<br /> . . .
<br /> -- -- --____ __�-_�._._...._. . ,:._. .x�. ... . _.--�--...:.:...._---�----.._._._....-----....�.._.... . .- ��- �- -.. _. .-----�_...�
<br /> ,
<br /> � ' 18. �DPPQYJ�Y'0 �i1�19t t0 �81fl8fAtQT. If Borcawer mueto caAntn oonditiono, Bonov�Cr ehuli hsvo tho rtflht to hovo
<br /> ontorcom9at ot thl� 89curt2y Instrumtmt dlsoontlnued at nny timo prlor to tho oarlbr ot (a)6 dnyo (ot ouoh othcr porlod aa uppl�obio �
<br /> � f�w msy apo0lfy tor reinatatomont)botoro aaW of tho PropnRy Pureuant to nny pov�cr ot onb aontninod In this Sacurity Inotrumcnh, or „
<br /> (4)antry of n Judgrttent aniaotnp this&courity Instrumcnt. Thoao conditions aro that Borrowar. (n)pnyo Lcndcr plt aumo v�hloh thcn
<br /> �vould Do duo undctr thia S:ou�(!y Inutn�mcnt and tho Noto ns tl no uceol�mtlon hnd ocauROd; (b) ouros nny dafnutt of any otker � �
<br /> aovannnt or uprc�m�nto; (o)pnya al►orAcnsns ineurrad in Cnforohg thls 8ecurity inatrumont, Inaluding. but not �!mfta�to, reasonnDb �
<br /> nitamoya'toas;and (d)ta�os suah notfon na Lcndcr may►ar�sonuby roqutro to aeauro that tho Ik�n ot this Sc;ourlty inntrumnnt,Lcsr►d��n � °
<br /> r�qhte fn tha Propuriy and 8ortowo�a obt�{ntton to pny tho aum� accurod by this Ssrourity Inotrumont shau aantinuo unohungod. Upon
<br /> , roinetater�nt by Bortov�cr.thls Sacuriry Inotrumunt and tho obllgatbna aocu►od homby shnfl romc�fn fuity aNOOtivo as B no accoterntlon � ' :'�
<br /> � ' twd oacurcod. Moelovu, thi3 dght to rC!r►�tate ohnn not Qpply h thn otlso o}nccoS,:rntion undor parngrnph 17. � �
<br /> • ��. . 1g. &al�01 1�10t1�;Changa of Loan 8ervicer. Tho Noto or A pnRini Intomst In tho Noto (togothar wtth thi�Sacutiry
<br />�-::�;,... ;, inaVument)msy bo aold ons or moro tlmos v�phayt prior notke to Bortowor.A sato mny rosuh In n ahanpo tn tho Cnttty(known uu tho
<br /> •�•" "loan Sarv�or")thut coitt3ct8 monthty poymonte duo undor tho Noto and this Seaurity Inahumant. TNero also may bo nno or more �
<br /> . ohangos of tha Loun Survicor unrolatod to n anb of the Noto. If Iharo is a ahnngo of tho I.oan 8arvbor,Borrowar wlil bo gMun wrttton ;n.^
<br /> . � ' notk:o ot tho ohonQo In aceordnnco whn parapmph 14 abovo ne�d npplloabta Inw. The notbp wi11 stato tho nnmo nnd addroso of tho -
<br /> , now Lonn Srrvlecr esnd tho address to whbh paymanta shoutd bo mndo. Tho not�e�vili aiso oontaln any other Intortnntlon raqufrc�d by
<br /> • MAlna�bl�Faw. ��;
<br />-,. 20. Heserdoua Substtineee. 8orrowa shaq no1 c.nuse or portntt the prosonce, uce, dlsposal, storago, or r�baso of any •> �:•,
<br /> . Numtdoue 8ubatanCeS ot� a Ir�lhe Property. 8orrowar shaU not do.nor altow anyonp else ta do,anythbp aiteat�p tho Proparty that i�;�'�
<br /> ' � Is tn vtotatbn ot Qny Environmontat I.nw. fio preceding two eontenoes shnu not appy to tho presenco, use, or storngo on tho
<br /> � P►oporty of sma11 quanAtlas of Homrdous Subatances that are genornlry rocagntred to be Approprtato to nom�ai rosldnnUal ueas nnd to �� .
<br /> mahtenenco of tho Propartyr. �
<br /> ' Borrowsr eha►t prompty glva l.ender wrltton not�CO of any{nvostigatlon,atalm,damand,lawsutt or othor aotton by any govemmental I,�;`;
<br /> • ' •� or rogutntory agenay or psHate partY�vaHtng the Property and nnY tlomrdous �bstence or Environmsntnt!_c�w ot whiab Borrovlar hoa �.,�:°s-.
