� �
<br /> . . .
<br /> . '
<br /> � ,. � • �
<br /> (c� qU appRcab'.o Isv�9 und regula!lona,Induding,�ylthoin Ilmltotfan,thd Aerr.ika�tiaith Dloabllltloa Aq,A�U.S.C.Suctlon t2101 ot aoq• (and ul� "i
<br /> ru�almlans pramutgatod tttsroundar)urtd aD xo�lt�nity nmi�r.o�!ehal kw ab�on�ad�md�con'011ad wl hr n�I rr�tcrlal roapcetn,ond nll�d�ta.luaoncon �
<br /> nulhofity erlih�udcd,atlon ovcr tho Proprrry.p
<br /> • p�rmtla,tud�Aho�too of 000u���rm�norrtnwhlohnero�trto dW lp�ihrouna�axL�pvic y o�pho�Ptoµarly�moeem►y nro�nnd ohn nb Iob�olnad, 1� „
<br /> c,�provnie),vA►a � ry �
<br /> proccrvcd nnd,eAtcro nacoaanry rcncv�cd; � „
<br /> (� Grnntat haa iho dpht nnd la duly c�nhonxcd to ur.acuUt nnd Qar4arm Ila OB�'q�13an und�r ihla Ocod ol T�uat and thnno acifone do not and ehnll nut
<br /> oonflict r�ith th�provinior►o ol uny otntuto,rcguimisrn,orQinnnco,rulo of�nri,carNns�aothur ngtcorront whlah rtay b�andinp on Cirnntor m any tinn:
<br /> (o� No netlon ar ptooaoding le or ahall bn pondin�or thrcutonod r�hfch ml�t rmlor��of i��h���QF�o�'othor R(}roornom pnaludin�,but nat Ilmltod to �
<br /> (q Qrnntor hue not v�otntad and ohnli not vlolu!o any atatulo,maulntien,wd!nan4n. muanl to thln Oocn!o� � '
<br /> iho�v Qovominp Hozardoua MatodNo)whlcli�Nqht matodalfy atinm tho Pro�,:A���r 4ondar'o�i�ta or In�omct in tho Proporty pu
<br /> Tniat. "
<br /> 9. PRtOR OEEat3 OF TRUST.4rantor rop�oa�ntu and r�ur►nntn thut thoro nro ra priad3ode ot truot ulUdlnp ony parl of iho Proporiy oxcept ao sot tonh
<br /> an Sohodulo B attcehod to this Daod af Truat,v�rAch Cimntar ugr000 to�p�y �p��a�odato�INat�nnd iho Indobtodnon soarod t�hco oby endalurthor
<br /> aramor agraoa to pay M nr�w►ma owod.nnd po�imm all cMlgutiona ro�u.rod
<br /> � s�aou that a dotnuR undot any_prto►d�od of iruct aNnil ho a datnuit undat thla qaod d Truot nnd ahnll ontlllo tAndor to uR rlghto end romadiou eontalmd n
<br /> homin or tn tho Qbllgat�ono to whtch Lortdar vioutd 6a omBlnd In tho ovont oi any o9�er d�lault.
<br /> 4. TpAygFERS pF 7H�PROPE8IY QA 9Cci�flEFlCiA6 IIdTEREB�It�tlii d���d in 3Bho��o A�ot eny intor a thoroln or ci all or any bonofldal .
<br /> oo�ract tor dood or tranatar toer►y poraon ot cut or urry pen et tho roal °par9�' y nersMp,truat,or �
<br /> Imoro�t In Borro�or or Qrer►tor(U Borrowor a C�rrmntor lo not n neNr�,,,�reon aa p�rnom ba+t Ia a oorporatlon,Omllad Ilnblllt oompany.Part •
<br /> . other�6�Ai L on d n tsn r q i i fl�s l a�a m o r a r�B o rt o w .°i �a�a t h 4 c�t��y""'d��l Iu�aao�!oto�atntcrtant cottl�ng tonh eU of Ita at�o�l3toido .m81mombor6 0�► :� d
<br /> . part�ncxs,as t�p►optlato,ar�d ths oxlom of thatr rospoctivo owrtorship interosta. .
