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Mnblt�tid Tn wCh ordu u Lnnd�r nmy d�Nsmin�or iQ spptyaitsur�P�a'.��afMr s�eh O�c1TO�►�b�n nsfOn�foA� .. . . <br /> ' .s�.nd.r�„sya.�e�+a��r.vv�uona�oeeea��o�a,a.a�+.awu�a�+eaoos�vo�+� ; <br /> . . _ . .: '`-a � tPlladuldWota�iqt��1MNot�oreqrsagfQa[autetls�aundaror�Ml►�DP�tun�fashWb�p�bb � . - <br /> -.°::'i �.- <br /> •:; T��'��i b��,�nd�r.UA�1he oCCUnenCS Of an Event Ot�ehultberaunder.Or it any aCt(s takln ot ie�at Drocesd� i c <br /> eh <br /> ' F �ne�dwNkhrtial�cialNaf�eblenddaiMerestinlhaProp��Y•���tnilsowndiaereltor►.�twithoutoetiyftta►bQ� i <br /> , �----: -=-_--_.-—� Tsuator an4�rttl�o��aNtatnO Thistu trom eny a6t�s�or►•do any set wfikfi Trustor tus � . <br /> _ s�I�d witliout notic�tootdaman�'t� . <br /> a�reed but taits to do and myf�do any other aet it deams oecesserft�o prot�t tha saeu�ity hereot Troslnr shai�hnmedfa�t�l �--- ----------- <br /> � upondamandMerelorbytendsr.WYtnLenderallcoatsandexpsnaestncuaedandaumsexpandedbS►lenderin�nnecHonwitA f . _ . <br />_ � fhsexercise6YLenderotthetoregoing�iQhta�to8�therwft�{ntereatihereott8tlhe�teattraor�proviQedt�m�► da or omit�o'ib� I � t: .•,�r•;•.,;::�.::...,:.' <br /> , .� eaaea eo n�e r�aemeaneas-e�wrea:nere�a t.ender sta�fl not.incur any�lladitlty.:he��u¢e af anything: k _:l-':`r�;?; �� y: <br /> : � " . . . .; ���' . � �� ar <br /> ,`'•� troreutsQer. " In c lar�ce��X��tcabia taws.on�neneea�artd.regulntiorts ~i <br /> . - S:H�aerAtiu�MalNtalr.:Ttuaior shall.k���'tW�!tNI-_°� ;,,,,,y.,� � ����{ �:�, � ` `` { c �� , <br /> +'!":. �,�: �1GY��. �.�.'�¢G�a�p.'�`S�•~EyR�'r'?.�w`:'S t F� � r� <br /> r �� ,.• ��f,f;j1 t if ''���'�.��If�1��.���Of�B1iY�IG[)f!„���,QLT�CO GY.�'�.^.�Sc�°S�.'A'iP��.t^vl.,��."'�t+'..�n.! ,�, �YMS�'°�.`��,�` 'c,°--r ;4�,_; }' -. <br /> ' f".i� ^�3.��,.xy;..�t�: ':�i��?f.�L�1l�I1fA�tra�'�9��?3�1�363�'r22'�Cd�US. , <br /> � ' •!:.a�i• � �lr1�`�:Tccis:'+��e��-war,reu�FSar.u�re�,.;�a��U�ralertZattheteaienoHazard?:E'sl�ftaleriai'sc�aK <br /> � . ��:� <br /> � .,. ; ' � � 'et,�r+';..;�5��,' ii9It2F71�.:� ��DitlQElRTi��Et�h'�dh2.��'^a3 ��,,�'�2G.�Sf3�i[BCmlS.offrCE�l.emD�GY�'ESBnd�A�%' <br /> . <br /> ; F� �:��r�. `;`':,;����f�,";�.;._"=f1, cir�diP�����=���"�Y�9� tossesandliabit"�iesarisfnginconneetionwifh , �� ' . <br /> r�,' •,•.:...,,,�:::�;,� :`. .�_ :.���terii38s'Si�ore�framendaqainsttinyandaitc►aitits�a�s+ _ <br />. - ' the p�senc�usa dfsposa!er banspo�l ct any HazarQous Materiats on.u►�er.Bom or atiou!the P+ePa�Y.THE FOi�E(iO1NG - <br /> WMRIWTIESAND BEPAESENTAT[ONS.ANDTRUStOR'SOSli(i1lTi0NSPlIRSlfANTTOTHE FOREGOiM(i1NDEMDIIYY.SifALL <br /> SUHYNE RFCQNVEYANCE O�THtS OEED OF tRUST. afits ol tRa PropeRy:providedlhat Trusfoe , `. <br /> t0.A��t ol R�nM.Tiws�►h��1t��m tander the renta issaes snc!pr • ,- , <br /> shalRun�IthsecCURenceol�nEveMolEk►auttMreunda�.f�avlthe�hEfQCOitactanQ�al�ineuGhrarits.isw�s�nOproritsaslt�ey . . 4 <br /> - -. Wconie Qua��b psysDi�:UDan Ms oCCUrr�nct ot sn Er�ni ot OHaut�LertQer may.NMn In per�an a bY a�em,wiM ar without : `. <br /> . �, brfrtyinp any ae�ia+a P��+�W�ot�y�aclivM�DRanMd tiYa eouA�ad wftlwut repard IQ Ine ed�OWGY a i1s�cnriry.eaMr ` . . <br /> . . upaiand 4k�pos�ssianM Ih�P�apKty.a�ny W�tl�r�1.[nfq own nam�ar In1ho n��M11�T�usNr.anddosny acls whicb it <br /> .. dN�mf Mcofsiry ar dNtnOt�b pr�N�v�N�A v�tw.mark�A�bi�i�l a nnW�ility o1 th�Pr ot�n pHt 1Mr�a1 or inMnst 1fNiNn, <br /> Me <br /> • if1CfHN iM i�fcv�thKNran a P►a�th�'acurity�ar�o1 an�.with or«ItAout tak1�g{w��s�lon ol the PropMy.