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r, �_ :'i�;:�r � a: <br /> ._ y� r �ss,,.r 1I I� ,r .• _-�•- __�.k.. <br /> �v,�„� :'f•t�!r� _ f I�C `I �+r+_', <br /> �•� ti. <br /> . -' __ _ -.._- � __..__ �r <br /> �a 1 . <br /> � <br /> ',''— .�_y.. �� <br /> � �t �DJ[JSTABLE RATE �tlDER 93.! �5 <br /> �v K�t.'���� (1 Yeu T�puury ladat•Rate Cap�) <br />- -_--��—�.� _.__� THIS ADIVST1I�LH RA78 R1l1ER U�IMIt��1ot Tws�rit�+ .19�_. � <br /> a�0 it Moot�or�l i�to aed�MM b�d�d to awd�rd wpplamaK 1M Matp�e.D�nA otTwp.or Secvrl�y daf(Ihe•'Saudty Isanpaan"1 of <br /> • IM i�f 4IYf��IIY�lM Y�/f���wC"SOfl'OMrf�110IOQltf flOffOMC►���jYN�af�p Nlptf(1�1!'�1�IMf�'�(Q <br /> ' — I��pQw•"t�.eQ�h a� oo..�ca.o�o�r aRa+e.a+n w.s.�a9 tw��aea�: <br /> "'.�:�-�----, ' _ <br /> ,.;� 617 W. stvlley Park Road. Grand islsrr]. NE 68801 -- - <br /> (Prave�ty Addrss) <br />`� '� ", 7'W�eM l'�M�Mt I��MNr��w cM���t��q MM�N/�1f�M rq w�1W <br /> -�-_ <br /> ,- -- �.ywwM.�rw.w.w ww an.w�a.r IYMw m.a..a�.�1..,...lio.r _ <br /> --�r ��������w���. " <br /> _��:.",.=r�� . . °. <br /> �►D1DnrwrU►L Oovet�M17's.l�adui�io�a u�e ou�aaaw�.0�pee�aa�s m�ue ia��vrib►la�uu�c�n.Nonower..d I�.uet <br /> MbQ�pr�ut a.a.peeu rouu.a: _ <br /> -=�` �'' " A. IN'PIE�T RA7E AND INOMWY.Y rAYMEN7'CHANI3E� -. <br />_ _,. , r.�{ 5_25 <br /> "`�,.;.:�: The Note pnride�for�uei idHal inteeaW wt�of �b.�eaioo 1 of�Mr t�'ae providos for aMn�ea ia eRe iatae�t�ace and�be _ <br /> ^"`r��������1 m°'w°b'°"'"'ea'�,w t'�fa�n: ' , <br /> �;+riY �-n . +. INTL'Rh�TI?a7C�ANDAIONTNLYPAYM6K/CNANGl:3 - <br />_�.r;� <br /> J!;. ;. ��� � W Cr�t O�M ° <br /> -��;ir '. T�e intetat tate 1 wiN p�y a�y chmse on the firs4�ay of �x'�► .19 �4 • �and on tA�t dty everY <br /> , "� 12 moa�Ys tnn�a(ur.ucu aate ap�•�icd my inu�at rare coda ch�a�e is auea a"Cb�e Dwee." ° <br /> �.',n.L�� %r <br />','-�;.� .,�., ri��r .. (wl 7f��Na - <br /> ` �Y. �:..`.,� � - _ <br /> -: r .• �` ;i.�'�„�'r�:.I�,'-r �I�W�1�11�1!�If��-�HOjI.'alL'�Aly�A�Cflil l'fl4t W1�bl'�SCi1011 all�11dlJI.1�1!���f1dC71��15 I�1C�IlCk�l aVC7il�t�!�OII VII�IEd.SUIl3 _ <br />-=.�.�_ "! ,f'�"..: ;4,+• u. ,,•; _ <br /> - _ , . ;,�;�:,.y�'�.,-'d'�.,�•*, Tre�utY senuilia adjwted to a oautant maturfty of 1 ysiu.�s mml:awi4ibk sy the Federd Raen�e Bo�rd.1'he mast reomt lada fi�urc <br /> "o 'r,:K '� � in.�,._. Rvail�bltasotthedate43d�nbeforeachChan�eD�iceisea10e41t91t"•Cu►tpltindex.•• <br /> .,�• ..:::•; .. <br /> .'`�i� ,��',a�•.�, if the lodai is oo Wn�e+avaflabk.tAe Nole�IoCziac wiW ctwwu�aew iadac wbieh b b�sed upoa crompawble iatatm�tioa.'ILe Nott <br /> y y Noide�Mill dvc me nodoe otthis choke. <br /> . :F�,. , •:�� <br /> . _;�f '�..,_ ZC! C�ee et[!e.!ae� <br /> „ .::�f-3+��, t.WO � ClI@-�181f t <br /> ,';,i �'.�)'',:•:'���'}'i� <br />- � ,_•,1�f#� , , &(at ach Cfiu�e Due.lbe Nae Holder will calculate my�i�terat n1e by�ddin4 P���+�[ <br /> � !