<br /> . Qr rtoss�os ato dg�ht�n�t��o►vct�eSaimpand dumand n�avn�avnod�or�hs$c+uAot aoqut oyd�in�all oxdia ing nnd tuturo loubsos d iho P onp8e rty pnndd�o� 81
<br /> ' oztena'ons,rcnmWe�a and sublaaswu.alt agmmncnta far uco end oauparicyy of t4� �rop�rly(+ili such�oa000 ru�d ngraomoma wtrothor writlon or orel,aro .
<br /> huroa�or rafortod ro as tho'Loases�.a►�d aftguarrirtpaa Q��BgseeB�R°��n�0�^�tho uiar��a,tognihor�vllh tho Imr�edlato and oontinuing dght to
<br /> - ��r�iat�urde�rtdng duo�dng a�iiy ro ompN�P�a�undoi ho�loasa�s�a imm o�r a�ing oui of t�o Ptrops rt�y indu�d ng min mumlrrom�s,�addition��s' ". .. .
<br /> ' porYoo�rtego ro�s,parkn8 at ccmm°rt arr�a maimonanco co+itdbu►lona,auc And In�uazsoo aonMbutlona,dutldoncy rcnto,Ilquidatc3d�QS(oliowing
<br /> � dofauh In eny Loaeo.ep Procee�t$PBYaMu undar any polloy ol inauranoo w..vmbim Wss ot rants roaulting fram untensnta�!Aty e°u�^_d by atruetton or -
<br /> dartaga to tlto Prop�my,a!I p►oeeedo Payn6ln ao a ronuit of a Ioscc�o's oxordw ra1 en optlon to purohaoo ttto F+ropony,all proceeds dcrNad hom tt►e �„ , _
<br /> t o m d n a t l o n o r r a p c A o n o f en Y Leaso Irt a bankrt�p�cy or mher InooNortry p r o modng. r�d aU�°udo hom a�ry d�to tu�d ctekro d e�►Y bnd whid�tirantor • �•�;
<br /> pEmy
<br /> may havoa�ainat sny loar,o�i undE�the Leaooa m�;��y oocupan to o t t h e P�op�r t y(�1 1 0��0�Y�e t o h o ro n l l o r a o l l e e t N o i y r u l o r r c�d to en tho'Rortto 7. This
<br /> assl me;nls subjaci to tha d{�ht,powsr end nuthorny glvon to tho Lo�dor i o oo:bct and tho Rcmo. fiin oaulgnmont ia r000rdud in aaordanoo with
<br /> a p p l�p b l o s t a t e I n w;i h o I l o n t t o a tod b y fh18 etoc�g nrtrom lo Ithondod to bo ep9allb. ��d dw8to uptin tho r000rcling of lhia Qoad of Tru�t,atl as
<br />_ 1� ptovidod by appllcabto atatcto�lle�nfl Ror� }rom h�to t�a whun�uo nnd a uso ssdich procooda In a r a m f i ot'a 6uslnoao o��atlona NHowov e,rLen�der �,
<br /> � Qrentor a revocabto I►oenra
<br /> ' ••t,,,: may W eny time roquiro�rantor ta daposit ail Roma Itrto an eaoou M rt�i r�t a i n o d l ry t L e n t o r o r W n d o t a t L o n d o r o i n a l l N U o n. p o n d o t a u i t in tho p a y rt�e m ,
<br /> of,a in the portompnoo ot.any of�he Obltgutiann,Londsr may m its optlon tako po�uwlo d lolwl►oct e�i�d ror��lro atl Ro�rtto on��ProPo h 1(�_�Lender
<br /> . ;.�;1,,t{� t Prope r ry an tomts sr�d f o r e p s d o d o f t i m n l h a t l e n d ar deomn p r a p er. landorm�y ry000a . ..
