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_�...�.�_ _ .... <br /> . 7� -'"R' R .�. _ <br /> . . r...� :5,:•- <br /> + �z ar�.. � �k,.�:r"'.' -a:r_T.. <br /> �. .� _ � 1 <br /> . . .;:� �'+.�� '!1':.r;�� . �.n . - <br /> �Ya lr7 +sr•...t�� <br /> ,j: . ,�: ,yc�}1 . ;A� . f. • . . ,. .-. <br /> ��� .�.�..y-�..�,rr' •. - - <br /> .__ <br /> � - -- �_`- --- -- - - - <br /> _ ..�� y:..�.����c.� 9$-i01t�O0 — — <br /> _ TO(iEfHER WITH AO�he impmvement�naw ar he�fier ere�ed on�he pr�ehy,and all eacemeotx,�p�winenArrces. wid � - <br /> — --- — Baturc�► oaw or MCICA�14f A �1AA ot the pmpertY• �111 replacementa w�d uiWi�fnn� tiFudl wlco be rnverod by thi� Secudty <br /> ::,----�---� i.�.rL�. All of the farcgoing ia rkrrrd ta io th{c Se�u�iry In►�n�mcnt us ihc'Pmpcny." � _ <br /> BORROW�R CUV�NAN7'S Ihu 8omower is lawfully+icisod of tha esiate hcrcby conveyed and tw.��ho rigM�o R�ant And <br /> �'� . ., rnnvey the Pmpehy and Ihal Ihe P�t►peny ie�unencumberod, except for cncumMrunces af recnni. &irniwer warranl� and wfll �— <br /> ' � � `' defeM gerrerally the tiUB tu�he Propeny againa�nll cluims and dem�nJr..huhJect�o�ny en�vmhrunce+��f�ti�rd. �r�•.- <br /> -- THlS SECURITY lNSTRUMENT rnmbi��ea uniinrm rnvenarns tor nat�onal uEC und naa-uniiarm c+ivet�aMr whh iimilai �=-- <br /> ��'�x-� v�tiutinnti hY ju�xdiclinn to rn��tilute a uniform�ecurily in,trummt mvering real pmpeny. E�_`_�y <br /> — �`� UINIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower und L.ender mvenunt an�l ag�+ee�s follow�,: __._ <br /> `�" r .._ ;•rfn'�;,,.t;�, 1. Paya�n�t ot Principd pnd Intcr+ests Prep�ymeot aod I.ate Clw��.w. BnROwe� shall pnnmptly pay when due �he -'w� _ <br /> _'_;q �~ ��:�,���:�,,��,. • priocipal af and inter�t on Ihe debt evidenced by thc Nme and uny prcpuyment�l lale charge�due under Ihe Nntc. �.-= <br /> -�- ��a;`.!;'•;' ', 2. IFunds far Taxes and Insurance. Subject ti� applicable IAw or�o u wriuen wuiver by I.emler. �m�we�shul)p�ay�o �_:--� <br /> ��'��f � � L.ender on thc dny mnnthly paymen►s Are due unde��he Nrne,unlil the Note is paid in full,"FunJ."1 for:la1 yeu�ly tAxcs ��"'� <br />�°��i� ' . ,5;�, <br /> ;�: i -��.. . . __ �,_'r�r. and a�se`sments which may attain priority over�hi.r Securily Ins�rument as u lien on�he Propeny:Ib►yearly Ieu+ehald�►aymems '_.':_�- <br /> '�"`Y` a� or mund rents nn the Pro n ,it'an • �c► rarl I��d or n insurance emiums:ld) raul 0c►ad in�urance remiums. =9`�'=- <br /> �,� ' . 8 Pe Y 9• Y Y P�� � P� Y Y P i�-.-=- <br /> -�;'�� , , if any: lel yearly matgage inw�e premium�, if any:aoJ 1 fl an�r�urn�puyuble by BuRaw�er to I.c:nder,in xcordan�r with _"'- <br /> — ' � the visicros of 8, in lieu af�he ment of mon a e inwr,ux�e remium+. 