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. .,.,�: . <br /> � - -- . <br /> a � � ;�.� � �•�•"_�_ <br /> "' � - �d!�� .rr�ix�s• .,���.. • <br /> r j. � ;.' <br /> , <br /> u:.. <br /> ° ,.rrr.. ���_r�.. ._�._�.�. --" - - -- --�,�. <br /> .._.. �1 - .....r:�1��� • �_�_ . <br /> :�� •�� <br /> _ 4��A'��}a�_�• ,� � _ <br /> :� �� r;:�:����� 93. . -- - <br /> ...�� <br /> _ � - 9.IMpedM..Iwodw or b1s.�ot a�,► mat.�,.nd hup.Won. of�P�op�tp. �.uW�r.b.0�, •�. _ _ <br /> � . eoeroa.r ao80.u d,.am.ora�r prlor w�n in�tp.adoe qna�nno��.ror W.Irup�loa. <br /> ,."r::� , <br /> -�:,,.:�; ,,';•.,'. 10. Co1111e1�wnller.71k p�+oa�dr of�r aw�M or ddm for dam�. dina or oot►wqwntW. in oonn�yion �ri�h �y <br /> . . ^,.�;_.•�:�. oondMnnadon or otbu t�tYy ota�qr prt of tb�Proprety.or tor 000wyaow in iMu otoon0�mnrqen.ut lunby wl�d aod - — <br /> - .,�G;.,,�,• ,°�•: rh�U b�pald to La�dir. <br /> �:,�.°.�, `. ...:� la We ev�nt of a toW ot the Pro • - - <br /> . .� ��; - � �«�procaeda�b�appU.d a w.wm�s.cured by�Swvricy Inswmnb <br /> . wb.m.r«not uMn au..�iW.ny.�ars P.w w eorrower.w�h.w.nt or,pmW w�h,s ur W.Propwty in.�iCl,ih.r.i. <br /> U <br /> - t ,`�,.:.__�.. m�rint valur of�ht Proptry imm�dlately bafon Ih�W�ins b qual to or�rwtr Wm U��amount of the�um��ecuted by thlt <br /> _..�, ' �;;_; , ' . S�aaity Imtrum�at bam�di�Wy b�foro t1M ukiuj�unlew Borroww�and La�dcr oth�wbe aRa in��unts�und � <br /> '°'�` �''�'''- ��., by tbb SeaKity IattrumwN sh�U M roduad by Ih�amount of th�prooe�d�muldpU�d by�h�foYoainj fracdon:(�j th�wW <br /> --��Yr� �•, r''�"� amowu oflhs�ums�ured imm�td Mfon Ih� divid�d b ` - <br /> y �Y• Y N)w�fair markat valw ot the ProP�Y�7 <br /> -�. ,�,,r ; ,.,:,� bdone 1h�Wcin�.Any bal�no��II b�p�id�oo Bor��ower,la We�net oi'a psrWl t�ity of th�Prop�rty in which Uit fair 1 <br /> m�rl��t valu�of Ih�Prop�q imaMdiM�v Oefan�he Wcia�it iw thw t,M amo�nt ot t4�aw anred imos�dia�r b4fore Ure �'"`;.° <br />.�.�"' � I, .� ' Wcia�.uiaMtr Ba�rwr+a�ad Ls�adtr ol�arw�se+qree ia wtiloio�ar uole��appicabit I��r whie�iae p�orida�the proc�eds�y �° <br /> . �,_ <br /> .. � Ae+�ppGed 10 eAt amr vecured bp thi�8enricY Muq�wnaat.rA�a ar iuot tM twas+�rs�IAaa d�e. �' �-�;-��:- <br /> . _- , ;•..•..,��;�.,� <br />""'�•:� �, ,� ,. If We Prap�rty i�ab�odonod bp�atro�r�r,ar il'.afEer notice b�r Lmder w Bornorer ttu�R We aoiadannar oQ�ers W moa0t�rro '• � <br /> �•"'": ' a.rana or KWe a al�im for a«m�a.Borto�.