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<br /> -�� TN18 A8810�IbAENT OF RENTB RlDfsq b m�d��nd�xaeut�A thl� 247N �y pt O�GEMIBER ,to 9_2_-+nd b
<br /> JiiootporaMd Into md�II O�dMnMd to�nd�nd wpplMrMnt th�Mortq�p�a ONd of T�ust.her�ln�ftar n1Kr�d to��tlw
<br /> —��-� __� �"S�GYII�IMlfY1M111",a �M .an�.a.0 a111N1 by (11� UlidYfdQMd,fNnlodhr �ohrtad to ��11H"QO►fOYlle►"�10 NG4f� __
<br /> ---=r Bp�y f�t�e�M�Nn1if1K�N�rnd to�s th�•'Not�".to MOME FEOERAI.$AVINQS AND LOAN A880CIATION OF ___
<br /> - �. .�.---- -- '� ORAND 18LI1NQ.Mnln�Nw nlwn�d ta a tM"L�ndM".ot tM��am�dd�and oow�InO tM M�11 d�+aHb�d in Ih�8�au�it�t ..°_.
<br /> :�'� � IAI1tlu111�111�11d IOEahd IIR
<br /> _y_
<br /> ... , , (prop�ty Address) —
<br /> �_
<br /> ' �' ---_
<br /> ... WiTNLSBETM: --
<br /> .,.___ ____–__'_.___._'__._______ r ._.
<br /> Y�
<br /> � yyMEp�AB,BonowW and I.�nd�►haw aqn�d thU a�y ronts��prollt��ttNbul�bls lo tta p�op�riy sha+ld oonftltut� ��
<br /> •� -' ,.�:.,�.• • � � ddflfon�l pou�lty to tM L�ndK fot tM paym�nt of Itw Not�; o
<br />_ ' .a ���'� Y . Now.n����,ic a.ore.d�nae m.s.cu�+h►inarum.m.h.n a am.na.a n.nar�nd e«m.o�o�nc��a.t�fouowaq �-�
<br /> . ;�;�_ u�:—
<br /> � c i.�_:�.:� .,.�.,��1ww. �,�'.
<br /> ,Ti�r�. .:��:d J"�� p'"""�"^"' _–
<br /> =_.. �u�e � � ,._
<br /> `�''�����:; 1, ��Hanmtet ot R�nte and L•�sr RanLl Colleatlon Rlahts.Botrower hanby ab3otutoly and unco�Iditlo�ally�ssipfls all
<br /> ���;'�7� ,�-1,�.�".�.`'Kj.`��y'': •� nnte, {awss and proflts of tM propety to B�naflciary. L�tder ahall have ths �ipht, powe► and authorily du�inp the =-
<br /> �'�V r .���v�' � ,S
<br />- �;+��r;;! • continuana�of th�S�ouHty Instrum�nt to colleat the renta,lesuea and prof Its of the propeRy�nd of any persoMl proPwtY
<br /> ���"��` '' locat�d th�noe with or without tdcin�possessio�of the property affeotsd hsreby.Lender. howersr, Asreby aons�nts to �° �
<br />._�,X:'•••T L�
<br /> . ,:.�+ �r.�>�: :
<br /> :,.;,";�� al�`�>:-` Botrowers eoll�atlon and rst�ntion of suah rants,tasues And profQs as ihey tecrue and becoma paYaWe,so long w 6onowar --
<br /> `�'�'`�'�'r, 1��at,�t woh tlms,In d�hutt wftb nspaat ta p�yn»nt o1 an�r Ind�bUdMSS�scu�d haN►y.a in Ihe perform�of a�y __
<br /> �.• -
<br /> �.�� s� w��.mont h.reunaa�. ��_
<br /> ;� �; �x;'�"' ` 2. A000[ntm�nt of Reaeive►.If�ny event ot det�ult In �espeot to ths Security Insttument shall have oaau��eai�nd be =_,
<br /> ,,:��.. ,...
<br /> ���� conUnulnp. Le�cNr.aa a mNter oi ripM�nd without �otice to 6orrowsr a aoyone claimin�under 8ottowar.and without .K,tiz,,
<br /> ?��.:;��� ,�,�;' �,�'�'� , repaM to ths valus of tha tru�t estste a the Intenst of tha Barowe�the►eln,slwll have the�ipht to apply to any cau�t havl�p ;+r,:_
<br />=-'`�i<. � jun�dlatb�to sppolnt��eaelwr of ths p�ope�ty. �``.
<br /> °���hy;#� 3. RIoM to P�n�aslon.ln case of default In the payme�t of the said princlpal Note or interest,or any pArt tMreof,aa It _
<br />_ .�y .' ;` � . Mall maluro,or In the oass of fallure to keep or pe�form any of the covenants or aprsemente contalned in the Secu►ity Inatru• ---..