�w fa or , <br /> ' p�uerwlse catt�ct tha r�nb.�ssws�nd pratitR thereo�inctu�lin�ihoas past due a�d unpa�d.and eppryl the sam��ass casts and . <br /> .,. . . _:T ~ . ��pMSls afppRaBOA�lf�f CG�+KttOn IrtC1u�Nrt4����/MR��Y�O�Qnea!t?�u�ed Aareby.�0 in such order as LenEat _.... �-, <br /> , msy d�foermiee f�a Mt�ring upon an0 t�kins poswss�on ot ths Property.ths toltectla�ot auch terrta,issue�end pro�s a�t�a • <br /> - . .. ' ' �;��qy��ot ss�lpryala�M�I!nat eun a w�vs anY Qehult a�otice ot QNautt henunder ar invalida0e any aet do�s in . .. <br /> rts�ansstosucf�defiuKoFpurswntt�suctFrtMicsotdNauR�ndnotwftf»t�ndiagthecon6nuancefnposaessfonoltt�e�operhaF , `. <br /> tlfs edlaelio�t.receipt and appiiw�on at nnts,lssue�or profifs,snd Trustes an�Lender shall be entitle0 io exerefae everyf riQht <br /> pravide�6forinsnyofdtetoanfnaKUmentso�bylawuponxeurronceotanyEventot0etaulRinetudingwithoutlimitadantheriqM { ,, <br /> �e��aissthe powe[ot iste 6urt�Ee�da�'s rlqhts and�emedtes under this pa�ag�aph shall be cumutative witA,an0 in no way a <br /> limyatipo pL Lencfe�'s rlphb and remed�es undar any assignmentof leases and renb recordeQ against the PropeAY.Lender.Trusees j <br /> and ihe roceiver aha11 Ee fiabte to eccount on�y for those r8nts ectually�received. , <br /> ,: . 4i. Ewnls at ON�uN.The foitowirv3 shal!ennstiMe an Event ot Default under this!)eed ot Trust <br /> � (a)Faiture to pay a�y instal►ment o1 principai or i�terest of any other sum seeured hereby when du� <br /> ,•- (o}A breach ot or de tauit u n Q Brany prov i s i a n c o n t a i n e d i n t h e Note,this Oeed of TrusR any of the Laan(nshumants.or any <br /> � other iien or encumbrance upon the PropertY. <br /> - �, � (c)A writ of executien or attaChment or anq similar process shail be entered againstTrustor whtch shail become a Ilen on <br /> � ihe PrcpeRy ar ang part�on thereot or inter�t thereln: <br /> � (d}There shall be filed by or against Trustor or Bonower as action under any present or i�ture tederal,state or ottter <br /> ' ;.., .,fi, statute,taw or regutation relating to bankruptcy,t�sotvency or other retiet fnr debto�orthere shali be appointed any tiustee. ; <br />' , � : �' i tecei rer or liquidator of trustor or Borrower o�6tail ar any part ol the Prd�e44y:or the re�ts.issues or Tnistor <br />' �•i'� •":`�;:�� '�`�•.. � oc 8'orrower shalt make any generai assignment for the be�etit a1 credit6�S. � <br />;j,;'.,:.� ;;,;� . ;,:�.'�" (e;i The sal�banster,tea3e.assignme��conveyance 4r further eneumbranc�ot at�or any part af crr asry is�ezest in tlie <br />.•,,;;,�.�?.':..-� � • .!'',�;- , pru�:eNher voluntaciiy or im�otuntarily.without the ex�r�ss written cd�seat ot E.ei��er,provided that Trostor s'naiE be <br /> ." , R9rm;,Rad to execute a lease o!the Properry that doea not r�c�ta�n an option to purctass aa�d the tem►01 which does nar�x�ed `� � <br /> :`..�: � <br /> . OQ8 yE2T, <br /> � (f�Aaaadane�ent of the P�operty:or . <br /> . ;�) H Trustor ia not an indivlQua�,the issuance,aaie.tran�fer,assignmenL Conveyance or encumbrance of more tha�a total <br /> � ' � � �� ' percent of(if a corpOration)its Issued and or�n�ing stoc�c or(if a partnership)a total 01 percent ot <br /> parCiership interests during the pericd thls Qeed oi trus*•rern�ins a lier.or.��e P�operiy. • <br /> � - , t2 ���;Ac�atlaf Upon pdaul�tn the event of any Evgnt of�efauh LenQermay,wlthout noUce exeept as reQu7rad by <br /> • � taw,QectBre aIt indebtedness seeurea hereby to be due and payaDte ane li�e same shalf lhereupon 6�come due an��$Yab�e <br />• .' • � withotst any preeentment,demand,protest or notice o1 any kind.Theteaft�r Lsn1�r may. �. • <br /> ' .'