.�.?" - - -, - ' --�• '• — _. _ —
<br /> 1�f�`.I:,y�J^=,'tJ..�..'ri7Kf S' 't�� .��:.Ey_ . - 5 -i . . . . - _ - - _
<br /> .�J1 i•N'JRV4f.3lS�(}'] {. . �'' �� �_T � _ ". '. �._'_ ' '{r�� _� _ " '_'_'_' ' _ .' _' ___ ' - _ ' _ '_ � "' _'"
<br /> �� ,.F ' �, -i_.. .. ��;� .3.v _ .. ' �_ - � . _ . _ , .. - _ . . . - —_ _ .
<br /> ,�,! .r. •-�;, . � � . . . . .
<br /> ,:.` ` F '�".f.'r -.� L . - '. . . 7. . _ . _ _ ._ ' ... _ _ _ _ _ _ .
<br /> .. .. ,,,.� �i'�. : ..-- �. • _ � � _ .._
<br /> .. . l�` ��� .�.>.._�_._.+4 �A� ...,._.�-, .,..,� __.....-._...........—��L--- . - . . .__.. r — •� 5�.�'_—
<br /> 4 — . � s'� — — s- __.:. � - � ---.- - .���� ��Q��e�-- � :�.!� � _
<br /> .. . � ksl� s�* .
<br /> ' �� ._� .. .,. _ .� �
<br /> � ' �•�.-,. � . . . . . . . . , _ _ . ' f - :�e�—.
<br /> , � ' �.�F, �'.� . � . .. . . . � `~ ��i'
<br /> . . -- - � �OfiOlYCLM1��651�O�n� - - --•--- - �� _- "_•�-et�'�t..:��.z=
<br /> �. .�.. :� oEtbEQ��iet{ 1LyldetslallQOEbC �oOmmEnacP�aoeedu�Rapinst• � 7
<br /> �.� .: — - _�E�E1�,t�id't3e�e.TOt P�Ym�nt a _ , .." - _.._ -ti�c� �'�-- .,. �.- f'
<br /> " . ".,� < ,~,�,5 . . d Trust by�on oEi(�c•demyiied�de by the aiyina�8o�ower aed�er'swboe�o�s a,iaarcst.M,�r[orbawnce `;�
<br /> , �,� > s�y � ar ot6nw�e bY Pptiabk Faw sb�H not bo a�iver �`' .
<br /> {f� `, ;- i by l�end�r io eua+cesii�an�nht or�emedy heaunde� atfordlii � �8 � . +
<br /> � <^�:�;��, �. ` -; � ot�produde the ace�ist o[any sttclf ria6t aF ren�edY. � � ' . ` ' ` < '
<br /> - s.... . . .
<br /> �`�.�>r�:' -. =-.s•� 1�.$�f��ll.1f�11!6M1�.10�7�.Sl1�lfll�������OQYlItiR15 7!lld�lS I�1.'itr , _ _ . • _
<br /> ' �� � � �oontaioed slall bind,and the tights Neaevndrr sAa1i inutc ta thc rrspective-wooes�ors and acsi�s atl�and Bnrrorre�. , ' ; ..
<br /> ��:;�,5 � : � . � si�lieci to the pravisionsaf par�tpapl►[61�erc�of.All ooveo�nts ud�raments af Botrowcr shati be joint aM severaL
<br /> ec
<br /> � , �� .�_ ,�_�x A�g�,p�who ass�s Ehis�etd d Ti�st„but due.s not eacecuu tbe Note.W is casi�n!n6 this Eaeed of Tnut onty `
<br /> . ___ .��7 _. � �e -� i b: ��-. 1 `_. ..
<br /> . ; . :-. � tQ�rar,c aaa caavey u�e eorro+�er's u�tenu iQ th�Ptopercy ca I.ender unda ux�cenns a6 trus oeoa ot rnat.rot is�tix .
