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_ � � ' :,t�. - _ <br /> _., j�.y• . • . .,f <br /> , '•.A 'n''�� ' — •. I II ' <br /> � . � �r. . _—__�_,_.�_- <br /> .. _���;.��,� q3 ' ��ses��x <br /> „ _ <br /> �� TIXi6fHER WITH all�he improvemenls�aw a hcreafl�erectad on ihc pmpeny.+md all cascmcm,.uppuncn:u�ces. <br /> . �nd(ixtures naw or he�al'ter a pwt oi Ihe�ro}+�rty. All neplacti�menl�.am1 additinn,Rh�ll�Iro be cavened by Ihis Secutity = <br /> -- Inarument. All of�he fixegdng ia refemed to in tlus Sccurity In+�humcm ua�he"PrapcnY•" <br /> _ _ - ROItROWF.Ii COVENAM'S tlwt Bartawcr is IaNtiully sc�xecl ot Ihc e�lutr hercby cw��ryc,i.u�i ha.,tM:�igh1 to gcam �_ <br /> '° jD And convey ibe Propeny and�hut�he Propeny is unencumben�l.ez��cpt fix e�umMzuK�of rccnni. Bcxmwer wurtanu�d <br /> '"' :�-��'";�� • will detend generally ihe tille io�hc Pmpe�ty againa all rlaims and demund�..►ubjcct to any cncumMunces oi rccnrcl. _ - <br /> ;iLsr�. � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMEIVT canbinex unifortn rnvenanl� fa� na�iunul uae und non-uniFatm rnvenuit� w��h <br /> - - - - � ,�. limit�l v:uiollons by ju�isdiction to rnnstitusc a unifnrm�uri�y irt•�mmr��rn���inp neal prc�e�y. _�_ <br /> - ' . 't'+�• UNIPORM COVENAIV7'S. Bomuwe�und I.ender covenam und agree us followx: ""�- <br /> • ...y,;•.. _- <br /> _ _�.::.," ��;";�-',:f`: 1. P�'meat af P�iacipwl aad laterest:Prepayment aad Lale Cbwrges. Borrower.hull prompUY�Y when due ihc r <br /> � �,. . priacipal of and 1Mercst on Ihe debt evidenced by ihe Note i+nd any p►cpuymnnt and late charges due under Ihe Nae. 4��� <br /> _`--�-'— • ;�';''' 2, FyMAs f�r'ibxea ad Iw�rance. Subject to Applicable luw or lo u wduen wuiver 6y Lender,Butrawer shall puy to ; <br />��•��T�!'�•.'�'° � .,�`;'` Lender on tM day moathlg p�rmen�s are due under�he Nac,until�he Nde is puid in full.u aum("Fuads")for. lal ycurly �``.'. <br /> ,�_ '° ..� tmces and assessments wNich moy atwin pric►rity over Ihis Security Inslrurne�u a�s a lien on tbe Rvpeny: (bl y��ly leusehald r�w,� <br /> - --- r •,�� .�z..,f, paYments or graund rents w the H+npeny. if nny: lc)yearly bo2onl or propeAy inwruunce premiums: fd1 yemly iloal ���: <br /> - �, �,[� ��,��i•;•'-�- insu�-+nce premiums,if any:lel ye:uly mohgoge insurance prrmium+,ii'aay: and lil any sums payablr by Bcirtower to <br /> '" 'fi�t�':`;,`�'.,�:`;:N Lender,in acco�dance wiih U�provisiians of paruB�ap� lieu oi'1he payment of mongage insur,�xe premiums. 'll�ese �:-.:�= <br />— '" � � 1, tit items at+e ealkd"E.scmw Uems" l.encier may.ut any time.colkct wxi hotd Fund�i�an amount not to exceed�he auximum `;: <br /> i4ii�-�c;.ti ... <br />_ - ; °~•.