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<br /> Ab80�.UtiOly Arid uncono9lCionAlly asaigris all such ronta, ieauea and _
<br /> , profita to 8e�noficiary. Bonofciciary, ho�ovor, horoby cnnaont� to ��°;.
<br /> Cho Tru�tor'� colloction and re�ontian of such xents, isauos �nd �""`
<br /> � -�, profita aa tZney accxuo and bocome paynk+�P Ae long ns xras�or i� ��`_
<br /> not, at such time, in defaul� cuith respoct to �ayment of any __
<br /> _.����: inciebtednass aecurod heroby, ox in the porfoxmaac8 of any �
<br /> .,,,,,�., agreoment her�under. Upon any such default, Benefic�ary may at �,°-�
<br /> r�n� time, eithQr in parson, by agent, or 1oy r� receiver to be °`��_
<br /> appointod by a court, without notice and without xegaxd to thQ ���.�=
<br /> admquaay of any seaurity for !�Fie indebtedness horoby secured, (a? t�-�
<br /> �'� anter upon and takQ posaossion of the Froperty ar any part "":
<br /> therenf, and in its o�en name su� for ar othervrise collect such o__
<br /> s rants, issues and profits, including those past du� and unpaid, _
<br /> ' and apply the same, less coats and expensea of operation and =-`:
<br /> .• :?�� colleation, including reasonable attorneys fees, upon any
<br /> . �.ticiebtedneas s�curad hereby, and in atach arder as Benef iciary may
<br /> ; � de�ermine; tbI perform such acts of ropair or protection as may �
<br /> be necessaxy or prop�r to conserve the value of the Pxopertyi (c)
<br /> lease tho same or any part thereof for such rental, term, and �-:�
<br /> ;;,r 4� upon such conditions a� its judgment may dictate or terminate or v _
<br /> adjuat the terms and conditions of any existing lease or leases.
<br /> �' "� Unless Truator and Beneficiary agree otherwise in writing, any ___
<br /> �r��'• applica�ion of rents, issuos or profits to any i.ndebtedness -
<br /> � � .. secured h�areby shall not extend or postpone the due dato of thc� _
<br /> �' '::;�� � installment paymerats a� provided in said promissory note or
<br />_ �?� chanqe the amount of such installmeats. The em��ring upoa and
<br /> �"'`' taking possESS�.on of the Property, the coiiectaon of sucn rc�,«,
<br /> issues �nd �rofits, and the application thereof as aforesaid,
<br /> ��,. ��,��� shall not waive or cure any default or notice of default
<br /> �'����,'��;: hereundor, or invalidate any �ct done pursuant to such notice.
<br /> ,;,�,;tt... �';rustor also assia�na ta Baneficiary, as further security for the
<br /> `"� f"��'�'� • • arEormance of tP�� obligations secured hereby, �J�J. prepaid rents
<br /> ;;/F�'1�lYliSit �� p
<br /> .';;;R.,S� and all mnnies which may hav� been or may hereaft�er be deposited
<br /> =-_v»•:� " with said Trustor by any lessee of tho Property, �o secure the .
<br />'�' '.����{�` payment of any rent ox damages, and upon dofault, 3n tho
<br /> ,,•�;,,,;� �
<br />_ T_�,,,�,�.�r- p�rformamce of �y of the provisions hereof, Txus�or agrees o
<br />- � �=�-�-�– deliver such rsnt� az�d deposits to Beneficiary. . �ielivory of
<br />` `='���`�"'� • coritten� notice of Benef�.ctary's exercise.of the righ�a grantad
<br />:::,ti�'°��m �.
<br /> f.��;,—_.�-� � . herein, to any tenant ��cupyinq said pr�.�a�ses shall lae suff3cien�
<br />