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<br /> ��� ������ TRUSTEE�S q:EO QF tZECONUEYANC�
<br /> ItNOW AL� �i�N HY 7NE5E PR�SENT52
<br /> WHEf�EA�. all of the i�debtedness socured by the Trust Deed executed by �
<br /> R�t,tA1.D C SH[li.��(�Nb NORMA _i���,[�1,��H[1SA N ND 13�,�, . r
<br /> to AREfYD fi. HAACIt � �
<br /> Trusicee. for the bonefit of I,�IE111� F�[t�63F1L Sq INGS ANp UAN AS S OCIA �C� p GRAND ISLAN[?, "
<br /> NEBfiASKA, the benePiciary nan,efl therein, deted ,�RPT�ggg�� . 19t,�,, .
<br /> and rec�rrJed �.esMSr�g 1 �,, 19 ,g�„_. in the OFFice of the Register of Oeods of
<br /> Na11 Caun�y� Nebraska. as Ina�xrument 14�Sar�gg�yg � has hee�i paid�
<br /> and seid beneficiary has reguested in ioriting that this�Doed oF Rocan�oyance 6� exo-
<br /> cuted and �l�liuerads
<br /> NOW. TNEREFQRE. in con9i��ration uf auch payznent in accordanco wlth the requoat
<br /> of tha benaP3ciary named thQreih; khe underalgned. as Trustee� d�as by these �r.esen.Ls�
<br /> grant� remise� release and re�on�ey i.o the persan or persans entil.led thereto all th�
<br /> fnterest arx! estate derived tn said Trustee by or through seid Tr���� poed in I.he fal-
<br /> lawing described premises, buL o�ly as to sur.h pr.�misesi
<br /> . :ISB,AYJD. HALL COl3N7'Y� NEBRA3KA. , . .
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<br />- • . , , Such promises. �.�.
<br /> . � �.
<br /> ' . Oated th�.s 2n� � day of., M�rcYs . 1999 . .,
<br />"� • .. . , � �
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<br /> STAI'E Q� N�B�tASKA ) �
<br /> � §
<br /> CfIUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> On thi.s 2r►d day of Maxch � 19�j, before me, the undorsignad, a
<br /> Ivot�ry Public duly carnmfssinvtQd nnd qualified For in seid Gaunty, �erson�lly came .
<br /> � ARENf� R. �AACK, a�tn�ne�,,, � Trust,ea. to rne known tn be the identic�l porsnn
<br />___ wt�asn name is subscribed to the foregving �'rustec�•B Doed nf Ret:onveynnco end acl<nam-
<br />-= ledgad thc� c�xa�uLian th�reuP �n u� hts vul.untary ��ct and deed.
<br /> = Wf tnos3 my hand en�i Notnrial Seal the day n�i yeas last abavo writtEn.
<br /> � � � . ,�.�(�'
<br /> ���GEFIl1W.�Al'ARY�51�te nt HtD�iSi�t u ory t�ublic
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