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<br /> 19.'I'rnngf�r oP thc�ro�tcrty ur u OeneQcial Intcrest in Aarruwer. If ull or uny part af thc Property or an�intcrest in it �
<br /> ix�ald iir trnnsfened(or if a beneficiid interest In Barrower ix nold ar trunsferred nnd Borrower is not n nuturnl per�on)without �E-
<br /> �� , l.endcr's prior wrilten cunsent, l.endcr muy, ut ita uptiun, rcquirc immediate pay�nent in full of ull tiums secured by this
<br /> , Sccu�ity instrumcnt.Howcver, thir��tion xhull n�u bc exen;fscd I�y I.cnder if exrrcinc is pruhibite.�i by fedcral luw a:. of the date �-;-
<br /> �+f this Sccurity lnsaumcnt.
<br /> �'..
<br /> � If r.ender cxcrcises tBis aptiaa, l.cnder vhall givc aurra�vcr notice of iicrelerutiun. Thc naticc xdnll pruvide i►pe�lnd��f nat k�;
<br /> less thi►n iU dc►ys from the dute the nntice iti dclivcreil nr muilcd wlthin whict� Borrower must pay ull sums securcd by thiF �}-.-.'
<br /> Sccurlty Insuvmcnt. !f'Borrowcr fi►iIK t��pay the�c dums prior tu ti►c expiriitiun uf this pcdod, l.ender muy inv�ike any remedies �'���
<br /> �mrmitted hy this Security Intitniment�vith��ut further�intfce or demt�nd an Bnrrower. --
<br /> tti. li�rrawer'x �ii�itt to tte{nstate. If Barn��ver mccts certuin conditions, Sorrnwer sl�ull huvre thc ri�ht to huve ��.�
<br /> � .;'� enfi�rc.nunt of thia Securlty I�xtniment dl�;continued ut uny time priur tu the rurlier af: (u1 S dnyh(or such othcr pertod a5 ==_
<br /> appticnble !aw muy specify for reinstnteme�it) betore �nlc�f the Pmperty pur�uunt ta i►ny powcr of snle rontained in thiti
<br /> , -•°;. Securlty lnstrumcnt;or(b)entry of a judamint enfortiring thix Sccurity Instrumcnt.Thnss c�mdltians urc thut Borrawcr:(u)pnyti i�rt�%4
<br /> ��'�� �� l.ender oll sums which then wauld be due u�tder thls Security Inrtrument und the Note uy if nu uccelerntion hud occurred;(b) � _-
<br /> cums uny default of any other covenants or ugreementa: (c) paya ull expenses jncurred in enforeinb thls Security Instcument, � ---
<br /> ' , including,but not Ilmtted to, reuwnable uttc�rneyy fees;�nd (d)tukes such nctlan w I.ender mny �rusanubly require to assun: �',�
<br /> thnt the lien of this SccurIty instrument, l,ender's dghts in the Property and Harrawcr's�bligation to pny the sums secured by ---_
<br /> , 9 this Security Instnrment shall continue unchangal. Upan reinstutement by Borro�ver. this Se;cudty Instrument and the `
<br /> , "` obligatians secured hereby shali remnin fully effective av if no uccelemtian hnd occurred. However. this right to reinatate shall
<br /> � • not upply in the cuse of neceleration under puragrnph 17. --
<br /> , ' 19. Sale oY Note; Chan�e of[.oun Servtcer. The Nate or a purtiul interest ln thc Note (together with thla Security =.~
<br /> °� Instrument)may be sold one ar mare times wichouc prior notic<:ta Hurrower. A snle muy result in u change in d�o entlty(knawn l� ��:rF,
<br /> � as the"Loun Servicer")that colletts manthl� puyments due under the Note und this Secudty Instrument. There also may be ane r�::�.
<br />� �, or mare chunges af the Laan Servicer unrelated ta a scile of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wiU be :..__
<br /> .. - given written notice of the chan�e in acc�rdance with purngrnph I4 ubove und upplicable luw.The nottce will stntQ the name und �_,__
<br /> �'.� uddress of the uew Loan Servicer and the uddress to which payments should be made. The natice will also contain any other _ _
<br /> • s .,� information required by appltcuble law. ^�
<br /> 20. H�rdoas Subs�ces. Borrower shaU not cuuse or permit the pmsence, use. dispowl. stnrag�,or release of uny
<br /> ° Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Horrawer shall not do. nor ullow unyone else to do, atttythin� affectIng ths �_'�
<br />" , Pmperty that is fn violation of any Bnvironmental Law. The prcceding two sentences shall not upply to the presence,use,or
<br />_ , �' storage on the Propecty of smull quantities of Haaardous Substance.s thut are generaUy recognized to be appropriate to norntal °
<br /> residential usfls and to maintenancc of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender wntten naticc of uny investigatton, claim. demand. la�vsuit or uther nction by nny
<br /> .�. � . governmental or regulatory agency or privnte party involving thc Property und any Ha7.�udous Substance or Envjromnental I.aw _
<br /> ' of which Borrower hu.s actual knowled�e,If Borrower Ie,�rns. or is notifted by any IIovernmental or re�ulacory nuthadty.that
<br />+�� " , , • �•� any removal or other remediutia»af any Hazanlous Substnnce affectin�the Properiy is necessnry,Horrower shull gromptly take
<br /> ';, ull necessary remediul actians in accardance with Envimnmenwl Law.
