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��ll•::t�ii•' . .. � y.. . _ . yf.i..:.:;i"` ' <br /> � i. . . :�;+�: •- . ; <br /> . � , <br /> _ ,...:n_.�.�. �..� - ' ...._. _.- ., <br /> . . . . _,.. ""'"' -n-il <br /> � '-"" ............. <br /> .. ti.._...r.___._z.....'"_-"'--`-'-- <br /> ... - '-'_."--.._........ ....... <br /> _...._.._.._. .. ........... <br /> .. ^.___.,--__.�..._-_..__.�_._......_.__ � ,k <br /> � � � � � � � � ,:-; <br /> �C � � � � m � � <br /> �7 a � <br /> � � � � �p. � a � e e� _.. <br /> � ,��, � s m ~+ � t�ii <br /> � �/1 ' C.0 �ry n � O � , � <br /> a � � � ro � �i��_ <br /> . '� Otf . T � �" <br /> ., 4a "� N � �u.,._: <br /> „ ua�s_ <br /> �.�� gg������ ^' N �' o �«.:::: <br /> -:�=-:: �n�, <br /> �su:�.;. <br /> ..,y �A'k_'�;.'. <br /> V•�`- <br /> p��p�4��t$�I�T INO'pFl FUT41itE ADVANCE3 � __-__ <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,ls made es at the aTN dAy of„f�RCH ,98 g� �,by and among � =^_�_ <br /> � � <br /> . �����;��, ZILLER TII.E, INC., A N�BRASKA CG�RFORATION <br /> d �;�;�=` <br /> • �,��.. <br />_ .. '�' whose mailEng xd,tP['35s fa p 0 9mx Z 211 GRANO I S LAND NE 68802-1211 (herein•Trusto�',whether ane or more). __ <br /> � FIVE POINTS BANt(, A NEBRASKA CORPORATION `�` <br /> • • � the Truatae �- <br /> p (D B�X 1507 GRANO ISLAND NE 68802-1507 (herein`Trusiee'),attd <br /> ° �* w,hose malitng edcicoso ta �: ° <br /> � "" �`, FZVE POINTS BAN!( — <br /> the Beneftciary� �'�` <br /> `� --- <br /> � � whoae mailing addresa ta 2015 N. BROADI�ELL AYE• GRAND ISLANQ SVE 68802-15Q7 (herein•I.ender). -- <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA710N,inctuding Lendefa extenalon oi credit tdonUfled hereln to _ <br /> ,� . ZY LE '[ L IN • tp�Q�tn'Boaowe�;vrhether one or moro)and the trust herein oreated��►e�ecaiPt <br /> S 1... �a. �,+,��,�ator heraby irrevocabty granta,transfera, corneys and assigns 4D Tnistee, iN TRUST,WITH <br /> 14 ti • � '' O�W(IIG�7 1.'Y��I'8�mwwr� '- .-.. <br /> 3.,,,;;�.,~ .,,� POWER OF SAL.E�tat tho bun�fiift t�nd socuritY ot Lender,under and subJeat to the terms and conditions tne;niiaft�sst tos!!s�1!S �,. <br /> J''�`'';,.r� ,. . ProPeKY descdbad fla fblk�►vs: �``: <br /> -'��•��� .: LOT ONE (1}. SCN�4IUT S�i�DDIYISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAN9, HALL COUNTY. NEBRA5KA ° <br />~ Together with all buildtn�a lar,�rovements,i�xtures,str�¢els,elleys,passageways,eosomenUs,�ights.pdvfteges and uppurtc3nanaos = <br /> � tocated thereon or in anywlso�rERalning the�to�end the rcnts,issuos ortd p�oflts,revoretons an�rematnders thec�rof,ond such por �;: <br /> `� ' ���Rropeny that(g attached Qo the Improv�rnents so as to consUtute e fixturo,tnct�ding,but not itmited to,hoetlng and cool�n8 e4utP- ru°;�- <br /> : :• menh,and together with tho homes:ead os here"dteCiare to be pert of a►e reat astiace bso red by the nen oi thts Desd ot Trust and <br />-� •-,. Ing reptacements artd addirions thareto, Y <br /> �:..,�•,,,..T: all ai tha forcsgoing betng rcfem�io heroin es the'Property'. � ots or crattit agree- _-- <br />��fr:<-R�'•���=��'<' Thls Oeed oi 7nist ah il aecura(e)tho payment ot the principa�sum and interest evidenC,e,ci hlL�R� 2�� � __ <br /> havin e matud date oi mRRG <br /> i:;::':�'���.. � mentdntod_MARCH S. �3�J9 �- 9 � _- <br /> ��R, .,n <br /> `��•••"'� 1311,777.33 .and eny end a!t modl�cnSions,exWnsions and renewats <br />��-n. ••;"�:h��,,,;3 tn the ot�ginal�ptinclpal amount ot$ — <br /> ����... ;,,�;•,� tharoot or theneZo a�0 eny and atl future edvances and readvances to 8orrower(or any oi them ii rt�o��hen orte)hvrounder pureuant <br />;s;�� �• to one or moro promissory notes a�crodit sg�eemen�(herotn calted'tlote7;(b)the payment of ather aums edvanced by Lon9er to <br /> '.;.).:\..1.......... � -'_. <br />,u,�, .. prot�t tho cttcxtdty oi Ihe Nnte;(a)the petformance oi c�lt cavenents and egreemont�oi T�uotor s�t toRh herein�and(d)att present en _ <br /> _�,,,�^TY:..,� futuro lndebtadness and obllgatlons oi Bonowar(or eny ot thom K more than one)to Lender whether direct,trt�iccd,aDsolute or e�Un- <br />_ __ •�;_;�::�• gent and whel4ear adsing by note,guaranty.ovordraft or otharwlse.The Note,this Deed ot Tcust end any end all othor documents that � <br /> �,;,:" brawuc+the�l�Ye ar oth�nvlse exec��tad in ccnnection therewlth, tnctuding without Ilmltntion 8uarantees, security egrcements and L <br />-::.;a...��... <br />--; �- ��•. asstgnments oi teases�rtd ronts,sha�l be reYorrad to heroin es the'�aan Inatn►mants'. <br /> �,�'� -.. 7rustor covt�nanta ertd o�rees with Lendor as fottowe: -- <br />;+..t,i-.txr�•�,, =_ <br /> •�.•�'�� 1. Paymeat ot Indol.m�fness.Atl indebtedness secar�d hereby shatl be psid v�hen due. <br /> `'�r h` ��� 2. TIlto.Truator is tho owner oi the PropeRy.has the rigM and autho�ity to oonvey U1e ProReriy,and warrenta thot the Iten ereat- <br /> �� "� ed he�ab Is o�1�ertd pdor Ilen on the Pe�opatly.exoept for�iens and encumbrances sot torlh�y Trustor in writlng and dstiver�d M <br />_ r . � Y <br /> lAnder betere ouowtion ot this Deed ot T�st,and the execuUon end deilvory at th►s Deed oi Teust aiaos not vlolate any cont�c�s�T <br /> ' 1� other obltgatlon to which Truator is subject. <br /> " ;. 3.Taxaa�Aesosart�on�s•To pay before detinquenay all taxes,special assQ�sments and ali other charges egainat the Property ,r� <br />- ` rtID�v or horoafter levted. �`` <br /> ^� 4.Insuranea To keeD the Propody tnsured egainst damago by flre,hazarda included within the term"exters��+�ceverego'.and L�: <br /> '' auch othe�hs�rds es Lend°r rreey reQulr4,i�amounb and wiM companins r,.cceptabte to Lendar,namlrsg Lender a�en�ddittonsif = <br /> � namod Insured,with loss payabfe to tho 6.a�r�er. In case of toss usdar such polidss,the Lender Is authorizEd to adJus�co11�S artd _ <br /> � • compromitso,at►Gaima tRe�cunder and shail h3ve the option of epplying al�or paR o!tho tnourence pr000eds(i)to csny fadebte�iness _ <br /> _ sscured hereby and fn such ardet as Lender may determirta,(Iq to the Tnrstor to be as��for tho�epalr or restorefian ot the Properiy or .- <br /> - ' (i!f)tor eny oiher N��a�obJect satlsfactory to Londer without effecting the Ilen d1 ahio Deed of T�ust tor trte 8rs11�mount cc3cured _ <br /> ..___�..• - a..,u..�.�mcnt rnrnr tnuk elacu.MY aPPltcatlona of prooeeds tv i�nio�+.e�+�s��!!slCt p��r!�±cu!�a4?�a^o t�e duo date <br />=----��__ _ .�.o..s.,o....��...-.•-•- . <br /> ' of any payments under the Noto,or cure any defauit thereunder or hereunaor. _ <br />- �, • S.IEFi�ce�etv.Upon wdtton demand by Lender,Tniator ohatl pay to londer,in such menner aa Lender m3y destgnate,sufiidont <br />� " • _•-- � numa ta srs:sb.'��enas��:'�y aa Moy bocome due orso ar more ot the tollowtng:li)ati taxes,asssssmenta end other d�arQea sgafnst _. <br />