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�'y� �; <br /> . - :.l'„ �y���I r,..:i�;f?1t.:�1: �":��d!;�� ,i i::;31 �. , .. �r��' i t f.�.^- <br /> '. �V , -• �trl';s:.$ Ta,».''.. '� ,i�". �� � ('�ifta�:' .` .1� _ `,',�. <br /> M1� d tv;.; � •p �„ ,il' :f.. ;�1 � ' 1�' <br /> v �,�,�..:_ /. .� <br /> p�uM �,.�,ee +. <br /> f.•�, <br /> ' _ -_ <br /> )' <br /> _'__ <br /> . '.,� _�.:. RE•RECORDED �._ <br /> :.;. , j . � <br /> _ � • � • == <br /> • � 93- lo�si7 �-� <br /> = 93-' io�es c�. <br /> . <br /> -- � I _ 1-4 FAMILY RIDER �-� <br /> ���fi• Asci nment of Rents ' <br /> � 0020026409 ��s <br /> - ,,.�..�,.,,,,.,,�-...,L,:,..,,.w: THIS 1-4 FAM1IILY RIDGR Is n�d�this sTH day of JANUAFiY • 93• � <br /> - ,rti:>.:'�`�., ,: _ �'��'. <br /> ; {�'.'. ,..�..;�� iud ic inrntpomled inla w�1 slwll be deemod to arnenJ and r.upplcmeM Ihe M�xtg��e. Deai�if Tni�t ur S�ru�iry <br /> � � . .:._,,- Dooci Ithe "Secu�ity Inununem"1 of thc wmo dwe �i�•en by thc un�imsiQnad Ahe "BaROwcr"1 ta �wm <br /> `_:��:.::•:+ .� . s Bam�wct'�Nwe tu <br /> -. .N• �I�`. <br /> __�••�1l,. .;'',,: ',,y. i��•`�. <br /> .�� � . �,^,:,�1; :� , Th• Equitabt• Bui ldin� and Loan Assoc ist ion of Orand Ialand� :r•. <br /> �. .. � . ���,-� N�breska, A Fod�rel S�vin�s Bank ���.•��•� .� <br /> �_ ;a�,� � -�::;�::,. •..: <br /> uf Iho�wtw JL1r+u�J r.��cnn�t ih�P��+�rty Jca.rih�tt io Ihc+��►urily lo�ruokn�un�l I�k�t�l ul: <br /> i.��F� �...�.:;� '`; .�;_�: <br />-�_�;� �.� • <br /> •��s.`*."��� �4� 1014-1022 NORTH GREENWICH. OfiAN� I8LAN0� NEBRA8KA 88801 <br /> r.� �t .n..�. ,. <br /> :r r�i,.��,���r7'!1.�� IPn�h!AJJr...� - <br /> �+;},:� ` r '. <br /> � ''+�"-'•'�%�-' 1-4 FAMII.Y COV�NANTS. In uddhi�m to thc rovcnwnt� und agnrmenl�►made in�he Srrurity In�trument, <br /> ,:�.,�....:,:��;; <br /> Bnmower wd I.ender furlhcr rnvenunt at�d agree as fallaws: <br /> -. ;�t--n;, -- A. ADDITIOhAi. �RO��It7Y SUBJ�Ci' i'8 Tii�S�CCiRR'ti' filiSl'KG1f�tiT. In u�iJi�iun w thc <br /> • " "^•.;� . �� .'� Propedy desc�it�ed in the Securiry Instrument.thc follnwing item.arc udd��d to�hc Pmpeny deu:riptiun.end shall <br /> s ,;:; ,,;; .. «,". <br /> �. { ,,� ,�:��:,,, alsu con.4tilule the Propeny rnvenrl by the Secudry Inairumene building materiuls. appliances a�d goods af every , _ <br /> �I '�''• naurc whaasoever now or hereufler I��cated in, an. �ir used, or imended to be used in cooneclion with the , � <br /> � ' ... ' <br />_ ;�;r�!�!��r''+:'• ;.KT. Property inclwiing. but nat limited to, thase for Ihe purpnses af supplying or Jistributing heatipg. oonling, �.