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�:i�:1�',�{ . . ::'r, . .r. c:l. <br /> 1 ` n <br /> �� i. .. ._ .. .. p <br /> .. r - - n .� ., <br /> - .. ' .H •' ' - �, .. ' .. . " _ " o .� _ ' _"'._.r__..._ <br /> - � .. _...._ <br /> a ' n • - .. . ._. <br /> � n <br /> 9�°���. <br /> � <br /> B.All future advaacea from Beneflcinry to Trustar or other fttture obllgations of Tnista to Bencflcinry un4er any � „ <br /> promiaROry note. contrect.Quaranty,or other evidence of debt executed by Trustor In favor of Heneficiury eaecuted , ` <br /> agter thia Securit y Inewment whetber or not this Securlry lnsuument is apectftcally referenced. If more than one <br /> person signa thia Se�urity Instcument. each Trustor t►areea t hat t h is Secu d ty I n a t r u m en t w i 1 1 s e c u r e a l l fl►t u r e ` <br /> advances and future oblfBallona thnt are given to or incurred by uny one ar tnore'�'n�stor,or any ane or more Ttustor <br /> aud othere. Ail futurc ndvpaces aad other flinsre obli�ntione arn�ecured by this Secud4y Insu�ne�t even though all . <br /> ' or art tnay uot yet be ndvanced,All Potuce a dvaaces tia d o t har f u t u r e o b l ig a t l o n s a re s e c u r e d n s i f m a d e o n t h e d a t e ,�,,; <br /> a <br /> �� of�hla Securiry Instrwnent.Nothing in this Security Insuument ahn11 conatltute a comrnipnent to make addidonnl or � <br /> ��� C.All blig�ns Trustor owe.�c to Benefic t�y suc h c o m m i t m e n t m u s t b e ag r e e d�t at no S eroh{bitedr ib n law Includin _. <br /> ary,which may later nrise,to tfi p Y g <br /> but not limited to, llabilittes for overdrafts reiating to any deposit acc�unt agr�ement between '�rustor aad �'�r:;" <br /> � �eneticisry. <br /> D.All additional sums advaaced and expenses incurn�d by Beueficiary for inauring, preserving or otherwise protecti�ng ,_ <br /> the Property aad its value aad auy other aums advanced and ex{,enses incurred by Beneflctnry under the terms of tWs ,:�,: <br /> Securlry Instnunent. _ <br /> '� This Securiry Inatn�meat wlll not secure any ather debt if Beneficiery fails to give aay rcqulred notice of the dght of ��=.; <br /> . rescisston. -- <br /> � s� tpe�Am.q�l9ie Secticed D bL a�nd thls Sect�tlty R�ent�e,Secured Debt w�i41 t�paid whea duc aad in accordaace with the '.`�; <br /> ., f� "�n_. <br /> " # 6. Wplt}iAN'1'Y OF TITLE,Trustor warrants th�t'1 ntstor la or witI be lawlUlly seized�f tdc atate conveY�bwer of ��'` <br /> � � Secunry Instr�ment aad hasthe ri�ht to irrevocably grant,convey.nnd sell the Property toTruatee,ia aust,wt po '`.,��: <br /> - sale.Tnutor also warrants that the Property Is uaenclunbered,except for encumbrances of recard. <br /> ° �. pglppl SECLIRITy IIV'I'ER�Si'S. With regerd to any other mortgage,deed of truat,secudty agreement or other lien <br /> ' � document that created a Prior securlry interes�or encumbrance on the Praperty,'[Yustor agrees: <br /> •. A.To make all payments when due and to perform or wmply with all covenauts. • .;; <br /> �� � } B.'To prompdy deliver w Bsaeficinry aay notices that Tn�ator