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6e -c:'; <br />„, t .t- <br />„, <br />m <br />y„ <br />a, <br />Notice to Owner <br />f4.i 1U73 u 1820 <br />c*�,1 <br />CHECK.__ _ . (r <br />REFUNDS: <br />CASH <br />CHECK <br />tzt3 <br />REVOCATION OF TRANSFER ON DEATH DEED <br />!S—j ; {v; <br />This revocation must be recorded with the Register of Deeds of the County in which the property <br />is located and it also must be recorded with the Register of Deeds of the County in which the <br />property is located before the death of the signer(s) and also within 30 days after it was signed or <br />it will not be effective. This revocation is effective only as to the interests in the property of <br />owners who sign this revocation. <br />Identifying Information <br />Name of Owner <br />Dolores J. Allan <br />Mailing Address of Owner <br />17596 W. Wood River Road <br />Wood River, NE 68883 <br />Notice to Register of Deeds <br />This is a revocation of transfer on death deed and Form 521 is not required under Neb. Rev. Stat. <br />76-214(2). <br />Legal Description <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), <br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska and <br />more particularly described as follows: First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the <br />southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), said point also being the Southeast corner of <br />Greenwood Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska; thence running northerly, along and upon the <br />east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), and along and upon the east line of said Greenwood <br />Subdivision, a distance of Four Hundred Forty Three and Ninety Seven Hundredths (443.97) feet <br />to the northeast corner of said Greenwood Subdivision, said point being the ACTUAL point of <br />beginning; thence continuing northerly, along and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter <br />(NE1/4), a distance of Six Hundred Sixty Nine and Thirty Four Hundredths (669.34) feet to a <br />point on the southerly right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad, said point being Two <br />Hundred (200.0) feet south of (measured radial to) the centerline of the east bound mail railroad <br />track (curve); thence running southwesterly, along and upon the arc of a curve to the right whose <br />radius is 8,794.42 feet, said arc being the southerly railroad right of way line, which is, Two <br />Hundred (200.0) feet south of (measured radial to) the centerline of the eastbound main railroad <br />tract (curve), a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Ten and Twenty Eight Hundredths <br />(1,110.28) feet (long chord deflecting left 115°59'57” from the previously described course, long <br />chord = 1,109.54') to point of tangency; thence deflecting right 03°36' 18" from the chord of the <br />previously described curve and running southwesterly, along and upon said southerly railroad <br />right of way line, said southerly railroad right of way line being Two Hundred (200.0) feet south <br />of (measured perpendicular to) the centerline of the eastbound main railroad track: a distance of <br />One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty and Sixty Two Hundredths (1,660.62) feet to a point on the <br />south line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW1/4 NE1/4) said point being <br />Four and Sixty Two Hundredths (4.62) feet east of the southwest corner of said Southwest <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW1/4 NE1/4); thence deflecting left 157°44'20" and running <br />