�:':� <br /> � ��•�'l.,f�}=;,�,,, eloctricity, gas, wa�er, air und ligh�, tire prevention uixl exlinguishing apparntus, security und :ic.�s �ti�ntrul -� <br /> •-�'" " opparwus, plumbing, bath tubs, wutar heaterc, waler closets,sinks, runges, staves, ref�igeramn, dishwa,hen. ,,,' <br /> '°" � ,;� ,.�, � ; <br /> . . •�'� . disposuls. waahera,dryers. awning�, uarm windaw�. sturm d�N�rs. screens,blind�. shc�de�. runains wKi cunain , <br /> ° .,:..;.•�; rads. Wtacl�ed mirrars,cabinets, punelling and uttached fl«x coverings�w ur hereafter auac':ed m the Property, <br /> `� ;i.$t±'�z._���;�,';;;;,,.. all of which, fncluding replacemen�s and additions theretn, shull be de�mod to be and remain a part of the <br /> _ `�%, ' >t��'�'�i •,�,� propeny covered by the Secu�ity Instrument. All af�he faregoing togethe� v�ith �he Property de�cribed in �he , �� <br /> r �'; � ;'1�' �c - <br /> �,�•, , � � ��j', Serurlly Instrument(ar Ihe lew�ehold estute if the Security In�trument is on a lea+clu�ldl ar p�e�srcc! to in this 1-4 : ,�;, <br /> , ' -' ...,,:` ;�� Fanily Rider and the Security Inslrumena a�the"Pmpeny." �°'j_ <br /> ;'.•,,'" .'�'�';',�,J,.�.__�,.: B. USE OF PROPERTY: COh9PI.lANCE WITN I.A��1.&irrowrr rhull not seek. ;i�.�re to or make u ,. <br /> t�! � ' , chon e in the use of the Pm rt ar i�s zunin �IAxwliratiun,unles+ Lender hu,u reeJ in a•ritin to the clum e �'y�" <br /> �• ;,;^: -•..�;::"•"':'`•,.`. 8 Pe Y R ' A 8 B • <br />�=.,„ ��t � .a„1.• �;,_= <br />�,. �; ' - -' . . :..;. Harrowcr shall campty with ull lu«•s, ordinance>. regututionw anc! rcquircments of uny �����emmentul bod�� __ <br />`� ; 4., ; r.:,. �;....; aPPlicuble to thc Propeny. �.~_'`; <br /> ��. :�,.: . -.�.,;,.� C.SQ160RDINATE LIENS. Esccpt a.�pem�iu��i By fi�frr.�l I�w.3orrower xhull n.�t aJla�a any lien inierior ��� <br /> , ` �..•_ <br /> �: ' � =� • •• , }, lo the Secu�ity Instnimem to lx perfectcJ aguinst�he Propeny wiihiwt LenJer's priar wriucn permission. —t;,,, <br /> � � �.��;�j;�� 1 , . <br /> + .•.::`° r•� � D.l�ENT I.OSS 1\SUR�?VCE:.A��rrowcr shull maintuin insurancc:� ain�r�nt lo�.c in addition to the other <br /> , ., . , ;i�H�::?;��:+� A � ��j..:; <br /> � };., +:�� ' �••�t,k:y�:r, � h o r a r d s f o r w h i c h i n s u r a n c e i s r e q u i m d b y U n i t i�r m C u v c n a n t S. <br />� ,,� �:�:;. .,,.f,.c�,��� �:r�v� <br /> i ... �,�� : ,�,.;;•',•fr� E.'•�30�tROR'ER'S R1G�IT TC1 REINSTATE"D�LETF.b. Unilittm Cm•enant �8 is dclNc.'d. <br /> 't,�.