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�. Yr.. � � fi .K!:T"�: <br /> .�� "'Ji7�Ii e'`- <br /> '�i• _ (�SI+'�IY�.•. . ' ' . .�. ' _ <br /> - . • . ' �- . .1. -. <br /> � . ' ,��►�`-�.. _ <br /> � � �.__ ."�• � ,� _ <br /> � � �, �;. . . � Rf•RECORDED � � <br /> . •r f �ax.: •�`. •� •• � '��"_10�7��I ^. '_`�-- �., <br /> ������.�� . . 91 107801 �--- ------_ <br /> " a�which uc mfenod to in Wngra change �he �mount af�uch paymcros. Any exccxs pnxada ove�w� _ <br /> -° --- n:.:, .. �r..�ui�..d ta pay all aulst�lfnt u,ni�.d�a N�we and�hic Siecuriry Inc�nun�.0�1 hr=w�i��h.sraity - -- <br /> �c:�.,.:;.,;�t: . le�l�y entltlod therota. <br /> .e. �,� 8.'�ees. l.ender mpy collect fees and ciur�es�utMKired hy Ihe Soc�tary. <br /> ` R � . ' !. Grounds far Accekradoa d Deb1. - <br /> (�l DcfNall. Lrnder mwy.ezcxpt a+c Ilmited by�c�{ula�ions i�:�.ued by�he Secrrtary in the case of pay�r�ent defi�uUs. i�" <br /> - " a .:+."�,'�" ' �� 1�qu(�Immedlate payjttent{�i full af�II sutm srcttrcit by lhi4 Secud�y Inctmment ii. �_--_ - <br /> . • - - -- --.•_°' li)Bormwardefuul�s by Pwiling to pay in iull any manthly puYment reyuirod by�hi�Securily(n�tmment prior �,-,K_,.._�.,_ <br /> �:,� ��• to or on the due dwte oi Ihe next manlhlY puYmen�,nr -- <br /> - �f'� � � ' (ii)Bamowet defaul�s�b fuiUn ,far a �iod of ihiA du c,ta rfoim any wher obli utic�ns contained i��hic .,-°-_-_-- <br /> Y 8 IK Y Y i� B _ - - <br /> ' ' �:�,;;:_ . ; '_. ` Sccu�ity lactrumem. —=-_��.- <br /> ._--. `.�''F.`•� -,� (bI 3de Witl�oat Cndlt App�ovpl. Lender sfudl.if petmiued by upplicubin luw und whh�he prior upproval of the ,,. <br />—'��`,'-� + • Secnetary.roquine Mtncdiute u meot in full of All�he sum+��ecurcd b Ihis Seeurit Instniment if: <br /> ,--- ,:; • •�'��;�r P Y '`� y Y �,;:`•:�u;;_-- <br /> �'`, (i)All or put ot the Propcnq, or+� beneficial intereat in a trus�own�ng all or purt of the Propehy. is sold or <br />- ��� . ,�. .°i:.. � dl�erwise tran�femed(olher thun My dcvice or descenq My ihe Borrower.:and �'`-'�L- <br /> �u� . � (ii>The Prapertg is no�occupied by the purcha�r or gmnter as his ix her prineipal rexideoce,or�he purcha+er yr,�-=�•-� <br /> ,-- � cx gr.uNee daes so accuQy tbe F'�o�eny bu1 hix or her cmlit has nw been appn�ved in accad•rnce _�,�,.�..- -- <br />,�• , . with the�equircments oi'uie Secawry. ���'=, <br />_�''� t a� '• • (e)Na Waiver. If c�reumsta�.�es orcur that would permit Lender to reyuire�immediate paymen�in full,bw Lender '`�. <br /> •� , . �'._ <br /> ;.,;'"' . ' `•'i does not require sechpayrnents.Lender does not wu�ve its righls wi�h respcxt w subsc�ueM events. , .. • �:- <br />' a '+',; �.