�'"�:,: "'':+:'� cunoum� len�ler for a tederrlly related mwtgage loan may reyuire for&xrower�escrow accaunt w�der�he federul Real . <br /> ��-a� tic;; ,r,,. <br /> ,}'1. .:. Es�ate Senlement Procedurcs Act oi 197�as amended from time to�ime,12 U.S.C.$2601 el sry.l"RESPA"),unlecc a�r ;c . <br />- �w,' ''''. • ��'.ft••5��4, <br /> r .,,•.,,,.,,�...d� law that applies to thc Funds sets u lesser amount. If so.Lender may.ut nny Iime.coltert and hoW Funds in nn ar�munt n�n tu <br /> . 1.�.;�"�?.Y�i'��;:�';;" exreed the Iesxer amoun�. Lender may eslimate the t+moum of Funds due on �he tra5i.of cumenl d�u aixf reav�nable '= <br /> r'.,.��r.•a•T'•.�5.,, 1 ��• e�amates of expenditurcs of future Escrow I�ems or otherwise in�cordsmcr wi�h applicubAe law. <br /> 77ie Funds siwll be held in an in�titutian whose deposi�s nrr iosund by a federal agency, instrumentali�},nr eaa3ey _ <br />-..� i'��� ' (iaeluding Lender, if lxade�is such an inti�imtionl or io w�y Federnl Hane Lwn S:a�ic. i-eniie�s6aii nppiy the ha�r�4*pu� ` <br /> .�.:; ' • ctK L.vcrow Item.c. l.ender may not cluuge Bortower for holding und upplying the Funds.nnnuully anulyzin�s �lt'ie�esc+rc*�� •� � <br /> �.�,:�,..��?;°..`.:;�:`;�r�. uaauat.or verifyiag Ihe Ex•a►aw Items, unless Lender payx Borrower inlerc�� an �he Funds nnd npplic�blc Cau�ermits ° ' <br /> . ry r..,�,,,,. . <br />.���� , •, � ,,�:''�,��.,� U.e+ic�r�o make xuch a charg�e. However.L.ender m�y rcquire Borrower to puy n one-lim�charge for on inde�e►te.nt reul �•_. <br /> _:s'f(;�k+ •,,�'3 •�••��• eaiate tau repn�ting service us�:d by Lender in connection wi�h�his loan,unless Applicable luw provkies o�henvise. �l�n4ess an <br />��"� `� `' '�� �o a ment is m:Kic or a icable law uires interest to be id,l.ender slwll not be uired to Borrowe�un interest or �!` <br />=•:.vA�l.t.,� � ,f" ':�°t;.':� 8� PP�� �9 Pu recl P�Y Y <br />�•o�'��':' ,.�:. . . .;�':: eamings on�he ILnds. Borrowe�and L.ender may ngree in wrfting.however.thut imerexi shall be puici on�he FuncBs..Lender �:: <br /> • � ' ' �Jr.-`:-�.. � 'n f �y.._. <br /> _ ., .:�4 , •�'��;; sh�ll give to Borrower,without charge,an annual nccouming of�he F1mds,showing credits and debit>ta the Fun�!<Amd the <br /> - , • ° •° ? •� ,' purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds ure pledged us udditionul sec�rity for all sum,�•ased by <br /> t • f - this Security Insuument. a <br /> �" - ,:.��� __ r r :, {f ihc Ftsnd; !ttld by L.rr�der exzee�!»� asn�ssnls�elmitted to l�e held ny Ap��icnnle law. I.enJer shull account to �`. <br /> . a n � .�..—� --- <br /> . P + -, :'�.,';, : Borrower for the excess Fund�in uccorda�+c�w•ith the �eyuiremems oi applicuble law. If the umoum of the held by =_ <br /> � s .�• .-• °�a;u;�;:1� Lender at any time is nut suFficient to puy 1he Escrow Items when due,L.endcr muy w notify Botrower in wriling,and,in �_-• <br />,, � o::,. ,�; ,ti�.