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_.�"'�, t,Y : ;.. . ..Yt�,�, . �� .- w— <br /> 'v.r, }�;•� �` � , ��•'- ,,. ,° <br /> -! , '!-'.�.< < 'f;j�i�y�;.:' - � .. . <br /> b ••�' <br /> a..,y �r�;��.li{�� t � f$.4 ki�'4� in�n, i {��.�}'�. ' .� <br /> , .� •� �ri ry�`.:+ '�El,.G�l;•r �. 'i'iti.ti;. . <br /> ,'($;7.,'t:y. r � .•��rr�.:��y '� 19.;i��t Si� <br /> . ti..J '{t�; �(:{J S ��,, ,.,� .,r• t.;f. „ <br /> _ _ ����t�. � i,�j! � ��(.tt.....�,��'�. . <br /> ; r <br /> . < <br /> : <br /> • ��;:5, • �:.�, <br /> � ..,a�r ! :0. 1, _i.. <br /> o �•- <br /> - - 93= 1o�s�►s � <br /> --- applicaM� !�w may e;wrify fnr reinslntr�at) Mfttte st�le nf Ihe Pm�ahy pun�uan�tu rny power of wlc can�ned in thiu � <br /> �� Socuriry Inswment;or(b�entry of a Judgment cnforcing Ihis Seauriry Inctrumeol. 7t�oce rondilitmK Ar�c Ihet&wmwcr: Ir.1 c <br /> --_---_ pAyr l.ender all sunns w'hich then would be due under this Seruriry Inctrument nnd the Note u�c ff no accelcrnlian hwl — <br /> ''''� oceurned;(b)cures any��]efiault of any dher covenaots or agreements;(c)payx ull ezpenses i�xumM in enli►rcin�t�hir S�turily <br /> las�rument, including,R+ut n�at Umiteti ta re.asonable attomeys'feey; �id ld)iakes.uch�:Iio� u� I�ndrr muy nau�rwhly �_ <br /> nequira to assure that the��en of t4�9s Sec�+rity lnsuument.l.endert rigMs in�hr Pmperty xnd Pnrmw�,r�nhli�a�bn w pay�he <br /> :�,. sumr securod by Ihi� Security 9rosQoamrrhnt shall continue unchanged. Upan rein�t+��ement Ny Bnrrowrr. �his ��tiu�iry �:. <br /> . - ""�'t---:;'` � Inslrument and tiie obl'+gu�ions;rcu�d hereby shall remain fully effecdve as if no accelerrt�an had�xcurt�d. Nowever.lhi� �s'�?; <br /> . . . '�:,�";�r�tc��r �IQhI to rcins�ate shall nat apply in��e«cr of acceleration under para�rnPh I 7. =-�, <br /> ':,•�; �i� n.. �. �..: 19, 3Ale of No9e7 CIIAA};E 0'f Il.�aa�Sw�vker. The Note or a partial intere�t in Ihc Nnte tingclhrr with IUiK Scrutlly _ <br /> ':v'•. '''�,r� � ��. lnnUUment)may bc snld on:ur morc timc.wl�hout prior naticc to Borrowc�. A rulc moy rcsu11 in��chung�in �hr rmNy •� <br />_. °�;. � •*?:-.�'��`.�;���� (knou�m ns tbe"Loan Servicer")thai collectc monthly puyments due uader ihe Note and ihis Securily In�lrument. '11kre uIM� <br /> _�—�;'� �'�'��;,:: muy be one or more chan;;es af Ihe l.aan�rvicer unreluted to u wl�of�hc Notc. If thrrc is u changc ul��h�Loun Srrvfrcr. <br /> "'4��" ::.��f�,:i : Borrower will be glven wriitc�n nodce af tb•r change in arcordance with�wmgmph 14 ubave und upplfcublc luw. '11io�NNicc <br /> �'r�:`. �a.•.�;:;�: will sWle 1hc name and A�:�dr�;:nf 1he new�,rr�n Servicer:uui the addness lo which puymem.should I+e mudv. Tiw niWke will •' <br /> �°•� ;,a� ulwcontnin any aher infomiacion requue(�h�p�I�4AI�1�luw. ' <br /> _;__ •. . .� 2Q� Hw�rdous Sobsta�ncea �oaow�r:?�all nrn cau�e or permi�the presence.uic�:.diipurul,e�wu�r,ur�ka+e ui any L: <br /> '""° i,� . �,,.,�.:s�a • �� Hawrciaas Substances on or in thc Prupeny. 0orn+wer shall not do,nor�Ilow unyone el�e w�kr,anylhing af'i'erang ihr <br />.iP�t�:�* '�l�>�r;;} � ,,� <br /> ;;.. , ,, �'. q y Pn�eny that is in violaHon o'f ony Environmental 1..