recelv�s from the holder. ::;- <br /> � C.Not w allow any modiftcadon or extenaion of. nor torequest any tLture advauces under aay nota or agceement ;;;._ <br /> ;�i, � secured by the lien dceument wlthout Beneticiary's prior wriccen consent. '�,:�:;` <br /> �.. ,h-=-:-- <br /> ° ' 8. CLAIIVIB A(iAIlVSC TP17,E. Tcustor will ay all taxes.asseasments liens.encumbrances, ]ase paymenta, 8round renta� -__- <br /> - � � � c aryr reguire TruNOr to provide to Beneficiary ,�_, <br /> ;. utUities,and other chorges relating to the pesty whea due. Benet� i may � <br /> copies of all noticea that such amounts ate due and the receipts evideucing TmstTn 8irpun�t���Tn s�ior r Wjl� to assiBn io <br /> ., .. ._ <br /> . , thC P3�Dpe!ty ag8lnst aay clauw ihai ii�%3UId �tilp�fT ihC l��A Of thl9 Sf£L!!ty ---- � `. <br /> ' Beneficl �asrequested bp Beneftciary any rigt�fs,cluim�or defenses 1'custor may have agakisst perties who supply labor - <br /> IYIR � <br /> �� or materi�e to malntain or irnprove the F�roperty. �'��- <br /> ., . � "{.. �.'��;-.. <br /> 9. DUE Ul�SIALE OR ENCUIVIDRANCE.Beneficiary may,at its o�tion,declare the entire btlaace of the Seaured�peei or <br /> ;+ be immedintely due and payable upon tbe creadon of,or contract or the creatlon of, auy lim. encumbrance, <br /> � .. � sale of the Pcoperty. 'Chis d t is subj�d aha�ll Tru ain iin eff�u�n�bihe Se�cured Debt! paid �►lfull �dp�tWa Secu�rlry - - <br /> �` covenant ahnll nw with tbe�perty �i;,. <br /> .� Instrnment is mleased. <br /> ... 4� in good condidon r•— <br /> 10. PROP�R'TY COND1T10N, ALTERATInNB AN�INSPEL°ITON. Tn�stor will keep tix Froperry __ <br /> � end mulce all alrs that are teasoaabiy neceseary. Trustor shall not commit or allow any waste. i-mpairraent. or <br /> deterior�uion of�e Fro�perty Trustor wUl keep the Pcoperty free of noxious weeds aad�m+ses,Trustor agrees that the <br /> � <br /> nature of ths occuQaacy tmd i�se will not subatantiaily change wtthout Beneticlary's pdor v-rNten consent.Truator will not <br /> ' � petnait any chpn�{e in any Ilcense,restrlctive covenant or easement without�eneSciary's pdarwritten consent.Trustor wIll <br /> notify Beneticinry of ell dems+nds, pmceedi�gs. olalms� a�►d actions again�t Trustor. end ot any loss or damage w che <br /> .�. � � progerty. -- <br /> � Beneficlary or I3eneficiary's agents may,at BeneBciory's option.enter the Pcoperty at eny reuanable time for the urpose _ <br />_ . of insp�c8ing the Pr�o�ty. Beneficiury�shnalli�give T asof r thet�Pro�r Yesh�tie enNrely for Bcne�ic�itnry's benefit egnd :�- <br /> r•-• ceasonnble purpose for the tio y p�1 ��•:. <br /> 'nustor will la ao way rely on enefiaiary's inspection. �'=;_ <br />_�.t" � ��i. ��_. <br /> :� . ' „u.. <br /> ,�} tt. AiITBORTI'Y'1�0 PERFO�M• If T'rustor fails to port'orm any duty or any of the covemeats contained in this Securtty � <br /> �� t S^�� Iastrument, Beaeficiary u�ay. wltLuut uall�;c:. perform or canse thene tn !�e�rt'�m+ed• "Troat�r e�Points BetteRclery os � <br /> `'�°�'•^ `�,�;;��''r attomey in fect to eign Tastor's nanie or pay any amount nec$ssary for perfom�ance:BeneBcfery s tight to erform for - <br /> =� <br />-1,:,�,�, :.