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�� . 1 i� �L IA1'!- . <br /> ,,, • s '� ,�,.. ;.�.• ':� ...ry ��rac° � ., ;'.� <br /> : " • � • ,. � 1',`' <br /> ' ; ,��``•�;, �,��.,����, <br /> . .. . ...•;i�nc� �-,.. __�_ .._ <br /> . . ��y� � `. . .. ._ .-_ _ _. <br /> i� <br /> � - :���- 9�=�.o�r�a <br /> _ TO(i�Ti1ER WITH all �he improvcments now or hercafler ercctad on Ihe pmpeKy.And all easementR,appunena,�ca. md <br /> flatures naw or hereafler a pArt af �be pmperty. Ail rcplacemcnls wnd w1di1{ons xhall alw� be cavered by Ihi� Secudty <br /> lnetroment. AU of the farcgoing ls mfertod ta io�his Seeudty lac�rument a�the 'Pmpeny.' <br /> - -- - 60RROWG'R COVENANT9 that�rn+��• lnwfu!!y sdsod of thc eslate I�ereby wnvey�!�u�i hw tt�rlgbt to��t►t and -�--� <br /> • s canv the Ptapeny and that Ihe Pmpe�ty ic unencum6�erod. eacept for encumbrr�noes af record. Bormwer worrwtic ar�t wlll <br /> �Y <br /> ', defend generalty the tide�o�he Propetry agalnst all cluims ond dernandc,subJect ta uny encumbrances oi rocord. _ <br /> ° �'' THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT cambi�es unifo�►n cavenants fnr national use und ian•unifortn cavenunu wj[h Nmiiod -- <br /> '� .y • ..; <br /> . �,��, vMrirrions by juriuiictian to canstitule a unifarm socurity instn�mem c�we�in�rr.ul p�ap��ty. -�--- <br /> '���-�'l.t •� UNIFORM COVENANTS.&►r►ower and I.ender a►venunt and agree as follows: <br /> ^ �'� ' ' l. Payment oi Principa�l a�d Interest; Prep�ymrnt and I.Ate Chw�Iev. Borrawer shall prompdy pay when dae � � � <br /> . ,w ,r�'[Rt,�;r. ;�r.� f� <br /> _ � ����t�,� , principal af nnd interest on Ihe de6t evidencod by tho Note und uny prepuyment und lute churges due under the Note. �__ <br /> •':.,�, �,�°.;:;:,,, .' ' ,�� 2. �hd�tor TAxes And It�surnace. Subject to Applicuble luw or lo A written wAiver by Lender,Borcower shs�ll pr�y to _,,,_ <br /> ���� �' �`'' : �•� �; I.ende�on�he duy mon�hly payments om due under ihe Nate.until the Natc is pnid in full,a sum 1"�urnfs')for (a1 pearly taxes �;_, <br /> -;;��.U'�. •,� •.• • ,,�,� and assessmanls which mny npain priomy over this Secu�ity insirument us a lien on the Property;(b)yeady leasehold paymenis :;:�: : <br /> � or mund rents on the Pm h . if an ;(c)yearl harard ar ro n inaurance remiums;ld)yeAdy Qaod insurance semcqms. °-�� <br /> _ :�":y B P� Y Y Y P Pe Y P P �A- <br /> ,�,f��,.�• ,;�.; ..;,�,:, ':.,,� if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any;and (�any sums payable by Bom�wer tu I.endev,in ar�ordance wUh __ <br /> _i����=- ��;t; �= .. ;.:,«. the pr�visions of parn�raph 8,in lieu nf the payment ot mortgage insurancr pr�e�miums. These items are caUled "�.uca�K hems." `_ <br /> , :'` 1.ender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not M rxcer�' the maiximum vnx�unt A Y-��+der for A 6tdesuliv � �� <br /> �• + i .`, •'� '; ;� rclAtal mon�u�e loun may r�quim for Borrower's escrow nccau�t unde�tb�e federal Renl Est:�te SetNamen� Pr�c�ceduP�es Act ai ��, <br /> : �: .;r,: ;,'.r.;•,_ •. ` �' <br /> ' ` `'' '' "�� �' 1974 as nmended from lime to time, 12 U.S.C. Sectian 2601 er sw. l"RESPA'), unless unother law that a i8e.4 t�'the Fwnds �s- <br /> ' :„ �:L.,� i PP ��:��' <br /> f. ':fti.� sets a leccer amount. If so, l.ender rn�y. at�y titne, callect and ho0�1 Funds in An amount not ta exceed the kwser am�,unt. — <br /> �. �.�.�..:..,_<. ��4' �!.