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<br /> , B. Ap il�tute advances from Beneflciary to Trustor or other future obligattans oi.Trustar ta aenetIcinry under any `
<br /> promiasory note, cantract, Buaranty.or other evldence of debt exiating now or exetutett alter thia Deed of Trust
<br /> whether ar not this Deed of Trast is specifically referred to in the evidence of deb..
<br /> C. All obligattons Trustor owes ta 9eneftaiary. which now exist or may later arise. to the extent not prohibited b�+
<br /> law. includiag. but not Hmtted tu. liabilities for overdrafts relating to any degoslt account agreement betvreen , �_
<br /> . . Truetor and Beneficlary. "'`"'
<br /> - � � D. Aii additlonal sums advanced and expenses inc��rred by Beneficiery for insurinR,preserviug of othcrwtsc protecdnII ,.
<br /> the Property and ite value aad any other sums advaaced and exp�nsee incurred by Heneficiary under the terr,is of '���`
<br /> � � thia Deal of Trust, plua interest at the highest rate In effect. from time to t{me. as provided in the Evidence of • _:..
<br /> ..l:::�ri��� Debt. '����
<br /> �*« B. Trustor's petfom�ance under the terma of any inatrument evidencing a debt tsy Truswr to Beneflclary and aay Deed ,,,
<br /> of Tru.gt securing,gusraarying.or otderwise relating ta the debt. ��t���•�
<br /> •� If mom than ons pGrsan slgns this Deed of Trust as Truscor. each'Crustor agrees that this Dced of Trust will secure nll _`_�;_
<br /> ti`��:�� � futnre advances and future obligations descdbed above that are given to or incuned by any one or more Tcustor,or eny h
<br /> �-,. 4
<br /> :'.����' +� one or more Truetac attd others.This Deed of Truat will not secure any ather debt if Beneficiary fails,with rrspect to such �:y jn.,
<br /> ,rf:; ' other debt. to mAke any required dtsclosure abaut thie Deed of Trust or if Beneficlary fails to give any required nottce of �,__
<br /> ' ;��•��:` the right of mscisslon.
<br /> ,.,.,sh. „ ,
<br /> ',.:al,:d.ti - ,.
<br /> •j.;:,u���: g, pAY11�P1TS.Trustor aArees to make sii paymeate on the Secured Debt whea due xnd Sn accordeace with the terms of the �;:,.
<br />. ",�.' : �vidence af Debt or eLIA Deed of Trust. �:'-�
<br /> '" �,;::�,
<br /> 6. WARRANTY O�TITI.E.Trustor covenanta that Tnistor is IawtWly seized of t6e eatate canveyed by tbis Deed of'lYuat
<br /> ' r�;'1� , and has the dght to inevocably grant,convey and sell to Trustee, in uust,with power�f sale, the Property and aartants
<br /> ,;�<'7;�,, �,- t; ihat tlie Praperty ie unencumbered.except for encumbrnnces of record. ; -�:-
<br /> �.,,.;,.,, .. , .,,
<br />- � " '�� 7. CLAIMB A�GA�iST'P1TLE.Trustor will pay ell taxea,assessments,liena,encumbrances,lease paymenta.grouad rents, �'�:=.
<br /> �� �'j�• utllitIes,and ottier char�es relating to the PropcRy when due. Beneflciary may require TnisMr to provlde to Beneficittrry •_-_
<br /> �� `„-
<br /> j copies of all notices that such amounts are due aud the receipts evideacing Trustor's pa.yment.Trustor will dafend titlo ia ,,:__
<br /> '�� •�;�t� tlte Pnoperty against any claims that would impair the lien of thie Deed of Trust.Truswr agreea to assign to Beaeficiary,as ���:;��
<br /> ��6.:,�' ,.,. 1 labor or ,�.�.-..
<br /> • . requp.�`.ed by Beneficiary, any rights�claims or defenses which Ttustor may have ngainat parties who supp y
<br /> �'�,` matertals to lmprove or malntein the Property. _
<br /> - �;,_
<br /> __ �,�,. _
<br /> ��'�. 8. PRYOR SECURITY INTERES7'S. With re�urd to any other mortgage. deed of auat. securiry agreerasnt or ��her i,�n
<br /> document that created a prior securlty interest ar encutr.brance on thc Property and t�at may have priorlty over thia QSed =,__
<br /> -;� of Truet,T�ustor agreea:
<br /> A. To malce all paymenu�when due twd to perform or comply with a1l covenan�9. ��;,:
<br /> . '�", B. To pmmptly deliver to Beneficlary eny nudceg that Trustor receives from thc holder.
<br /> �".� �r..`. C. Not to make or permit aay modii3cadon or extension of.and not to request or sccept�ny future advunces uader any
<br /> • • �� note or agreeraent secured by.the other mortgage,deed of tcust or securlty agrcement nnless Beneficisry consents
<br /> . ia wciting.
