�i , ;�;,.
<br /> .,h .
<br /> .. .
<br /> u . . . , . _.....
<br /> �_..��-__.�__—•----._.----._..._.._..__. . .. . . ... . .
<br /> � � (o) AII cpp:teabto�u��o ond raguW;tlana,inoluding,wBhout Iimitatlon,tho Amorlcans vlhh Dh;abllltles Acl,42�hue•o�y todQ at,stet oQmunlcipal .
<br /> rogulntlona promulgatcd thcraundor)and all zonln�onend�ll�tnd ahell b ob�tvaldnand Iwrt�1 od vl hr in ea I/rrr�torlal rospf�cto.and all dghts,ltoonr�s. � � ,
<br /> authodiy with Jud�ellon ovar�ho Proporty.Pru h dtil oxoopllona for noncanfomdng usos,and flnai Inopnetlon �
<br /> �trtits,nnd ooh�(toatoo of awPy+�Y(Inauding but not Iimited to zoning varlaneos,�P� ot iho Pro :�ontl arp and shall b3 obtalnod.
<br /> ' approyalo),whothor icrt�orery or p�m�aeam,vfiich aro matodni to tho uso end oceuP��Y P°rn��° y �
<br /> , proscrvod nnd,whoro nowaoery�ntnav�od; .
<br /> � � (d) Q�mor hna tho rlght and ia duly autho►Izod to oxooulo and pertortn rto Ob�lgauona undor ihis Dou�l ot T�ust nnd Iheao acilons do not and sheli nol
<br /> ' eoniilet with tho pro�iatona ot uny ctatuto,rogulation,ordin�noo.ru�o at Iav�,oontraet or othor c�grao►mnt whieh rtny b�binding on Qrantor et any timo:
<br /> � (o) No actlon a proneodinp la or ohali bo ponding or ihreatanod whid�ml0ht rtn�°�la�h a�tho Proporty,and �uant to thin Ocod of
<br /> . � itio o go�om g H�azardou�s Matcrlals)whkt amlghtymsiorl:!N nNac4�h°�°P�m'°N�'°nd�rn dpht o�r Imoro t�lnh ooP cnpo�pu in8,�not Ilmited to, �
<br /> • TN�1. ot tho PropoAy oxcopt ae aot fonh
<br /> � S. PRIOR 06ED8 Q�F YffiUST. C3ramor rcprosoma nnd wartanls tt►at thflro oro no pclor docds ot truat atfcetine any parl or daodn of trunt thnn
<br /> �••<�� ��� • en g�ttodulo B attactxM to th!s Qcod ot TNSt,which ti►Qntor c�gr000 to p3y end podorm In a tlmoty mvme►• �I thoru aro any P►�
<br /> Qtamot e g r oos to ptiy dl urrouMs ow��o P'�orthn a�e�9a�t a u i t u�n d o r�hl o O oud ot Truotdand��hNl ontidtlo Lun�dar to�n11 dghte and rom.�loa�ntnnnod
<br /> e�aa that a d�fnutt undot any pdor t r u
<br /> haroin or in Iho Ob1�g�tions to vfiloh t onelor would bo c�lttad In tho ovam of any olh�t da}null.
<br /> �. TpAN8F6pE3 OF'(HE PROPEii�ril oA flEA1EFIC1At,R�TGtiG8T8!!J QRANTAAti QR aCflROAERt1. In Iho ovont of u nato wrnoynnoo,toa¢o
<br /> , ooniracl tot deod ot trunatot to nny�ro °r or Grnntorlo�rtot a natuml p�prion ci�ra�o�t�n 16 n aorporo lon,lmit d Ilnbiiliy9co tmP:u�Y.}P�rtnah�p,in�at�ar � �;.