� <br /> ,� 1.ender may estimatc thc amaunt of Funds duc on thc basis of currens claiA iuni rea.w�eble extimates��f cYpendirores of furore E� <br /> � �"r1�'. � Pserow Items or atherw�se m accordance wi�h appiicable law. `- <br /> ��• ����''T�`�� , The Funds ahall be held in un institutian whcise depixir: are insurecl hy u federal ag�acy. instrumentuliry. a�r endry �=' <br /> = . , �,,,•t�,:. ,, <br /> �� , , , ,;,i�.;y_: ti:,: <br /> � .4ir' ' (includiag l.c:nder,if l..ender is such s�n instilutionl or in uny Fcdtir.a! Hnme Loan Qnnk. Lcr.der shall apply Ihe Fun�ls r.�pay the �,. <br /> 0 <br /> �,. . �. �� ���k�� <br /> ,„ � ;•�;r,,,�. , E.�cmw Item.c.l.endet may not charge Borrower for holding�l uQpl��ing the�unds,annu:+91y analyzing the escraw s�ccaunt,c►r _ <br /> . ' � verifying the Escrow laem+.unlc�s I.cnder pays Borrower intcrest on thc�unds and nppli�uble law permi�s Lender to make such • <br /> � `� a chor c Howeve�. l.endcr rna r uirc Borrower to A a one•time char e ibr rn inde ndent real esta�e trx re rtin servfce <br /> � �'.,.n "•• - g . Y e9 P Y S P� W 8 <br /> +, . �''��� � used by I.ender in connection with �qis loun, unless upplicuble law provide�atherwi�se. Unlesx nn agreement is macfe or <br /> ' >! ' upplicuble law reyuirc�interest to be paid, LenJcr slwll not hc required U�puy Borrow�r am interest or earning�:on the Funds. �,.., <br /> ���' " ' ��� Bnrrower and l.ender:nay agree in wrNing,however, thut intcrest chall be paid on the Funds. I.encler xfiall give to Bormwer. .,�J:' <br /> `,i�,• :': • <br /> .��• ,•� '"�`�?t ';,,;���;����'� wilhout churge, un annual accounting af the Fund.r•,sh�wing credi[s and defiirs a�the Funda and the pur�ose for which each _ <br /> ' a�t+,�.,` ;f -- debit to the Fund.��ti�a::m�!e. The Funds are pledged us uddisi�,nn� ,ecurity��u nl�•um� cecured hy this Securirv InstrumeM. -� �- <br /> 'f�. , If the Fund.n c�ld hy Lender e�ceed the amcwnts permittcd to he held by.�pplicable luw, l.snder shaU :iccouM to Borrc�wer _;.` � <br /> �S,,�, ,. :``+� ,,t,'.,:��� :. <br /> . ' �;�<��. for ihe excetiti Fundti io accordancr��•i�h the requiremerns of appl icuble lua•. If'1he amount of�he Funds held by Lender at any <br /> �:�s•.':' . :, ,: � '�'�' <br /> ���{•, _. ;,"''��:���; time is not sufficient to puy thc Ekn���ltc►n�when dut.Lender rnay+a notif�• Burrower in writing,unci,in such casc Borruwer ''':� - <br />_ :��" ' °`'�'� shull puy to Lender the amount neces�ry �o muke up the defciency. BorruH•er shall make up the deticiency in no moie than __ <br /> ..� ; ,�;,..._-_.,.—. <br />__ o . .;:;:4�.�,ti,,;,, >. :,..� iwelvc m�mthly puymentti,ut l.enJcr'x�►1�Jiscretiuu. � <br /> :, y�.... �, �, �y �'�' <br /> „�,�,4..��- '„ , ,, Upnn puyment in i'ull of all .um. ,��ural by thix S�:urit�� In+trument, Lender shull promptly �efurxi to Borrower any <br /> t:.. �,,�ti,t „� `' , <br /> ;}� : Funds held by L.ender.lf,under paragraph?1, lAnder.rhull�cquire nr sell the Propeny,lander,prior to the Acquisitionor sale �•`' <br /> � ;�!;�,��., �� of Ihe Prn n �hull u 1 m Fund,liclJ B • I.ender at thc lime of u uisiti�►n or�Ic a�a crodit o uinst the sums secured b �'"� <br /> ,Z1�. ' P� Y• • pP Y� Y ) MI F y 6E"- <br /> •�. '_ ;•']�.• ,•+ this S�urity Instrumem. <br /> �:�,' <br /> ,'�±�f. .'`r1.;�;:;�,. � � 3.Applkallon nf Payments.U nk�ti applicahlc law prrniJcs otherwitic.ull puymen�x rcccived by Lender under parographs <br />� . �- ��_}..