�'r��:.:,' .,�� (d)Re�ulaUons oiHllU Secrehry. In msmy cir�cumswnces regulations issued by Ihe Secretary will 9iaait Lerxler?� �= ',..-:"'"�'- <br /> . �;��� •:i'�` �/. ' �S �ghts. in the case of pa�ment defaWtg. to re9uirc immediate paymept in full and fo�eclase it�i aid. This :.. � '�-�, <br />. {''.� �" L� '} 1 l��i�Vl} �� �p'1 <br /> ,���:i:..i�,t�''�.er ,:`;:� Securiry Inswment does rat auUariu acceleratian or forccbwie�f nw permined by regu�atianc of ihrt.-rcmtacy. ",kr.,., <br /> . ��:�-" �a�*�r}c�.`t, �'�' (r l M u�i p,a g e N o t insur c d. B a r r avea:e g n e e+t h e t s h o ed�l�hiK Securnv Instrument nnd tL�e�wte�wed uihere'hy rnoe F ��``": <br /> '.`,',�`,it�,�,.,.r�� be eligible for insurance under �he Na�iaw) Housing Ac�within 9(1 DAYS frore��he 3 i <br />- ` ,: ''k`ti'�.'.�' '"^"j;��y.t,'� ' ci�te hercof.L.ender iu oplian w�d nawithstnnding anylhinF in P�ragraph 9.reyuire immedi;�[e�+aymrnt in .•:-.,— <br /> �::`,'fi . ,. .. . �..�t;�}�.ti! .. . _� <br /> ,,;�:,:1 � ;,,I�°��: full of all sums secured by thi.Security Insuument. A written+tatemem af any Authc►rizrd agem��t'ah-a Secse tan• :, , <br /> .� . .�n�,�. �.l4',i.. <br /> .�' ; •.:. .�'• dat�d subsequent�0 9p DAYS fi�om the date hereaf,declining ta insure thi4 Secu�it�� •:,�*p��., � <br />..�l":,.'•` Y ',.• •. <br />_;v;;,.;•.t '..e' , °.'i�:��r;�t�{'•.;;r; Instrument and the nwe secured�hereby.chall be deemed conclusive prooF oP such ineligibility. Notµ�th.swc�din� .:� .: -.:_-- <br /> "'���., ' � � � `::`�'���?, the for�egoing,this option nwy not be eaercised by Lender when the un:iv�ilrbility af insurance i.solely dua to • �;�'tr�_:_' <br /> ' � d�''Y'':' ,,:;;�:•�°`� � . l.ender's fnilure to remi��r�xwtguge insurnnce premium ta Ihe Secrewry. ��*���' <br /> :`•'.<<�yf+f�, � • l0. Relnstatemea� Borro�.er has a right 1a be rem��aied ir Lender hac re uired immediA�e a ent in full because r.. �.: <br /> . h�r ., .,ati,...,;�,.,. � 4 P Ym H�..�.:- , <br /> i.'•' of Bomowers failure to pny an um�wnt due under the•Nae or thi�Security Instn�ment. Thfs �ight upplies even ofte� #`'�'�� ���.";_ <br />� �. ,..., t �,{�.':;;,� ;�:.�•„��t r <br />-� . ,�+•,•� � . foreclosurc proceeding� are in�titutcil. 'tb rein+wte the Security Insuumen�. Borrower xhuU tender in u lump sum ulU ���•�• <br /> � _ ' ' ' Antounts r!���in`d to bnap Rurmwerl account current includin�;,to the ex�ent�hey arc nbliga�ions of Bortower under this � `��= <br /> .,';� �� r..,, •,� Srcurity Insuument,fi�re�l�ure costs:u�d reationuble and customury uuomeyx'frev�nd expemes properly as<ocia�ed wnh �:S�rvv <br /> ° •'t 5���".