<br /> n
<br /> . Intarobt In Borrowor or arnntor(If B � �tlor�a ua aurucd lmoroat Ihcroan Imnodlnto(y duo nnd
<br /> olhnr Iepat omityj,Lcnda�rtti�y,at Ita oysiton d�dcua tho outatrr►ding prinolps�bs�nnoo oi tho Ob:.(�- P�
<br /> � payeb!a. At Lan�af atoaand ihoro�an o 8iholrroapaetivo o�w►rsrsh P n�ioios�e�m�8h o conp�oto atatomom coning tonh oll ot ba otockholdora,mor+�horo.or
<br /> partnero,ne app►cPrt ,
<br /> i pc Inotuding
<br /> 6. 1a81tiN1NENT OF RENTB. In aonald�mtton of tho Obltgatlone,v�hloh aro a¢curad by thlo Oocd ot TNat,arr�r►tor absolutoty acalgna to Londcr c�l � ,�
<br /> nn ot orN nro
<br /> • Qmnto��eatate.�i��l,tltto.Intnreat,�atm��nt�r u���d o�x�up�ncY ot ihu Pro�porty �tM niic�h Ioanus�and ngrBO�mon a wh3lhar wdtt M
<br /> ... .. .. oztonatona�rcmiwiva nnd�u�aacoa:, egr '�.
<br /> ., � wlle�c�t�ond re�o�eNo uii ot iho re taE IrEia�or�a o�o����rs�vonuoa lasuei.pofite�attnd othuaa noorno of any$�nn�rohnoar or ho nfl�+o M��nB I°n���0°�ot ...
<br /> „} Induding mtnlrrum ronte,nd�t onni romc, .,Y
<br /> � ',� nny naturo oor�ng duo�uring any rcdomptlon por�od�undor tho I.oaaoa or hom or nrlsing aut ot tho Propn ney
<br /> ,:�; �}, pc:rooMa�go ro�s,Parld�8 or oomrtan ama rtdn;xnanoo�laont����ur�un�t novarin0 tosr�o o ra ts�cuhing hom untonantnblll�ty ccuacd�otructlon o�
<br /> � dofau lt In My L aa a u,e l l p r o o n a d a p a Y r�h l o u n d a a n Y p o o Y r i i l ocooda�ferivad hom tho
<br /> bl
<br /> �' d�m�.go to tho PropoAy.ait pr0000da PaYab�o as a rosutt ot s loasoo's exordso o f an o p t fon t o p u r o h a e o t h o P%d�ialrt�of any Wnd v►?►loh Qmntor _
<br /> ,,',�';r tort�nat�on or roJocU�n of eny Laaso in a baniwDtcY or othor in o of tho Pro p�orty(e1�o h���09°o n� I��woiy rotorrod to as tho'Ro►rta'). Thla '���
<br /> ,' may havo�nsl a�ny lo�aco undor tho Loases or ony 000up�m �ii;:
<br /> � , . , � as s lgnmom T a s u b J r�u to t ho d g h L p o w o r a n d a u t h o d ry g i v o n t o t h o L o n d c�r to oolloet and a�a iy tho Rorrts. This c�sslgnment la r000rded in a000rdanoo wlth ; '1
<br /> _ �.. ��ovII�py 8appll�c a b lons�ato Iaw s a r w n d c d(rom t mo tostim3�As Ion�gasphoro�iapno dofault undor t ho u Igationa�o t h a D�ood of Trust�Londor�granto 4��.::.
<br /> �,� } �irarrtor a rovaa�ble Ilooncn to wlioct+�i!Rc�s trom tho Loases w,hoo d uo and to uso suoh Pm000ds in d r e n to►'s b u a i n osa opo�atione, Howovor,Londor -
<br /> may at any tirro regulro tiranror to doposit ali RoMS into an eocount maintalnod by Glramor or Lander st Landers Inatltutlon. lJpon dotault tn tho paymont ;_`,=�
<br /> ��,k';•<� of.or in tho poAom�ana�of,any of tho Obligattons,Londor may at Ita opti`on�����to�collcni a�nd rooc��all R r�ts t�rOm�e�pc°P��ar�n1 Londor �R_
<br /> z •: Proporhr on tom�s end for a poriu!of timo that Lond�r dooms propo y r Lc�nder ma appty a0 Ronta In
<br /> �ennrs to�fie ProOenY es lAnder may doem proPo• ta and An �=� �
<br /> ,t 6heU hflvo htll poWar to rteko aiiore�iici�s.ia�at.a�kxts�t�sit=as t°�!�' �n-- -
<br /> • Londu�s soto discretlon to paymoM af tho ObllgaUona or to tho pnym�nt�lealh snd he man�g�ertx�rrt ond op�atiton of thQ Pr poM. I.�ondor may kQepthu fr
<br /> •' �- oxponnas Inot d o m t o t a Mng e n d r o t a i n ing p o s s u s a l o n ot tho Pro p o ri y p o ly � a�o. m o e x p onso and oost of thc�su �.�::, ..