7'I�e Nema:ue called 'Escmw Uems." � <br /> �• .�:��.,�:" '„ . Dm P�B� PaY F R P F��"_:_. <br /> `_`.; ' I.ender m�y,ui atry iime. rnUect and hold Funds in an arncwn�not to excced �he maximuro anx�um a lealrr for u fedendly �"` <br /> � ��� " � ' related mung•rge loan may require for Borrower's exmw ;�ti�unt wder� fedeml Re;�E��ate Settlen�nt PmceJure.Act of ' � �' <br /> �-,d':''' ,,,'r,':,�,�.• . . ., ,,., �''��,�_ <br /> . ,. . l�,r,,.• 1974 us am�nded fmm�ime ta time. 12 U.S.C. Sectian 2b01 er sP��.�'RESPA"1. uole��anWF�ee law tl�t appla�lo the FunJa ,� <br /> .�•_„._. :•,-=:.�, - :..:°rl�,. se�s a le�ser a��il�unl. If.o. I.eruier owy. ut uny time. .ti�Ikc1 anJ Ihdat Fu�kl. in au�n�uunt ih•� �t1A�nrenJ d�r k�.er m�a►uu�. ��._� <br /> 'r'--`•� , ,f. Lender may r�umate thr:unacnt ol hunds due on Ihe ba�i�at �vrrent da�a and n�:��amablc expendnures ot tuwre _;���`- <br /> �}. ,{��.;� ;`{.�j���ir" , ..--•- <br />- �� � •.'�tt� •��`��� �� ,�,�.' Exrow ltems or aherw•i�in:v,:�.t•rdance with�pplicabk Q'wlK. � ��?� <br /> • ►+";1��I�,r�1�G,i,' �( ,''� Thc Fund. shall br fretd i�c an institution who,e ��:w,p�+�it�aQe 5r�ti�md by a t��9cral agen.��_ inMrumentality. or entitp r �. <br /> '''--°'�.r .. .,��,�.� Y�:���1 � � .._t�e:.._ <br /> •• '.�:..'',��i-d� , .;��..r liiuluding LenueP.if l.ender ix Kuch an ia��ituaion)ur in Any Frdcra�'H��*mu l.oan Bank. Lcnder cC�c�,1 a:FPly the Fund�to pa}�the :�:+���T <br /> ;f5.,r • . �.�. ;s.�,s,ti; �,..��„ . <br /> _ t} Esr.row Itemx. �.�nder may not charge&+sr�►+n•er for holding und u��;�.e�a_the Funds.���uny,��,��.�,2:�the escraw uccount.ur •,,,f• �� <br /> .� .'.• •. ,,.•�� <br /> E : ,� :.• ' verifying the Exrow Items,unless Lender�a�•s Borrow��r imterest on the Funds and applicable law permils: Lernier to msike such �"f»,k.--= <br /> - : .. ' a charge. However. l.ender may require&►rcrower to pu� �a one-time charge for un indepenJenl real est�te �nx rcponing�ervice '���`� <br /> :.._�� <br /> ,. ,�:. <br /> ~•e• ..,����r used by Lender in connection wi�h �hi:� 9�ic.ui, unless a��licuble law provides otherwise. Unless an ugreeroieicc i, made or •`- <br /> `•:. .., .. ;,.)..�•.r,, ", ,. <br /> '�;�1�,� • � ;;}r� ,, .:� p y, applicable lau•requim.imerest to be pai�l. IL�nder shall nc�t be �eyuir�r{f Ro pay Borrower any intcrcu a�r earnings on Ihe Fund.. ,,,,r __ <br /> _ � t� �,� 's: Bnrrower ond l.encler:nay ugree in writing, howevcr. that interr�t tilwll be paid on�he FunJs.L.c�a��cr r�hs�ll givc to Bortowcr. �`� <br /> • • '�`°��'�`,}�i� uti.!:a�c charFr. an aRnua! a:.ountiog of thc Futulr. sho�•ir.g crcdits and dcbit�to src Fuiscl.r aod thc purpn.r•�;.4 w;sirh e�:h -=�u-- <br /> ,� - _ � ,� r ,.