<br /> ';�:,, . :r-;;, } msnt,thN�the Lsnder, its suoceaaora c► assi ns,shall be and la hereb aut�a{zed and empowered to teke Immediate
<br /> 9
<br /> �`�.;,��- i.;�_, ppsspsbn of ths satd pnmisas t Mrs ln d�s c H b e d a n d t o c o l l e c t t h a r�n t a t h a r e f r o m,a n d t a a p p l y t M p r o c e�d a t M n o f t o t h� ��.
<br />-, ,1 y;�.: . "
<br /> � � � . •�•� �� p�ym�M of tha Note. - -
<br /> _ " ,� �,:� .�
<br />_��. � ,�'°'•� '� 4. Ao�lloatlon of$�nts lasusa and Profits.AO ronts collacted by Lender or the�ecefver shall be�pplied Nrst to paymont --
<br /> of th�cats of msna�ement of the propany and cotleatlan of rente,inaludinp,but oot Iimited to,recelvsr�s fees,promlums on --
<br /> ��;';��,���,�"�' ��' recelwPe bonds�nd nasonabte attomey's fees,and ihen to th�suma s�cunN by iiw 3eauriiy i�si�uri�i.tsadar an�ttw �:
<br />-- �.�,', "��� � recalve►�ha�l bs IIaWs to acoount onl fo�thosa reMs actupll receired. ��``
<br /> ;:��i����� : �,. . '� y y �z:.`
<br /> �, � 5. �Qstruotlot�of P�ovtalons.Each of the provislona contalned In thls Aasipnment of Renta Rider and the Seourity Instru• �
<br />����ti�.�' �' ���•'��' '��� �.� �r: meot sh�ll, unisas otherwi�e specitically requlred,be conatrued in accordance wNh Nebraske law, And In 1ha event pny __.
<br />�-�;4�-Eylr t�. � �}'•:7:.+�^.�
<br /> , -�'!,�;b!�` provialon hereln or therain contelned�holl be determinecl b a cou►t of competeM)urlsdiation ta be unenforceabl�,the same �
<br /> Y �,._.;.,
<br /> ` � }' ;�'�ti�l �.�t,',��;��- 6Aall be conetrued as thouph such unenfo�oeAble p�ovielon were not e part hereof or thereof. ��•:�--
<br /> • �'�,�;'�':;�%�� r 8. EHeot of lilder.Exaept ae apaciflaally modifled by or inconslstent with this Asslpnment ot Reots Rider or by anr other ���:
<br /> _ , � � �:.
<br /> __°` ,r �,�...,. +,�,+s;- applleable rlder.all of ths terms and provialons contalned in the Seaurity Instrument shall aontinuo in fuU force pnd effeat. �;"'
<br />:.�:: •,',`��.1., .:�.:..,-_;
<br /> �°y' �'4'"f' ' ''?°' IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Bonower has exeauted this A IqnmeM of H ts Rider on the date flret�oted a0ove.
<br /> ��yL', �,•,..�I�Y,,n • �
<br /> ,. �'. ;�. .' .5��.
<br /> =�K= ��a`k`";:;,...,,;;�x^.; , _. ►ro er 'i��;
<br /> �`' � •�•'wg� DA D J. PHINN� �i:.
<br /> ��.t k ��`-,.. ..f��Mi: V���� � ' �:.
<br />-_'''�'� S�! . �"y �I _- Y1/-
<br /> �;:'_ Bo►rower �n1't
<br /> ` . , , � ;",��;�. - OEBRA K. PHINNEY ��y{�,,.
<br />= .,: ' �'tUi'*� �� �'�J:'•• ,�jTATE OF NEBRASKA) [j(/'i'_�
<br /> ' '�N..=l. . �`,ji_;, �.,',
<br /> wd' ,��' _j,`+(_.='r..''�� .., I88: �'��'
<br /> - .• ' COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> ;;�2 �. . ie�_�:
<br /> � ° , , '���• .���� .� Oe thls�d�y of ❑FfFmRFR tg_��bifore me the underslgned,a Notary Publlo duly commlesiOned and
<br /> �, ;• ''�,.��:''•'� '�•, • . ' quAUeed for s�ld county�peraonally came ���
<br />; .. ...• ;..f. � ' ,
<br />° «°.. ,to be the Identical personls)whose name(s)le/ere subsCribed �::
<br />'�����'•� to tM forepolnp InatromeM,and helehelthey ack�owledpe the executlon thereof to be hlelherllheir voluntory aot end deed.
<br /> '.c��`' �'' � � ���` GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA _ � �-�
<br />� ��{'� � ; •. >,y. -Iy.•;.t�;��:• • WPoweas���y�and and Not�►r{at Seal at. -- / -
<br />•ij A� . �' ),'`+'r�� -•
<br /> �.�•�'�`.; , ..���,��}:���.��t'i ,�� i�esaidcount Ma�oresa �...;'
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