<br /> ��•":,s,.�}• P ro P o rt Y P ro P Q�Y l nsurod end ma y dischargo any toxos.ohargas.daims,assessmerrts and other�l o n a w h l o h Y _
<br /> ,�;�`�r•,'..:j� Eqlons may�.p���ihe�Rfeho Obi(ga U na sawred by�this pocd of T�ust�A��o t h e p r i n d p a i o f ttro Obli g a tbns. Theso amourAo,togother with -
<br /> �.,;,,�,,.+
<br /> otharcosta, eu P� �;°"
<br /> `i.Y�,;: 0. USFi AND lIAAINTENANC�OF PROPE6iTV. arenta shail tako atl aetions end make any r aeirs needod to malmeln the Pro Po����lar�co with �_-__
<br /> arantor shall not oormit or portMt any wastc�to 6c,oomdtlod with rospact to tho Proporty. f#ranlor shall uso the ProporlY��n��,s prlor wrltten
<br /> :� . eppicablo law and Insurarteo po0doo. aantor ehali not maFce any aiterations,addltlons or Improvomes�l����,o tho(bono8dal IMoroat balonging �r:;..;
<br /> . `� ,� oonaerrt. Wfthoul timiting iho foropolrtg,ali alterations,eddtlons and Improvomonta r►�de to ihe PropuAy �f:,l,:
<br /> �� ,�}Z'� '�� r shell not bu remevod wlthout Londora prior weinen ooneont,and shali bo made at CiraMor'a sole exponse. �",��
<br /> r�:.,,�,,a.,�, to Londo,
<br /> �� 7, L093 OR(JRAAACiE.Qrantor shatl bcar iho ontire risk of any Ioss,thoN,dostnutfon a dartie8e(amu�a«°�y��ose at DamaBo')to lho Proporty or any �, =���
<br /> .. ;;��`''�� � poAton thoraof from any eauso whatsoc�ver. in the evom of arry Losn or Damag�.Qrantor c�h311.at the opllon of Lender.ropair tho aHacted Proporty ta iia W,-
<br /> so
<br /> _ provlous oondition or pay or eauso to be pald to Leneler tho doeraaso In tho tetr rtruknt vaiuo of tho aHoctod Propurry• ��:
<br />`,� ." �'. & INOU8ANC6 Tho Proporty wili ba kept in3urod for Ita fui�Usurablo vatuo(roplaoe3monl eost)agNnat all heretds Induding locs or damago eaused by �_ -
<br />'�� flood,eoAhquako,tomado and Om.thofl or othor easuairy to tho oxtom raquira!by Lendor. t3mnlor may obteln insuranoo on thu ProportY trom aucb y`_
<br /> � :;,�c:e;.��� ��� aa aro aceopiab!o to Londor in its sWe discrotion. fiu Insuranoe polidea ehaY raquko the Insurenoa campanY to Pr°dd°�°ndar wNR at loast
<br /> . ,'� �. 3� days'wrtnon notleo botore eueh poildes aro eltorod or canoellod In eny mannar. Tho Ineurence Pelidoa shall nnmo Lon�r1�nc;� ',--
<br /> ,k"•<r� �.
<br /> � �, ,i�}�:� uo cin pro that no aq or amiuslon ot arantor or any ottwrperson ahati a(to:t tho rlgM d Lundor to bo pald the Insuranoo Pr0000d p� �f1 C,R.--.