•T�'� ' the forcclosune roceedin . U n reinnlatement b Burrower,this Securit Instrumem und�he obli a�i�x+�ahlt it�cures - - <br /> ,r .. �: ,�.,;. P R Po y. Y F ':;��`,:' • "�° <br />};,,:�,;• ,. .�'�"��";•.�. ,' „i;,..'i'` .ha17 remuin in effect us if Lender had na�uinri immediatc puymcn�in full. Howcver.Lender is not re�uire�l topertnit �•!:; <br /> '�4'���;;' ;�{�i4�t,�;'t,�.`•`i•�'. ���}• reinsta��em:m if: li) I.ender has arrep�ed remxtatement after the commencemem oi forerk��ure �*r�xeedin�s wnh�n tuo �r: ;,��,. <br /> �. .,; � , ,,,,.. ,� --. P 6 P t a�,i�a;pr r;i <br /> ��� •�i � � ,..,:.e.::,�;;;�: vear� immed�ately precedin� �he commencemem �►f u curnnt f�►rcclosure nxeedin . liil reir,.talrmrnt w�)1 reclG:!e ;�; ''� <br /> � ;: . Y P �' .�':�CG1SItr'�i <br /> �tit' '� "t��t'1� ' ' � �j fareclosure on different gmunds in the fwurc,or li�il re�ns�uicmenl wdl aJverxl vftcct thr rinnt ot the licn crcated h�• �;'•�S t ' <br /> '�''��'r�, '�1��;::E::? l... <br /> } �,�r this Szcu�ioy Instrument. �'�-�'^' <br /> .. �<<.t;:��j3�••: <br /> i: �� .r��, ��:.;.c�-, ,� U. Bwrower Not Relew�ed; Forbearance b� l.ender NW a Waive� Extensiun of the time of puyment or i�:��--__ <br /> �����ty;t�r,�,. � j�� modifiraaion of amonizs�tion of�he swns ucurcd by�his Scwrity Imtrumrnt grrn�ed by Lender to uny successor m interetit '��-; <br /> �a,a�p i„... �,.,�-",;4;�. of Bortauert shull not o rute lo rcicaxe the liubilit ol'thc ixi inal Borrower or Bortower's succeswr m interest. Lender �""'-� � <br /> ��1r �`.' Pe Y, L� ��P�i;_. , <br /> . �..,. •'(•:;.'e��•�:.; sha11 nat be required to commenre pr�x;�rdings uguimt:my+ucce.sor m inten,t or refuxe ta extend time fbr pnyment or ,� ,�,�;;.__ <br /> n '�:�';�`.� ott►erwise rr,odify nmortization of ihr �ums+ecureJ hy Ibi.Srcurily Imlrument by reuson of uny demnnd mode by the �•_>- <br /> �'' ' �• `' ���.�'` originnl Horrower or Borrower's succeswn in in�en,�. Any forhearunce by Lender in ex�rcising uny right or remedy shall � ;`�;�.:� <br /> t! ' ,r�{5[3t�t;�:.• '.. .,� . . <br /> s •!�, � c.�,;,��4 �ot br a waiver of or preclude the exercisc of uny right i►r remeJy. • , <br /> j�,� , �: ��,� ��. 1Z. Successors and A�.sigos Bound:Jnint ynd tie�•erpl l.i�bilily;Co-tii�oe�s. The covenuntz:uid ugreementa of . �+:��.�, <br /> ! ;,':,c!��f�.. 1his Secu7it}�1nstrument shall binci and benetit thc tiurrrs�urn and a+sign���f Lrn�kr und BoRON�er.