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..1 ' it( <br /> . . • � ... �1 . <br /> � . r:�/'� " . ' <br /> .. �l�. ��. . . . . � . " - � `� . <br /> /.•� <br /> .. . . ' . . . i1� .• ' . . (� <br /> �. .,. . .. �- . . . <br /> . U . <br /> � ^ :.t(r�!�q�m4r.vt7.w4f+•�� _ ^ '' ._•__._ <br /> 0 <br /> :. . .. � � . • . <br /> ' '_ •"""""__""...''�""...,...._....�..�:_..�__..._�__._.�__..��..�.._....�_ e' :._-� . <br /> .�__�_.M..._.....__�_..�._.�J.1 _.................._..... _.._._......... .. . .. <br /> ...�_ - -'-- �; <br /> Y . <br /> `,� � <br /> . ` � <br /> ° ��° ��9���3i �j. <br /> , . F... <br />- �� , 9-4 �'A�PtiL.1P RIDI�R �.. <br /> ., � (A�olqnfn�nt m4 Ran4o) � <br /> " TNIS t�d FAMILY RIDER(s anAda thie aaen day of FCRfPUttN�._�_0.� an0 l;f Noorporeted Inlo Md ahnq be _ <br /> ° d��m^:d t�f nmcnd nnd nupplyment tho NrortAa�a, DC�d 01 TN8! Of SIIOUfl1y OCIId (lhU°Socurity InntNmcnty of tho onm� dato fl�Hcn by <br /> fl <br /> � � tho und3rslgnod(lho'eor�owor•)to seovro eorcowQ�a Moto to������ v�►9�.1��f1Y6�Y�� aAi�l Rt YB�U�Y C.�Pr7PASV �. <br /> - „ , � . (the"Landor") <br /> of tho samo dato nnd covar�g tho Property doscribud fn tho Scourity InaWmant and Ioen4o0 at: � <br /> :;._ � aske 88A0� <br /> � 704 N. Br.o��vyeil tira�nd teland Nekr� <br /> . , ht9F•: (vroa•ny Aaarae� <br /> 1-4�AI411LY COVE�lANYg. In nddftlon to the covanonts und agr�smonta mado In tt►o Soaurfly Inetrument,BoROw�r and I.onda _ <br /> ; turthur covonnnt und agmD as bltowm: <br />- � A. A9DiT1ANAL PRO�f�RYY BU�J(�GT '�0 4HE S�CURIT1f Ir88TRUE�9EQdT. In addkion to tho Properh descrGbad � <br /> m tho Soeudty tnodument,the tollowinp Itoms ure added to tho P�oparty desorigtbn. as! aha�atso aansUtuto tho Property aomnd by the -- <br /> �• ���� Soouriry inuuumenN DuL'ding mutorfats,upptlancos and gaodo of svery naturo�vhatsoavar now or horeafter laoutod In, usod. or <br /> • intonded to bo usod tn eonnc�otton with tho PropaAy. NoludNg, but not Ifmitod to. thoso for the pu�posos of supprying ar dt3t�buting �-- <br /> � hanthtp,aooikig,oleotrbfty, Qas,v�atot.nU and Ilght,tiro proventlon and axtinguishtrtfl npAGrntu3,socudty and aocess aontrol apparntus, _ <br /> " �� • p�miainp, bnth tuba,water hQatere,wntnr olosota, sMka,mrtqos, stovo5,rahl8orators,dtsh�vashcre, disposnt�. wns;horo,dryare, awnin�s� -_. <br />- •�• stom► vfndows. atortn doors, screens,blinda,shades, curtnins and ourtain rods,atteched mtRO�e,cabhets,panelUng cnd atlnohed(loor <br /> � "� eovixfinAe no+� or heroaftsr attuohod to the Property,all ol whlah,Inoluding rop�ncemon4s and addtilona therefo,ahnli be deamed to bo ' <br /> .` '�?�� and remnin n�SSR of tho Property oovered by the 8oeurUy Insbument. bll ot tAo toroyo6ig together w}th tho PropaRy d�ake�In the ;,:_ <br /> ! SecurNy InaWmont(or tho busehold estate if the Seourfty InsWment is on e teasehotd) are refemad to In t�is t�d Famlly fiid:r Md tho ;,.: <br /> " " � Socu�lty Instrumont us the"P�oporty°. �" <br /> B. USE OF PROWEfiTY; COINPUANGE W�?C�LAW. BoROwer shaB n04 seelc.egrea to ar mnko n chongo N tho uso ot �?; <br />_ "� the Property cr tta zonin8 a�st3�Ncation, untese Lendet has agreod in wrRlnB to the oAengo. Bortowm shall eompy wM sn l�wa, � <br /> ' � ordhancoa,mp�alations and requlro.nonts of any govemmental body appli�able to tha Property. _ <br /> nco <br /> ° C. SU�ORDIPIAT'E UE�1S. F.xcept ns peRndtnO by federt�l law, Barcowur shau �ot attow any ttan tntorior to tho soourity -- <br /> <, Instrumont to De portactc�d aga�nst tho Property wkhout I.enders pdor wrRton pertnissbn. <br /> ' D. RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Bortovrer eheli maintatn Insutance agatnst rent bea in addiHon to the other hernrds far whbh <br /> � �) �y Insu�nee !s requtred by UnNom►Covannnt 6. <br /> E. "BORRQWBR'S RIt�tM�TO REIN3TATE° mELETED. Unttorm Covan�nt 18 is deteted. <br /> ' �. BORG�OWgR'S OCGUPANCY. Unbss Lendar and Borrower otherwise egreo �w�t►me. the firat sentonce b Unuorm <br /> - �mro�nnt e concemirta Borrowe�s occupnnoV ot tho Properly�s deteted. Ail romabing covenents and agreoments set toM in UnHerm <br />`"�'.