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.�%';�`.-`i�;;#j���. , . ,., . . ; c• <br /> '��}�1 ti J� �`,_.. . � rtd��'.- <br /> ��;��� � 'r.� � ��,s � <br /> > > , ';,l.;h�.r ij i - i f �{'rir� ��.,lf�����it}����.�� �' �1��?3 i��^Yf��'� <br /> ( �f���1��r�'�r�'P r. �, ° �1 j> > �1 � � � ��r�7l�'�•. <br /> , , . �S� ,. fn 1 �`+r,� � i,��� � t�f� s• 1r < ��� t f` I <br /> � -� - - ,1 t t fl '� -� 1 Y f�IAJ ��.1' rl��.,S• <br /> � <br /> . . . , , , .�; . <br /> .� <br /> , ,. / <br /> ,� .�.. ... : . . � y. �� : ' ;l �. ��1 �� �fy��7�try! . <br /> . ' -. � .. •' ., " ___...Li...�._�t.,,� __.__,,..�.... _�.---� <br /> . <br /> f i ' <br /> , � . ... . _ _.........."'"" <br /> .�__. — ....a_._—. _..�__.._......_....... .. ... . _ . .. . _ . .!� .. <br /> Bortor�c�o ouorow aoaount undor tho tad;.rai R^at Eatnro E�tt�at�r�t PtoOeduroD Aot of t fl1d no mm�ndod lrom tlme to time, 12 U.3.C. ��� . <br /> • • 2fi0/at ooq.("RESPA"),unla�a nnathor lacv thnt�pib�!o Ih�Fe�nd� oele o tasncr amount� It ao,Londor may,at eny tlme,colleot and � .. <br /> hold Fundn In an amount not to vxaeed tha leseor anounl. lettdar mAy ootG�Ato tht�e.mount o!lunds duo on tho bsals ot curtent data �� �, <br /> • � , and reaoonabb o�tYnatea ot axpandlture�of tuturo[?COraw itene or qihenrtsa Gti acaardnnco�v[th applbabtn�aw. a , „ <br /> ' Tho Funda ohnn bo ho:d tn an inntftutlon ��P�oOO d�pou(lo nro tneurad bY n fod��ai ugonoy. Inotrumontatity, or entky (Inaiudfng �3i <br /> Londcr, If Lcnder ia suoh un Inatltuttan)or tn nny Fodarai �ono�oan Onnti. Len��r ahau aQpty tho Funds to pey the Esorow items. Q� . : <br /> „ Lnndor mny not ohsrgo Borroucr tor holding nnd cpprytnfl tho Rundn, nmiunly annfyiing tho osaro�v nocount, ar verityinp the Esarow <br /> " Itamo,untaua Lander payo Dorrower Interest on Ihe Funda and eppllosbb Iaw po�mite Isftder to mako euoh a oharge. Mowever,lender � .„�r��:;;-.= <br /> " may rc,���Uo eonowar 4o pny o ono-tim�oharAa 1or nn tndopcndcnt rcat o�tnto tnu �oDOrttnp aarvbo usod by Lendnr•In conneodon with <br /> �.��. <br /> �� . . � this loan,untcas �fppll�abte taw provldas othenvt�s. Un168s nn epreamenf Ia mndn�r apptkabto law requUOS int�+reat to be psld,Lender � ' ^.;�;;��, <br /> . ,__ shnll not bo roquGCd ta pay Borrovier nny lntcraat or euminga on the FunQu. Ooaov�cr nnd LanQor may agrao In wrfting,however,that `�;����;-- <br /> � :=;r;°�==�� Ntorost shnll ho psld on the Funds. Londer ehall dlvo to Horro►vor, r�ithout ahGtrpo, nn annuat ncoountlnQ of the Funda, showing ��•�_��` <br /> �� ���� orodito nnd Esbfto ro tho Funda and the purpoae tor whbh oaoh doblt to the Funda waes mpdo. Tho Funds are ptedged as addkional ;_:�=--- <br /> .. `'--�sr.,... <br /> � .,. uuourity tor aU oume¢oourod by this&ocuvlty InaWm;�nt. `�`"�"` <br /> If!ho Funda held by i.onder oxaoad the amauntA portntttnd to bo hold by appticablo L�w, Landor shait scaount to 9onower(or the "�"��r= <br /> •:�,��^-_, <br /> exoass Funds h nwordnnao with tho requUamfmto ot applbabb lav�. It th�amounl of Ihe Fundu hold by Lender at any ttme 1s nat ,.