�«. Thr prcceding twu,cntences�hall na upply q��hr prrx��r,usr.� <br /> � +�s��:;'' ��' �. xtoroge on the F�o�rty ot smnl!����ities af H;uardous Sut►vtances that urc genrr�lly reco�niz�l w br uppropricue w nurnr�l <br />:``-,;':� �; .. �.; e � ^� <br /> �,,. .:� <br /> � ' °� ro�idernlal uses and to madotenw�n:c af i0re�Property. � <br /> Barrower shall prorropil.:�:iti e Lender written notice of nny inve.�igs��ion,cluim,drmund,I�wauit ur alwr cx•�ee�t ht am --' <br /> � ; �.. ... gAVCPiitriClltal or�Cgufatu�y u�;cncy u�privaa parly invuiving il�e F�upn�ty and uny Haa.aN.wx SuMr.wkc ur Envinmmrmul �-- <br /> •.;',.�` ,��* ,,.,r'�-4� Luw of which BoROwer hns actual l�IIOIV�EV.1�C. If Barrawer Ir;uecs, nr i� natified by uoy guvrrnnknud �K ngulatory a� <br /> .ti�,.,�, �{� <br /> �.:., �'�•'• " � :���?(��! aulhorily,thal uny n�movaG or other remed;cuion uf n��y Haz�udous Swb.�ance affrctin�the fhn�ny i.ncrc,wry, Borrowcr �'':_: <br />'^ , o •�_ �* Khall promptly take nll necessacy mmedial flr�iotes in mcordance wl�h En��imnmenta0 Law. <br /> _,r t � As wsed i�this paragrup�h 2D,"Nazardous Subctance:'are�hosr subs�ances c�efnrd as toxic�u h:uardnu��ub,�nnrr+by �- <br /> , , Envlronmentnl L.uw und the fa�0awir�u �ubstartces; gasoline, kero,•ene,o�h�r tlummahlc or loxic�tadcum pn�Jucls,loxir '■•:r.-:: <br /> ,°�;�`"�"`�.�'� peNfcidex und herbicides, vals►�iir s�ihents,m:�teriuls cantaining n,�:st���or formAldehyde, and railuaarlivc mnteriul.. A+ __ <br />_ �- ' ° ^y.r' uncJ M�hiti parugrnph 20,"Env�ronmental Laa"mes�nz federaA laws And luws of�he jurisdlclion wberr tlk Pimpeny ir lixatcd �•= <br /> ` ;�,�it�� . a::i+�:. 1hw nla�o Io heulth,�fe�y or environrncmal protcc�iore. •�;•• <br />�'^^ - -, " � NQN-UNIFORM COV��;.a�TS. Borrower ur�i Lendar funher covenunt and ngrce as follow,: ���;�, <br /> " ; .:}• 21. Acceleratlon; RemeQlies, aearler shull �7�e n�afdre to Borrower p�lor to s�cceli�lion follnHia}� Bunower's �'"" <br /> �''' `� � ;. � ° bre�ch a�aay covenont or s�greearreaa In this Seaua�ity B�.strurn�ent Ib�ut not prior to accekrnNun under paragraph 17 "-- <br />-" •r_ �'�•-_�•:�----.� Nnk�w epp!leeble Is+v�roYides olhexsrl�c). Ttac r�t�r s�al;speclfi: a.�1 ti�e��uti:i8i iix�ciiun required�o cure�he <br />- �Iw`R';;�;`r�:��: def�ulti Icl�date�not less than 30 d��s fi•nrrr�t'h��DA¢�e the notice is�;iven lo Borrower. by which Ihe def�►ult must be m <br /> ^�•:'`ik,�;,ri,•�.�� ' ' •, cured: rad Idl thot fAilure to cure the ilefAUlt a�-�ur 6ei'urr tf�e date specified in the notice may result In accelerWiun of' — <br /> r " �:yrj;� . ,.. tMe xunt9 secured by IhiR Security Inslrumens nnd sAle d'the Property. The not(ce shaU further inform Aorrow•e�of <br /> � - : Ihe�IRMI lu relnWote qf�er AccelerAtion And the r9�h�t�tKing a courl action to asserllhe aon-exLctence uf a default or —' <br /> � wny ulher deten�e ot&►rrower to accrlerAtl�n and ssi4e, lf the�cPault is not cured on ur before the date specifled in �. - <br /> � ' ���`�� �' :� , Ihe aoUce�l.ender A1 Ilx optton mAy re�u ire i��nuiedBatE pavment in fu71 of all snms secured by this Securily Inslrumenl =--- <br /> = wlthout IWrllier demqnd und may invo�:�!'he pawer nf cale an� uny other remedlea permltted by �pplicable Is�w �'"'' <br /> , ' '�.