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:t:— �a!!�r&axp s � �:� , .. ra�'4v" I <br /> y � , ` .. � .�:Y�Ja,� �� ,,r' ... <br /> �' �'1�Ktl � , F�' <br /> .' . �" , t..T:` ' <br /> °w14 . -- <br /> ' �� '- <br /> - =�.L.�..�;��� 93- so�:,�s __ <br /> — <br /> ..>: - <br /> = 7�0(iE7' WITH�11 Ihe Impmvements�ow or hem.�fler ercctcd on ihe pmpeny,and all e�sements,appunenpnces. �- <br /> - -- __ . . . ---- - �d fixturca aow or hereafler a piut af the propeh9. All ropl�cemrnls�td addi�iana shall ala�be mvaed by �hic Security =- <br /> In�nt. All otthe fate�dng ia netemed ta in�hiR Secudry In�qument�s�he"P►opedy." <br /> - 80RROWER COVENANTS thu Bamwe�io I�wfidly seised of�ha estute hereby wnveyed �nd hrs the right ta gram _ <br /> � �;- � ,.��� and convey thoprop�y and thst the Property is unencumberod.e�eept for encumbrances of record. Barowcr wuranw and —_ <br /> ,� ��� wlll defeod ga�eraliy tfie tide to the Rvperty�g�inst all cl�ims and denwnd.s.wbject to any encumix�nces of record. ��: <br /> - ,..� - �f THIS SBCURI'fY INSTRUMBNT rnmbines unifam rnvmants for national use und non•Mnifam*covenanlr wilh �=_ <br /> '"'' � limited variutions by jurisdlctian to constitute a unlform senuiry insdvmrnt covering rrul propeny. r`�>'; <br /> ��' I' UNIfaORM COVBNAN7'S. Borrower and l.ender covenant�nd Agrce as follaws: .:; <br /> --°-•��� l. P�ymenl ot Priacipwl aad Inter+est;PrepsymeM aad Late Ca�es. Barrower shull prnmply pay when due the <br /> •... , ;. c-:,, <br /> ::;:�;�A,:�';;"` `'" princf of and interest nn Ihe debt cvidenced by�ha Notc and any propAyment und late charges due under the Note. `•'__ <br /> ..L,���.' � �nds tor 7luces aad Insurnece. Subject to applicsible aw orto a written waiver by Lender,Bas+ower sl�all pay to <br /> l..ender an the day monihly payments une dua undcr the Note,until the Note is paid in i'ull.a sum("Flaids"1 fcx:(a►yeazly <br /> . � '''.~ �:�'' � toxes and assessments which may apai�priority aver�his Securiq Instrwneal us a lien an the Pro�+erty;lb)yearly Icasehold <br /> � ,,� T paymenta or ground renls on 1he Property. if any: lc) yeutiy Uazard or property insur.�a�ce��noums: ld) ye�uly flood �^' <br /> c <br />„�'�"�,�:::�r1�. insurance premiwns, if su�y: (e)Yeady morlgage insurmce prcmiums,If uny: and (� avec ��papable by 8orrower to 3;: <br /> .``:�' ' ' � Lender.i�accordonce wilh the provisioas of paragraph�,in lieu of the paymen�of mor�age eaa.r�.�mce premiums. These <br /> ,.��_ �a,,;�: ... ..• :- <br /> �-"'�-. •,�.•�,,�: .."s�` >�':'� items are c�lled"Escrow Iterns." Lender maX.��any lime,collec�a�d hold f�nds in are umrnoumi mbi��a eaceed the maximum : 'i i:r;: <br /> t¢�:��� _ � amount a lender for�federaRG}nlated mant�age loan m�y requhe for Borrower�e.s�rnu• acc�nue�t under the fnlernl ReAI � �n�.�;;_ <br />_ . �°� .." ` • Fswte Sepkment Procedurea�Tt af 1974 a.y amendect f�am�imie to time,l2 U.S.C.§2k+'�1 eT seq.�"RESPA").unless another ���E; <br /> Iaw Uut applies to Ihe Punds se�.c a teaser amou�l. �f n�,�.ender any time,colleca v�d 4iol�ffar�ds in an amaunt not to '�°�-_ <br /> - exceed the lesser amount. Lender ma�r esium�nQe t1u amount of Punds due on the basis�ot cu itemt data and rea.9onable. � �'�"` <br /> --— �stecnt+ccw o[cM�atlilutti.i ur iuiu�C Exivw iiaa�a�u►u[I��wl�i�1.�►co=dancc uiitt sppllca`�lc;au�. <br /> ' � �,�;'��.