<br /> ' �� aatuai knowbdgo. if Borrower leams,or Is notiifed by any govomment¢I or reguiatory authority, that any removal ar other ramod�tton �!k;";,
<br /> . f,,�S:;
<br /> �. � of any Homrdous Substance atteatinp the Property Is nocessary, Borrower shali prompty take a�l nacossary mmedkil actlona irt r�,
<br /> •,�
<br /> ¢aoorduneo w(th Envtronmantal Law.
<br /> „ � Aa usod h thts paragroph 20, 'Hemrdous Substsncos" ere those substencas defined as toxEc o7 hemrdoua substnncos Oy _�`•
<br /> �� 4 EnvlronmonWi Laa and the fol:or�ing substnncos: gnsolhe, kcrASOne, other tlammabb or toxk peboisum produots,toxb pestbides nnd
<br /> ��' huibbtdes,volattte sokonte,mute�int�aontahhg aebostos or fommldahyde, end radbectke mate�lals. As usod in this pciragreph 20,
<br /> �' •Envlronmantat Law" msana fodoral laws and lawa of tho Jurksdbtlon where the Proporiy Is Iooated that relato to hoatth, satoty or �""
<br /> .. ��
<br /> ' ernYonmantat protootbn.
<br /> �• � NON-UNl�ORM COVENAtdTB. BoROwor ond Lsndet tuRhor covonont und agree as tollowa: r'•`='`'
<br /> r��;�,�Y� 21. Accelerntian; Remodtea Lender ahail gtva eo4lce 40 �orrower prtor to acceleratlon btlowing ----�-
<br /> �� Borrower'a breaoh of eny covenant or egree�ment In this 8ecurity Instrument (l�ut �ot prlor to
<br /> .. �r�k �l�t3lios� za�det �sgt�h 4T ss�le,m aT�+�,�ls�le lew Qrovides otNevsvise�. The noUee ahnfl a�eoltll: it�?:,
<br /> f3
<br /> ��� ;;�t (a) the datault; (b) tNe ecUon reqatred 4o curo the dotnuit; (o) a dute� not I��rs than SO deya trom the
<br /> a�, dete the notice ia given to Borrower, by whieh tl�e default mue�t be c�ared; am�J(d) thet fniluro to eure _
<br /> . � the detault on or befciro the dete apecifled in the noUce mey v�S3 tn acceteretlon ot the aacroa __
<br /> � seaur�d by thla Sscarriy Instrement and aale of the Pro��.�. titne notice ehatl t�urther tntorr� w�
<br /> � Borrower of the rig7�t 8� retnatate efter eeeeteroUon ond the Q1��ttD�n1ng e court eatten 3o maserR tha """��
<br /> �� non-exis4ence ot a defeult or any other detenae of Borrovrs.r 4m �x��i�radon end �ete. It the detautt ta ��=��`
<br /> not aured on or betore 4tue dete apectfled tn the noUce� 4,.c���l�t a�'t iis optlam m�y requtre tmmedie3x� ._-
<br /> payment In tuti ot eit sums r�ecurod by thle Ssourtty Ine4rument without fWrther demend end mey __
<br /> •• � trevoke the power of sate end any other remodtea permttted b� appliaebte lew. Lender ohafl be —._
<br /> entitled 4o coilect ett expensea tncur�ed In purauing tha �eme�1��� �provided In thte peragra�ph 21, -_-_
<br /> ' In�luding�but aQt Ilmitecl to,reasonable attornoya'teea nnd coats�4 Q�1�6�a evidenae. ���•
<br /> �: If the powe�ot anle is invoked, Tru�tee ahall record e n4Uce ot det'ault An each counry in �vhtoh
<br /> .� ''j���'y •,�� orry part of the P�operty Is toceted end ahall m�li coptea of auah floUee in Q)+��anner prtscrtbed by � _
<br /> ,;,�. � appltaeble law t� 6or�Awer end to the ather peraons p�eacribed by eppli�abfe law. ARer the t[me
<br /> - � re�,utred by appiice6le law�Trustee ahalt �Ive pubilo no�ice of aele to the peraona end Ir� the msnner '_
<br /> prescribed by ep�a81�nb11ce law. Trustee� with�ut domand on Borrov��r� ahnll aell the �raperty M pubtic
