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<br /> �� this Doed of Trus� in tho �anner providod by law far tho ,; .�{`
<br /> foroalosure Af mortgagea on re�al proporLy. �.,�,�;
<br /> .. ' I7. �qYnhn�r�nr-G bV Ban Fi rni arv or '�'zu9kRC� N�t H Wai,.v_a�. '
<br /> � Any forebearance by Benegiaiary or Trustee in exercising any __'
<br /> __;� right or romedy hereunder, or otherwise affordod by applicable .�-;�v:
<br /> . law, shall not be a waivor oF or preclude the oxercise of any ___
<br /> �� '�" auch right or remedy. Likewise, the waiver by Benoficiary or ��:.�-
<br /> Trus�oe of any default of Truator under this Doed of Truat shall -__
<br /> ^ '' t not be deomed to be a waivex oF any other similax defaults �
<br /> � "� :, subsequ�ntly occurring. ��.�-
<br /> � -r E�y:
<br /> .. 18. a,�custQr Na�Rele�. Extension of the time for �--
<br /> _ payment or modification or amortization of �he 3ums secur�d by ��-
<br /> • � this D�ed of Trust granted by Beneficiary to any succ�ssor in
<br /> ��• ��,, intoro�t of Trus�or sha].1 not o�exa�t� �o xelQasc�, in any manner, _-_
<br /> �; ttxv liability of tho original Trustor and Trustor's successor in g=��
<br /> in�erest. Ber�eficiary ahall not be reqnired to commenco �
<br /> . � �; proceedangs against such successor or refuea to extend tim�nca for ff...-�
<br /> payment ar othero�ise modify amortization of the sums secu��d by
<br />_ �� ,�° t�is Deed of Trust by reas4n of anl� demand made }�y the origina�. e�--
<br /> .,,,;,." Txustox and Trustor's auccessor in intexest. __
<br />_ „��y,f�A: �
<br /> . . 1g. �. e i�±a�s Powexs. Without �ffecting the liability __
<br /> � 1;����,� � of' the Trustor or any other parson lfable for ths payment of any
<br /> :�i'�« obligation herein mentioned, and without affeati�ag the lisn or
<br /> charge of tY�is D�ed of Trust upon any portion or zhe FropPrzy sav�: �_
<br />- .. � then or theretofore releaaed as security for tho fu3.1 amwunt of
<br /> -� . all unpaid obligations, 8�neficiary may, from time to tim� and
<br /> � • without notice, (i.) rel�ase any person so 13.able, (ii� extend tY}e
<br />�� � ° maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligations, (iii)
<br />_"`'� �� � r� ' grant oth.er indulgences, (iv) release or reconvey, or causo to bo
<br /> -,�.,p:e,.• . :�., i
<br /> z�leased or reconveyed at any t�me at Benof3.ciary's opt o�,s any
<br />�r�'r,n,,.,,,;: � parcel, portSon or all of Lhe Property, (v) take or rel�ase any
<br />�°°r��'•° -�• :4 o�her or additional security for any obligation hErein mer�tioned, _
<br /> `'`• � � '��'�j or (vi) makQ aompositions ar other arrangements with dobtors in
<br />�,�_�:�::..,,,�
<br />��_=:�°.=-��°°' relation xhereto.
<br />- ---ir:}r,'7�:: -
<br />-`�`�"�T''T"'`�� � 20. Reaor�vevan� b,� Tru�teo. Upon writton requ�:s't o�
<br />-.��;�,��� . .
<br /> -° ''"':'�, Senefici.azy stating that al.l sums 9ecurec� hereby have been paid, ---
<br /> 3:�::R:;.�
<br />�'��:�.���4��`' �nd upon aurreaa�l�r of this Deed of Trust and th� Note to Trustee
<br /> �r<;,,s..
<br /> - '�- r'��'_ .:�� . �or cancellat3on and retention anc3 upon paymen� by Trustor of _
<br /> '""°'"'`�'�; ,,' Trustee's fees, Trustee shall reconvey �o Trustor, or the person ---
<br />�'��.'�:Zr,r . -
<br />-=,-•_�:.-.� �- or persons logally enti�l�d thereto, wi�.h�out warranty, an�
<br /> �;:ii::;V�* par�ion oE �hc Pxaperty then hald hereun�ler. Th� recitals in
<br /> °-'-:�:1;��!;�'os^^,.�'# �, L
<br /> ___,� �,� ..uch reconveyazace of any matters ox fc'iCtA sh�a?.?. k�� ��nclusive �
<br />�,._.2q;r;'����`_ proof of the truthfulness thereaf. � Tho grantee ia any -
<br /> _ ,�::°:�r`;j''"';;:` reconve�ance may be descxibed ag "the p�rson or porsons legally �
<br /> � �� ' '� entitled thereto". � -
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