�t• �•. �����:_:'� t'c° 2.50 �Iy to the Curtent Indac and�oundin�to the nea�at 1/Yth oi 1 W,subjta aa�ahp Ifmitt st�ted in Secdon ND)bebw. <br /> �'�i�• ;�;'����'^�f;" ��,• ,:� 7Ak munded amount n�ill be my new interat rate umi�ths npt Chu�e Wta a <br /> �. � ���1 <br /> '� �� � ..�.; <br />�r� �;^,, r r.•'•. �� , ,} 7be Nate Holda wiU theo determiae the�mount of the month1Y payment that would be i+aFQiicitn! to repay m fu11 the principl 1 un <br />:�-t�C_ j C <br /> — ' � £•'',�� t,�,'"� � pected to mre on�hy►Ciiwq�e Wte iu,ubst��t(�Ily cyual paY�nrnu by the maturity date at my nca msercst rate.The rault ot thie cakufadan . <br />� �����,��•: � eu <br /> '`( <br /> ` ' � ,i���'"'�s s�;* wir be tAe ae�r amoum of my monihlY PAY��• <br /> _ :���.'�r�;� .;a.; - <br /> � „ '� ''�� (D) IJ�itsa�I�terW RateC�a <br /> ,,, '�;��'� The tataest ra�e 1 un requirod to pay at the fiRt Change Date will na be g�wter than 7- -�� or leu tlun <br />�'��- � �!�",!�,;�t� 3_25 �y.Therpfte�,my interat rau will never be increased or decreased on any sin�le ChanRe Date by morc than_ � _ <br /> -�L:� ;�•�'>��� 2 � from the rateof inurat 1 have been payin�for the precedin�twelve months.The mi�lrnum interat nte ou thii lo�n will a�wa be o <br /> ' �(;,,�, <br /> �.1� ``,'t�i;t;•• lat than 3.25 �and�he mazimum intaat ate wiY never be�{reatet�han 10_2� __�. <br /> 1`',�•,� `,' ;;t�'1�.;.,. `. <br />_;,.•. � !��.,�, (E) Ettectlre Mte of Cl�s <br /> `�.� �!�..� �;!��r My new intertlt�a'tt wiU become effectivt on uct��hunge Date.l will pay the arnount of my ncw monthly paymmt txYinnina on�he tirst _. <br /> ,'r:.�.•,�.•,. ,�i <br /> '::��;,'::� s - 'c� montblY P�Y�nt date atta�he Chanae Date unt0 the an+:�unt of my monthlY payment clunae�a�in. _ <br />.•���y�/��`t�` ��'!" • - <br /> ..t."��L�y ;�"�_, ' ;� {'F� NWloeof Ch�ea <br /> �.+u•.t�;,�..:, <br />.��,:`',t t' s��;"�''�:: .�. ,.,� r TAe Note Holder will mail or deiiv¢r to me a naiee before dch ChanQe Date.The notia will�d�isc mt of: <br />__-.;. ,f� � `_..v.; (h ��w intaest ute on my loan as of the Chan4e Dste; <br /> _-^;..s i� .�to�; i�, ' � (li) ihe amount of my monthlY WY�t follmvinQ the Clun�e Date; <br /> . : �;` � �, ``� (iN) my addiqonsl ma[ten whkh the Nae Holder b requircd to disctaRe:aad <br /> °���'�4t �.���i?�':." pv) tbe addrat ot Ihe assodAtbe yau cauld aoM�et rcQqtdl�any qutatiarss amwot the aGlyasttnent notke. <br /> 't�;��.'� ' '�,�ti �y� <br /> �S'..p'i '�;`�I'S •!"c�`�'. <br /> y i.�{ �(� �"; /���p/� .■pu p <br />__ r..I 'J'1�� �Y-'1�.�.•� � 4nffwV�iMGI�Q <br /> � ,�L� ��� i .,�,. Uaiform Covenant 4 of the Secu�ity Intlrummt u amentkd to read as fof:ow�: <br /> ?�.,,. , . .-.. <br /> ,ti..i�'•'� �� • ., ..,� ' - <br /> +��F,' � ��.� .,F���!•.X:�=�.. ' �,CY�er.11er.Borrown:hatl pay dl tua.a�sossmenu,s�nd oth�tr c�rges.Anes,and im,xositions auribuuble to the Property whlch may <br /> �-''��•i `��^��'�n�%�k,.: #r.a6::a priaity over this Security In.