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/ 1B- ' . '��:.e.?- <br /> -� , � ;� .MWb I �I Jf�,�''s,•sA ... : . <br /> , � ' 1 _�_. <br /> . . _..-----._ _... _ <br /> . -- <br /> . :; � -- -- -- ---- --- _. <br /> .. _�___�_r..�_����,'� �� — <br /> - 93- <br /> 7�U4EfN�R WITH�11�ho impovemeet�now or hmeafler eros�ad a�Ihe pn�perty.and vll eabemrnts,appunenn��, <br /> _- a�d flxtures now ur herenlia��p�pt af�ho pqapnty. All repl�cemome�nd�ddi�fa�Rlwll also ba coverod by this Socurity <br /> Ia�pumeM. All of ihe fangoin�iR rofem@d to in Ihia Secudry inWn�ment aw�he"Pnoperty" <br /> BWtROWBR(.'OVBNANT3 tfw Horrower la I�wtully cei�od of Ihe eslnte hercby conveycd and Iws the�i�ht to grant <br /> �.. u�d convcy�he Pmpaly and Ih�►t Ih�Itapeny is u�tencutpberod.exoe�t far encumb�es of rccord. Bamuwcr warranb and <br /> _ - - will dei'aW�aeer�lly the Ulto lo thc+f�ope+ty�g�inst�11 cl�imr and dam�nds.subject to any�b�s af record. _ <br /> '� � ____� THIS SECURRY INS'fRUMENT combines unifiKm rnvenonts for ea�ionel use And nai-unifo�an covenanu wilh _._ <br /> �r - -- -- limited vari�tlon�by juricdictfan to cawitute a unifurm secudry�atrumeM covedng rcal propeny. <br /> � UNIFORM QOVHNAIVI'S. Bortower�nd I.ender covctu�nt and agree as fdbwa: <br /> .� 1. P�'aieot of PriacipN and Mt�i PreW7a�eat and 4Ate Cbu�s. Bortowcr sholl prompllY pstY whea due the <br /> _='�r_ princi af�wtd iarenst on tho dcM evideoced by tlx Note and anY Ptep�yment rud i�te chargc9 due under the Notc. _ <br />�,�:;s;Q,� �F�ds f«r'1l��es wnd In�ur�ace. Subject ta applicable law or to a wrinen waiver by Lcnder.Borrower shal l pay to <br />_ _ _ -�� Lender oa tGe dlay aaotNy Q�yments u+e duc under�he Note,until�Uc Nae is pc�id in ibll,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly <br /> ;�'� wxes ard�ssessments wliicC�ma�r aetwin pdority over this Securiey fnswment as a lien on the Prvperty:ib)Yearly IeauA�oW P <br /> ---.: I� �ar gnouod mus aa tUe Ptopeny, ii any: lc1 YeadF A�.wd or property insurmre premiwns: (d)Yearly flood � <br /> ""'�--'-��-• p�emivats.ii'�ny:(e)Y�Y ��a8e insurance prcmiwas, if aoy: and ifl any sums payable by Borrowcr to <br /> .-:`'���� . r acco�d�ti wilh �he provisii►ns of pazagraph lieu of 1Ae pvyment of matgage insurance premiums. 'IMse _ <br /> items a�r ealled"Escrow Nems." l.etder any time.colket aod hold Fundc in an amount not ta ex�ceed the maxlmura <br /> _ '= - arnoacq a lender for a federdly rebued mottgage loan may roqui�r for �awerSs escrow account under 1he federxil Real <br /> `-"?` ' 'I � Estate Seulement Ptncedures Mi of 1974 as art�ended from time to time. !'_'LT.S.C.$2601 et se�.("RE9PA").unless aaatQ�et - <br /> Y� law thst applles a�Ne f+mds sets a lesser arnoum. li so.l.ender rnaay,ai am�tirne,cdlect aaua hold Punda ln un amaunt aa�ao =- <br /> _ exe�wi Ihe+ kcc.r art�am� I,rnder m�y eaimate the ema�.�nt t�f�nd� •.NM nn the l�acra �i r�N1�nf dNtR a�wl re�+conn�?+!c _, _ <br />- estimates of e: iWres of tuwre Es�mw Items or atherwise in acc�ar�da�ce u��h a Ucable luw. • '�"'== <br /> ; �., .•�..,.. P� PP ,��,M <br /> _.�!�'.�• � The Funds aha➢0 be held in an institution whose depnsil.c sue iesuced by a fedeeal n�ency,instrumentality,or eqtary <br />,_i{„• ,�"�'. lincluding Lender.i6 Lc�tler is such s�n institut�on)or in any Feckrn�t�c�rne�.oan Bank. l,cnder shall apply tt�e Funds ro�pny �:,',c�. <br /> -��`'= '' the Escrow Ite v, d.ender may �wt charge Borrower tor holding und applying 1he Fund.,annually analyzing the c�ser•c+w _.