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<br /> �� Unless othenvise aIIreed in vidting.nll Insurance pmceede ehall be applied to the regtorntian or repalr of the Pcoperty or to
<br /> � the Sccure�DEbt. �vhether or not then due,ut Beneflclary's option. Any epplir.adon af pmr,eeds to principN chNl not
<br /> extend or postpone the due date of the acheduled pn ent uor chnage tkte amnunt of any payment. Aay exsess will be n1d
<br /> to ihe(3rtmtor.If tbe Prope laoa�cquieted uieiUon�a�l �asso�Bene►ci�to the extc�nt ofUce Se�cu��eb immsdlntelY
<br /> m --�
<br /> from dmm�ne to the Property ef t� n�q p
<br /> , 6�fon thc�cg��iaition. '
<br /> , mvided in u se atate e reement.TYuetor v�riU aot be �T�
<br /> " t0. Ti�SCROW F(DR TAX�:S AND INSiJRANCE. Untess otherwtso p P 8 �__
<br /> ..... -_:-� requlred co pay w Eeneflclary ll�nda for taxes and insurauce!n escmw. �,
<br /> ' �'"`"� T8 ANm ADD17'IONAL]DOCIJNIENTS.Trustor will mvide to Reneficiary n on request.any i��v
<br /> �, Zl. k'IrTA1�CIA3. REPOR , ver.and file sny
<br /> financlul statrra�nt or iuforn�ation Beneflciary may deem reasonably aecessary.�ruswr agreea ta niga del
<br /> . obllgu�onadundc�r nWie Sec�ur�iry I�n�s�mnisme�nt�d Bene�ci ryXs Iien�startus on ihao P opert3+. �continue,and preserve Cirantor's �;�;;r.
<br /> �.,
<br /> thie Serurlry Insuument are�joint and indiv�dual.If Trustor sfgns thie Secutlty Insemment but does not siga aa evldence of _
<br /> .�:•t debt. Trusror does so only to mortBage Trustor's intereat in the Prope�rty to secure payment of the Secured Debt and v_�
<br /> ;,:;'•=.; °�'� Trustor dues not ugrce to bc pursonally liable un the Secured Debt.If thls 5ecurity Inauument secums a guaranty between —
<br /> ;. , an ucdon or cluim �
<br /> NEAflRC1Uty AYiQ TNlitOr� I'rt+stor�gce•.:�toa�iva auy riAh+s thut may prcwem Benr.t7ciury from bringing y
<br /> ,, „ �• a s�iast Tiustor or An indebted under the abl��gatton. These rights raay include, but ac� not llmited co� any
<br /> +�,� aIItl-dtSt1C�(�ICy Pf OA�IIC 011 I8W8.Truatar agrees that Seaeficiary and any pa�ty w thts 5ecurlty Insmunent may oxtend[. _
<br /> .�;;',;r.::.::._ � modify or u�ake suy chenge in thc tem�a of thia Securlty Instnunent or any evid3nce of debt without Trustor's coiuent. __
<br /> ;,;,,,� � S�ch a chAage wul not rele�ae'ih�ator frAm the temtis af thie Secueiry Ittstrument.Tho duties aad benefita of this Securlty �4�y-
<br /> '.f;:,.`�i�;;;,;;�j�� i n s q v m e n t s h a l l b i n d e n d b�n e f i t t h e s u c c e s s o r s a n d a s a 3 g n A o f T t u e ro r and Benoficiul. -
<br /> :�:�.�,�� �
<br /> .,'::�,:,�°� ; ?�3. APPLICABLE LAW S�VE1tABII.ITY;INTL+�LPI2ETATION.This Securlty Ynstrument is govemed by We laws of the �'�`��
<br /> ""% `• �'� jiulsdictdun im which�eueficIary is located,exc�pt to the extent othenvise cequired b tha lnws af the judediction where �_
<br /> ': ,�. �. �.
<br /> • � the Pmmperty is locuted.'Ibis 5ecurlty lnstnunenT is wrapl�ete aad tt�lly integrated. a Securlty Insmime�u maY not be �,,
<br /> � ._.�' umrnd e i l or�aodifled by oral agreemenc.Any seotion ia t�is Securlty Inatrutcusttt attashmente,as ar►y agreement related to F,:,
<br /> �j;;a,(;�,: , the Secured Debt that conflicte wiW applicable law wUl not be effec�ive,uNe.v.q t�tat law e�cprercelY or imPlte�ly pemyits the _,
<br /> , ,'�•,:��a.. �� VHilAtl0A8 bj►WfltteA II$te2A1C11t.If any secdon of this Security instnia►snt cannat be enforced according to ita teraus.that r;,..