<br /> d
<br /> � petsonaltg fiabte ar��he Natt��u�der this tked oi Tn�sr,and kl sQa�s that Lender acid any ottxr Bnrmn��tr l�nder �
<br /> - ',;;.,,, „ '-. � may sgoe to extsed.mod7y farbar.or in�lce an�ott�er a�ammodatpns vcith�ard to tt�tem�s oi this Ik�of Truse
<br /> a the NotG�ithout ttrat Bnaaarer's cansent and vrithout rdeuin�tbu Barro��es a modifYm6 this Diocd of Tn�st as '
<br /> ', ;; ta tfi�t 8ormrrtr�intet�s!in tbe RopertY• .
<br /> i.
<br />� . _ ILl�I�iasFaoepttoranynotktre4uircA�ndaap�na6iebwtabeaiva�inat�ott�etmant�talanytiotjoetoBatmwer 4: . .
<br /> t
<br /> -. - pm�idod[ar in this Deed of T�sE sluul6e�Yn by deGve�m�ie ar 6y m�7ina surd�nocioe 6y aeccJ'�eb n�add�sM _
<br /> . to 8orto�wtr at the Aroperty Addc�as ar at sur.fi othcr addr�s as BortoMrer may d�te�y notioe to �trnderas pmv�lod �� . . , .
<br /> ` `�/ . Naein.and lbl any notioe w l�ender shall�t E►ve�e by arafiod m��a l�enders address stirod f�a�eitt�or to sudt oN1er 4;: .
<br /> . '��:��:� add�ess as I�ender rtnyr d�ate bY notioe W 8brrower at provided henin.Aqy tx�tice�vided.tor iit this deed:�Tn� � �i;�,:.
<br /> -� :,. _ st�aU be Qamed to In�ti boa��i�veo to Bonowrc'�i:tnder wMxt En►en�n tita�n�tiierdesianat�d.it�eitt. -:.,_:,_ -
<br /> Qam d oa�
<br /> ;:,% ,: 13.Ce�is liw;Semaii�.The stat�amE tp�aF 1�tw�.ot fh�jutisdictlat irt whicft.the FmpertY is Inc�te�.shafi �� , �. ;
<br /> .,,., ja ,.. `''``.�:,,'
<br /> . �. � apptyex�ept wl�wc�fawseontl�ciwith Ftderatia�;.utWhM�.�as�Fi�erA)litw it�.In thetvetit tuat acty provislott , ��S i�=`� .:�
<br /> !; �'�::--t. r•
<br /> - Of C�ill9C Ot�16 DOEd OE.TItLSt Of tUE�O[t �I��'S�C�11N.511Cfi1 C�15�i8��R�!�EL't d�1W p(OYW011S .-`y�!���.`.; ��;
<br /> : �. _ . �: "-..�, :" ;�t%• y, Yr'<<.
<br /> ofthisDadofTtustd�tlkNotewhichcan6eg�ac� �8P�vesion.andwthisendthcprovisions ,;.; '�,'.�fr>��-��?�'��'��` �;
<br /> �x^,�=r. �itF�titthG00llfi� {,:: _l.�y; c.
<br /> « i..:.:,,
<br /> � .r uf th's Uieod of Tnat an�the Note aie decb�etT�n�e seraa6lG Asused in�dit.."bosts. �expen�s and"�ttamey�s ias �., f' t-
<br /> .a � . �'
<br /> +� ``` � i�clude alt.stms to�thcei�tent not prohibitod by apqicabk t�w a�fm�ite�&��. l•.�:• �s .
<br /> ., ��'�f';'�s .� ':; ; � i IL�ow+er'aCqy.Boaovrer sha116e fum"aGod a eonfom���°o�t�cs'tiiate�nd at'tTiis Ooodaf Tru�.ii reqexstc�. � � . �
<br /> t' � � ���y�,.. y �1th�tS�1$0f�XENII011 O�9ftK IC�Ot�110�)hCf00� • '>• :
<br /> �; .�``.�, , � A Barower shall tulGll �Barrower's obligatio�ts�3�ir any home�ehadtitation. , .