�xs ta�co�apon�co ILmder.ithin 3�o�x tne aue tA.not�o.b gfien. " <br /> �,�,�•�'�6��. �� ee _" <br /> ��ti1��^1�� , � ' .I.eader is authaized w colfeot aad apply�he proceed�.att�vppw4 itlwr w nstvr+�tloai or�+e�p�ir off the Property w w We 'ei�r�� ` <br /> �� ��r�,,. ' oceed <br /> �uau Kcured b this 8�curi Iaetrwa�nl.whettter ot not Wea due. ' '` ' <br /> � t � � ��..�+ <br /> `?� :�t�4.��,� �7�i�t�}�:�"�f �x . Y �i► ,_;- <br /> .r rl � 'J::��t-nWt �u�C�i�b F.TLY � i . <br /> t �;;r r:2;'��r��;,1�`j",'�� , iiaies�Lender aau iforrower otherari�e agrce in writing,a�y appfication oi proceede to pr;nnpai�haii not ractend o�poatpone �* �.� <br /> . ., a�y ' l.:�.. . � '� �'��-� <br /> ;, , ��;�1 �;�, k•,�•� � • tde due daa af�he monthiy payments referred co in paragraph�1 and 1 or cliange the amou�t of�uch puymmu. ;. _ __ __ <br /> �" ' � �,4��ijs1;. <br /> '�yy,t;i � �,t �•��;�t.,� I��I�r I1.Borra�rer Not Released;Forbearanae By[.cnder Nat A Wai��. Extenaion of the Ume far payment or modllicadon �'� "- <br /> t 1 a s � }�4�i . <br /> '��..r '�,�'?'�,,,,��,� ,�S ';�'�+ �`�` of umortizadon of the�um�secured b thb Securi Instrument y y `�>���,�`,`� <br /> ��,,N �'a Y ty �ranted b Lender to an �uccaaor in I,:terast of Borroaa l;5=,� <br /> �°�' y�,:!�� ��1t'k�+� �f ehall aot eraro to relwue tho liabllitv ot the orl�^-'Borrower or Borrower's auccaeore In interea4 l.n.der ahall not be �;��;%` <br /> �., � !r,,j IS�.�1 n(��t���llf�t.r � •7 8�� _....�i�;� <br />';��•�' t.:"$�;��..,$z,;,r'1yp,;�,f� requtred to commence prabediag�ag�tast any�ucceawr in interat or refwe to extend�Ima for p�ymrnt or otha�abo modily - , <br /> , , ,;,,.:,..�,c�,aa„S'.1'W amordzstion af the�ums weured by thit 8ecuriry Inewment by re+uon of aay dan�ad m�de by the orl�iaal Borrower or <br /> �.� •„.:k�n,;::;.;�yt �., .,��d..,_w., <br /> .r.' .:'.'.;.:;:;,.�;,,::,,..t.... Borrower'�acca�orr in interaG My forbw�ranee by Lender in uceraisin�any�i�bt or remedy shW not b��anivar of or +,.. .�._�-.. <br /> ' .n;;�;;�'r' �-_--r- <br /> ` :�,.,-; :..E.� �,�,� predude the anerclse of any dght or romedy. �;_ <br /> •; , <br /> t ' l':s'_`a=�"�-`r: <br /> . . ,.i . 12. Su000wons wd AsdQpa $oupd� Jolut wd 3e�aa1 U�6Wtyi Co-�. Tde aoven�� and a�eemeau of WIs - <br /> ' ,_�'y. ..,.; � _ .� � 8eaurlry l�aavmat�lWI 63nd�ad MaeSt the�uooason aad ud�ru af Laada aad Borrower.�ubjact w tbe provisions of -- <br /> _. - p�ra�'a� ►T. Sac-�.�rie'�eavatr,�u imi a�amenta �ha11 be joini and ssverai. Aay 8orrowv who oo•�i�tu � $�curiry = `- <br /> '. . • Iworum�nt but das not�cecute th�Notr.