�rummt.riM lasehold paymencs ot ground rents,if any,ia:h:ma�er provtded under pasaYraFls 2letrtof = <br /> ' � �,fc�;�:1�i�{,-> ar.eP�wt pid In wch Borrower makina payment,when dae,dira�ly to the paya taereo:'.8arrower shall prompdy fumiah:Lendm - <br /> �`�, �� 1���`y4'����; !� , dl naiees of amounts due under this pua�aph,and in ihe eaent Ek�arower shall make{+armenr,�:r�ec�i 1},Borrower atull promptly�er+e�asA to - <br /> ''�'h'•r. �-!�S)'��t�,(� <br /> , '� , •� .' � ..• � 'e� Aall rom t1v dixhar e an lien �hicQ�Nas riorit over�his Security Instraontns:. <br /> ''."• ) � .,� Lender reaipts evida�cinQ such payments. Borcower e P p . Q Y D Y <br /> ..;�c �, �'� ����1-�'� <br /> , ��rt ,;� `,,,`�,�r...�+,,,:..��, however� Borrovre��hai,�not be rcquired to dischacge ar�v such liert ao IonQ aa Gb�r�ew�er.fa�ah�1i agree In wniing to Ihe payment of It+e <br /> � ` ' ��. :.(�;' ���° '�� aWiption secured by s�ch Ilrn in Ihe manner acceptable eo Lender�hi et+all in good fai�@:comtse auch:�en by,or defend against enforeemern uf - <br /> ...e-• �'�' . ,�� • t}�}�, tt • <br /> :.�:..� :i;j'.'t���;'` i� wch liea in,kQal procYedin�s whkh�.rc r.hs opinion of Lender operr.e r.;t,ervm�the mforcement oC�h�dxn or forkiturc of the Propeny t�r artu � _ <br /> � . �:`: ���� p�rt thereo(;or(c)sAall secure ir0�a c.le holder of such lien an ap.*.:ement in a form satistaetor}uc�mder subordinatin�such tie�a eo tMs <br /> . ! -bi1.�- - <br /> ,..(-V S�cud�y Instruu�en�. _ <br /> " _�s'.�;i,1���-� If Lender deteratines Ihat all or any part of Ihe Property is subject�o a lirn which may aaain a orioriry o��er this Security Inarumem. - <br /> -�:�•L."—�-- -_:-.�- - l�ender ahall�ive Bortower a na�ee identitpr�wch lieo.Borta►er shall satis(y wch lien a ake one ar more of Ihe actions set fond above ° <br /> r-, - <br /> , .. ��._ o witAi�ten d�ys o(�Ae�iviaa ot tbe aocice. _ <br /> ; 3",'. � ` , C. N0710E <br /> � �' , ,� Udtorm Covtnan�14 of the Security Instrumenr�ia�ended to rnd u follow�: <br /> •;, • � '" U. Notice.E�tcepl for any notice tequfrcd under appi�cabk{aw ro De p•en in anotArr muener.!aY sny noua to Borrower pruv�ded tot m this <br /> {; � " � , Secunly Insttument slwll bt Qiven by deliveting it or by mading cr Dy.firu cl�as rtuel to Bortown ar tPoe Properly A3dress ot a�+uch aher addrns <br /> • os&xrower my�Je.i�n+�e b� naice io LrnJet a+pru�iJcd hcrem,,uod 1bt an�eorici rn[an.icr•hall bc Ki�rn t��ii�+i da.,mail�o lco�kr'. <br /> .K�° ' . � <br /> . � addras au�nf herrin m�u wrh wher addra�as l ender ma>Jaign,.�r h�n�������a fi.�rrow�r a�pro�idal herem mm�otrce pra�iJed(��r m th�. <br /> ih.�, � � ` � SecuHly Insuument�hall bedeemtd to ha�ebeen gi�rn tu BorroMer or Lendier wMm W�ea in Ihe manner de.�pna�eJ herein. <br />,�, � :1��'• � <br /> ± . � -� � <br /> � � , . ,; ' <br /> h, � . <br />