�a�;•, such case Borrower shull pa} to Lender tfie umaunl necesvary to mal:e up the deficiency. Bomower shall make up the `° <br /> �-;.,� <br /> •¢ , �, fi���' ' deficiency in no more than uweJve monthly payments,ut Ltnder:s cole di�retion. -- <br /> t .......'.,. <br /> �� � `��1'•� Upon puyment in full af:.�Il sums secured by this Security InstrumeM,Lende�+icall promptly refund to Bwreow er any -- <br />�� �_„�,j;;��,�;;;' �r Funds held by Lender. If,undrr parngrnpfi 21, lender.hall ncquim nr sell Ihe Propem.Lender.prior to�he acqunition or � __ <br /> . ".. ; Y y��,;:;�� , � securedby th�isS�ecuriry In'n n�ment�.y Fu�y�Id by Lender al the time of ucquisilion or sale us n credit agains[ihe sumc :;-. <br /> ,Y <br /> '>� � •�'��r 3. Application of Payments. UnOe►s npplicAble law provides o�herwise, all payments received by l.ender under <br /> ��. ' �;�"�` `.' •;`'%t''�.� .�+a�agrnphs I and 2 shull be a�� uny prepayment churgcs due under the Ivote;+econd,to umount,payaMe under �•- <br /> � �, i,.--' L -' <br /> �. " parograph 2;third,to intercst�ve;fouhh,to principal duc;�nd la,t,to smy IAtc churges duc under the Notc. <br /> ' r,w...�,;. ����� Uens. Borrowcr ,hull a oll tuxes, a,xe,sments. chur e� fines and im citions ullrlbul�'ble to the °`� <br /> � �!'."' ,.. .., ,..; . 4. Chorges; p'y 8 =• P�. � <br /> '�''�'�i_'',;:,:�;:;;: , Pro rt which ma nttuin rioril over thix Securit Ins�rument,und leosehold u mems nr round rents,if an Borrower <br /> ," .;•• ' s..�, Pe Y Y P Y Y P Y � Y• - <br /> .�,.., � • .:;.,:�,ti�;,;;i:':' �,,, .� shall pay these eblig�ions io the munncr provided in paa►graph 2,or if not paid in�hat munner.Borrower shull pay�hem on ,'`� <br /> �•� ••' "�'`""� time dircctl to ihe rson owed a mem. Borrower shal0 rom tl furnish to Lendc�all notices of umounts tu t+r��l under <br /> ,f.,,::; '. .��:� ;. Y Pa P'Y b� P Y <br /> • , ,+. .i�, �� • 13�is pamgrnpb. If Borrow'rr�nai�es these paymenex dirertly,8orrower shull promp�ly fumish to Lender rccei�t.r�idencing <br /> ., ' ,.,<.;.. •.�� tfic payments. <br />'�',„��,-, �: '''`r': t Borcower shafl promplly discharge�ny lirn which haz prioriry o�cr this Sccurity Instrument unless Barrower:lul�grecs <br /> ;��,;'... .i, ':f" . <br /> r;M�,a,,•,,. � '"��: in writing to t?:e{�ayment of the obligutian,ecureJ by�he lien in a manner acceptable lo Lender;�h►rnntests in good fuilh the , <br /> �:�.+ye;r� t.;..;..•,..;. i.:• <br /> . ,. . -'•4 lien by,or defends uguinsl enf'urcement of the lien in.Iegul pmceedingti whicl�in�he Lender:opiniun operute w prevem the ? <br /> '�t'•� �` enforcement of�he lien:or lcl secures from thr holder oFthe lien un ugrccmem satisfvctory to Lender subordinatingthe lien .� <br /> y': . u � "�'�' to this Securiry Inswment. If Lendcr detcrtninc�th•rt�ny pon of�he Propeny is subject to u lien which muy uttain priority <br /> � . �'.,:;ro:�IL- ., <br /> �_,-.