�#'. l.eader�II be enlllled ta collect all exp�e�n:cex Imcurrrd in purKUing the remed(es provWed in Ihis par�g�ph 21. ` <br /> r <br /> - ���= ' Ineludleg�bW nW Nmlted to.reason�ble A�tnrnevs'fees nnd co�lc nf tiNe evidence. �L" <br />_ _ :^��� I�Ihe power nl'xule W invuked.7Y�:stee shaU rec�aTd u t�n�d�e nP default in euc6 cuunty in whkh any part oi Ihe � � <br />-��"� . ._ ' ' Property(x lac�led wnd shplt mail�+upies af�w�cb notice in thc rraunner�prescribed by appllcable law to Borrower Ano to `� <br /> � the Mher�ee�uns prcFCribed by�ppli��abk I�iw•. A�ler the time req���ired Ny applicable law•.Trustee+hs�ll give publk �'y� <br /> �., _ <br /> _ �oqce of swle Io Ihe peixons And in thc mar�n:er prescr3bed bs A,pplic:�ble law 'I�ustee,wkhoW demwnd on Burrower. " <br /> - xh�ll sell Ihe PrupeHy�t public aucHoa t�o�ihe h�l�est 7�id�ea�at the tlme and place and under Ihe lerms drsiRnWed in � <br />"-'� � Ihe aotice��f snnte In one ur morc parcels a��t�n ann or�er�'rusire determinew Trustee may postpone wle of�11 or�ny _,��..,' <br /> �`fi r�. , � .•`.' - �" p�r�el uf Ihe Pr���rly by publlc un�oupcement u+t the Yia�e aiul p1are of s�ny previously scheduled sale. Lender or its - - <br />: �•: - <br /> � ;,: ,: deRlpnee may purchpsc Ihe Pr��perty at a�}sn�le. - <br /> ;,,-,•. Upon recelpt of povment of the prlre bld,'�'rustee shall<lellv�r to the purchaser Tru�tee's deed com•eyfnR Ihe <br /> • Property� The rerilalv in Ihe 7�unlee's deed sha11 fie p•rima facle evldeace of Ihe truth nf'the�tatements made Iherein. <br /> y ,"'" 71'r+�1ea rbNll�pply the praceede oP Ihe�le ip ahe�'olio++�ia�order: la 1 to�II costs and expeaseti uP exercisin�Ihe power � <br /> .;��:: • , �: _ <br /> -�. . ��,., � . i.,.� <br /> :f-. .;: �i':.��.-,. —_- <br /> . r�y. _ <br /> , :Y• — <br />,.. ��;;;: �F,_. <br /> . �;� , , <br /> , <br /> .�{��'1� . Emm�Il� 9�40 �/wer��.Jnµ��vs� ���i;� . <br /> . aj'•`' <br /> � � <br /> , 1�i.' Y., •. <br /> � 4' .. ' . �-. <br /> � � � uy �°�fl�FY�tSt�t.....�Yw��..-�... . . .. .�.i � . J . <br /> .. , , . ,{" .. _:�f.L:rr:�t•.f�q�!�i���(),. ... . . . . i �i��i�jl�;7T1/�6.YM�rl�l <br /> . � <br /> � y <br /> � • <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> ._� . • • <br /> .�. <br /> '.� <br /> _ �: <br /> _—_— - - ___ __- _ -. .. '_ 1 . �� � . .. <br /> , . r- __--- --�-- ---` . .. . .ti' . ri'' . .1 , . <br /> f�. �; . � ;��,: . : �� ,,� �. . <br /> �. � '' %.�•. <br /> ' .�, • � . ,1�� 1'. ,1 � . � . , <br /> ., . <br /> � .. �; � ,,; . , . � . <br /> , , � .�';t,, . .,.: <br /> �-' .�� ,i;�'�,, , <br /> ` ,f�:.. , ,t- � ,r .:; ,;,1. ' <br /> � . � u+,r.. ,' ' , I�1131, . �. <br /> '+�, , • '��, '_'`+'`-1 :;yirl. <br /> .�� r <br /> � , ' . -_�, , ��'' �;� i�� . . <br /> , i •.ti,,.ti,,:: , <br /> � :�, , . ► <br /> 4.,. � . <br /> . <br />