<br />_ _. _ .- ,i-- . .. �,r�':4� . 1 I5.�/�1�1111� � ?� ' - .- � ....
<br /> - - 4�,''� • impioveinent.npair.or otixr toan a�reeMent wtiich Fartawer ettters into Nith Lerxkr.i�iieia,at l.ender'soption.m�Y �.�.
<br /> < . ' roquire Bortower to exocute and deliver to L,ender.in a torm aooeptabk to l.aider.ao assignmen[of any righu.dai� j ,
<br /> Le
<br /> < � � ••`;F:;�,,� '` � oo defenses which Boaovre�may have against the parti�s wlw sdpply fa6ar.materials or servioes in oonntction witd ' . - --
<br /> . • ,.,f�=;_;;" ; impmvemenu made to the Property. ' ;�;._� �.
<br /> ... �;°;:.F; . • lf.Tr�o(tk Pru/ertr U Bonower sells a uansfersallnc a�r part ot the P�pettY o�an intercst Uxrcin.exctad"mg : : ;,
<br /> . `� . ' (al the crtat�of a lien or eneumbrana subordinatg to this Qeod�M�'nat.(b)a tra�ter by devae.desoen�or by opaation , :,��,, :�F,. .':
<br /> , . �j�. ° . : � of law upon lhc de�t�d a joint tenant.Ic)the g�aa»oP aay#�ehoid imecest of�hrec years or k�s nat conuiaing an • - =
<br /> :<< :::;, � , : option to purdtia�t�4�icc�eation of a pu�ctr�se ma�e;.sranit�r interest tor haiaehold appliartoes.te)a transfer to a ce1ati+re ;,:i�. ,
<br /> ��" � asulti�(rom.ti�e deaob of a_Banowar.(f)a tra���.�+�5e�rr�iEt�spouse or c fii l d reo o t t h e S o r c awer b e a o rt x a n o w r�o f
<br /> �;�r� �"•'� r .. - . , �
<br />� `, �, ' thepco�e��.ig)at�artsta�esuttingq�i►a�adaxeeofd"a�tm►�nafis�ama�e.legalseparattonagieenl�ne,ortramanincidcntal : ' ,
<br />, . . � prope�a��s�ctkment agreemem.bY���r.�the spouse of s�c�airawer b000mes an owner af the prapeny.th)a ttar�fer ;;f;;
<br /> . "��'. , , imo a�uv�[er vivac tnut in which tf�e Barmwer n aat�'n�errs�beneficiary aad which does nat retate to a t�ancfer of .
<br /> • '� . .righlc of o�upaacy in the propeny.or G1 any othei Q�aicsfer or�Inpasition d�scribod in reguhtionc prescribad by the Fodera) ,
<br /> ..�`� Nome i.aan Bank Board.BoRawer shall causc t�6e submittal iniomiat�on tequirc�f by t.et►de�to cvaluatc the tra�slcree ; . •
<br /> as ita new ban were 6eing made to the transfcree.Borrower will oontinue to be o6ligated uRder the Note arxl this taood � �,
<br /> ood
<br /> . , of Trust uniess l�ender rekases Borrower in writing- I ?' .�:,:
<br /> r�4: .
<br /> �.�,;. (t I.ender daes nai ag�e to such sak or transfe�.t.cnder may declaa all a1 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust ,.
<br /> �� '". � , . to 6e immediatety due ar�d payabk.It I.ender exercises such qMioa ta aoak�ate.�et�det xhal!mai!Barrower ndiae af ! .
<br /> ��{;;' :,, . aoak�atan in aceor��with paragraph i2 hereof.Spch naioe shall proYide a period of nnt less thart 30 days kom �i.