�'j�===�-_ <br /> �:;.'"'"" <br /> .� , , suHle�nt to pay tho Esorow ItomB whan due,Lender may oa notlry 9ortower In wntinp,nnd,in auoh onso BoROwer aha:l pay to Lender �•,,,�,��s�q;�.-..- <br /> the amount noao�eery to mnho up tho dattabnoy. BoROwar ahalt mnke up tho detVstanoy N no moro thnn hvelve month •:.:�,�- <br /> Iy paYments,at �n..., <br /> . ;•:;7;�..:c___•- <br /> .: ,� � .� 1.endar's eol�dtsorotion. ,;�",,,- <br /> ,1�1�1t�i0�'.-_ <br /> ��(.�-� �.� ��'i'• -. <br /> • Upon payment In NII of aIt auma aoourod by thls Soouri�r inotrurtt�nb Lender ohn�promptry retund to Borrower any Funds hold by ;t¢.'���r�;%;'� <br /> � . Lendor. If, undor paragrnph 21, Londer ehnli aoquire or ae0 the Proparty,Lander,prtor to Ihe aoqul9Non or eaie of the Property,shali �,;i•':i:;;�,- <br /> �) .,,���,;�,".,: <br /> " appy nny Fundo hoki 4y Londer at the ttme at aoqulsltlon or aal�na n cradft tgalnat Ihe eumn enoured hy thl�8sourity Inatrumont. ,�fi,.t�r:�-•A�. <br /> �±.a,�,,:.,,_,,, <br /> r 3. AppllaaUon of Paymentm. Unbss+�pplbnbb Iaw prcvtdos otherwiso.aG pnymonto r000Nod by Lendor under pnrr;flraphs " �_•�= -- <br /> - ' �j�� t and 2 uhuU bo npptl�d: firet,to any prepayment oharges due under ihe Note;aaoand. to amounts pnyabia under paragreAh 2; thEd _, _ <br /> ��,�� to Nterast due; pdnalpal duo;and laat,to any tato ahnroea duo undor tho Not�. •;�.�i_' <br />_•� �•� 4. Chargea;�.lens. 8ortower shall pey ait texea, aseeasments. oharpea. mes and imposillons attnbutable to the Pmpe►ty �,;��.� <br /> whbh may attatn prio�lry ovar th l� Saaur ity �ns lrumen t, an d l e s e e h o l d p a y m e n t s o r p ro u n d r e n t s, I t n n y. Borrower shall pa, theso ��;���`t:°�"='�: <br /> �T����.Gr"__-. <br /> • � obAgatlons(n tho mannnr provtded In paragraph E,or If not pald!n lhat mennw,BoROwor ehelt pay thom on tkn0 daootly to the pereon �c:,;.;-__ <br /> owed payment. 8arcowsr ohntl prompt�r tumlah to Londor aU notboa ot umounta to be p�ld under thl�paragrnph. if eorrower makes _ _ <br /> thoso paymants dlrooNy,8arrowor ehnit promptty tumish to Lendor reoolpts ovidenoinp the payer►onte. ��;~-;�r= <br /> ` ��� Bortower shnq promp4y disohurgo any Ibn whbh h�e priorfty ovet lhi9�eourtty Inet►ument unlese Bonowor.(a)ngroes In wrNlnB to �;y„.: <br /> ('f��.f�..... <br /> the paymont ot the obflgatlon seourod by the Ilen In e manner acctpt�bb to Lendsr,(b) acnteste !n pood tatth the 1bn by,or de►enda �:�,;a;;• <br /> •_ „ ,� � � nduofoi a�t�i;or.