(�)b eo�lp�in�thb Secudty Instnuna►t ody to mort�a�e.�rant�nd oonvy �hat <br /> i:,�:„ . � ., Boerow�r's int�t in Un Prop�rty under th�prm�of tAb 3ecw�ity Ie�trumenl;(b)i�not pennnaUy obUjated w p�y th��urtu <6i� � <br /> wcund b Ihb S�cu�i Irutrument;and(c)� �• <br /> r ' �',, • • Y �Y �na�hat Ln►d�r�nd any otha Borro�rer may a�ra ro e:tend.modilyr.forbrar • . <br /> . ' or malc� aay a000mmodadoru ailh �e,prd W th�ttrnu of Wt Becutity Imaunut�t or W� Nou allhout ttut Borrowar'� j�-- � <br /> _ ....,�.,�•a•w�.�..a oonan�. <br /> _ �;.. ... , ,�.. r.�.�•ru.:••._. <br /> ' ' 13.[� Ch�t�ts.If the losn teeured by this 3ecudty Imtrument i��ubject to a law wNch�ata mulmum loaa chargo�.and �. ,.`"''`':` .' <br />,;' . ��, •r+; U ut l aw is M Wy i n t e r p ro t e d so t h�t 1 h e i nterat or other loan ch�rga coUected or to be eoUectad in oonnectton with the loan �'�---•-:..--.: <br /> l � exoeed 1he ued Wniu,thens a an such loan ch e sball!�e reduced b the amount n C�':"'°". <br /> Pa*� ( ) 9 aB Y �ry to reduoe the oharge to j�; ,,�, <br /> � t° • • the ued tlmik aad(b)any wmi alread collected from Borrower afiich e:oeeded �:.,:_�Y'�i..=ti- <br /> P� Y pcnntued limiu aill 6e reNnded to . ,- <br /> ' ' °".. Borrower. Lmder may choose to make thb refund by rcducing the principal owed under the Note or by makfng A direct ;,.��'�.�;;;-: <br />� � p�yrurnt to Borrower. If a rdLad roduca priacipal. tho roduetlon wiU be treated a� a putW prspaym�nt arflhout any �i:,���.-• <br /> tf:��, �.. .,.� <br /> �� ���+� pfqf�yutml�6ar�e undl!tlte NOte. .•, •::. '- <br /> � � .�..�,.. ...� 14.Nafk�p.Any�o11oe to Borroara provided for in thi�Security Inshwnent�dsll be glven by dellvedng it or by malling It �'!j',�;:'�° <br /> � ��-.�,'��:, �.�,., °. .. . <br />�pYr7�.�..{ �;?.±: ^ 6y Mt cJas�mail uNeu appUcabte laa reyulra we of another method.7Le nodce�haU be dlreped ta Ihe Ro Addrar '''�^ .'': <br /> . ,�, P�5' '13���1_+.- <br /> >„ ,' � •` ,� ;"� or+u�y otha addras Borroaer deaignaua by noGa to Lender. My notice to Lmder�hal!be given by Iiret clnu meil to , .^ <br /> ��' " Lrnder'�address�tatod hMdn or an other addroaa Laader da ata b aoUce to Bouower.An nodce rovfded for ln thb � �y"' <br /> ,' �`t? ' S4L'`".�,,,•. - Y � Y Y P _ ... <br /> � ��;'_-:.—_ <br /> ;:,�.�,..i.�:• .:,;... Savdry Imtrument shall be deemed to hsve been glvrn to Borrower or Lender arhen givm as provided in thi�puagraph. . ;�--�-�� <br /> �" .' ' ;�'�`.. ,�-�,;: ls.Go�ernip� I,aw�Se►e�biuty.Thf�Saurity Instrument ahaA be govemed by feder�l taw and the law of the Jurisd{ction �R=!