-�`-� �" ,r CovenMt 6 ehctil remain in eNeot. <br />� Q, ASSIONMENT OF LEASES. Upon londeta roquo9t eorcower ahsll assk,�n to tonder�tl leases of the Property end ali _-_ <br /> �- '° s,�ccurily depasfia mada h conneatbn wkh leusos of the Property. Upon tho ussignmsnt,lendc3r shatl hova tho right to modiy,extend or _- <br /> u <br /> "� tWlltkietB !he BxlSthe 188505 ti►Id i0 OXOCUte 110w IB93B9� fi Lendera eof9 dlscrettan, /1s used Fn this yeregrsph Q�tfi9 NOfd'IBeSe" __ <br />`?:•.�:F `���;' shall mean"�biease"N the Se�;u�ity InBtrumont Is on a leasohold. <br /> � H. A�5{tiNMENT OF REIVTS; tAPP01NTMERIT OF RCC�dVHFi: LEN�@R IN POSSESSION. dorcowa abooh�tey <br /> -.: •s�..:.v . . <br />��';�''•'•:'� snd uneondfttensiy asaigna end tmnoters to Lender all tho r�nts and rovenuas(Renta) o}the Properly, roBnrdlesa of to whom the Rpnta <br />'`_•^'� °�``' of the Property ero parabte• 8orrower authori�s lsnder ar Lendo{o agents to aol�et tho Rente. and apro�s that each tana�nt of the <br />�:, �',�-. <br /> ��:�i=``.�,"r.•:� • • PropeA�r shW pay the Rents to Lendet ot Londerc eg�ls. Howovor. 8u�rowor shait rocolve tho Ronts untU(q Landar has gAron Borrowor <br /> :'��"' � notieo ot defauk purs�lant to peraqreph 21 ot the Sooudry InaWmcnt and pi)Londer has gH4n notico ta tho tonant(s)that Ua Fionts am <br /> "' °••M'�'�! to be paW to lender or I.enders aigEnt. This ussignment ot Ronto aonattturos an absolute nue�ignment nrid not an e3se�nment for <br />:;.V`�<.�;a. -,: sidii�Onat secu�only. <br />��:�.�'_Y`�''•— If lenda akos nat�e of breuch to Bor�ower.(q ap i�enta recelved bp BaROwer shnp be hefd by 6orrawer as trustee tor 11� benoHt of <br />''''°`.:�.T��� lsnder onry,to be opp0ed to the suma secured by tAo Soaurky IneWmenk(li)londer shalt bo ontttbd to eoUeot and r�ceNe sY ot the <br />_,�c.�sr�:y�y� <br />��,r-�,� Haets of ths Prope�ty;(ill) Bortower epreos that e�aoh tonant ot tho Proporiy ahalt puy utl Rsnto duo end unpnld to t,snder or Lnnder'e <br /> "'�°° ° e9enta upon Lendars writtten dwnand to the t�anh. (N) unbss appibnbte law provtdus othmvlso, ail Fton4o callsoted br�sndar or <br /> -_-_-��-=��� Lendei's apents ehali be applied fYut to tho costa ot tak„g controi of and managK�the Properry c�nd copeatin0 the Renta.Hoiudhy,t�ut <br /> M;�� not tMRod ta, attamey's faes,reeoNars t�os,premiums on rocoNofa bonCs, reputr end maintenance aoato. hsuranco pr+emiums,4�uws, <br /> "` as;ae3cmenta and othor oharQes on the Proparty, aed thon to the auma seaurod by tho SACUrily tnsWmenh, tV)Lendor.L�ende�e n�onta <br />-"'"'__--=.� or nny�udiolapy appohted roceNer shuti bo llebb to account for oniy thoso Rent�s cotua�b rocoMod;and(vq Lend3r ahati be eaWed to <br />--:;;�.�3;;� hsre�a receNer ttppolntod to take poscesabn of md manago the Propsrry nnd ao�sot tho FCents and proNta dcrlvod trom tha Propat�r <br />-��;�+*.,-=:J� wkhout any showhg sa to the hadequnoy ol Ne Propedfl ao GoaurRy. <br /> -- � }}�.��y et tha PropnAy aro not aiA(bbnt to csovar tAo costs ot+aking aontrol ot end mana�gMO the PropeRy and o!coNectY�p the <br />=�•�:m-,�,r� Rents eny tunds F,apended by Lander tor suaA purposes shalt be¢ome tndd�ic�naM1:. of Oarrurr�, tu Lea.�.r sc�crtcd �y 1M`^�!►i!Y <br />- <br />