<br /> ��::•._'_ �d,a l t hme t u U pawor to rt�1 w a l t o r m►o n a,m n a v m l a n a,r o p a l ro o r m p t a c o m m t o t o t h r�P ro y��ty a s s Londor m a y daom�o p or. L on d or may a p R r a l l R e►rt s�n ,;;Y,:
<br /> �'� ."�'- Lendofa 6oio dsaot}on to paymom oY tde c�oGBauono or io i�o poy��ot 2SES��ot :.u d s sltese'lene.r�n°ym�ona,ro p a i ro a n d n�daeo m o M s o n d a n y
<br /> � • • expanses tnddsm to ta�6ng and retalning pas�os s lan o t t ho Pro p o n y p e r 1odGa1 J�and I�rt►3negomem and op�ration of tho Property. Lendor may Kee p me .-�i�='
<br /> Propony propedy insured and m�y fiszhaRte sny taxos,chargea.claims,asuecun9nu and ot har Iiono wh i d i rtmy eoaue. The oxpenso end cost of t h eso _
<br /> • : setlons may bopa1d hom tho Rema rocetvod.and anY unpa3d onnounta ehn4t b3 udd�d to tho prindpal of th�Obllgationa. Thaso�mounte,tagether with ;
<br /> � other ooste,sNali boortn pE►�ot tho ObNgaUono securod Ey this Ooad ot Truct. �
<br /> , � e. U88 AND HlAINTENIWG�OF PRCR&pT1►.atamor shail teko all adla-�s enzi�roko on ropaIro noeded to mairANn 1he PropoAy in good wndhbn.
<br /> Grantor Rhall aot comNt or potmt erty wdote ro be carrnrdtted with reap3ai 10 tho Pro�r ryy C�rantor ohall uso the Propo eolery In oonpUancs wlth
<br /> „ . , nppllaeblo Iuw and Insurenae Reltcbs. C�nlor�slh��.no�ma{to�yi�a�m3nle rn�G►to tho roporty hail be subJoW to tho�ben fldal intotou�t bolonging -
<br /> { oonsom. Wllhout BmtWig the ta�gning.Ni d • '"
<br /> � ` to Londor,ohall not bo mmaved H►ithcut Lbnduro pdar wdtten consont,and shall b�emd�al aranior'a colo oxpenno. �
<br /> irk►M1���y
<br /> i � 7. �dgg pp Dp1Y1qGg 4rnmor ahail beru ihe nmlro dsk ot any Ioaa.ttr�fl,ci�Wivatlon or dumago(curtwlativoly'loao or Demago7 to thA Property or any . T
<br /> poRion thoroof hom nny cauae wt►atsaevnt tn the overrt ot eny Lor+s or Dam3g'i,C�rantor chESlt,m tho o�llon of Londor,ropair tho aHeatod Praperty to Its �y,�
<br /> � � pttyvtcus oottdltlon ap pay or causo to bu paW to Londnr the docreass tn the t�ttr mutcotrniuo of tho eitcctad Property. .,��,w-_
<br /> � 8. INSURANC6 Tho Propuu�ry win ba lu►pt inauod ta itu fuit lnaurr,�:o vatu�Iro _�aornzrrt eom)°9dnat ail herarda Indumnp iosa or dartmgo eeusod by t ���
<br /> C'� "�"'�'<.,
<br /> *:. �p�,�}��,tomado and ryrn,theft or othor casueiyr to the vxtarA roqu IryLondor. CircNtor rmy obtain irr�ururao on tho P►ap�rtfr 1rom suoh ,�_ ..a_._.
<br /> . ti e as aro aooepteb1e to Londu►In Iw aob dicaoUon. Tho Insumnoo pokloo ahnp roqu�ro tho Inauranw oompany to Provido I.ender wrib at loast :�,.�;,_:.
<br /> ��•���::.