�°�;,:�1:��� , <br /> ��, ).r;, . �i�t k����+,�,�,�;�� .�. ' I suxl 2 shull be applied: fint,to uny preprymem churges due under the N�qc: urond,to umounts payablc under puragruph 2; <br /> ;� '� f'1,`�+.�,:�;�`;�:;,, � third, t��intercst due: founh, t��prfncip�l due; ond laat, to any I�tte rharges duc unJcr�he Notc. ��.� <br /> ?;ft . �%�•'�;i'``•` 4.C+hatges;�. Borrower shall pay ull taxes. asu:x�mcnt+,rharge+. tineti aixl impositiom utMbutablc to the Pmpcny '�,,�� <br /> :i, � � d°� �'�`'' which mny Auuin priorit�: �wcr thi� S�YUrity Instrumem, and lea.elxild puymcn�+ �tt gruunJ rents, if any. Bonower �hall pay , . '` <br /> 7i:' �, °'� . �� - �hese obligaticx�s in thr m.mner provideJ �n parngra�h 2,ur il'nnt paiJ in that manner. &�rc�iwcr chall pay them on timc Jirecdy � ' ' <br /> �' ,�,.; . •� � , ', to Ihe perum nwccl pa�ment. &ttmwcr.hall promptly furni.h tn l.eixler ull n�iti�'um��unt.���he puid under thi, parogr:iph. �"" <br /> ..L � :r:i�':,:'; • If&►rruacr make�thesc paynxn��Ji raUy,B��rrnw•cr+hull pminpUy furni�h tu L.cnder r��ciptti criJencing the payments. �''�' <br /> ��a� '�'�, , ,�,�: _ti ,�, Borrn«cr�hall pa�mptly Jixhurgc uny lirn whirh hu�priuntc�w�r�hi.Srrurit�• In�wmcnt unlc..&mow4r.la1 agrcc�in <br /> ""' �' ,?' writin�t tn the paynxm of ihe obligati��n��cural by thc lien in u nwnner ucceptuhle to LenJer: �b�cantr�ls in Eixxl li�ith ih�lien <br /> : �� �=t�� � u� :."... h nr dePerxl� a aize�i enfnrccmem ��I�hc licn in. Ir�al rixerJin�. w•hi�{; in thc l.endrr'. �► ini�m o ratc �n rr�•ent ihc . . <br /> �,,�'►� , . Y• P b P b� P P� P <br /> � :. ', �`'.",��. Ti'•")•�'.' enlittcrmem of thr licn: „rlrl.erurc,fr��m thr h��ldcr al'Ihc licn an uErerment,.�ti�fact�,n� to Lcndcr auMirJinu�ing thrlicntu i,"I <br /> '��It' ` r`�Y��(9� S�,'��t, . <br /> '°_�'-.� ,F x,�.._.r, �hia Sccurin� In.�trument. If Lrndcr dcicrminc> that am• pan al thc Pr���rt� i, ,uhj�rt tn:� 'i:n��hirh nkq•auuin priurity m•cr �t'r,.: <br /> u�.���..:•�`r'/Mfln j � �I'.' <br /> , . i� ,•�� �� f Ihia Security Imtrumcnt. LeiiJcr may pi��r BnrroH��r a notirr idrrnil�ing �he I�en. 13�rrra��cr .ball �;tti+ty Ihe lien��r tal�c�►nc ur <br /> `^ )����a; '' ,. .' ' . more of�he ac�ion�s�t fonh�Ixwe wi�hin 10 day,nl'Ihe gicing n1 mHice. <br /> �.. '�::iF�i.���.e.���'�d't�; �`"_,, . <br />;�:<-..._ �,:}F.7.,t,-- ="-=" - Fonn 30Z8 91Y0 <br /> ,� {Y:,:.�1,.�_ <br /> .. :;�"l�,i;e.t.�'� �?'�i; vaGa2 e+d <br /> �$y,�Y��`t., 'i({��.,���vr• <br /> •'�_• . Y��'J,�,'�,,�:'''r�:''`•'' <br /> ;•�.:���• : �t��', ,. �'��:y'�'i�;`'.`,il� l. <br />-'j j �S�il'2.'ti.�,��{��������� � ' 11, <br /> `+. ':a�::��f;��1�� rr�.;��1���,�• �n� tr. �� Ks� ► . ... ��•. . t� �>> +A.� ,���Nn ,,r � � <br /> •�� '� �fn t . [. b�"= '•�•v't�Vw N.f:I�`:\ti'.::�:�u-�: . . .,. c , �:�pY. •�i,p,a., . :� � fW�..{,... - . , ,._y��. ., .i��.,,l�ri�:.i�'�. <br /> ' • .. :�`'"4�.�;,• �•._�y1�.�i,.�'.1�4'vf; �. �r' ,•fii. ,. ,� '� <br /> , . �, �irS�t:t;��� . ': ,� �' . , . ;����" . ;{. . <br /> , �'..,.� � ����,•�; S . �l�,�';j,. i <br /> �' .. '� •,� .:1;.�l��'•, _.�t�l��% , ' ',• _ ��' • ' ' • <br /> :aK•. ��l.;�l{i �r �����' ._ �):� <br /> ',�,.�/���_�—. , . <br /> . ��;��i�� • : ..� . <br /> '�'F��', ���i�f}`.{.�'��� ' � <br /> �4...,,. , �r:;�: , � . <br /> • _ 1c'�'� - -�;1;�:�� • <br /> t � .9' , :6. • <br /> � , ,,(eM' r� � <br /> a � : ,.,�`� � , . <br /> ' � � <br /> � , � - - - - <br />