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<br /> � . ..., i . ._.... ..
<br /> ' �-�.�����, ' (I . "'""""" '". ... .._'" ".. ..__.�....__.._
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<br /> . � ...... _..__,_.._�.._..... .....-"-....._...._
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<br /> � °�. 99Q�,���� :.
<br /> ' 18.Mtecetleneot�e P�ovtnlone uet tanted �i
<br /> (e)llovrovita�tJot B¢lotsed.Eactcnnlon of tho tfmo for p�e r,nt,or modltiontlon of tho oumn oocurad by thin Oesod of Tr 0 ��
<br /> , by Lcados to any nucoaseor In Intoroot of Darrowcr•onn!I p'�npRrpto ta te�onao,in ony mnnnor,tho�lobility ot tho orlpinni 8orro�yor �,;�,
<br /> " and Barrowo►'o aursoo�ooro En intorost.Ltndar aheli not bo raqulrod to eommonao pr0000dfnpo o�oinot ouch oua000aor m tofuoo 10 Q-,��
<br /> - extend ttme tor poyment or otharniso madily flmortiautfan of tho numo 000urod by thi�Dood ot Yruot bv ronoon of cny damendo ,��,'`
<br /> �' mede by tho orlpinal8or►owei end Borrowot'e auccoseore In Intoreet.
<br /> ' (b1 tendc�'o Fow¢re.Witf�aut ntfantin{�tho liability o}cny othor poraon Iisblo fo►tha puymont ot any o6lipotiaR horatn mentloned,
<br /> �,-_._
<br /> � ar.d wfthout o4lootEnp the Ilan or eherpo of thte Ooad ot Ttunt upon eny poitfon ot tho Ptnpnrty not thcn ur tln�►oteloee►oleaeod on �+__
<br /> ,. � S esourity fcr the full mnount of ell unpnid obllpotlone.Landar mey,(tom time ta t(me and without notioe li)�eleeee eny peroo�no _
<br /> Oablo,lii) oxtand tho maturity or ottor ony o}tho torma of any ouoh odilDatfono,llfil grnnt otho�induignnaon,ilvl roloauo ar t000nvo�, __
<br /> ,��--'1� or caueo to be roloaeed or roaonvoyed at enV tima at Landor'o option nny pnrnn►.portfon or otl of tho Propetty,(b)tako or reioano anY _,
<br /> ,...�,,,qyf•, othor odditional eocurity for any obtipet}ofl hnroin mcmtlonod, o► (vl) moko oompooltiono or othor arrengamente with debto�e in
<br /> , , raintlon t?►oroto. --
<br /> � ' } te)Fotb�oraaee by B.endmr Not e Waver.Any fotbomm�ae by Lcnder in oxoreioinp nny right or rcmody harpundor,or othorwlao _
<br /> ' nftorded by oppllonbio iow, ehetl not be e waivor of ot prooJude tho ottcrofao ot nnv suoh dpht or romody. TAa procurement of
<br /> .;�,:`�. Inaura�eo or thn paymont of texerr or othar lieno o►ehnrgoa by Landor sholl not bo n wofvor ot Londot'o tlght to acaotomte tho �-
<br /> ' ��� mnturity ot tho tndebtednoon aoeuro�by thie Ooed ot Ttuot.
<br /> �;'a•.;.,r.,
<br /> • ;, ��,,;{;�{;rY (d)ttuooenaoro ond dlsstQne Bound;Jo[nt snd 6owral Ll�bility;C�ption�. Tho aovononto nnd opreemonte heroln contained ehnil
<br />�Y�`:-'.,,`; '. r bind. 6nd tho dphto haroundor shell lnuro to, the respeotive euaceeeoro and aanipno o} Londot onA Ttuato�. All eovonenta nnd
<br /> oproemimte of Truotor �!:.�11 bo }oint and aavorel. The oaptlone and headingo of tho perc�grnpfis of thia Dond of Ttust nro tor �.__
<br /> '�! ti.�;:!}�;Uy aonvonlonco only nnd a't,a�nt to bo uaod to Mterptet or doflno the proviefone heraof. "�
<br /> �.-!`•� (a)Roques4 fa Notiae�.Tho pnrtioa�heroby tequeat thet o eopy of nny notico ot dofault haraundor and o eopy of ony notiee of
<br /> � `• r;�'s,6�4'� ' onto hctotTStet 6o mnlod to oucA WeRT to thio Qaad o!Truet et the addrose oot fBnh abovo��thn monnor.pr000ribod by oppll:oblo
<br /> ,�.�e..;; �.