<br /> • �• ' 4he datG tde natice�.PaaaiieA ar delivered within�Afiicl�8orrawer may pay the sums decfared due. tt Borrower lai�to
<br /> � `5:'�` :pay$u:7c s��es priar to'tt�e eacpiratkx�af such periad.lxnder may..without further notioe ar demand on Bo�owa.iovuke � .
<br />;:,;`' - atay.r�p�f���ecmitted by pata�a�+7� 171tereoi , -
<br /> t�3
<br />;;;.<<'� 'c�%;'���.. � � . N�'4tE-UNIFORM COYENAN�S. gorrowrr and Lender�uc�fter caveaant and agree as falbws: � • ;;�.
<br /> ; " .; . � � 17.AaYkrnti�Reweiies.Erapt�s Oro+i�inpar�pra*t6�a�salLcnrlse reqYitei�y 6[w.�Bo�ruwYt°s ;,,,,
<br /> -, ;,;:;:
<br /> :`� �,;,; ,�bnach d s�y co�e�M or a�ra�t ot Borr�+r�mr ir�tMis Deed d Trast,�Boaaxer's fa1lr[e�La��.iy tlie eM . .
<br /> ot�M 1101 cate�iH isys a�er t�e ble tlxy am��.asy sa�ns�ec.rc��y��is Ucei d Tn�e.i,±�er r�a�o aoatera�io� , .
<br /> siar�ire aolke to Borrower as Kut�de���p�r�IZ Nereo�s�eclfyi�:lI l IXc 6ra��'���e 9cttos re�hc�to a�re
<br /> s�kead�!3)s�Hq aot kss tfe�s�dsys�ra�ra tie/�te tl�r eotice Is�ailed to 6ara»s�.�p w6ic1 x�iresch sasf ; . .�
<br /> �;� �; re a�re�ae1 l4!ttat IaiYrc to cr�s��t�sd6 maE ar 6efore t6e aate�lc�a��►i�5ic�aNay r�it 1s actekrafiae
<br /> ,r;;�,;1;�; .. ., o�tLe s�s see�ed�y t�is Ored d'�'rast as�ss�t t�€ihe Property.71�e eot��isrli�rtdre��ons&�w�er d/ie�1�IN ' .
<br /> a��:� :.� ta rd�te aftrr ac�ekratiae aed llte.�if.�s t�n�a caMrt action to as.��eo�c�t�CCe ot s dc4�N or�sy otiier �
<br /> �•�� �,,� �letease vB�orroxer to acceknt s�rak.ltl4e�racl�k eot c�re�a�or 6eiorr the��s�r►ie t�e aatice,Le�d�r. �;,.
<br /> �, ,;.`' ;:?,i �.,.,
<br /> ,..
<br /> �i +'�F,���`� � , ��: at I.e�et°s o'NoR.eyy dedars�td�I�G�sM�s�aRed 19 t6[g:1l�ed ot Trrct to be intlhi�llylhly`�6te a�py�6k�{Ifiiipf ,.,.� �,;'
<br /> ;J� `;�,r, ��"� t � ��':'�. � r�����.y�Y�x��v��mc y:��un;����+��,ii�c;renudies pe�mitt�l'ttY.W�plit�tlitt�s�'.�C.e�icr sli�l?I� (., ; ' �
<br />. ; � k � eMifki to colfect aN cat�sM ex/e�5es ipcprt�(n•pu�fhe rersedies dcul�ide�tn iliia 11a['�pN�1'1`tu tt�ext�e ,.. ,�`. '.
<br /> '�.i , . �td by a/�Ncarle law. ;..:. ., �.:. ' . , � :� .� ,. '. .: . ';' � r :�,�;;.;.;.
<br /> . %%. , .