<br /> �; sectlon wlll be cevered�nd wiA uot uffect the enforceubUity oi the remainder of tbla Securlry Insmuneat•Whenever used, _
<br /> the sinBular yba11 iaclude the plural and the plursl the singolur.'The caA�ons end headings of the sections of thla SecurIty
<br /> r�. � Instr�ment Are for conventeace only aad are aot to be used to interprct or detine the terms of this SecurIty Instrumeut• .T
<br /> � ;� � 7Yato ia of tbe easence itt thia Securltyr Iasuurnent. _
<br /> � '`�� �' ?Q. s[JCCESSOR TRUSTF�. H�neRct�ry, at tsenenciary's opuon, muy tiv+i+tIu"i8 i8 iSiIIC it'Sf10VE Tlt292E�P BL�� apnc►!nt a =
<br /> �' successor trustee w1U►out aisy other fomwliry than the desigaation In writtag.1]io auccessor uuatee withaut couveysnce of
<br /> the Ptaperty. shall succeed to all tbe title, Fower aud duties conferned upoa Trustee by this �eourtty Tnemtment unal
<br /> �_ , applicable law.
<br />` • �, ' a$. N01'ICE.Unless othetwise cequire�by law �y notice shall be given by dellverIng!t or by mail�nng ic b�y t�t�clW��
<br /> to the approprlute p�ty's address on ps�e f ogthia SecurIty Insmuaent. or to aa other addreas desi !3•
<br /> s� ,, Notice to one trustor wlli be deeracd to be notice to all trustora.
<br />- • ?,6. WAIVER3. .Fxcept to the Pxtent rro6i�rited by faw, Trustor waives all apprnieement and homestr.ad exem�stian dght� _
<br />_. . . �,.. . relating to th�Pt'oP�Y. —
<br /> Z'�. p�it�'E3tMS.If checked.the foUowinB are applicable to thie Srxudty lastr�meat: =
<br /> -_ = ^• �� •Cl Liste o�Cred[t.The Secused Debt ineludes a revoiving line of credit provisfon.Although the Secuned Debt rnuy be
<br />-",''"`'��'=: raduc.�d to a zero balan�:e.this Securlry Instrum:.'ni will rennsin in effe�t uutU released.
<br />:..:.,�q..s,." .
<br /> '• • .y,J;:.--. �ConsY�ct[on Loun.Thla Secwity Iastrwnent secures an obligation incurt+ed for the construation of an i�npmveraent
<br />�,r-:�"_:. ,� onthe Arape►tY• ----
<br />��"�~`\� .^�` ❑Flixturo Fllang.Trustor�rnuts w HeneRclsry a security interest In aYl goods that Granwr owas aow or in the futur�e .
<br /> .�.. l V�t,
<br />.�: attd that are or will become tixtures relate�d to the Propetly. 'Thie Securlty Insuum�nt suffices as a ����
<br />__ _�..,;,r•.' • statemens and any csirrbon�Photagraphle or other reproduction t�say be�lted of reconi for purposes of Article 9 of tha y_
<br />-:T;�;,,,�k,``• . Uniforsr►Coumaerc9alCode. �
<br /> ��.-��y.::.:. - ❑�itdszs.'iha cuvcnuuta Futd ag;wucc:ute uf c:wcb tsf tttc ridcra checkez!belo�v nre lncnrgorete�t into and supplement an�d �
<br />�;„�!^�;:.�,; Arneud the teims oY this Securlty Inattument.[Check all applieable boxes] ......... ........... _
<br /> "`""``"': D Coadomintwn gtider O Pinnnai Unit Development Rider ❑diher......................... ..... �.
<br /> ±„�w. .., � _:.
<br />=;-t,;..^":"^,.:.::� �Add[t�onW Tern�.xf instal.lment y�t ie nat pa3d by the c�ue date. th� l�nk -
<br />_ �:•.�.1,._.. an in � xato to��he post maturity rate on the outstat�dirr,� � —
<br /> . _... ; .,. l�oan��ce unt�� loan s�n a currnnt 5�atus. _
<br /> , . , . -.
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<br /> : � , '��4 �Ng�n��i�}�n,��eals�cknowledBes re�e�Ipt�of u�wpyeof this Secunrj�I�nstrument onn thedato ssatetl on p-v��t and e�ey _
<br /> . . t;. —
<br /> ----�---- .� � c � � �. ........ �. �/T1_ �.���........./.4/�q �
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<br /> ,- rst�n�e STE1�F'N M
<br /> ,------ ,.
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<br /> __._�^.��—` ACKI'30��LLL'.^•A�B?'!': ........} ss.
<br /> S"I'ATB OF��.................................COUNTY OF�. .........`7.k�....�.....,...�2R�. ...
<br /> • eu,e�ra�� This instrument was acknowlcd�ted before me this ,.�+9�l1.. day of. .. ...........
<br /> .... .... ......
<br /> ' by rSd�i"Y�.M.�?Q�i .�.YaL�.T�.�4�T�..A�.. .�P.. F�.... ... .. ........... .............. .
<br /> ` ° My commission ' /�, �
<br /> � • GENERI0.P�OtARr•Stdeot N�busb . .......U'�... . ... ..... ..... .•.••.•.... �
<br /> ., .........
<br /> q' 10SHPH R.0081i0Y0tN1P (Notary Puouc) :
<br /> � Comm.hD.St�•��� ��� IPaf7Q 4 of 41
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