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<br /> - prinGp�l amount ot tho indobtednc�a aacurc�!by thts Qccd oi Truot,not includk►�aur�a advanced to protact the sacuriry oi lhlt�OEed of i+w���°-
<br /> �• , Truat,ouccad tho or�ginflt pdnclpnl amount stt�tcG herein,or�u ,vfitchever in gra�ater. �t"'
<br /> � 18.lAl9callflneouo Provt�ton�. i�`z��
<br /> (n)Dorroaror Not Rotoasod.Ex4annlon oi tho tlmo for paymont or ntomli�atlon ot amoRiwdan ot the sums aocure�by ihia n;�
<br /> Oeed oi T►ust grantad by Lendor ta any ouccessor In interest oi Bo�rowa�shall not Apereta to releas9,In any manner,the Itabllt- ,•,,.,..�
<br /> �� ty ot tho origlnal�orrov�or and 8orrowor'o ouccoseoro In intereot.lortdor 3hel! nat bo roqulrod to commonco pracaodinp� �
<br /> • snor or refuso to oxtend tlme far payment or athervAse modity amortizetian ot thr�sums socured by Ihia [;,��.�,..
<br /> ; e�alnot euch euc� HW6L1�'�•'
<br /> � Deed of Tniot by roason af eny demands m�do by tha origlnal8omo�ver and 6orrawers succossora In interoat. -�
<br /> (b)Londct'a P�ct�ro.W(thout aN�ctirtp!ha tlebllity ot eny other paromn uoble for tMo paymant of any oGUgr�Uon horain men- �"°
<br /> " , . � T ttonod,and without aifc�cUng the Ilen or charge of this Deed oi Tn.iet upan�ny portlon ot tho Proparty not then or thare4ofore �;�. -
<br /> k ; rolea3ed es security for tha fuil amoant ot all unpaid obligedons,LendOrmrsy,irom dme to time and withaut notico(i)►elease o�_.
<br /> � " --�r any par¢on eo liable,(ii)extend the matuflly or olter any ot the teRns o�eny such obiigedona,(111)grent other indutgoncos,(Iv) :�,�F:.
<br /> ' „�;;;.;�'r$ reloase or rocanvey,or cause to be reiessed or reconveyed et a�y tirne�t lenders opUon ony parcel, portton or ali ot the _�
<br /> " .. �`; Proparty,(v)take or retease any other or additlonal securiry tor any obl Dgeuon herein menUoned,or(vi)make compos►tlons of _____
<br /> other arr�ngements vtlth debtora N rela�on thereto. ■�_�-
<br /> ' "•� '�• (a)�orbamm�co by l.ondor No4 a Walver.Any fo�bearence by land�Ir�exercising any rlght or remedy hereunder,or oth- ___-
<br /> � � -•3 erwise allorded by applicable iaw,sha�l not be a�vadver ot or preciuda �he e>xorcisa of any such�Ight ot remedy.Tho prasw�- �----
<br /> �7." menl oi lnsurance or the payment of taxes or other Itans or chargsa Dy Lend�r shait not be a watver or L�ndars right to accaler- ••-
<br /> � ate the matudry of tha indebtednesa secured by thfs nead ot T�us4
<br /> , ., � (A)�uceeejaaors and Asaigne gaund;JaIM and 8everel LIa7�lil�; Ce{u�lons.The coveaanta and agreemonts heretn con- _
<br /> tainarp oha11 Dind, and the Hghto haraunder ahati Inure W,the����i�e BuC�soB end Assigns ot Lartder artd Tnts4�t.All o°•
<br /> � ' covenanta And agreementa of Trustor ahail be Joint and severei.The captlor�a and headings ot the paragrephs of this Rraad ot ury
<br /> • �����:��� Truat are for convenlenca oniy and are not to be used to interpret or definetF�e provisions hereot. _-_
<br />� . ;..:�?y��, . (e)Requeat tor Noticos.The parties hereby request thet a copy oi amlreoUcs ot defeutt hereundar and a copy ot eny noUcc� _. w
<br /> " �;�•�;�^ of sate horeunder be mailed to oech parly to this Deed oi T�uet at Ihe eddtress set foRh above in the mnnner prescribsd by
<br />- ���:�a% appllcabie law.Exaept for any other notice tequtred under applicable law b be given U another menner,any noUce provided for , _,•
<br /> � '`"��.Y' in thts Dead ot Truat shall be iven by malitn auch noUce b ca�tifled meU addrassed to the other pardes,at ths address set �,'
<br /> forth above.My notice provided for in this Deed oi Tniet shall bo e(todNe,upon meiling in tha manner des!gnated heQeln. Ii __
<br /> TNStor is more than one person,notice sent to tho addreas sat torth atsova tshail be noUce to at!such parsons.
<br /> (f�lnspoatlon. Lender may meke or ceuse ta be made reasor�abh� enbies upon end inspsctlona ot tl►a Property,provided
<br /> , .� that Lender shali give Truator noUce pdor to any ouch inspectlon spadfjling�easaneble cause therefor�atatoA to Lender's Inter-
<br /> est in the Froperty.
<br /> �• . .� ' (g)Ra�onveyanco.Upon payment of all auma secured by this Oeed of Trust,Lender sha11 request Trustee to reconvsy tha
<br /> Properly and shell eu��ender thla Desd ot Tn�at and ail notes evfde�dng Indebtednesa secured by this Deed of 7�ust to
<br /> s. � �'. 7NStc3ta.Truatee shail reconvey the Properly,w(thout�nrerrenty gnd wiunut eharge to the poraon or persans legally ontlUed y
<br />_ ' thereto.Trustor shalt pay all costs of recoMadon,It any.