<br /> ,,, '.f�;;;;; 1 law.Exaapt tor ony othav notioo roquim�!undor appflcobie law to bo given h onother monnor,ony notleo providod tor in thle Ooad o
<br /> Tntot choli be phrer►bv muiltng suofi notEoe by certifiod meii eddroased to tho othor pnrtioa,04 c��o oddmae nei tonh above.My
<br />+. ' nottoo providod for in thlo Dood of Truat ahnll bo ofEor'i:va upon moiling in tho manner dosignntod heroin.If Tn�c,tar is mare then ono
<br />_,!�,�- • __
<br />��,i1, _ •:� poruon,�otica sont to tho addro3n eot forth ubovo eha11 bo not(oa to oit fluch poraono.
<br /> N�:a,.,,'�'.`.: , (i)lnepeation. Londot may mnka or oavae to bo modo reesoneblo antrles upon ond inupectia�3 of the P�oporty,provided thet
<br /> ,� � !41.y,�' Lcndot nl+ell givo Ttuotot not{oo prior to ony ouoh Inepootion opoolfYing tecoonnbto aouno tho�otuv mlotod to Lcmdor's intoreat in tho
<br /> 'rs:t�'s�;, .' Property.
<br /> .��...�
<br /> ` (p)Rsoonvoyar�c�. UDp�pQYmant of ull aumo ooautod by thia Doad of Trunt, Londor ohntl roqueat Truetee ta raoonvsy the
<br /> �� Proporty nnd eho11 suraon�ar thio Doed of Tstot end uli�otea evidenolnp Indobtodn�sa oeourod by th{s Dood ot Truet to Truetee.
<br />_ , � Truetoe ahuil rocoe��e�J ¢�a Propo�ty without wurronty and without chcargo to tho pox�on or pornono togatiy ontitlod thoreto.Truator e
<br /> � , •,.,; ahnil pey eli aooto of voaordetlon,it any.
<br /> th1 Pe�oonal P►aperiyi 8�urity Apretmant.Ao odditional soauritV for tho poymont of tho Noto,Truator hareby�rente Lender under
<br /> - - �,• . t}...�py.noke Unifom+�ommaroio�Codo a eccurlty intaroat i�oU flmur�,oq�ipmont,a�d othor poroonol proporty uaed in coatleotlon
<br /> � .�: • . f _
<br /> with tho reol ostuto or imp+ovomonto looatcd thereon,end not ott►4rw�ae doaiered or doomad tu hd a Psri a!!ha sas!�±te!e!�u*e
<br /> " horuby. Thio inatrumani afiall bo oonotruod uu a Soaurity Aproemont under oaid Codo,end th�lamdar aheil hevo eli the�iphtn and
<br />�" � �omodloa o}a aeaurod yarty undor oatd CoAo in ii@d:3ion to tke rfphte ond romodioo erouted under and accordcsd tho Londor pureuant
<br />-FI4„r '
<br />�' to thio Oeed ot Truot;•pravidod thet Lender'e dg?�*.a and remedfes under this pereproph eheil bs cumulativo�s�'seh,anA n no r�ay e
<br /> - " "' qmitat{nn on,LendoPa righta end rrcmodioa under eny ethor eacurity ogreomont eiflned by Bono�vat or Truetor.