�uhjcrt to+he provixionx =<<s-=;��.,__ <br /> �'�.'� •��,;?s?.�". of Aarag�a�+h 9.b. Barrower±rovenum, �nd •rgr«mrnl+ tihull 1+� juim •rnJ +�vcral. Any B�,rr�wcr whn co-signs�hiti _ '�.,:��.�,;.; <br /> ';�G';ir .. •�'.i':.',^ Security 9n�trument but di�,not r+c�ru�e thr Nc,te: lul i�ru•�igning ihi.Srruri�y In+�rumri�t onev �m m�nguge,gtanl and .-� ..�i; <br /> %.,���;ti�' . <br /> � . `M� ,,'. 4�ti convev th:�t�ormwer�intere+�in ihr pr�ry�ny under�hc temn��f ihi.Srrurit� In.�rumrnt;lh�i�ttc�l p�ri�n;tlly ohliguted 3n� , . �J?�`•; <br /> � ������; ; �",��;; pay�the sur�i+crcurec!h� abi,Scrurit�• In.trumrnl; anJ Ic�agnc.ihat l.cndcr:uid am•uther N��rrr��rt m:n u,=�te tn extend. "��, f;'_; <br /> •'�,. , i . : •�f - <br /> r '"�� rnodif;r,forbeur or msike,m +�ccumm�xiation+v►•ith R�ard ta�hr trmi.uf 1hi.Srruri�y In.trumenl��r Ihe�No�tc witM►w�hat <br /> ' ',,;:.:;: � - ;;;����tik� y � � ''t���: <br /> - . ., ' .�,.:'�,;••:,.':� 8orru���er's consent. � F: .�;,��{.�is-... <br /> , ::;."^ ,..,,�:>,,,��,'�+;� la. �l�tices. Any ninicc tu Botrnwrr pmvid�J ti�r in thi.Scrurity In,lrumcn�.h•rll i+r givcn by�cln�rrin�.it ur h}• >. � ,`1 ',' r-;°•: <br /> • , ' , . •��:.:. mailing ii b�• fint clar�mail unlc,.:� IicaMc luw n uirc.u.r��I'anu�hcr weih�xt. 'I'hr urticc �hall tk dircrtcd t��thc `' +pl�i :�„�i {�- <br /> i�y'�^.l�!1 r ! <br /> +�+ PP 4 # ' ,��:�'� <br /> ' �.. !•..,•.. ;; � �, ,,,,; ,} t !'_.t. <br /> '%, Pra �ay rlddnx��,r an�. alkr udJre�� Burn�w•rr J�.i nu1►.M� noUcr lo Lrndar. Am naiice to I_rnder sh:1N rl•FIVCO L�1 ��1F�r�4•c�.. <br /> .. '`�:. � fir�t c8acs mui) lo Len:�cr� udJr... .wteJ tnrrin �,r am• addre., Lendrr dr.i�na���h� nolic� t�, BoRnµcr. Any notic� : �;>>�°;}i�11'I..'_��: <br /> �..ji�i�j,it ;{;,s u�' . pmvicicd tTr in Ihi.5t�usi:} Intiirument,hall Ix dermrJ�u have he.n given 1��Born�KCr ur l.endcr Mfi�n g��.�n a�provided : �.:i5;,;',`,r4:�y�t <br /> ..�. � !!'.'�'[j�. �. <br /> :;i.,,}, �: .�.}�;�r , . in�his pra�agraph. r .. •,r?,,' <br /> � � li. Governin�Lou: Se�e�abilil}. Thi. tirrurit}• In.trunknt �hull tx gu�cmeJ h} F�Jrral luw und tlx luw•ol'thc {�. ' ' <br /> � ���'`'.'�, ' �.' r:`�� jurisclirt�raa in which�hz Pro�xn} �.I�xatrJ. In thc rvrm dia� any pravi.iun or rlau.r uf d�i.Scrurity In+trumcnl or�hc ' � <br /> _ ,.•�_;,,,. <br /> . ' T',%;.• s;:' •:•'1;� � Nate eonthets wi�h •r dacahle IaN.,uch ronllic1.holl nut all'c�l��thr� pru�i.ion.uf�hi.S�runtt� In.trument i�r the Nutr : ,{t:;, <br /> :;,.;t.f:� f'1' ' . <br /> : :.� .. w ' • bc �ivrn rit�•rt•r�th�,ut�hr r�Mllictin mvi.Nm. li►�hi.einf thc pn.