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, y. �7L�ti�i.w.=7� II ' . ..:j�:�..�. <br /> --.�7 �;.y�(.� -'.��*� .'�,.�nr�_--_. <br /> ,," ��, � ,�.� .. ,, -�' . � � <br /> . <br /> : <br /> . . .� <br /> '�'•'� •'�:��r�: <br /> ,.. <br /> � ^- +�.►��• , - _ _ <br /> <--- - - <br /> �a _.�� . _� �t_.—_�_ __ -- - �- ---- <br />__ . � - sor��o __ _ <br /> , •� p�ynx:nts m�y no Innge�1�ttquirod.�t thc option oi Lnricr. if m�dgAge ins�urnncc cc►ve�te lin ihe unxwnt and fix�he pe�iwd <br /> thu l.ender rcquiR.wl providod by A�inwrcr uppt+nved by Lender upAin ha.ti�me.av�iloble uMi i�.��ai�xrl. &►rn►wer elwll pay <br /> ,�_____� . _ <br /> — �1°P"�^�"""�^'R"irwl to m�int�in m�x�gage in�x�exr i�effect.,K eu pry�vido a In.c�erve,umH ihe mqui.�mww fix mnrtgqge �-. <br /> inwnnce rnds in xoordancc wiU�any w�iueo a�rcemrnt tnetween Bc�rn�w�e�an�I.c�uler ur Applica e uw. <br /> - 9. IaepaKion. Lender or its agent mwy mYcc rr,�M�nahle emriex upnn uMl inti�tion.oP the Pmpeny. L.ender shnll�ive <br /> Bimawer aotice at the time of or prior t��an inrpoctian spei:ifying re�nuMe cau�fi�t�he inrpn:tiun. <br /> _ " -- — Ip, Comlemnsthst,'[ltr penceeds nt any auard o�claim for dwna�e�, dire��t or�ti►n+eyi�emiul, in cnnnc�hiun with�ny ,__ <br /> , , <br /> a Pm n or tor�Y�nv an�x in lieu nt'amdemnutii�n. ure har�eby u�.+igned und �_.. <br /> . c o n d e m n w i a n o r w h e r w k f n o f o n y f t h e p o y. @ Y <br /> . <br /> R P� <br /> �_ <br /> sludl be paid to Leoder. �'=� <br /> � "' In the event of a tutal wking of�he Pmpeny.the pmccedr�xhull he Applied tu�he�um+�untif hy thiti Secu�ily Inr�ln�ment. � <br /> � •r,.�,�,� :• whetMr or not�hen du�, with w►y exces.paid M B�xr��wer. In the even� of a paniul tcaiug .�f d�Propeny in which�ha fui� <br /> _-,' J�s�, �'� marlcel vulue of Uk Pm n immediael beforc the wlcin �� al to or reuter thun the vnxwnt nf the�►um��e�:ured by this �'�'"" <br /> a�. ` ,. pe Y Y R �• � 8 <br /> -.-'�_� �.;; `''`. '.� '� Socuri�y Inyrument imnradLuely bef�re the laking, unle.,&.rn�wer ond I.emter ntherwi�agrec in w•riting.��urerl by �,=' <br /> -�°`'� '.�� .-���n , �. "��� �his Sacuriry ln�trumen� s�wll bc reduced My the nm�wnt of ihe pmi.-ceJs multipli�d by �he follnwing fa�c�inn: IA1 the total »" <br /> ,�,,:. est'�'.':. � , ,.,',M: <br /> ..'.til"'a .r.�;:s.