.. .�. �
<br /> � �__
<br /> - � - �. .•�r::
<br /> � �
<br /> . • ��� ������ � ,-�:-__-
<br /> , , _
<br /> L. Nanvithstandi��uny��f tho lnngunIIe ecsntnined in►Gie perd af'f'nist to tho rantmry.tha tcstms of t1�ia hxtianshull '.;*:{,
<br /> 6U9'V1VC Qt1y fOP0C10.CUtd Oi SOfl8Y0.CNQ11 Of lI1�B I�L'�.d of Trust roBordlcss af nny pussu�o of titl�co aonoficiary or nny ��
<br /> dl�ositian by 13etteficinry c�f eny or nll af the Propetty.Ally CIUIIIIA ORtI 1I0F011SBY�O(�10 COTt�f(Ify 1lY(l IICTCby�VAIVC�. ; �.�
<br /> 2a.COI'3�:d`y9NA'E'EON. Tcusror ti��ill Bive Boneflciary pmmpt notice af any nctinn, cet�l ar threutenect,by priv�4e o�publlc I _1�,..
<br /> eatitie.g to purcha5a or Wke aiiy or all of tho prope � including nny eas+�mants,thraugh candemnntiun. nmi��M c£unus�n� �_
<br /> u�any uttier means.Tntstor tiuthar ogrce.4 ta noHt�+�eneficinry of any procee�lln�s instituted for the estnblishment oP c�ny ` �; . , �,�„�
<br /> - Re�ver.wAtar,oon�zrvotion,ditch. droiac�e,or ottter diRMct rolating to or binJinp uQon tDie Property or any pn�t ot it. � ,
<br /> � Tcustor authornze.4 Beneficiary to intervone ia Tnis4or's name in nny af the ahove desc�It1C(I QC�{OJLq O!CIA�llLS IIIId lC�C�IICCI �.;,
<br /> nad te�ceivo all sums rest►ltit�fre+m the�ction ar claim.Tnistor ass�laa4 to Beneftcfnry tha proceeds of any awfud or cluim I . „;;,,,
<br /> � for dama�e.v connected witb a condemaltion or ot�er tnkiaII of nit or any ptut of thcs Property. Such proceods �hal� be I � � ._
<br /> cousMse,zd peyrat;.nt�und��i1!�e applied na provided in t6is Deed of Truat.Thls as.giQamant af pmceeds la subject t� thn ; „ _
<br /> ter�ns of t+ay prlor security riIIceenaent. I , '-_:
<br /> Z1.1N5IJ[tANCE.Ttustor agoae.c W msiueaim inswnnce as foltows: . �;.zi���=:-
<br /> � A. Trustor st�nll ke�p d�e Propei9y i�nued agninst loss by Sre.theft and other ht�rds and ru:e�ts reusonnbIly nssalated ! '.;'•: '�+•:_�;`,--'.
<br /> with tke Pra�erty duo to its tyge w�d location.Other hartvda nad ruFka mny Includa.far extunple.coventg�egt►inst ��`_._
<br /> ' . : �
<br /> loss d�a W floods or flooding. 'itiis iost�canco 6ha11 be mnintained in t6e amounta ond for tho G,rieds thnt � .�,:,; >..� ,..:
<br /> . . . ;;; ,,,�;:��.,._-
<br /> Beaofiriary re�quires. 'Rie ins�un►nce carr6er �providjng the iasurnnce shc►11 be chosen by 'Y'rustar su6Ject to �, - m,_
<br /> ge�e�C�tarys eppmval� which shnl! no! Ew u�ueasozta�sly ��thheld. If Tn�stor fnila to mnintntn tUe cova�sge ... � "_ __
<br /> descrlhed above. Baneficiary r�zy. at Beaeficiary's o ptio�. �'btuin coverage ta pratec4 �enefleiary's rigbts in tiie ,l .- __.
<br /> p�,nperty nccording to the terms a'F rt1�is Di�d of Tn�st. l,., -
<br /> All taswBa�ao policies aAd renawala shnq be acceptable ta B�ineflciary and shall includa u standard'nrtortL�oge ;:,��„�'—_--- .
<br /> asw aa�
<br /> ' ' Glaus�° und, where upplACC�bto. 'tseaeficiury loss payea clauso." Trustor shall iminediately notify BeneFiciery of .,•�';';i•`r;;�:::
<br /> c
<br /> �'�' cancallation or terminaHon of¢�e insurence• Beneftctary ahnll have the dght to hold 4ba�Qolicies and ranewals,lf •�r�y��y;,���,_
<br /> ' • BeaeficiQSy requires. Tnesior �ia�ll immedietely glve to Beueficiary all receipta af ptri�l premiuma end renewai , ,;. �'`� ,�,;.;..
<br /> A i._.
<br /> �° nofloes.Upon loss.Tms2or s?u►7l glve immediate naNce to the iastuance cwrrler nuJ�iz�neficiery.BeawBciary rineY Qt.,�.��� `�� .