*, 'fhre F�O.; s�all be held In an instit�¢iun wlwsc deposils yre insured by a federud ngcncy. instrufientuliE�, or enlity , <br />�%+;;'�•�` •. '�""� (uF�•fu�ing l.ender,if I.ender is such an instituaan)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. �Lender shall s�ppl�•ahe Fun�ls tn pay �i,�,� <br />-"`�'�r• ,�..�.•�.,�:`-: tP�e �Fscrow Items. L.ender ma not c e Bomower for holdin and 1 in the F"ads, annu�lly anu7yzi�a�z��hr escrow ��:, <br />'--;,�,��., .. . . Y �R B aPP Y B -_--� <br /> =v��;N; �:;_:;,:;t.� accoun�or verifying the Escmw [tems, ueiless L.ender pays Borrower intercst on t4ie Funds and nppficabk law permits =_ <br /> �r%°�'�'y•�r`` •• ,',, •d- ' . • I.ender to make such a charge. However,Lender mey require Borrower to pay a one-time chnQaxe f�u an independent real �'N�;, <br />_• �'��'''" '�.'�," . y�.,;;":-.. estate tau reporting service used by l.ender in connecdon with�his loan,unlesa applicable law prAVid�.�aherwixe. Unless an �.- <br /> � � ' � ' �` :::i� agreement is rrwde or applicuble law requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be requirsd to pa.�artower any(nterest or �_� <br />... °•.''.�.j.�t":':•fi.:y -- <br /> "" ' ,• :�.:;; earnings on Ihe Funds. Bomower nnd l.endor may agae in wriang,however,that interest shail bc paid an the Fu�ds. I.ender �- <br /> F . `..-; . �-�'�'`•T shnll giva w Borrower.wilhout ennual accouming of Ihe Funds.showing crec�iGs nnd d�Dits W tho F�nd.;and Ihe � <br /> f y�`•j 4� �` �� u for which c.ach debit to the Fuods was made. The Funds are led ed as addltional secu�i ty Fot all suri�s secured by <br /> „�a( ';''� ��y i�''t�+„!�' � • . P � P 8 „ <br />��~ 'i.�,:,, . . . 4� ihie Securily InstrumeM. r_ <br /> -`�,°`'����- � • if she Eis�ls held by L�r excs�ed the amo�nts pain{ttzd io be held by applfca6le lati�•, l�e!+�kr shA14 eccnunt M —�- <br /> y`;��,,�i.;a,� , �:�� • <br />��;;f�� t •x� '` �� � Bor.ower for the excess Funds in nccordance wilh the�e�juiremeats oi appllcable law. If the amaunt of the Funds held by <br />'�' ``` } '� �`'R�.�t( � �Lender at any time Is not sufficient to pay the Escrow items when due,L.ender mAy so notify Bonower in wriling.and,in <br />-' "''' f=�u.': �:� s u ch c a s e Borrower shall to Lender the amount nece w rnakt u the deflciene Borrower st��ll make u the �._ <br />°=e;.>F�t �.:�i�r,, .:� PaY S�Y P Y• P _�_ <br />� '%h`�• ' deficienc in no more thnn twelve monthl n Lender�s wle cD�x�retion. _� <br />.:..�. .���t, . . -.". :,,,f Y Y P Y -- <br />��-�..�.R ' ' � Upon payment in full of all sums sc4ured by this Sccurity Instrume��,Lender shall prompt8��r�fund to Barower nny <br />� "' ���:�,,,..� ' ' Funds held by Lender. If,under pa�grnph 21,Lender shall acquire or seii the Property,I.ender, prior�o the ucquisition ur ��.` <br />•� °�'' Peh!'• PP Y Y Y 9 88 �°_ <br /> c �-:r ,s sale of the Pro shall a 1 An Funds held b Lender at the time of ac uisitaon or sale as a credil a inst the sums <br /> ' • ��"'.• �l• secured by this Securiry Instrument. —- <br /> %„` ; ���:" ` 3. AppUcatlon of Paymrnts. Unless applicable law provides otherwisc, ull payments r�eceived by Lender under <br /> . �""'� `s h"' hs 1 and 2 shall bc a lied:fi�s�,to an re a ment chur eS due under the Note;second,to amounts able umler <br /> -P '•,� . �'..�` ' •� •�i;;i.. P�B�P PP Y P P Y B • PeY -_ <br /> `� •td:"• " ,.:,;;:;,: paragraph 2;third,to interest due;faunh,ta principal due;ond last,to nny late charges due under tl�Nc�1e. <br /> ' E�•�''S �` `'';:';y 4. Cdar�es; Liens. Borrower shuSl pay all uuees,assessmen�4,charges, fines and imposidons attribuwble ta the . <br /> ;. �;, _;,,,..j,. , , , '` <br /> ° '�'�''•:'•�������t�'° i'rc�perty which may attain priodty over Ihis Security leasehold payments or�round r�ents,if eny. Borrower <br /> ' �',�'''�'��` ' sha�tf these obli ations in ttsc rosnac: �'3cd:n a.a A h 2,or if not id in t�aat manner,Borrower sh�ll a them on `- <br /> �'�' , • ?'