*. ' <br /> � ,..,�,; pmount af the wms secured imnw�liAtely befwrc Ihe luking. dividod My Ib1�he iair m3rket v�lue M'ihc Pn►peNy immcdiately �:s_ <br /> - �.::-- <br /> �,���� � ��~ `�"� bei'ore the wlcing. Am• balanK�e slull be paid ta Barnnwer. In the eve�u.►ti�pcutia!taicing of the Pn�peny in whirh�he fuir .�.-.�• <br /> •�!'� ,,;;�4��.," market value of�he Property immadiately befixc�hc luking is:le�s Ihan�he am�wnt of ihe sum,se�.�urod imme�liu�ely heforc�he �'�; <br /> , .'`:,• . . .,,"'.. .: taking.unless Bomnwer cud l.crnie� dherwitie agree in wdtiog ur unlcss applir.ible law uther+�ive provldes. the pnx�eeJe: shn0 � <br /> �_;:;�:� : ' —- <br /> •;E,;;:,..., . �,�.j�,f�:.� '``t' 6e applied to the r�umx secured by this Secarity Instn�ment whe�her cK m�tFk wm�are tt�en du,� <br />��`�,; 4.. '',�,;�� � IP Ihe Property is Abandonecl by Barrower.or if.aiier naice by Lender to Rorcuw�er.�tlyui�he rnndemnor uffcrs la muke an �� <br />•=1,,:�,,; _-. . R <br />�-',•s,., �'"=' �`fi^�"t�- „yan!o�se�tle a claim i'or d;images. BoROwer fa+l+u� rec�xmd tu l.emle�wi�hin '�U days vfler the date the natice ic given. ` �:; <br /> :,;:;;.:... �.:.: <br /> ,� ;;.� , • Lrcr.3cr is attiluxrizad ta ca!}cct�d�gpl�the prcr.eecls,st it��litx�. ei1her to t�u�rst#�n�r repair nf tt�PrQp`rty nr ta tfic wrcu ;,��.::�; <br /> , , . .4 w T ,� <br /> .t -;e__�... .. .�,,d�k'a:.� . <br /> <<4 .. � ,h.t , , , secured by�hi,S�curity Ias�rumeM. whe�lx�or not then due. ,t�,; <br /> '`�,�` t;� 'S�'y�6°� .���7 '� • Unless 1.�.�er and 8urnnwer utherwi�e agrce in writing. any aPPlirntiun uf prcxe�xl+ �o principul .Iwll nat ex�enJ or r <br /> ' r' '"� 3`'���•+�'•, poctpone�he due Jate of ihe nrnthly paymcnts refern+l�o in paragraphti 1 wid�ar rhange the amnunt of�uch payments. `,;��'?� <br /> �tr;,,,,,. -:a--,+: , <br />.�<<�',`:' •ffc,'. � ,'- t� 11.Burrow•er Nat ReO�eased;Forbearance B I.ender Not a WAi�en Exten.ivo �if the time fi►r a nxnt or modific�iion <br /> ,,:.;,:, y v y �-. <br />_ +�. '' '' . of amonizntian af the sums srcured by�hix Security Instnimem grunted by I.enJer�o uny tiurces.s��r io in�ere+t��f 8c►rcawer shull '`�-' <br /> :..�;�. �.... • � .<• <br /> = ;��1^:: . .l. �,5., yjY�.,,����. IH)1 A�1C(i1lC l0 lCl�:a�e�he liubility of ihe uri�in:il&�rmwer or&�n��wer',succetirnrs in interest. Lrnder shall not be required to ',,f <br /> n• ,4��i1`Y,��,�' �:��i' uf the sum uti�oredbby�thi uSecurity In�ru,mentt bry rea.snnf of uny d nwnd made by hc1oriFi ol Borrow�dd r Borrowe'rs _ — <br /> f� r':;'�;t� su«ewsan in inte�l. Aa} Y�,rbearance by Lender in exercixing nny right or remedy xhall nnt t►e u waiver u6 or preclude the ;� <br />�i.s: + �' `-'• <br /> �! ,sstfu;�;.