<br /> Ac ur,ed in thia nur.�rrnph 20; "Hninrdouc Subctancec" are tho�e substances defined as toxic or hazurdous substana�s bv , _,
<br /> � � ,ti}��:Y, Envlronmental Law and the fallowing substances: �asollne. kerosene, other tlammnble or toxlc petroleum �roducts. taxic
<br />�,;;,., . Y pestic3des end herbicides.volatlle solvents, meterials contuining asbestas or formaldehyde,und radioacttve matenals. As used in
<br /> ,�,;s, � this parasr�ph 20, "Environmentul Law'means federnl laws and laws of the jurisdjction where the Prope�}+ is locatecl that
<br /> relate to health,safety ar environmental protection.
<br />''":'`• .:� .�"'' " NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrawer and L.ender tiurther covenant and ogree ns follows:
<br /> . • 4
<br />_ ' Zl.Accelerntlon;Remedies.I.ender shaU IIfve notice to Borrower prior to acceleratton following Bormwer's breIICh
<br />:�r-�-��;�,'�` "•�', of any rnvennnt or aqreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to aerelerataon under purngraph IT rnailess
<br /> ��� � •�X���•���8`� pppficnbte taw pmvides otherwfse).The�otice shall epectfy: (a)the defuult;tb)the acUort a�equtred to cure the deYAUOt;
<br /> '�:••���•�:•� •*� (c)n date,not lPS.s than 30 days from the dete the notice is g(ven to Borro�ver,by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> -=..��e;:��.. .' ' (d) that fniture to cure thE defautt on or before the date specified in the notice may result tn uoceleretion o�the sums " -
<br /> ��' � •' secured by this Security Instrument and sale ot the Prolserty. The notice shtil� further infoe�n Borrower of the r1�4t to "-
<br />'���'� �`'•;?'?S+'Jr�, re!nstate ufter ncceleration ond the rtght to Ibring a court actfnn to assert the nun�existence of a defuult or any a�t4�er
<br /> - ='°��°'"�`��� defense of Burrower to accelerutton And sule. It the defautt is not cured an or before the date speclfted in the u�niice.
<br /> ���=-r`���``�i�' Lender, nt i4s option,mny require immedlate payment in tbll oY all sums secured Ay this Securtty It�.strument withaut
<br />- �-.. :�,;:.th,!
<br />_�.;a,:;.�;,rr-�.� t'�rther demnnd und rrst�y invoke the power of snle and any other remedies perm(tted by applicable tHw. I.ender shall be
<br />-';���::�, --°-- entiticd to collect all expenses incurred in parsuing Rhe remedies provlded in this paragraph 21,tncludMg,but not limlted ' -
<br /> -- � ;`'��`4i�� to,reasonuble uttorncyq'fecs nnd cost.s of title cvldence. -
<br />�~i�;���=� � .
<br />_:��:t�'r;,.�` �' IP the �ower of sale Is invoked. Trustee shnll record a r�vtice of default in ench county in whtch any putt a�?tfie ° . —
<br /> _:; �,•. Froperty is l�cated end shnll mail rnptes of such nottce in the n�nnner prescrlbed by upy�iicsble luw to Borrower�td to _
<br />--�'"" ` the other persons prescribed by nppttcable Inw.At�er the time required by applicable law,Trustee shull Qtve publlc nndce -- ..
<br /> -�R,.:���?�. of rsule to the persons und in the manner prescrlbed by applicebte law.TrustPe,without demand on Borrn�ver,shall seQ __
<br /> ?`T"':" ':'.'°"'! the Property�t pnbltc mirtion M the hlgh�ct bidder at the time nnd place and nnder the term.5 dc�tgnated in thc notfce of �
<br />�-=_--��'6 sale in one or more parcels and In c�ny osdcr '1'rustee determin�s.Trvstee muy post{sane sntc of al! or�ey pmece! ot the �---
<br /> -�-''�_"'� � Pro�terty by pubite announcement nt the time und place of any previously r,chedulesl st�le. I.ender ar its d�sipnee may �.
<br />-�'G�t;�J'""�`;� �urchuse the IDroperty at uny sa1e. • ---
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