�'ti Pey B Drc:. p ' � � Pa P Y - <br /> � x,-: , �•;;; ;:��;�#��, x,, tira�e directl to the rxon owed a nt. Horrower sha9C mm d fumish to Lender a19 notices of amounts�o be aid under :'"-� <br /> t:. .�.�,..r�..�� �.��►:.�' Y Pe A'Y� F P Y P <br /> ,. �•,�• � this parograph. 1f Borrower makes these pa}ments dircctly, $orrower shl:li promptly lumish to Lendet receipts evidencing �_��; <br /> , �. ''��' r . the payments. ��-- <br /> rJ• • ' � �a"o� Borrower shall rom tl �dischaz e nn�,ii�n which hus riorit over tAis Secudt lnswmem unkss Borrower.(a)a rces <br /> � : P P } 8 . P Y Y 8 �'._ <br /> � ';,��� ��•, � •`� ^ in writing to the payment of t0�e obliga�ion secured by�Ise lien in A munaeracceptable to Lender,(b>rn�tests in goad faith the a�=- <br /> • ^• � ��•`-� ��;°•���' � lien by,or defends against e�aforcement of the lien in,legal praceedings which in the�:ender's opinian operate to prevent the �s,:r <br />:�"y'�•� :�.,.,�In...:.���:4�• enforeement of the lien;or(c7 secures from the holder of the lie�an agreernent satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien c,=, <br /> `�`'��'%.;� _:�., • ;- ..'`�'M`'� to this Securin•Q�swment. If L.ender determines that nny pun of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may ntlnin priorit�� •�- <br /> •�'' t' � "r�"�' •f.' over this Security lnstniment,Lunder may giv:�orrower a notice identifying�he lien. Barower sha1F saUsfy�he lien or take �`• <br /> •. 4';,: ,x�.,.. , �,�<: <br /> � ';r•.,�.� �� �. <br /> �i•�i�;��,} o.:_ '• one or more of the actions set forth above wit��in 10 dAys of the givfng of notice. <br />`°t., ,, � ,�..•1'. ,:,`� 5. Naz�rd or Pro rt 1ns�r�nce. Borrower shull kee ihe im rovements m�w existin �rla�eaafter eR+cct�d on the � <br />�fi�;�;; ��.;_ .: �,�'�;�',..'!;� Pe ti F� P F �i� <br /> ,;. • .. -"�� �+ ;, , Property insured against luss by fire,hazards included within the term"eatende�ccrv�rage"•rnd any other hazarcHs,ir�eluding <br /> `•;' � '61 flood�or flooding, for which Lendet requires insurance. This insurwrce ahall be mainlained in U�e amoums and for the , <br /> �'Ju; j,��:;r�niYn�l�"(::. rUl . . <br /> � ��� I FYflll.�ZB 9190 I�u1Qt:njA/ruRet) u � <br /> :.. ,xt;' .,�.• I � • �.. <br /> M �n, _�' ,, <br /> . .�'• � ri:.;::,Y, `� ��i�. <br /> � <br /> `'. • �'# '�V. ' 9e.... <br /> i . .. �•,. <br /> � � SI�;S�Ld�' � �. T� �1� R•.. �. l...f�-t1"•h { { 's ..� '.f.�..:.iW N <br /> . , • _ . ,'�it'1 ,�, +,�,�.•'. .rga �1�^ r.;. ',r��r�:i.,+{(. �nfnr 'n:c•,,.�� �'4Mt11�J���i�"•,' ��"°wu�"'� •ac.� x;aF. <br /> . � , .�. .. !c,1ti,�:::,�., . .�. , ,tl'',�:, .�. �''��.�, ' , <br /> . ' i• : 3''.• 'rf;'',. +?.r'. <br /> � '�' if,ti.:..,.. ..t. • • � <br /> �, ,,=t. �:�, " • � . •r:r���,' ,�.1 , .. <br /> . • �. - <br /> , _. --� ---- —---° .----—. . .. „ . <br /> , . " �`" . . . , <br /> � • ,ia'�",' 1} ,. , .. � ' � . • � , ' . <br /> ��n .e: <br /> . . ��l�'� � '�� �� - �. � . . , <br /> . . .. ,�I, � .. . . _ . . . , . . '.. . <br /> .ra •� � . . , • , � • - <br /> �'•�' ' <br /> , . '�' / y;_ � <br /> � • .. V .,� r'M° „ ' . .�... � . _.. .' ', <br /> . ' b . ...w11�i'.�, , . . , . . <br /> , , ' , • � <br /> . . . <br /> _; '. . _ . <br /> . � <br />