__ eae�riee�P;�ng ri�ht or remedy. �':`:': <br /> '�'i ," `� �`y"',� 12. ti�5oe.cwars pnd Asc(gnc Boand; Joint s�nd Sevrral LiabiliEy: Co-sig�ers. The cnvenums wiJ agreemrnt�of�hix E�,�{: <br /> ��, , `������!++t��r !. Security InAt�umem .r•hAfl hind uml hencfit the�ucce,uin�nd u.tii=n� c�r l.encicr AnJ Fonower. wbjcrt tu thr pmvitiion� ��a �r <br />_:•�,���:� �;Yqf;r;[����,��;:,. parogrnph 17. �nrrmti•�o�s,c•nvenunts und agreemems shall be joim .�n.9 �ver,�l. Aey Borrowcr who �o-.i�a� this Security �" � <br />:.., �.� '�,�•,�ti:�.�:.�_ <br /> .L�Yt�� (��tr,�,;�•;: '�� Inztrument but daes ►soa rxe•cute the Nute: la) i�ro-.igning lhi� 5ecurity 1n,trum�n��nly to mangaRe, grum uu.l convey that _�'��t <br />_•'.�,S�.F�"r � r��•�'�j�,��;S�u��^ Bnrrowcr's mter�xi m�Prt Nr;�;rny unJcr ihr tem��ui�hi�Sewri�y la�,isu�r,�ui: �bl i.�tal��.unally ubllgat�J to pa}•the sumti " <br />.�e,,•:::; „`?�'�:�J�` .• �{•. �_- <br />_ .••., _ � �•.}: �� { z,�'Sy};a x�ured hy thix Sccu�lt� lmtrumen�: :�nd Icl ugnr�thai l.crxicr a�xl ur.�. oihrr&�ROwer muy agr«:t��xtend,mcxiify,forbc�r�r <br />„�v.::.':`� 't .;,.;: , .,,,,• ; ��4�. �.i�•, <br /> ti�?•• .l►,. meke any uccomm�xlati�m�with reganl to�hc tcrm�uf thi�Srcurit� ln�:sument nr the N�ite with��uc i�:�.:i &�rmwer'x ccm+ent. <br />-�'-'ti�f�� 'A`����,.�.� " �. <br /> ___..2, , _��.�,�. 13. [.aAn(.fiu�cc.If thc lo•rn krurcJ hy ihi.Sccurily InKtrum�n� i+,ubj��t to u law�whirh+c�� maximum loan charges, <br />�---,:,� �,,:.�,� �v:l;.. and that law is tinally imerpretrd.i�Ihat thr inle�esl c�r�Nhar!nan �h:�rgc�rnlle�:tcd��r lo be collected in conr.�rtion with the <br />=�y ;,+x�,� ..•,n:e: loan cxc��'d�he perniiu��l limit�. Ih�n: Irl•rn�• wrh loan�4;argc >hal�I+e rcJureJ by the•rmount n�wessary t�►reduce the charge <br />'sYi,r?�Y{ti � '�'' � ,y' lo the permitted 7imit:suiJ(b)uny tiwn. atrw�y rullertc�l fram B.,nn��cr which�xceccled perntilled limils will hc refunded 1� <br /> {,�,; '�`'� Borrower. L.encitr m�y chcxice ta nwke Ihi. re(unJ b�• r��ducin�, tfie princip•rf oa�ed unJer Ihe Note or Ny nu►king u direcl <br /> f'Y4•.'.`,_ ,,l.��i'+v.a• .• •�. ' .,'•�• . <br /> '''p,`�!s;.' '��`;�R '=' •�, payment to t3nrrmver. If u rcfwui nduce� princip•rl, thc rtxfucllnn will tk trr�:e.l u� u punial prepuymem wi�hoaa ur�� �j5.,�.� <br /> .f.� '' y �J'(fs;;c,�, ..."