<br /> . . � If I.e�ier ia�okes tMe�a�rer e�saf�l:�nd�r��r�-;��nutce sirall n�il copic.c:p�;a ri��ttci:��f"!;�i�tu�llie�inann�+r� �` ,`<<�;"
<br /> . - � �y apptfwile law co earawer mrd;ii�tire o�t�er Uer�o��r�rrihed by aopticafl�,�Kr�'Yiwt���att��;tic�ittittee oi`std�f�� ` : ��;.��:;°; '�
<br /> .� .
<br /> • ' � l �e61k�ntverlkeweel tor thcti�nc°aadln the��ne�.0�escri6ed'6y�pplica�tc taw.Trasii�.'wtlh�wtdem�nd a�Bur�i�irtp�. • i.�,,,�.,>
<br /> � � . i � „
<br /> � , slnY sell tLe PrupeHy at riu6Hc autt[oi�to tht hI�iie�t�iader tor cuh at the lim�;►Nd piarc�udd n�dtr tti���itidx'cts�i��l' ��� ; L
<br /> ns
<br /> �r;°�. � iN tie aoticr tit s�le tq une or More ysrcets an���n suc6 order as Trustee ma�dMersiiea�'rastee maY'I�tw�`-'�'U�`''',:;.,;,, �
<br /> . .� . � �II ae a� prerf'.af tli�t'rarrrty ta�uy t�ter tima:un tre same dKe by puhltc aaaersce�eM at tie ci�e api pt�cc of��dy:'.:�.: ,.;�;;r �° ..
<br /> `� pre�Y ecietdej stk.l�a�der nr[ettde�'s d�nee my purchsst 14e Pro�erty at wy s�la
<br /> �+ # 'trustee s(nY idtrK to tbe purcliASar?rustee's deed conre�4ag t6e Pro�e�fy so soN wit6ait aey coree�et or�arr�nly, .
<br /> . . �- e�tpressed or iM1ie1.7'it tecitvs in the'1'ra�t�e'�dned sha11 be a pima fscie ertle�ce ot the trrti of t6e�ateiaents e�wwk �
<br /> :' � , Werei�Tasta sM�N a�ty tht Kaceed.c ni tlir s�lc tn t&IoUo�o�er.W to all reuo�slte eosts a�!ca��eates ot We
<br /> .� • � sedire��Ueei d�Trasi-��ai/lel�tir exc���w��te t6e��eraus er rersaa4ck��r eiNillcr tUttet lit tn all awiu
<br /> , } - � ts.Borrowe�s Ri�f tu Ret�tate Nwwithstanding Letxkr's acee�ration o�the sunts secured bY tius tked ot Ttust .
<br /> f � due tv Borrower's brach.Borrower stal!have the riEht to have any praoadinEs 6esun by Lender to enfora lhis ikEd �
<br /> .. _ .:�----:.�.-_:-----._::� ot Trust dis�ondnuod at any time pia ta the earlier to orcur ot W t6e fdtb day txtore sak oi the Propeny peauant .
<br /> . .-. .._. - t8 tik pdwEf 6f Sak 601ft81fifd iii IhiS tkY�6Y1'fu�16f fii)l�3try 6t5 jiiQynEA!M7(�cir��tflis UdE�o�'ffUst it t�i 13bffowtt _ _. _... . _
<br /> � � pa�ys LtnAer s�ll sun�which woutd 6e then due urutter this Dred d Truse artd the Note had no acakration accwrQd ID1 •
<br /> � . � &xrnwercuresatlbrearhesafanyahucnve�rantaaagreemenstic►tKaro�e�mnrairxyiinlhislaee�futTnjs�:tc)B�rewtr ' -
<br /> . . � ;� _ PSrsallre,�sa�n_bkexpensesincurrodb�rl.eadera�Tn�ste�inmtaeir�theeoYenantsandasradtient�atQartarr,era�ntair,od _. .. .
<br /> � .
<br /> . • . !
<br /> . . .. . _
<br /> . � : . � .
<br /> � . i _ .. .._... ._._. 1,- --� ` - .._. - �.—.. . - - �- -�
<br />