�i <br /> s�i.•�''�' �:•„ <br /> ��:•,.a ��i�f;x���_' ' in whlch the Property is located.In�he event t}ut any provlsion or clawe otthii Secudty Inswment or the Note con0icu arith , ...•.�. <br /> ���"�'' �'•`•'-��•�'�? appUcaWe law,auch coaNct aholl na allact ottxr provislone of�hL Security Iruwment or the Note which can be vm e8'ect �" <br /> ;.t;�, a. �,y{.�;`t��;i-. . gi j .:'.,•.r�s+.: <br />•�;!,. �1��T ;�,w, ,. '., wlthout the rnMlcWy�provldoa.To thl� end the provWons of this Secu�ity In�wment and th� lYou an deolared w be �., �`•�S <br /> f.d[l...ri'• .{:f ��.� 7����1�l;��i. <br /> . , fOVQl�6�0. �, i��..:,;�r <br /> .. ' '���t`::.,_ <br /> . . •�`, �ry.�'' , �t.. n_ <br /> +�' � � �' '�t • 16.Borrowds C Borrower�hall be ven one conformed co of the Note and of thb Securi InswmrnG � <br /> oV�'� Sj PY ty �•..�, .,. ;.,,,;,. <br /> � ,�,�:.: <br /> . 4'; .. 17.Traasfa of the Propaty ar a&peQdd Iataest io Borrower.If aU or any pan of the Propecty or any interest in it i . <br /> � � b wld or trwkrnd(a if a beneAcid inte�t in Borrower i�wld or trwferred and Borrowar b not�nawral peroon)arithout � <br /> , � . <br /> � ;�.. , ,, . i .. <br /> • .. • sM�FamNy-FNMMi1KYC YNIFONM MI�TAUMEMT i�ONAI� ONI00(Pap�4 of�PaYa) <br /> � { � • MEBRAfKA EqN1. Ra.owo�m , <br /> . ' ,� _ ..t�avi^-, h�r.• � :4. . � �� ., . ...�...�� , . .. ._ , . .. <br /> t <br /> � 1. <br /> _� i , <br /> -. --=-.T-�==-_-. <br /> , ,� . <br /> .. .�. ., , , <br /> . � . ;• . �,::�:;: � �,.. . � . . <br /> .. •:; �� �{��t,,..�; �{f , � . . . . . <br /> �.d �ii�.; ),�l^:l�:t�t.l�.:, •: ��;'�.', •_ ,', , �. • <br /> .t � . �/ . „ �� ;t� � �� i ' <br /> �1 i� �_1 � � � . � . . . <br /> (i 7 :\�r��i >�+ �T1 y i 4'�it��� . _ ';i' I� .- . '.h. . . .. �. � .. <br /> �` 1'. t .����Yry` ��I�{{`'�.i � , l��t•�•. � . . . � . . . � , -. . - ,� <br /> � •4 .yy�s`�ip! 4\f�(�P'��1'• :n•�{l � . . ., . <br /> t��t�, '. � �•,2(1�,� 1� �� 4FS��l'I��w.������li•��lt;' �ti�.,�'.)_! . • .�' ,. �` , l . . ` ,1 '. _ 4; `.'.11i .1 - ';�, i1, . <br /> � Z�'" ; ''i��' ' 1 ' •;',•s. �`, ,r� � .'f ��� � i � � � . <br /> ;,:?c}���.1`�;':;� :;��. �•�� f. i,; �•� , �� ,��,,��� . <br /> � � .' �� r,� ��f���' � � � � � ri . <br /> . �.� . �S�c..iP. � �' � �- ��( '�;,;, �� � '1 I�i. f.�/�'y'•. ��' j�. .��/ � . . . <br /> '+. �!'�-, ,1� \/i��: )�!1}'t1 .f-' � <br /> � t �' � - . �/ . ' l� ' , � , , � -� . ( <br /> �. . t .�.: . � -__.'_. .. _ ___ __'_._ . <br />