`�. <br /> - _ri4��:�: .. <br /> .,,:° <<.:'-:,.., accauK,or ved,ing the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays HWrrower intercsl on the�unds and applicable law p�eruniu -- <br /> _ ";�' � l.ender to make auoh o charge. Howcver.Lender muy require Borrower to pn}•a aie-time charge for an independem teal `=W <br /> „ .,�'�� eswte tax�pating service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,un9ess applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an �=� <br /> � '; ::.• . <br /> �_-_;.:� °- ;i,';Tt,'�.'• • � agreem�ent is nwde or applicable law roquires interest to be paid,I.ender s4iu0d�aai be Rquired to pay BorroK•er any intete� or �,i <br /> �:�;;"ct�• •��,.� '`" eaminL s m�he Funds. Homower and Lender may agree in wrilfag,however,t'hal inlerest shall be paid on the FLnds. O.enc3a —_ <br />':.�:,� . , sholl gdve to Bomowe�.without charge,an annual accounting of�he Famc�s,s+howing credit�c and debits to thc I�nds und ehe _ <br />-� -;, •;�;"�trt�„ pu�p(o��se�for which each debit lo tha FYnds was mude. The E�nds ate pledged as addilianaU xcurily for all sums securai by <br /> -.li_ S�i{�.A4 �: ��R ICI:V��1A.S��Mn�. . <br /> „� �1'.�r .���� �`�'� If the Funds�F+�aA by Lender eaceed the amounts permitted to be held hy appDieu�lc I�w, l.ender shall account to ' <br /> ., ,. � < <y'.�;� Borrower fur Ihe excess 6�nda in accordance wi�h Ihe rcquirements of applicable law. If t�e�unount of the FLndv held by __ <br />_ , ;�,;,ef,�?,Yt�'� Lender at any time is na swi6ic�iem topuy the Escrow Items when due,�ender may sa r.otify Hamower in writing, and, in ,�,m� <br /> ;3 �''9���'�< � such case Borrower shA�a pay�� Lender 1he amount necessnry ta make up the deficiency. Barower cM11 make up c/he - <br /> ���; �,:.:::, ---�-- <br />__ deficiency in no mqre lhan nvelve mnnthly payments,ut L.ender's sole discretion. .i�:o.,. <br /> - - �' Upon payment in full of all sums sccured by this Security lnsuument.Lender shsll promptly re2urs��± t�&+n�wer any "` <br /> ;:.•�: ; ,;•'�' <br /> ., .,�;,:..� �r��Y F�nds held by I.erntkr. If,under pa�graph 21,Lender shAll acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prioQ t�ihe acquisidon or �;"� <br />-- •, •,,,� °;°� sale of Ihe Property.�hall apply any Funda held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sak as a credit against the eurns <br />,"� ;� ., .�'���J:2 � secure�l bp ehis Securiry Insuumrnt. '=- <br />;� �, .r�•. .,,��.; �. a►pplieaHoa o�P�yments. Unless upplicable IAw pf�ovidss othetwise, all payrn�nis received by Lender wder r"'�- <br />_—�,�..� ,, �;�"'���;,��`, paragraphs 1 sin�'+fiWl be applied: first,to any ptepaymena charges due und�r the Note:second,to amounts payaMe under ���- <br /> �f:'�' .^•"•� 2;thirA,a�n 6nteneszt due; nnci �!due;and lust.t�anc Cate�chut es due under the Note. <br /> '+k_�'?%• ^ t�.� P�B�Ph P F� 8 �' _ <br /> �"���'�' t "� 4. C I,ie�. Borrower shnll al�taxes, ax�essrnents, cha�ze+. nes and im sitiona attribuwble ro ehe •t1'° <br /> -=:,. �;,,:.,J�j, ,. .. �� w+y � � � •x:�� <br /> ,�'�i��� �" ' Pro whleh ma at�tain riori over this Securi Instturr,ent,and leasehc+l�9 a monts c�r nd rents.if en Bormwer �, <br /> -���::!