. `-'� . .�• - ja) Oemand that Trwtee exercise the POWER OF SA;.E grante�,4�afe�n..�n��rUSY=e shall thereafter cause Trustor's <br /> �'' � �r'" .�'�, , in�rest In the PrapeAy to be sotd and the proceed9 to be dis"lYibuted,8«dn the�.anne-�'¢'+�ded in fhe ttebraska Tr��eed� <br /> , -'l; '' `. . <br /> , A�(bj Exercise am��a�d afl rigbts provided tor Iro eny�ottlss roan In.frLm2*�ts or by law upon occurrence of any Event ol <br /> '���� ; DefautG and <br /> � (c) Com�re*�r.ean ectfon tatoreciose this Oeed ot Trust ae a mnitgag�a appoint a rece►ver,or apeci(ically entorce any ot the <br /> cevenants he�eof: <br /> IVo remedy hereln conterred upon or�Eeerved to tru�tee o�Lender ia intended t0 be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the <br /> ' Loan tnshument9 or by lew provided ar permitted:but eacH shatl be cumulettve,shaq be in addNion to every other remedy given <br /> hereunder,in the Losn instruments or now or hereefter exietittg et tew or in equlty or hy atetute.and may b9 exeralaed ConcurreMty, <br /> � Independently or succasaively. <br /> • t3.TrwIN.The Truatee mey resigte at any time withaut Cause,and Lander ma�r at any tlme and withoat cause appoint a <br /> �uCCeasor or subsUtuteTrustee.Tiueteeshall not be liabfetoany party,including wlthout limitation Lender,8orrowe�.Truator or any <br /> purchaser of the PropeKy,tor any foss ar damage untess dueto recktess or wlitful miscoaduct,and shall nnt be requlred to takearry <br /> acUon 1n Connectiun with the entorcement ot thi�OeeO ot Trus1 unless indemnitiad,irr writing,toi all cosU.compeneat�on or . <br /> �,�� � expenaes whlc8 mgy be a�sociated addiUon,Truslee may become a purchaser at any aate of the Propertyr Qudicial or <br /> � • , undar the powe�et eale grante4 herein):postpotte the aal�at all or any portlon ol the Property,ae p�ovided by faw;or sell the <br /> , � Propetiy es e whole,or In separete perceis ur lats et Truet�'s di'scretlon. <br /> � �4, �if�f�Exp�na�:M�tt►e event�Trustea selig ihe Pre�pert�by exercise o!power ct eale.Trustee shali be enHUed to epply <br /> a�sate proceede flrst ta paymentof all eosts and expenses ot exercising puwer o1 sale,including a!1 Trustea's teea,and Lertder's <br /> �� � en&��ustee's attarney'stees.actually incurr@Q to extetn permitted 6y applicabte leuw Intheevent 8orcower or Truatarexercisos any <br /> '��. , ��tptav?de0 bY taw to cure an�vern ot dargu141:enaer s:�atE��entitted to recover tro�grustor at1 costs and expens�saetuaily <br /> ;.:;; -inet��rad as a cesv�soi Trusto�"s delaulf,inctuaing w�thput Ilmitafla�ti aif�r,u�ee's ar�rb att�+,�/s tees,ta the eut�m po�ift�d bg <br /> 2r�p!]sabis�aw...:,� •' ' . ., . , , , <br /> ' , __. , ""� 1S, �it��r�nee�11�re�vesY o#Sa?srawet.LenQer m gt its o�t�ors:nr��a��iitbnai anG 4uture�savans�s�and ae- <br /> ' �� � - : -.�.��.�,���s�+�ae�an�raa�ra�ces:xrt�+fr��c��t%,erea�,snai��s��a��y'th��0eea�T;vstatrs�t;m�si,in <br /> ...�...... ',-.,�:.__....::.:! .._ . " .. f#`iS._' _ _ . .....- � - ---� - <br /> � �- " •�.v' �: � . .� , the �ipaiamt�U�Saithein.��rae6resssecuredt�yt�iiabee�#af'ffust.aof{�f3���s3ms��+ars�e�ta�cste'cstire�of . , <br /> _ ,., ;�,y;,, •' E�ee�4�t��1c8e80 the aflgir�at pri�cipat arttt�tmES�te�hEre#n�or Si�:!l1�:'U�"—`wftiehever�s gr�at�r. . <br /> , .. , i <br /> _ ._ :� . - - - _ - - - - - - - - <br /> . .� � <br /> � � <br /> S� ' <br />