<br /> n ot iho Proporty, in tfiv ovont Qrentor faila to c�cquiro or m3lnts[n Insurarae,Landor(uftor provlding notia�aa may bo roqufrod�y Baw)maY
<br /> oss or da�gu � abla and boaring lR'k7f881 E19 �_''-
<br /> ., , � in its disaotian prawronpp»priate Insuranos eovura�o upon the Propo��and the tncurnnce eost eha�i ba en advcjnoo puY �
<br /> dv n
<br /> .. dor�oribod In tho 'REIMBURgEMENT OF AMO�vo T3 �n�r�m y sa es mto�moyI�n taet►o Qrantor�in r aid Byendraottling dal�mu durinaurraii�ce �.,�
<br /> ovidonoo of Insuranog indicattng thv requlrod ruSo Insuror. Ail suoh Inauranoop�lotoa shall ba �,,, ,
<br /> poIidoa.eanoo@ng eny policy or ondorsing arantore narre on eny dratt or negotiabio inatrumoM dn►wn bY e^Y ta d!�to Londor tr�lnnrf ot to
<br /> `r;' �. imrtqdlatoiy aasigned.piodged end dalNorod to Londor as turthor security for the Ol,iiigatlona. in tho ovom of toaa,Q►a►►te►ohoU imrnodl oty ffiivD 4snebr �r.�
<br /> .�.i4,y �,..
<br /> ;�.�::;�V��� � wdtton notfoo and Lsndor la auihodzad to maka p►oof ot losa. Eaoh insurance co�lo diresctad to make paY►nun •�-�
<br /> ,..�,.,,...,,r:.. � -
<br /> :;.',�' (�w�tk;�rmd Citantor. t.cndnr ehNl havo the►Ight.rn Mn cole�paion,to eppiy uuch mm os towaM tAo Obligatlons or toward o coat ot robui:�ing and -
<br /> �•. restodng tha Proporry. My emouMa may et Lendefs optlon bo nppliod in tho Inwreo ordor of tho due dates fhereol. G:y,
<br /> ' �.,:i�;4;, '�,�'� -':
<br /> .,�., .?„ 9. ZONW3 AND PRIVATE COVENAMB. arenta shaN not Initinto or oonsom to any chenBe In ihes��on�nt�omilr 8 uom unnd°►�enY°^ing�p ovlolon, �i�; :
<br /> uso oi iho Proporry wfthout LsndePs ptior wrNten oons�M• �t are►rto�a�co o�tho Property b000me
<br /> � ;:�.,.:� ;;.�'
<br /> � �'� ;�<;` � a►antor shali not cauoo or perrdt such uso to be disoontinuod or ebandoncd wfthout tho plor wdtton consont of Lendor. Oramo�wlil lmn►�dlatoly provldo
<br /> '� � '�'�t . Londor v�itb wdtton notiao of any pro�+osud ehan9oa to tho zon;ng provislons er Prlvat�aovonoms alloeting tho Proporty .
<br /> :;:,:�,�;,;:,;:u�• . -
<br /> .. � 10. C�N�DC•MNA718 o ttw P oPo►�Y. AM�og�Raye�►o to Qr�OCa�mor from auch oondom�iatlo o�tal6ng aro hs►roby aos�rxl t Lond�or and sholl be appllcd i�"
<br /> lo tho paymont ot LondePs enomoys'faos,�opr�l oxponsoa end othor oosts(In�umng appraise�toos)in wnnoetion v�ith tho eondartnntion or omrum?
<br /> dotroin proocedings end then,at tho opUon of Londer,to tho paymom of tho Obltgatlons or tho rostoratbn or ropalr of tho Proporry•
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> L .1'.
<br /> .'�,�i,:.� ���
<br />.�. �1�1!::7:`•� ij'. .
<br /> . �':.
<br /> '� �:
<br /> . NEOOTB Rav.1?JB7 Pcpa�d8
<br /> " �
<br />