<br />-• '"r 9. DiJE ON SAI.E OR ENCUNIDRANC�.Beneficfary may.at its option,declare the entire balance of the 5ecured Debt to '�-
<br /> � ; bc lmmediateiy du�s and paynUle upon the creatlon of any lien.encumbrance.transfer,or sale,or wntract for ariy of these
<br />.-�'-':�� j �• . 't on the Property. However. if the Property includes Tcuator's residence, thie seccioa shnll bc subject to the revtrictions
<br />-sa�re'`°:r� imgosed l�y federal law(12 C.F.R. �91). as a}�pticabla.For the pu�nses of this section,the terra"Pt�operty"also Includes
<br />-'"�``T"��'`�°"''� any Interest to all or any part of the Property. �liis covenunt shaU run with tha PrapsTty annd sh�lf remaln in effect until the
<br /> "''-''-' . `", ' Secured D2bt ia paid[n ttill and this Deed of T�uat ia relea�ed.
<br />- , ,` IU.TItANSFER OF AN IIVTERES"1' IN'1'H� G(tANT�R. If Tcustor is an endty other thtui a natural persoa (such�s a =
<br /> • � ' R �
<br /> i� corporation or other orgaaizat�on). Beneflciary may demand i»anediate gayment if(1)a tseneflctal intarest In Tnuror is
<br /> �� �� soid or uansterred: (2) there ts a chen�e in either the identtty or nwnber of inemf�ers of a parmership; ar(3)there is n R :-
<br /> � �v.��:.��� chanpe in ownership of more than 2S percent of the vodn�stock of s cocporation. However�Beneficiary raay not dcmattd �
<br /> - -� f payment in the nbove situations ii it la prohibitat�y taw es ot�c dace of tids Dcx.,i�t Tru�t. �: ..
<br />�-.=��•. ..,y� .-
<br /> • •"��;'. 11.CNTITY WARRANTIES AND it�PItTSENTATIONS. If Tcustor is an entity other than a natural person (such as n __
<br />�'`�' � ' •:'° corporation or other organlzation). Trustor mskes to Benefictary the fullowIng wanenties ancl tePmsentatione whtch sh�ll -
<br />?•„_ ;�p) -.;Y.
<br />= • •.j•;� ba condnuing as long as the Secnred Debt remains outstandin�: _.
<br />=" A. Trustor is an enttty which is duly organized and validly existing in the Trustor's stata of lncotTsoration (or d_ _
<br /> n
<br />=' "��.�� organization).Truotor is In good eteadia6 ia all atates M whtch Tnistot uansacts busiaesa.Trustor hus the power �__:�
<br /> : �;�}i; . ared authority to own the Property aml to carcy on ite buafness as now being conducted and. us applicable. ia �'
<br /> .r,�
<br />- d,� qualified tv do so in each state in whiah Trustor operates.
<br />_ •;�;;���� B. The exccution. delivery nnd performanoe of this Deed of Tmst by Trustor and tl�e obltgation evidenced by the `�.
<br /> � �;t � '• '�.� Bvldence of Debt am within thu power of Trusror, h��ve beea duly authorizec3. have recelved all nec�sury :
<br /> � .:.,:,•._ ,. ' ,�,
<br /> +�•� �'� � ` governmentni approval,and will not violatc nny provisiou of law,or or�lsff of court or govemmentet aIIency. ,�,„
<br /> -' `'',;'t�i • •. a,1`<
<br /> �• � � � C. Othor than disclose�i ia wxiting Tcuator has not chnngal ite namo withiis tLe laut ten years and has not used any
<br /> " 1����;t;6`��n othar tradu or fictittous nat�ne.'Witltt�ut BenoficiFUy'a pr�vr wdtten wnsent,Trustor does not and will not use any •'
<br /> ��.�,•'tir,7 �rher name and will preserv�{te exis�ing ncune.trade namt.�s and f�ranahi5es until the 5scured Debt�S sattsfied.
<br />_ �_`-:
<br /> '_"� t2.vRAPERTY CONIDITION� AI.'CERATIONS AND IIVSPECCION. Tcustor will keep th�s PropereY M IIood condition � _
<br />_ ---— -__--� --• ,.r.,e«...�..ao..r dcmaan tn
<br /> pnd make all repuira that are rensonably aecessary.Tnietoi wtti �ive esenenciary piG,i�y�:�::...�..�. �..v ._--_-�o-
<br /> --- ---- - t!►c Progerty.Truss^r wi�1 ke�p the Propeccv free of naxious weeds and grasses.Trustor will not lntttata,joln in or consent ����
<br /> — ' �. ,T to uny change in aay private restrlcttve covenant, zontng oMinance or oWer pubiic ur pei�at� aGii�CiEOIt llmldt� or -
<br />- � detining the uses which mny be mude of tl�e Propeity�,bs�Y�paR'af We �Perty. aithout Benefcinty's pdor�vcitten
<br /> - consent. Trustor wUl notify BeneSciary of eti demond�, pi+�eeedinge. cla[ms. and 3cttons against Trustor or any other
<br /> '•• owncr made under law or regulntton regarding use,owttership and occupancy of the I�roperty.Tcustor wtii cornpiy witft pll
<br /> iegni cequlrement�nnd cestetcttons.whether publie or private,wtth respect to the use of the Froperty.Trustar also u�rces
<br /> ., " thux the nat�re of the v�ccupancy and use wtll not change without Beaeficiary's prior wrltten runsent. .
<br /> _`•` _� No ponion of the Pro�erty will be rcmoved,demoiished or mateduily altered without BeneRciary's prior written consent
<br /> cxc:ept chat Truator has the nIIht to recnove ltema of personal property comprisinII n part of the Properry that becomo worn
<br /> — , pnpo?ol ff
<br /> ., •� , Y
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