��.inm of�hi.Sccurity Imuumcnt nnd�he �;r•'.�., . <br /> � •l�,.':y � h�ch c,u� �. C P , .., • <br /> l y I`f�.4��;+,. , • . Note ure drrlarcJ tu he..�rr:�Me. . ... , � <br /> , ; , '!r•.. , ,,,!;,,,� 15. Burro���cr'al'up�. Rorrourr�h.�ll l+r Li��•n�ui,:�,nl��nnrd rn�•��•I�h�•1.•.�ui�� In.��unwnt. ;',t•, �, <br /> w . ���f 16. A�+i�nm�nt��t'Kcnh. Kun�•a.•i ur.��mdilu�n:dl� .i�.i�n•.ind ir.�i��t:r,a�( .•�al.•�.dl tl��rciu..uid rr�rnuc.��t th. "'� , <br /> , � � , . . ,�1 . C.���;t <br /> �.- 1'n►peh}. Hutro��rr auth��rii�+l.rndrr ar I.�•nJr�•.�p�•m�i��c��llr�l Ihr irnl..u�d re��nu...�n�I Fkr�h�ilir�ih rach Icn.mi n� I , ,.;:;''�: <br /> �, s;;�'t' Ih� PropeA)'tu pay dlr tenl�lu l.�ud��r ur L�nJ�r:.i'cnl.. Ik��«��'r.pnur b�I.�nil�•r'. a��t���lu li��rt�.�+er ut Hum»�er'. ;' �+'.', <br /> �� ��'''' '' brca�h ol'an��cuvenant ur a�!rcemenl m Ihr ticuu�n In,lnmirnl.Hurru��rr.II.IU�uU��l JII�I fC�.1�C all rr�cnur.��1 !, : �' '�',�''�;;••r;. <br /> �� . �he Pn►prny a.lru�l�t e.K�hr hnrli���1 Lcnd�r_ro.l li��rcu��.r 'I hi..i•.i�:i�mrui���fl'lll�l'�M1�IIIWC\JII JF�4rIllli u..ignmrnt �:.t•, `;' <br /> •. , , �'• �nJ not an a..i�!nm�m t.Kr�ki�u�•ual v�une�unh : � '�_ <br /> ,�. ! ._ ';:i,,,� If LenJrr Liae.aNi.�ul hrerih u�K.�n��v►er: I.0:dl rcnl.i�r����cd h� Fi��n��w.r.h�ll hr h�ld hy Butru���r a•tRiN�r ,''t. , � �,;r <br /> . -"-•� —' •-'.. - .� � �. �U�I1l'11Q�II Il(�,IOIICf IMI�. b�f4'J�I�1�iCJ l��l�lt'�UIII� ti«UR'l� ��1 1�11' til'CUfUt �I1�IfUllkltl:Ib�I.CtltICf�Ildll Ik C011fll`J Ilt ' ' , <br /> . . . ,' rullrc�unJ rerrivc�II.�f�h�rcnt,�d th.I'���rt}: .mJ ir�rach�rnam�d �fk 14upam .t�elf p.�. aU r�m.Jur aud uur:ud�u . <br /> • � � ". LcnJcr ur Lcndrr:a�crn��H�Lrn�l�r'.�nnrn J.m.,oJ a�dk ien.�nt <br /> � Bum►wrr hr. �K �u:ulcd am pnnr .i�-r:;�ern,nr.�t d�. �cnt. .�r�.! h�. n�w �n.l w�U n�w �xrtorni .m} act th;u ��oulJ <br /> 1`�k• � prcventL�nJrrfnxa.�.�•a���nFit.n�;h��undrr�hr I'ar�Lta��t� «� <br /> ','• � LcnJrr tihutl�u�fr•�yuirrJ 1��rmcr u�H,�t. I;d,r .��utr��E�.t.�r cu.aru.un rlir It�qtrc� h�t.�r��.r etr�r����n� a��h:r��1 <br /> 4 � ' hmacb to H�IfiIItA��. ��VUt`\�f. �.l'Ol�l'f�R .1�U��Il1U��� .I���hqRl'�i� MaC1�CI 111.1\ ��U ��� dC dlt� [tfIIC Iha'fC i• .1 bf�'d�h. ��tt� <br /> � , u�hcau��n�►1 tena.h.�l nut�ur�ur H.u� J�•Lwli��� im.di�l,rtr .m� ulhc� ii�hl ui i.•rrn,l� „1 L�n.t:r 41��, .,..i�n���:nt <br /> ol rrm.ut Uk('r�p�rrt� .hall trm�m.�ie when�fir d.•ht.��.wrd hv�hr ticrunt� bi.trunx�u��.p.n.t m tult <br /> ,�; ,� , ;', � <br /> ' t . . ,: ��,, ��.��� +,,,��,�.,,� , <br /> 'i : • ' .,. � <br />