�.�. ��,�'*:.,. <br /> .:�1'�+f,.,.,! deY�i��o�he�urul:wa�m�,k�. The Funds are pled�ed�.ucicli�i�nal xcurity for ull aum��ecured by this Se�urily Ins4�ument. �..ya.,,,,;,,,� <br /> ��` t4:""`'�'� If thc Futtd�hrld i�}• 'Len�l�r cxrced�hc amounts permiucd tn be held by Ar�lic,:b!�:law, I.ender sholl accuun�t rn Borr�aer `if.���;�'° <br /> ' .!t•r. ,�. . �P. <br /> .. �.�'n�* <br /> . � �rt:..�1's�-. <br /> ���� .,.,�q, fi+r the�xce�.Fua� accardnnce wi�h the reyuirementti c►f upplkabl, flaw.➢9'thr umount of�he Fund.held by L.ender ut nn; . r,�f r�,;.. <br />.�� time is not sufr,d•�i;nt to puy thc Eticrnw Item+:when due,LenJcr may u�i:����i} &�rrowcr in wri�lr�,, and,in tiuch cu.e&irmwcr � <br />_�_ - -.--• '_`":�h'. '--r.,. Ft�J;-`,;. <br /> ��;�5�- shall pay w Leruler�he anwunt nere�sury lo muke up �he Jelicicnry. Bormwer�holl muke up the d�ficicncy ro nu mum than ��;%`_..'. <br />�.,� , �' �' - twrl�r m�mthly payments,al L.enJer'�Kile dixrction. �,•,;,:_ <br />,. : , .„.., . .. <br />� ,. �• ; �,� Upon payment in full of ull ,um. ,rcumJ by this Securi�y Insirument, l.rndcr tihall pron•,rtly refunJ to Borruwcr any � ��i� <br /> , .. Funds held Ny Lendcr. If, unJer parugruph 3I, I.cnJer+hull ucquirc ur kll ihe Property, L.endtr. prior to the acyuitii�inn or wle ��='�- <br />�; � ., . .,;,,:�h� uf the Pmpeny. sholl uPpIY any FunJ�helJ by LenJer m�he tink ul';wyuitiitiun or wlc us u rrcdia:;�ainst Ihc �um�scrurcJ by ��_•�-_ <br /> % � �,,. " ,..�t�:: this Security Inslrumcnt. e�:-�. <br /> �;i;4_��>�. 3. A ks�lion oi Payments.Unlc�+u h�ublc luw r�wid.w otikrwi.c.all a roxms received b I.cnJer unJer aru ru h� F�.��° <br />� �. ,� PW PP�' P p')' Y P B P • �� <br /> � 34 1 anJ? shall lk upplic�l: lint, to nny prep•rymcnt rhurgc. Jue under�hr Not�; secar.d. t.�amounls p•rynble uruler p•rrrgrrph 2; �i�':+�:.� <br />�'.�� �.�.•..., t�s�r� , <br /> � • � '1�:' `� �• � third,ln intcmxt duc:fiiurth,to prim:ipal duc:uixi I•r�t,lo•rny I•rtcrhur�c.duc undcr t!��tiotc. '. ���� <br /> 3.�• '` ,�f`;'.;` 'y'; ;:�. <br /> ..,,y��.. r , s�, � ti 4. Clw�cr.; Llenr. &,rrowcr sha1B�a} aN taxc�.arsc.timent._ �haResx, linc�u�xl imposi�i�ns attrihutable tu thc Proprrt} ,i�,uts <br /> �'�'.° �?(� ��1� �'��'t, which nwy ataaiv pri��rity ov�r thiti Sccurity in�trumcnt. uml Ica,e�:.�'J: r*a�ment��ir gruwui rent�. if;u�y. &�ttnwer yhull paL ",� -- <br />�i�'.'��.�.�� I�,' r,,� µ�i ..� it t �."..�r _ <br /> ��` <br /> � ; �,t;}�{,:�;,;;'�•.