� �' T�uator ehalt aot c�te pa oblfgatlon toperform,and Beneficia�y's fuUure to perForan will not preclude Bene ciary from -_: <br /> �;,��, � � cxercis�n�any of Benefictery s other rlgfite u�c��r 1he 1aw or.this Security Instrument. It a�y conslrucHon on the Pro rt� <br /> h <br /> is disoontinued or not carded oa in a reasonable m�aaner,Beneflciary mAy ta'�e all st�ps n�cess�Y to pzotect BeneRe s �;,;,,u <br /> ,.. � sec�.�rlty Interesc in the Property�inciudtng wmpyebion of the oonsuuction. s.-�. <br /> .. � 12. p�SIIGNMEIVT OI�'LCA$E9 AI+iD REN'T�•Trustor ircevocably grat�ts. coaveye sind seib to Tcustce, in trust for the = <br /> ' benefit of BEneficiary,as additional security all the ri�t.title and iaterest in and to any�nd all existinB or fut�ue leases, _ <br /> "' sublease.v.aud auy other written or verbal ugreements�'Or�he use and occupancp of any pnillon of the Property,including e-:� <br /> an y e�cte.nalona reaewais,at�ifications or subsdtutiona of such uBrecmenfs(�11 referred ta a� "I.eases")and rents, issueia ►��� <br /> ' and profits (al�refe r[e d W as "Rents'). T�us tor w i l l p m m p t l yp r o v i d e B e n e'f i c l�ry w l t l i w e a n d correct copies of all �;�,�,-� <br /> eaisting and future I.eases•Tn�stor may collect.receive,e�jny ana use the Rents so long as'IYuswr is aot in de fuult under �4 j:;�, <br /> '.,•. Yhe terms of thiB Securlty I�tsstrum4!nt. <br /> r,,r,''}'•�i <br /> • "�'� Trustor acknowledges that tlnis essignment is perfected upon the iecbrdiag of thta i?ee� mfTru� and thut Beneftdury ie <br /> • enttded to aottfy uny of Trustor's tenanta to make payment of Renta due or to becane dne to Bcmeftciary. However '� <br /> g�AR:s„�, �orern that oniv nn default w[11 Beaeficiuy notify Tcuator and Trustor's te+siants and make demand that al{ <br /> .._._.,_--`--_—.- ...•�n o e�ia <br /> , „ ,• thture Rente be paia!directly� to Beneticiary.On receiving noticc of defmilt Tcustor will caiJ���se end dc�ivc...^..�g---l; � . <br /> ------ _.-_� anv navment of�tenta in 7 custor's possesston and�vill�rece,iveLany R���M�ia�a���ic��uri�cv�ins��ent Tn�istor <br /> °.--1 - — - � the Aente with aay other iu.ade. AIIy BiAVUIIta wttwtw ..N�.,r r--•---- - -- <br /> warr�nta that no defuult exists under the Leases or any appltcubI��h e lydltenant inw•Trautor also aIIrees to m�iatafa aw� � <br /> -- - . ; requfre any cenaa�to w,��yly with thc tcrms af t�e L�.......nQ a�.+F <br /> 13. LEASEAOLDSt CONDOIE�[JP�SSi PLANNED LJNIT��L��N'1`S• Ttus�ot a�rees to comply wtth tlte • <br /> •� provieions of nny le$se if this Secudty InatNCttent ta nn a 1 ta�if ilte perty ineludea u unit in a oondominium nr n <br /> planned unit deVelopmeat,TsustOr wjl!perfonn ail of Trustor's duties under the covennnte,by-lawe.or reguladans of the <br /> • ,, � condomtntum or planaed uait development. <br /> � � , � rPago�ol�i <br /> . mtfl�A9antcn5v�fo�n�.tne•.6t.CkuO.MN It�t300•99y7Ltt1 FamREpT�NE 101t1181 <br /> . � , , � � � <br />