<br /> � anu{ce praof of loss if aot mAde iaunediately by Tcustor. ", �:;�;,;
<br /> � l�:\<;i�
<br /> . UBloss BeaeRciary ead'Y'n�stor oiheruvlso agree in writing. iosurence procoeds ehell be applied ta x�uto�etlon or ,�I•���,,, '
<br /> r�aair of tho Prot�erty damaSadl if the c�estoratian or repair ia economically feaslbte xnd Benaficiary's�eanr�iry ia nat ti:"':, ,;
<br /> _ .-° - �._.. .. ._ .., . 1� 4exs��ed, t�n n.' �
<br /> le��d. If the nestoration or ff,epair ia noi eec�aomie�iiy s"�.n'bto ui 8onofict�ry o�ttr3l; ..�!� - -
<br /> . iasnrsu�oe Pr�ods EhsU ba epplied to tue Sacuc�xt Deb�w��ther or noi thea duo�wlth a�►exccss paid to Tnzstur. �t ' ,y , '
<br /> �� If TnrEtor ahaa�u5 tha Pcaperty.or does aot answer within 30.duys s notice from Beaeficiary tl�at the insursin� `.r:; r;:::•r .
<br /> . ,.t,
<br /> carder h a s o�i�r r�e fl�to se u le a c l e i m,t h a n E e a e fi c i a r y m a y c o l l e c t t h e i m s u m n c e p r o c e e�s. BeneRci a s y mi►y ose tha ,,,�..
<br /> ,�;.
<br /> �',>.;�:, �,., .
<br /> ' raoeeds w ne}�cd�r ur restore t�a Prop�srtY or to pay Wa Secu r e d D e l s t w he t ha e o r a o t t hen due. 'IAe a0dap pe�i o d ,.f+.,,�..' ,,..,
<br /> •?� wi�l henin when t�e notice is�id.enn. p �;"���,: "t
<br /> , ,:;�� and Tn�stor a2herwlse agc�e ia wrlHng.ar►Y aPP�cuNoa of procce�s�principnl shsU a�t aitten� ,3;�"'�`'� .
<br /> Unless�ene�ciary
<br /> '�' • ' �r PostQone the d��date of schoduled pay�ents or chaage the amonnt of the payaaants. if the�'ro�crty ia ecquin�d ,�%:;
<br /> :�.::;�� � ucles aud proceeds resWW�g from di+maIIO to t�e L�r.aperty'bofore � :'` ..,
<br /> by Beneficiary.Tn�tor s right to any insurance po�
<br /> '�y.., � �e aoquisiaon shall pass w Baneficiary eo ehe excent of We Secured Debt immodiately before�.e acy�-��aa. •_ --
<br /> , , B. R'c�zur agrees to maintain oomprehvnsive ges�erat liabiUty insuaaaoe aaming 8eneficiary es an�ddiacand�i�svss�!ia Y,:_ --
<br /> •+ aa�amount acceptable to Beaeficiary.insurinII a8ainst cloi�arlsing from any Axident or oocuaanco in or¢a�� „ '�
<br /> t am �.
<br /> •�'�'�'' ' C. Tmst�e}�ses Qo mainta3n roatet loss or busiaess tntercuption imwroace.as cequirdd by Beaoficiary. in ausuzu� �-
<br /> :�;r�_i'•, . • 11�s;?,`r.,-�"
<br /> ,,,;,,, equal to at le�t•covoraIIe of one yers s Qebi servioe.and oequiral escrow nccount deposits(if a�cc�d ro s�arately , ,,,.. �
<br /> � dn vrtiting).uarier a fomn of poltcy awegtable to 8eneflclary. �'��;`':="�-
<br /> w....:.--'—�
<br /> �r,�.
<br /> � ... Y i .... ----
<br /> 22.NO ESL'���V FOR TAXCS�Al�i D II�ISURANCL�. Ualess otheiwisc�pmvlded in s sepnra�e agreea�nt.Tntst�:w'r_il aat 5�"-- _
<br /> �, �� be reyuicad W pay W Iicaaficinry fuuds for taaes nad insurnnco in escsow. �'�=;�rt-_—--_�_
<br /> .. ��� �. --- :�.
<br /> ;� ' 23.FINAN�IAI.ItL�'OR1'S AND ADDPI'IONAL DOCUMENTS.TtysWr wlll provide ta He�ticiasy�',��.z�,��tzs aad = ---_
<br /> �i�cicil stutement�r iuforntntion Bea9ficiary msy deem necesssrY. Tniswr watrent� that All fl�nsin'I ' -z= , _ _
<br /> � . ' infomsaUan Ttt!stoe (�ravidcs Lo Bea:ficiesy at�e� or wi�� he, uccurote, correct. end comPleLe. '1'tustor c�gcee�t4 ra�n. _.�.-�ru��...�:�r�s�
<br /> � ' deliver. and file es HenoBciary mny ceasonably request eny additlanal documsnta or cartificatioav Wat Nemoticiergr r�.t►Y ",r;�{`.-�*`s,:n"�
<br /> ^.�= . �;
<br /> ,� consides�cessgtY ro Parfect�condnue.und preserve T�ustor's ctbliIIations under this Q�d of 7'cust a►�cl Benoli�iary's liem ��.:'`. .:_.'•, ,,..,<:
<br /> ,,_ • si dalivsr. and fita such doctwtvnts ax cersl6cates in �;�
<br /> ,:.;��,
<br /> status oa the Fmpesty.If Tntsior feils W do so. Benof�clury may pn� . ".:�:•_ .