�'� , ,. P�tpaYtnenl chargc undtr the Votc. yj�;:;� <br /> . � f'j�' ' ._�o•�:.�.`:. ti.�:r.,: <br /> i � '',• 14.Not�. Any nntic�co&►rmarr proviJcd G�r in ihi�5�rutity Ms�roment vhall he givcn hy dclivering ���tt by mailing . <br /> :S;S�.d{. ..�:.:. <br />-;.fu�.; • � , 1,� � �'.? ,,. i�by tin�cla;�maii unle4�uppliruMe luw reyuin� u�e�N'an�,�har��el:�txl. Thr nutirr�hall tn d'art�cted to�he Pn�peny�►aidres. �.,.- <br /> •�;.•.:� r;'���:. ',.; •: or any uther acldres� &�rrower dezi�;nuee+ h}� nntire t�� I.ender. :lny c��.�tirc Io Lcnd�r �hall he civcn by fir�t cl;�..+ mail to - <br /> •:t,�„s.�4 ' ,_ �. �,. <br /> ;:.•r•j•. �'' �•.� Lender's uddrr��stateJ hcrcin�►r any�i�7;s adJrc�. Lrr.�lcr d:sirnuic. h�• n�nirr to &�rrawcr. Any nutire pro��ideJ fi�r in this <br /> _ ��` �=..1, . , Security Imtrument xhall hc dccmed to huvr t►cen give� to[���rra.�•er ar Lcndcr whcn giv�n a+pmvided in thi�parugruph. � <br />`���'� ` �� `� ° = . 15.('.avernlnK; Sevembqity. Thi� Sc�unn Instru+nent r.hull hr g�»�rrn�Yl hy fiwlcral law •rnd thr I•rw uf the <br />::� ' ' ;,;„' <br /> Y. sy,� �• -+ ' ,.,�';r; juri,dic�ion in which�hc Prupcny i.I�k�i��l. In il�r.�cn�U�u�un�• pr+,vi+ion ur cl•ru+c uf ihi.Securit�� In�trumrnt ��r thc N�uc <br /> '`%'.+� '� ,: t�::•.% c�mflictx aith•r I�wbl�law'. ,urh�un0ir�.hull nat al't�cl othcr r.,�isinm uf�hi,Srcurit In.trunknt ur thr Nulc w•hinc�un tx <br />-'�,r�.,- � � pP'' P Y <br /> i'�".:, given effc�t withaut the canllicting pru��i,iun. Tu dii�rnd the pru�•i,iun,„i thi�Sc�urit�• In.trumcnt anJ thr Notc arc�kclared � - <br /> �:�' ,�� .. lo be tie��erublc. :/1"f;'; <br /> ' ` '!'•, ;� <br /> _ >>,.«„••. <br /> �� .�.�;;:, . �, 16.Ibrruwer's Cap�. &,rn�w•rr xhall lx. giv�n on�:��»lurtned�n}��•nt'thc`,�te amJ ol�thi+S�turity In�trumenL ���,;, <br /> '�:.;. � '' ` Form 3028 9 90 <br />� . r���• . . � ;�. <br /> � v,,ye a��r <br /> , ` .� , � t.�. <br /> . . 5 m ' ��' <br /> � � . ' . .r�rr::.�-.v.-.; :i=.-,.. •.��`� •s.., . . , . . ..-•,?e'�kaitRWpA?.�r-.+' r•.,,,.. •Y... ..t... , <br /> . ••,: "a�dwd!� <br />� _�_ j� �l�v�¢_ .. . ... .. <br /> — =- �-----— -=V`_--'-- ..-. . . . <br /> . � � �� • . � .. ' . . . <br /> � �... . �,. .. . . <br /> �,� . . . ' . .t... : � - � � ' . <br /> �, ' . <br /> '�� • . , . . ' . <br />� , V'�i.. _. t , �t � . � <br /> .� ...� <br /> ; i .+^ , . . ' . _ . . <br /> '` • � <br /> ` -J1 <br />� .� 'f� �i�' � , ...... . <br /> ; <br /> ,' ' • � <br /> � � � . <br />