��t, thek nbligatinn> >n thc m•rnncr pri�vidal in�aragrap'h'..a.r iI not paid in th;�manner.&►rri�W�r re'hall pa� Ihena an �ink dirc�tly ` �a_.�'T <br /> �,�.,r:'• .•'��' ,.�,,�'{ .:, ,, ""�. <br /> •.�,... � . . ,.,. . �. t��tt�e pcnon ow���l payment. &+rr���vcr tiha9i �ramp�l} rus�e,�h ti►Le�uler all nntice�of amnuntti In t�e�aid ur1:r�hi�pu��traph. • . . <br /> •'' If&�rruwcr nwke,thr.e a mm�l�Jirerth, H�urnuer�ha;! mm I lurni.h t�i LrnJer rerci t�evid�ncin the a memti. -���-` <br />`��"� �,.�u;`n,y._,F ,,.�;; ,, k P'S' T P�Y P • F P'Y `"-'u'- <br /> E �} .°° ;.,: � t':� &►rrow�r shull pr�►mpdy di,riwrge un� �irn whirh ha.,pri�xiry .,ver thiti S�YUrity Imlrumrm unle,.&irn�wer: 1•rl agnr+in _ " <br /> '�'`:' ,� A�� "�'.�.•���.';; wrilin to the a mcnt��f tlx��bli•ati��n ,crur��i b thc lirn in a manner arre whlc to l.riiJ�r: Ihl r�,nlc+l. in •u�xl faith thr lien „'r-..� <br /> � � -. •+�.:ti;'� , F P Y � )' P b � <br /> ����1''� :r.,T o-,,�?tK�.. � , {r`•q��.� <br /> : ,;�� , " - .-�, by. or defenJti u�.wn.t enfi�rccmcnl ul thc licn in. Irpa� emrr�ding� �chirh in 1h�• LcnJcr'�npinion ���xratr 1�► pr�rcnt thc :,.•�.�,�� <br />���., " • :��;1�#:2� . :: cnfor�tnKm nf�hr licn:ur�ri.crurc�frum the hi►IJcr�is t':r)icn ura;igr.enxnt ki;�st:�:um �u LrnJrr,ut+��rJin•riing ihc licn to ,.. . ;,.- <br /> •:,�•�s;' .. �'�� a". ' thi+Scturity In.�rumcrn. II'L��ndcr dcicrminr�ih:�i an�• �n„I'thc Pr�,�ncftl N �UF/�l'll 1�1� (ll'll Nllll'I) Ill:l� �11:110 riuri�� i��•er ; ::;... �1'� <br />.,,•;,,,.. ;.�.,_. ��'' r' �. ',. � ,,,.� <br /> .��3t ��;'- thi�S��urit��Imtrumrnl. Lend�r nwy� �i�r I���rr;���cr a nnUrc iJriNi'..�,,r:: �..r �'• • ., <br /> •,.�.,,.�� ; i , • � . licn. Hnrr����er .hall .a�i.f� �hr licn u�t•rkc�mr v�r <br />. �r::'• ,; < <:,: ,,.,.. . i�: more of the a►Kiimti xt liinh at►ovc wilhin IQY�ta},��f thc Eivin�t af ncai... ���;' <br />'.ti,�; , �,y�r�;.�; �;•,r: : <br /> _?"•t,;�.��� : �7�;ICt:r��"., • Fam3028 9�90 . ��•. <br /> i: ,; <br /> ,�,�}'� r1'�''f�yt).�1: , opeJo�B , <br /> .��.. * ' <br /> �� <br /> ..-�+��'.. , i .. <br /> i <br /> 't!'`..• 1 ► ' . ' � Fx. <br /> +��;i,i`�isyi:' �, �j . _ . �i'. . <br /> •1', .M S,l}����t�r .,., t , 1'W'.,...�..,t:..:i�-.. . . • � . �. ,. ,j '�\�. ' 'i . . ' .. . '.'��Lw:_v�.. .. . a. n., . . ,i. . , . <br /> .. . .�_y': `'% . . . _ . <br /> �_ , ,'����i�'....�.L� . . .. . <br /> �.,;,—'_ { :'r�_..-.1r '"�'_-'_. . ..: . , . <br /> . • . / <br /> l i � . � ' . , � .I � <br /> _ t � . .'. ' . ._ .'�. . , <br /> _ i �� `� � � . ' � . <br />, � ' .. , ti�r. .. .. - ' . � <br /> �rs� 1 <br /> .. S Q'�� <br /> . � - •��I.�' <br /> � '� � <br /> . • <br /> . �_ • <br />