-.;• ,- ` ' "`'' , over this Sccurity lnstrumcnt.I..cndcr muy give Borrower u notire identifying thc licn. Borrowcr shull sutisfy Ih�:a ien or tuke ��,�; <br /> r��, ?+�:�.;,; ,t <br /> .: ';�,•;t �': ,. one or more of the uctions set forth abcwr�ti�ithin 10 duys uf the givin�of notice. �'"• <br /> e <br /> '�`'�� `�';"' ' S. Hazsird or Properly Inguraoce. 8ormwcr tiNrll kcep thc improvernenh naw exi.iing or hrreafter erected on the �• � <br /> :i':fi't'o�u'`. �.y"it�'.':',�''. •�'��. �';'•. <br /> ; +�.�����•� . •.,�.�. . . . •,(�{4i Property insurcd againxt loss hy firc,h•rzard.+included within the tcrm "cxtendrd coverage"anJ uny rnher hazards,including ;._.,: <br /> h� � � flaalx or tlaading. for whirh Lender reyuires insurancc. "fhis insurunre •hull h.� maimuined in the amoum. and for the ''<'�"' <br /> ,ea•; � <br /> �... ,•�. <br /> :ii�� ' �t- �:.�i, .,{ i�;'::.' <br /> �'•�� � ? ��,,��.r,. 4 ir'.,: <br /> ,,.,�}.S'(i, , �:7 Eurm W28 9i9Y IDu¢r:n/rylwReal !:': <br /> . .�_; <br /> i{�r�:.��. : . . �_r; ,_ <br /> •f�� .' ' � . ,��h (.'i'� <br /> �`�}�. �_��� , . . : �: i' <br /> � � � � '��`�Y' �.:i: t! ''.. <br /> � ,'- �jT�• '�;j' �I,1 <br /> ' f'�1 '•'\'�. . 1. 1 ' � r 11,�:.'r .�.;.. <br /> ,`•�. '4� rl,.:� ,, �w1 . . . . _ . . • • �,;,•.:.,:.,, . .. ;��.�„ :�+>.+��•�;:,'.� . .;::;tit•,:. ,d,'r1; ,��� �.S''���tl� '''`• <br /> '� .( �..�.r..S:��'��. ' '�.i y�IkC�.�1�!�fil�s6,��1• �t�.,t' . '�1,. �,� �.a.'•U 7• �' � ,1��. <br /> ' y .'� ;t ' . . . � . , �' <br /> )1�' ,•' r 1 t t ��,� `"�r r . ' , , . . . � . �rl;t'. . � , . ���. r f,� <br /> ?G)1�1�:! � - 1 ?+� �� }`fit '.. .� . 1 r . „ .�+ . ,' r , � i, <br /> .• '�' � , , <br /> aori���;, 1ti�'Y��. 41 ' �t.t.• �' . , ,�, . • '��;a� .. 'i1 <br /> �•,;�•'r'�.i _;�,'}�°�i:'��:;(�i.T�.'_,:�,°'=-- � - .��','•, •'',` � � . . .�,' . <br /> �,�����,,r �r, '{.'r�i,,•:, i? �., ' '' '. ,. , . ,�, <br /> -. ;�i� .;(1i ' ,. . �;�.'Sa� . �. , _ . :I' . . <br /> �,�r�',:�:. �y� :'T- - ';ii�:�r�l ' 'i`�. � .. .:i ' � - I'' .. <br /> .\l �., 4;� '�(. 'i .�; . <br /> �.r;i. . ,���:. , . t.�, ,. . , . - • , <br /> ��l � . . ' ' .� . . � . . <br /> 'r__ ' . . ... . � ,.�r��'! ' � _ . � . <br /> ' y,,,''- '' . . 1 '�'. •'�: . � . . , 'S!' ���. �, � ' '�. <br /> .:1�����.: '� 'I�: . . . ' , ..�' . ,. . �'' , ' ' I . ' <br /> �` :tir��� .,, . .. `� � , . ; � . , �'' . <br /> ,,., <br /> � �:� � .�: 'f+1: � � � �i . .i:� .�; 'L '��.'� ' 'S• . � �i;1: '),: '.• �i <br /> -%i . �� � �Y'. •� . ' ... .. ' ' ..., � i <br /> " � �� 1 ':1� 1. .+.-.' � .. �i�� �•.�� <br />.1'lt.�� �I1 �' .� . . . . . . �. . . '�1;. • �1: <br /> ,,�� '' T N . • . . . . �. . � . �i <br /> IT � � <br /> � .. , <br /> . <br /> � � <br />