<br /> .;•:�; .'•�,,,,,.��t.�:
<br /> ' ''r` (p l,ian� end Eneumbr�naea. tr.+etar hmeby wer►ente and reprasente thnt thoro io �o de9ault unde► tho proviabna ot any _
<br /> -'' '�'" ''��i mortyego,deed of tn7at, (oaae ot purchoee eontreat doaorib(ne ett or ony part of tho Propo�4y, or othor contront, inetrumant or
<br />- ••„�.>r egreanent conetituUn�p m•tion or anaumbrnnae epninot oq or any poK of tho Propony (collootfvo, 'Lione"1,exi�ting eo ot the dete of
<br /> .��•,.w thfo Dovd of Ttuot, and thnt ony und oil oxtcttnq Uono ramuin unmodiftod oxeopt ns dfaot000d to Lendcr in Truetor'o wrhten
<br /> �,.,.,,µ ° disn�ocuro of Nano ond oneumbranaon providad tor horoln. Truetor ohalt timety po►torm all of Tastor'e ablipotfono, aovenonta,
<br /> �.•�•�e••:l�.rr� reprotu»tntiono nnd wotrentio�undor eny ond oil oxinttn�and Wturo liene,ehell promptly forwnrd to lendor eopiea o}a{I notEaoa of -
<br /> �;;,�,��;"'� defouit oant tn eonnontion with eny nnd aii oxiettnq o►tuturo Limo, end ohall not witheut 4onder'o p�tor written eonesnt in eny
<br />-x;��,r.�y�_ .N _ mnnner modHy the provfelonn of or oila�v eny futuro edvenaoa undm nnY oxieNnp or futuro Liono.
<br /> ---•.�t •--� lJ)Applicadon af Prymant�. tfntoss otherwiae ro0ufred by lew, oume pnld Co Londor hmounder. inoludinp without Hmitution
<br /> -�:n.h°:+o�� poymonta ot pdnaiptA und intoroat,Inauronne prooanQa,oondemnetion pro¢eodo and ronto ond profite,shnll be oppiied by londar to
<br />��'7��`"� tho nmounto duo and�n�ving trom Truetor and borrower In nuch order es lender in tto eolo disarotlon doomo doaitaatu.
<br />'°-``�'w���°� (KI S�v�abttit�. If eny provisioo of th{s Oaet! of Tntst oon}tiote with oppllaabie low or lo doa�erod invotld or othcrwiso
<br />-�-^����� unanforaoabtn,cuch confliot o�InveQdity shail not nffeat the othm provielo�e of thia Oood oi T►uot or the Noto whioh oan be ptvcn
<br /> �s;:i=i�,�:
<br />—�±?��:��� eifeot wilhout the aontltoting provf�fon. end to thie ond the provfoione o}this Ooed of Tais2 ond the tJoto ara daoterod to bo
<br /> ''' oevereble.
<br />�''d'°:;�,
<br /> ��:.,.
<br />'-°�'"` +` eeme peno�t)hthoco t rtne en�uaed n hie�ed o4 T�rust ofiell be�te ehsngeebt�tmai,nnd v�hon tfio Truator end Borrowe�aro t e
<br /> ��u��
<br />,-�.'.��$�}'�'•.� (m� poveminp t,ew.Thia Deed of Truot uhnq bo pavemed by the lewe ot tho$tate ui Nobroakn.
<br /> ------.-._."_'� �
<br /> �---�� 7euet�rr Rc�o exooutud thlo Ooed ot Taet es of the dete writtan obavo. _
<br />--;�a�o�r:�w��
<br /> �.—=�.�+�.'S'�?�!r � , .
<br /> _—�.w.�
<br />-e1.•��•• �
<br /> -:��;�{;�T �/��t �.
<br />-,�, ';'i�jQ,�,� ����j�� Truutor 1`ON1�A �QUEZ Tnietar
<br /> ti�r��^
<br />�°: ,��i i���f,��a�,1 Tn�otor � 4roetor -
<br /> �, �. . Tro�tor �
<br /> ��"` Tntotor
<br />- ,.•.;y
<br /> ���;'."i:.
<br />,.�� ','• i'.�,
<br /> �»4l"�_ 4_7� _
<br />� . . ':'i::i,;: .. ;..� _
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<br /> .--.,..�;r�_.__:-
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<br /> i . „ _,
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<br />_ NDC 34Fi7C lNonsIIrkutt�srnl Dtsodl Rev.8lBD :
<br />- �� tOUD Nottontl8ant of Commcreo Tn+at an0 Sovtn9�aoeadetton,�tnwtn,Nobre•fco
<br /> - _..-,.._•----��--E`•---•—..__ -- --�-
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