<br /> TntstQr's name end'Ii'tarstor I�erEb�+ irrovocabiy appainta �enefic�ary or 8�usficiruy's oIIeat as attorney i�a face W c�o thd � .. . - ,
<br /> . � � . ' dsinBa ueuctis.�sry to oompiy�vith t6�ssction. ' l, - ._: ,
<br /> ;a, . . -
<br /> � :., .80II�1'['A,Np pYpiVlptJpL iJ1AIpIl7I�'1'Y;CO-3IGNf�j 6UCG�5SOR6 AND AS�G�ai�"r�DO'I�YW. Allduties und�r �� . , `..;�
<br /> •;•;;c`'iii � ::
<br /> � this g�ed of Tn�st ua�joiat and indlvidunl. If Ttusior signs thi�s 12eed of Tn�st bu4 dovs uaY sipa dhe�vtdonc�of Debt. s. ,,, _
<br /> '�'�•� • �� Tn�sior does so only to�nortgoge Tn►stor's interest io the Property tn secure PaYat�n�nf thA 5ecuued Dcbt�d'Ciustor ;,. . _
<br /> ,��`:•�`�,:r' , does not ege+ee to!�e�rsnnaUy liublo on tE�d Secured Debt.Trustor ngrees that @eneCc[qty und anY P�Y So t�is D�1 of
<br /> T� �y �xt�nd. pnodify ar m�lce eny ch�e in the terma of thje Reed of Ttust or tt�e 8vidcsaco af De�t v++ithout `
<br /> '-1��l�' T •n.�u�'s cmnsent.Such a chango will aoi release Trustor frum sho toraas of thia Deed of Tntst.The dutios md bca�fits u5 .,
<br /> . .
<br /> diis tDsed oY Ttu�i sf�l�ind and be�fit tho auocessors aud as:a�cu�of Ttustor and Benoflciary.
<br /> ;::., _�
<br /> . - ,�..
<br /> --.--.-� tF thio n,��f Tevst F�,,.w4 a auetantY bavvesn&utifcc#as�:rs3 Tzts�sst"' dc.••.°-m�t�I}rrrHy r.ecuro dta obllR:�tlom �ti'Jia�Ct ;----"_------- -_-..---.-.-
<br /> _ _. .---- --—---- -- - - • •-�--l-- _._� .,.;a�:m o�t.�
<br /> � is QuatenNod.Tru.stor agrees to waivo eny ri�rhts tiiut anay prc�veru tsenenciray imm onw.����n�s•••,••.�.._...---�-- � -_ __ _ _-
<br /> • Tn�sS�r or sny put�+iadebiod ua�er ths obligaUon including,but a�si limite�i to.aatid�+Bciancy ar one�-action ln��ve,
<br /> 2S.AP�LiCABD.E LAW= 6EVEltA�1LITY; INTG�'A'ATION. This Qeed nf Tru�t is �nvcrned by tho!�►�v� of the � � ' '.
<br /> jucic9,tcttoa in which Be�ficiary ls tocated�cacept w tha extent nthenviscj ceyuited by tko laws af Iho Jurlsdi`tlon whero •
<br /> tho Pmperty i�located.'IUie Dud of Trust�s complete and fWly iuteStat�d.This Dced af Tn�st nv�y not ba amendod or ; . .
<br /> modifted by ot�l agrazment. Any s�cti.an or clause in this Deut of Teust�uttnchments. or uny nII*+eemcnt tulnrod to thu
<br /> Sacuned�ebt that onnflict�witba�p1ir�►blc law wil!noi bo effoctivu,unless thnt luw oapt+essly or impli�dly pemnita�ho , .
<br /> vadations by wrlttca�cccrosnt.lf eny acxtinn ur citsaso of thiu Decd of Tn►�t cututoi!sc unfotcod accardiog ta�tts tcims, i. �. , .,.
<br /> tt�at sectlon nr claur,a w�ll b� savcrcd nn� will not affixt tteo enforceabiliry nf tho rcmninder of this Decd of Tn►st.
<br /> Wlte�ver us�cd.We singulnr�he�1 iacludn thc�plutal atJ the plurnl tho sin�ulnr. Thu cnpiions nnd h�:adi�s of x�o r:txttnnv ,
<br /> Jof this Drr..�of Trust�[ar wnven.G:a�u only und an�aot to be used to interpret or dofino thu tacros of thiy De.a:�o�T�ust. i
<br /> 1 Timcs ta of tho cs�at.e in 16fa Du:d uf Trus?. , . , wQo�or o „
<br /> . . :"
<br /> e:•f093 OuRU�Gfractma.�nc..G.-t�o+d.MtV nE0tlJ07•994t� FamA47CO�OTi�iF. f0110/07 •----""""' I
<br /> � —�c—
<br /> � . .._ _ _. ._. ._ ._ ._ .
<br />