<br /> �r��.� auation t� the hig►taxal �b]dder et tha tlme end pleae and under � itarms designate� In the noUce o4 ±}�����
<br /> eeiR In o:n��r mmr�a�rcola and In nny order Truate� m�3�rmtn�a Trurtea may poatpone eale of m�f `
<br />� ° or �ny percef o4 8he �roperty by publia announcerJUa�N�s �! ti3e tine a�d ptace of arr;► p��evb�hi —_
<br /> _ :�u :; .� $eheduled aale. L�nflat or ita de�signee may pu►aPiaae 4h� �raperty at a�+y oal�. _._
<br />- _ '<.,._; -� tfpvri r�ac:tpt���a��lrac7t af th�; prtc� lbtd, '3'ruAtee e!t�!! deliv�,► te thr, purohaaer T�uatee'e detd �__
<br /> _. . �° � ��• �m�ytng tha P�m��athj.. The recttata in tha Trustee's deed sha1�� p�imo tecoe evAdence ot the truth -_
<br /> ��'` � � ot the etetomente aa�a�l�e ihereln. 7ruateo shell 1 thq rocee�a a! tho salo In the tollowirtg order: �_
<br /> • aAP Y P
<br /> •• � .� ,;,tj�., � (e)to e7� ��aEs an�l expensca mft��cercising the power of sate� and the salc� inctudtng the payment of _--
<br /> '•:..si,�:; the Truaioa'a teea aoWally tncurr¢+�, r�o4 to exc�t�d Truatees Fea 96 of the prinelpeL amount of ti�e rtoto ��
<br /> ' � at tha dme o4 the mi�a6aratton of detault, and rossonabte e4Darna�'� t�eg na permttt�ed by lasw; (b) to all �;—
<br /> � , suma seaured by t'h►9a Securlty Inotrument; nr'd (c) eny oxe�r� tto the peroon or peraana tegatty �'_-
<br /> �: onUtled to tf. '���
<br /> ;�, 22. ��sCElIOVay8f�C0. Upon paymont ot ntl cums socurod by th�Sac�srit�r Ustrurtront,Londa shnli ruquost Trustoo to recarsvay �
<br /> tho Pro�EtB��etrA�AuA surtonder this 88CUrity InBtrumont tirfd nll noto�o:+:(�nrshg dobt soCUrod by thts SuCUtity InBWmont to TctrwtdD. '
<br /> , �' TNStgti gP;t���r,�r.snert�y l9ro Properly wtthout warronty and wfthout ohnrgo tn tho parson or persons Iegary entkbd to it. SuoA paaosl ev ;,I�_
<br /> , ''� �crsxna chA�1 pay t►ny�rr�atlon aosts. .
<br /> d .,' .
<br /> �.«,,_.� 23. ��bSitiQ011O 4fUlitC@. Londnr, at Its opUon, mny irom 'Ur�n�to timo ramovo Trustoo c^`c�+q�,�int u succo3aor Wstee to �
<br />---- -'y-�t�F•r�� any Ttust+� a��ahtod P�cr�.wndcr by Q1 unawmont rocorooa N tYtO G6ul�r,� b wt�bh thiS Secutiiy elnbun'�6iii '�.S iw0:i{�. �::.'..°SS'JS �--
<br /> � � ....._� .�.� n.,,..a.a, a.�...��.m.t»�rm ahon m�r�acd te nU cRo etb. nownr and dutloa ContOmOd uDOn 7YuSt98 hUreh ttn0 by �r -
<br /> - '=- --��
<br /> . ._—":.,.________� YNItO�mwo w w� ..�r�•!r�...���_� ....�.�� �.._." ._____ _' ' .
<br /> , '} �APlbeib�a bw. ,
<br /> , , j 24. Ra�que�'t q�P��2y1�et;. l9orrowcr roquosta that copbs of tho nottc�3 04 dafauR t►nd a[ib bo stx�t to Borrowa'e addrosa
<br /> whbh F311A�G'tGgeR�AC6ro9G. ' '.
<br /> • ��. P�U�JQf6 W tltl8�SCU�It�t 1118UuttIQf14. If ono a nxu� riCura nro mcocntad by OoROwor und mcordod togsthcx wtth
<br /> - � tht�$ciourlry Instrumant. tho aovenanta nnd ngronmonts ot alch sucN rider shali bo Incorporntcd tnto and r,hnU am�d and oupp�ment .
<br />= . • tho aovcnanto and agr�nmta ot thls Sccuriq tnotrumont ns it 4ho riacr(a)waro n part ot this Socurtty tnawmfln�
<br /> Fo�m sose oroo
<br />?° Ft070.t.M0(tl09) Pap��ot 6
<br /> .� `r����� ..
<br /> ' 000�0 �
<br /> •---._ _ ._.....-------_•--------t).�._.�___.___.�^..__-•,._�_.�_,... --`---^�- -
<br /> �f
<br /> ._... __ .._. ...._.__. .�_.......... ---.__..__ - �� - --` -
<br /> �_ . . .�, •.
<br />