� ., ' . • . .. �;;;; F. BaQtIF0�1'ER'S OCC�I'AA\t'Y. Unle„ l.eixler unJ Bnrr��ucr�uhenvi.e a�ree in ���riting. the lirst d`,�� <br />�; : �•��.,'�• ��'�ti:� u.hxenee in Unitorm Cm•enant �cunccrning &►rrower'+ ixwpan�y al' th. Pm�xny i� deleted. All remaimnp w� <br /> � 1 � �i� crnenants and agr�xmeni+�et forth in Un�form Cove�wnt 6 tih•rll r�m•rin in rffect. <br /> �� ��' G. Ati.SOGNMENT(DF L�ASi�S. U ►n l.endcr'ti rc ue�l. &irn�wcr shall ati�i n t��I.cnderull lea� the { <br /> ;:�� �t�..;. � � P� 4 �' it;' <br /> ���;�, •.'... ; Propeny anJ all securiiy de��it�made in ronncrti��n with Icak,nf tlk Pr��ny. Upon�l;e a,si�nrnznt. Lerxler � <br />'~'' • ,'}'�: � �`�: shall have the right w mociify,c�ciend„r tcrminatc thr cxi�ting le.i.ex ai�l tu rxccutr new lease,. in l.cnder'�u�le `�;�: <br /> �"v,i'.:};;. .,i�;��. c,,: _. <br /> 'o"�:� ���°;.,. ,;. � '.�;Jr••- discretiun.As used in lhis p•rrug�aph G, the wiirJ "Ieuk" tihall ineun "�ut►Ieuk"if the Security Mstrument fs nn •' <br /> � • 4r��i'i'r. ���+C�i�'��'t�'�;k��.,. a IcaaeMild. -'�: <br /> x� /..,G►' �. •�;.: <br /> = Y, f�;c'':'!;�;�'�'` � b<.�r <br /> . 1�t }i:r(�,.s.:�3t,', MULTISTATH 1�4 FAMILY NIOEq•Fennle MaNFnddla Moa Unlform Imtrum�nt Form 31709190 F`i;^"` <br /> '�I�.� ( `` `, <br /> �;�r'. : ' .,q. c.t.. . ,-- <br /> 4 _ . : .J:q_'` ..��1�,'a.`� ':t• <br /> ' ��� . Y. �y��:{L ����910J� �5�' 'dONIGAG[IOHMS �)t��19�XIOD �NOU�671 7:9� , ' <br />..; � . . ,4'� ni� <br />' ,- .. : .i „ �i , � <br /> +� M`EA�4��.: ' �i�,. � �''_.�. <br /> rr: .1; ��`.i 1 - '- r • ' µ� <br /> � :�° � ' ' �G <br /> ii" � " ; <br /> . . � i:r.' -. .�1� 't . <br /> . 't l;I�' �•?1 ' .. 6 . . <br /> �. (}� r} ' � � <br /> *y}�{� ��, ^�w�1�IRR�1A�I�RlW .N\. . .��- . .� .....�. . .- . . . <br /> •ll,. . I! . . ... .��, . ' � . . . .• .ti. <br /> ,LAYY�_`_'_: ,'�,-I_'_.1.' • ./. . . . . <br /> 1 . ----��___-_-_- ---.-__.:._.-_ .- . . 1 <br /> '_ J: ' . . . . . . . ' <br /> { <br /> . ,'1,�t.. ��� '�" . � . .'��.• .. � .•�, .i.)•' � 1 , . . - ' _�. . <br /> ' ; t .�,:�,nv, ,,;�• . .�;�:• , .�. , .'�• . , . . <br /> � �'`� _ ,:f<<�,4� ��: � �, ' . ' ,. . . <br /> ,' .-�, t�;r�;,j�A:•.1�ti�r!��hl4�,t+�a���!�1,� . ' ' . - . ' _ � . . <br /> -� ,I,q�� � ��ji�t�:,l'. . _ , - - . � �� . - <br /> ,.. ,- ,�.' . . . .• . ' ,� , ' . <br /> ' � '�I . . . .'•�i,�.,�� � .. .. 1 . . <br /> �� 1' , � � <br /> 3 '. . � <br /> . ., , ., <br /> � � .. • .. _ � - ---- ----- ----- -- -------___--- - <br />