<br /> - F �� days'wtitton nmlcn 6otaro ouch polidoa ero eltorod a o�mo�esd h e�n m�nnor. 'R�o inauraneo pollctoa shM t�na Londor aa a Iosa - ^
<br /> �0 naiNn to the ��`''��"-r
<br /> •� an a ttu►►t no�1 or omlaclon cf OrnMor or any otharpc�raon sf�at]aioc.tiro tl of Londor to bt�psild tfie Uxwrertce pracoods Po 8 �..;_;_ -
<br /> t by
<br /> '•.;"�; ` � ys ot dartt�pa ot iho Propmty. In tho evont Qrantor fails to eaqulro or m31Mnta In�uortco.Lander(attar pmvlding aodao aa may bo roqutrod ttnv)may - ._-:-_
<br /> 'cifs.�' In its doero4ton prowro ep�r+mfato Insuranee covo upon tho Pro p o A y �nd th�Yiauronoo aoat ohnll b�an advarw�paYribio and boaring imorest as :��:
<br /> dosaibod in tho'HEIMBUI�S�ME�NS'OF RMOUM�EK P E N D E D B Y L E t�D fiR'alras�aoh and cocumd horaby. arontor chatl tumlah Loador wHh :, ..�-��.
<br />�,� ,. ' ; ovidonoo ot Inwuarsoo Indfaatk�g Iho raqulrod aavarago. londor may ad a�an°sn�dndaci tor aramor in m3ldng and soriting clalms undor inauranoo ;�.r.'�`
<br /> . Ildas.canoalltnB arqr poAcy or endaruinp arantors nomo on�u+y draR a nago�a�o i�ttutmr�t dre�vn by any Insuror.AII sueh Inaurenoo Iiotoo ahall Ao =�
<br /> , , � ` ��Qry assyfg�od,pbda�d end duiM1�arad ta Landor as furH�er secur'�!I for Yro Oblgations. in tho ovam ot loou.arantor altu�A imrmdia�oh►gtve l,oneler - _,'.
<br /> � written notfoa and Londcr io authmlzvd ta meko pmof of loaa. Enoh insuran�o as�►Y la drectad to makopaymoma di�py to Lendor Inatead of to _ - -
<br /> • �'.� Lr,�nda and Grnntar. Landor chatl hm+�thfl dgM,at ita oo1Q opiton.to arr�wch mc+nlos toward tho ObflgMlona a toward tF�e aoat ot�hullding and _ _
<br /> � �,,;.,,, ,. � �tori�g mo property,Any a n w u m s r n ay a t L a n dsru o�Jon ba a p p ltcd la�h9 tnver.�arder of tho d��o dntoo thcreof. .:=�°""
<br /> g, ZONIkO AMD�AIVATf COYGAIAMB'�3. drantor shall not Inlllato or oonaamto my chanaa In tbo zoning provistana or prtrrata�ovcnanta aHecdng the ������
<br /> - •� � uso of tho Ptoporty v+id�out I.endot'e pdor wrlttert exncent. If Qrarrtofo uce+oi�h�Properryb�oomaa a nonoonfomin8 uao undor any zoningproviston, '�'.�°-:::::
<br /> , �....
<br /> ,, tirardor shall not esuso o�p�rmit such usu ta 6o dlcerontUued or abat�don�l+�'S��1ha prlor�vdtton oonoom of l�ndor. Orrmtor�Imrtiodtateiy prov�de : ....-k;
<br /> ;.;�;�, ., ; lionder wflh wrlttan notleo al enY propoeod ehenSes to the zoNnp provir�Ona er prMatoa�vonnmo eBocling tho Pmporry. t .:.
<br /> 10. CONDt�N�tATI�f�t. arantar ehcil�►mmudlmd�Y Drovido LondaT�vph`'v�in°" "�°°°�a�y B�uN or thro�tonod oondoimellon or ortinom tlomaln
<br /> � ' �ng poRaining to tha Frapmty. AIt mcniea payablo to Qrontar hom cu�haondxmation or taking aro horoby oscl�od to londor nnd shuli be appllctd .
<br /> ` to tfs�pnyrm�o�d m�f��p Q�lan of Landar,b paymoM of t�hn���e o tahPo�rootora�tfon ot ropalr o�t t�ho PropoAy. ��Uon or emnotn
<br /> i dOfTnlflpfpppp�lR$ —,- —
<br /> i
<br /> i . ,
<br /> ,i
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