<br /> � (h)Pereonal Properiy; 8ecurity Agreemsr�t.Aa addidonai secueiry for tl�e paymont ot tho(Vote,Trustor hereby grants
<br /> ° i.enaiai u►ic#ai t��o�iobra��a!lattar�Cor�ss�cle!��e s s�rlN tn►arAS�h al fixtures.e4uiPment,end othsr personai property . -
<br /> used in oonnecdon witi�the roat esiate or improvementa loc�ted there�r�arad not othenNise dodared or aeemed to Ds o pnrc oi
<br /> s • �`';, the real�estate securad hereby.This Instrument shali ba construed es a Secudty Agreement under seid Code,and tl�e 6.�ndor
<br />? '•'f shap have all ths rights end remedles oi a secured qarty under sald Code in addidon to the dghts and remsdEes createcS under
<br />_ A . .. „ be cumu attve with,end in no wey a�mitetl n on�L nder ghts and �dlea undereeny otherisecurity a�reem ng gned by
<br />-. � �. . Borrower or T�uator.
<br /> "` �°`' '�'` (1)Wona end Enaumbrancsa.Truator hereby warrants�and repres�nb thet there is no detautt undor tha provl�loaa ol an��
<br /> ~�-•� °��t��`� moRgago,deed ot trust,le�se or purchase contract describin�alt a�n�part af the Proporly.or other contract,Inatrument or
<br />*��=��� ��•- e g r e e m e n t w n s U t u G n g a I l e n o r e n c u m b r a rt c e a g a l n s t ai i or an y p ert dlhe Pmpe►iy(co��ecttvery,•uens•),oxisUng ea o(thn
<br />- - - date of this Deed otTrust,end that any end eIi exisdng Uens rema►n unmodifled except es dlsctosed to Len der tn Tru a ta rs w r i t+
<br />_�;;�:;�.V.� ten di�closuro of Ilens and encumbrencos provided tor herei�.Trustor shell tfine�y perform ail of Ttuotors obi{gdtlanfl,
<br /> :.,= _. :`:�� covenants,represontetlons and warrenNos undor any and a�l exi��ing andiuture Llens,ehall promptty torvvaM to Lendor copf�s
<br />- -''�'�`��'i- oT e(t�oticos o1 defauit ocsnt tn connedion with any and ell existil'�g or 4ulur+e Uens,and shait not without Lendefe prtor v�ltten
<br />��;=:�:s,_�;L�,� . .ponser►t trt any manner modNy lfie provislc►na of or aitow any future advanoes urtder any exlsNng or tuture Ilens.
<br />-'- ' Q)Applkation of Payment4.Uniess otherwtao re4uired by Iew,su ms Rald to Lertder hereunder,[nctud�ng w�thout IirnNadon
<br />"-�R„�'-_�--'�''�'� pAymenb•oi prtndp3l and Interest, insuranca proceeds,cood�rrMetEon Procec�ds end renfs and profib,ehtill ba eppito0 by
<br />�=�==t•M°��� 1.entlet tp the arnounta dun o�d owing trom Trustor and Bortower In such order es Lendsr In ita sole dJscretlon deerns doslr- f
<br />�,,;�r
<br /> �����`�� ab�(k)8avernblitt�l.if any provislon of thts Oeed ot Tntst cantlicts w�Uti ePP9�cflble taw ot�a deciflred invalld or othervdse unOn•
<br />:o�_;;,:�� forca�bte,such coniltct or tnvalidiry shsli not effecQ the other provi�r►s of Mis Osed ot TNSt ot tho Nc+te xrhtch can bs glvon
<br />�»�,� = `=' oftect wlthout the conflictirtg provlslon,and to ihis end the provisiana o1 tl�s Qeed ot Ttu�t ond the Note are declatod ta 3�e sew -.—._
<br />=:.�„-'4�.�� . ereble.
<br />=—:�-i-_r`_r.;e;��,� (1)Terma.The torma`Truatof and'Borrowe�'shail indude both aingdar end ptural,and when the Trustor and Bottawet are
<br /> _ :..� U►u:fama p3r&css(sy�th�:.o tcrmr�s t�Ct!k►tltls Ct!+�►�of Tn�at ahr�pb[�Wasrohangea6le. ,---
<br />-�:�-:;��ri:�a (m)Goveming I.aw.Thts Deed o7 Trust ahait be govomed by tlro tawa ot Ihe Stata ot Nebraskc�.
<br />=pV� � •
<br />'_ -,.y.�„�sGl.
<br /> -, . ..t..
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<br /> . . .,,�i': .":� c i-"r
<br />;:� �i Nstor has executed thia Qoad at Trust es of the date written a�4ave. �_
<br />: ` ... ,'r�<<;�. �,'. _
<br /> � �i� ,�:��;, , . , . � � --
<br /> -- � G�a/ ;�--���-
<br /> _ '�E_ � ef. -., - —, �._
<br />--'-��-_- ,s'� n • _.._s ...�aa�r...-�
<br /> � . WILLIAM P. ZILLER� �RESIOENT "�t3`°` QOLIANN K. L1LLtR. JGGKtiRK�/tncN�vncn �_
<br /> - � .. '".'::
<br /> , „ • Truetor Tnistnr ���
<br /> � •� ., ".. �.'
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