�: � �:,;� Pen3' 3' P �Y �Y � Y @� Y• �Y�..: <br /> �.•t?'"- s'4�r';�t�,� � shall pay th�se obliga�ions in the manner provided in psuagraph 2,or if nat�raid in thrt manner.Borrower shall pay than on �.�. <br /> � '�'` t' ��. �4�t�` � tLt�e dimtly to the person owed�acznent. Dorrower shall prom�e0y fumish to Lender al0 rt�atices of umounts to be paid under �--- <br /> . ;� ,� �•�. � P�S�Ph• PaY Y I�P Y P� 8 <br /> , .; �.,+ , d lhis If Bacrower makes these menls directl .Borrower shall d fumdsf�to l.ender recei s evidenci n Y <br /> '��� the nts. <br /> '�J,�'� l;��f�� ;�;r4.;�;,,;�s� Bo�rrower sha49 promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unles�Borrower:(u1 agnees _ <br /> �; � s f�,�Yj�;' .' in writing to the pnyment of Uie obligwion se�urcJ by Ihe lie�in a msmner ucccptable lo l.ender,(b)conte�ts in good fai�h t1�e �5 <br /> '"� t" � lY tf"I• . lieo .or defen�cls a ainst enforcemenl of the lien in,le al oceedin s which in the Lencl�r c mion o �ate to revem the �,,,�- <br /> ,f�1'f'�_ �►!+ 8 8 P� B oP� Pe P <br />;:,,:„;��% � e�, i•� enforcz+reent af the lien;or(�)secures from�he holder of the liYn an e reement wtisfactor+:to Lrnder tiubordinatin t1ie li:n <br /> f;�,'�::4 � 8 �'.` <br />��"'a��� `��' `� � ��'� to this Secudry Insdumenl. If Lender determines thal uny part oi the Properiy is subJ�rt to a lien which rtwy�t1Ain priority �'=" <br /> G�-� <br /> _ �7� ' ��.° ove�thia Securiry•lustrument.Lender muy give Borrower u nolice idenlifyin�thc lien. Borrower shall salisfy 1he lien aiaJce �.d- <br /> ,. ane or more of tfie actions set forth above wilhin 10 days of the giving of mt�ire. ,.:_! <br /> "' �' �'� '���''��' r.. S. Hazard or Property l�sur�nce. Borrower shull keep the improv2mcr�t�r+c�va ert6+ting ar hereafter erccted on the �..• <br /> '' ,:� �q.� � <br />`'� ,, �..��. �::.;•�d � Pno�retry insured iunst loss b fim.dazards included wi�hin the term"exteacdec�c�*�er;e•e" and an oU�er ha7ards.includin ;^.. <br /> � r i,.'.�. -. ....I1,ry,... , � � Y g Y B ,;.; <br /> ,_.,. ��y_ floods vr floodiog, for which Lender requires insurance. 'I'�u, imunu+re sOeaG[�e rr�arseai�d in the amounts and fa tlie �„-. <br /> '-T .�:�:t��� - <br /> � 'I��., <br /> T t��. <br /> �i. :T i � FortoJ07� 9J8Y 1/wRr:ofh�wgeil ���.•_ <br /> . , `�;i- , ilR-'- <br /> .t. �_ <br />. . 'i.v � � • . , '; �'; . <br /> . ��•� <br /> ,t, . '1 � �►1f`'ei�IM�A1'4'IAG/{Y�.I�wT.�1�./��.n .T`FNJf�1.U..iL1+'�4..+l,{-:'l.:'�vf..•��• __ h'R'.'. <br /> ,� <br /> . <br /> . e <br /> � L . . . Y <br /> ��. . r��.. T , }_.. V . � �.- � - • _ � . - r'.. . .� �3`c.. <br /> � <br /> .. , <br /> t� . . . • . <br /> .. <br /> . ) � <br /> F.�J�`_�_ '_ _ _�L:.7W'_ "�" �= "'- _ • . . ' ' .. ' . . . . . — ' _ ... "� : .-,'.J�._"':',, ,^l_��I`Il� - _. <br /> _ "'' <br /> T � '�`� , . ° e+ — �� ' . - - • 1�'_ " <br /> �... . r •' ., <br />.. ' �`1'� .. .. .. • . . • <br />. 1 �. _ . . V �c .. ' .. - ;• . , . . -' � <br /> • , � '�. .. .. � . .� . . <br /> . r I � .N • ' , � , ��.1 .� � ' + � ' <br /> tl- �� • _ '`' �'�' . � • . �<��11,: � <br />. .t:• •- y�� ' . . _ ' � �� . <br />. .� . '- . f.-i� � _ � ' . ' ,1.�� . � <br />• � 1 _, ,�{ _' ,'. ' . . . - ... <br /> M, #��°:, . . ' ......, . ' . . <br /> : , ....,.; � . � <br /> .,, . <br /> � � ��� , . . . . <br /> . .,., . <br /> . <br />