�at iqa 1��s,�!�xca°.�lL�s�h�h�!!ts�e�etnra c�tn�on o�wrote to provent q�e entorcement of tho Iktnt ar(a) �h 1•31N • <br /> securea hom the holder oi the tlen an eQroement satisfaotory to Wndor subor0lnatNp the�len to thie Securtty Inauument. If landar °= _ � <br /> ' � dot¢rmines that ciny part of the PropeAy ts eubJ9ot to a Ilen whbA mey atteh ptbfiy ova thle SOOWtty Inatrument, Leandor may glvo ='„�,;--- <br /> . :,�; <br /> ,4{,� Horrower a notiaa identiying the Iien. Bor►ower shali eatt�ty the IMn or take one or more of tho totloes ntt toAh above wQnin 10 dayo �!Y`l;�% <br />- ,`,��'•%••>�� �t�.�,,< <br /> • '� - ;�',�; of!ha yiving ot notbo. i�n.. <br /> ,;�:�, . <br /> , "�..�):j �� p'<ejt}�'' <br /> - . �. Ht�zzerd or Pro a Insuranee. eor►ower ehnli keEp the r�rovemenM now exis�hp or h�ronft� ereoted on �n� ,,��,�.-�-- <br /> er p rry 5.1�4�_ <br /> •- ���•i,,�"� prnparty inaured epalnat bss by Hre,hemrda holuded wfthin the term'oxter�dad eoverage'and any alher hasurda,Inoludin0 floods or t,{�--i�==; <br /> �� �' �. �`1��,�� /ioaAh9, for whbh Lender roqukos Ineuranae. This insuranae shnll be maNWlnad In the amounte and tor the porfoda that Londnr �iFi�'.�_—: <br /> •��.�s/ x�•,:�,., <br />;"'"'" ; ' ,��,.�, rcrluka3. The Insumneo oarrlor providhg the„euranoe ahalt be ohosen by 8orroww QubJ�ot to L.w�d�'s oppraval whbh shsl►not ba :I��,iti��r,�,�., <br /> � •� ' , •unrcasonabry wlthheid. If Bonovf�r t�ils to mahtain oovo�age desar�od above. lan�ermny,at 6endere optlon,obteM oovorugo to !�!�;:;;�';,��::__ <br /> � •�� p!'�f,t:;:--_ <br />-��w�,_ .�% � protec!Lende�s dphts in tNe Pregarty In acoordanoe with pamgraph 7. _,��,,�:__— <br />�;:;:;:��:�;; All Insurenee polbtes and��awab�ha�a ba aeceptnbb to Lendor end uhatl hotudo a emnderd moRpApo otaus�. Lender shaU havo -�.__ <br /> ---�=-=^• " tho rtght to hold the po�bies and rer,ewaG�. t�Lander roqulres, BoROwor ohnll prampty gko to LEUfdor all reaelptD of paid premlums �;-� <br />�r� ���r Y, 8 p #r .,;•::,.. <br /> �'.�'"� . end ronowat no4icos. In the event of tos�. Barrower shetl !ve p►om t ootke to tlw Inaurar�oe oartiw�nd IAnd�r.Londar may r�ako �.����:�;';_- <br />��;,�...�,;.. . or,j1;°;�,::<:� <br />�:�*,- ':.:,^ ; proof o!toss if�otmadB promptry by Bormwer. if�,;•��--:•�._. <br /> llr�Dose Londer nnd Borrowor otherwise Qgree tn wr�tMg,baurartae pr000eds swa0 ba tppll�d to natonllon or ropak of tho Pro rty +,'��,;;'r;• <br /> • � �gr,,'•�i``::.`. <br />'= "`=�'�� " detrr,a�d, H the r�eloretion or repaY Is eeonomiaalry touaibb and I.onders saourity b not aaeened. If tht watomtton ot reptir Is not ,�M„_._ <br /> ,Jr;-�:'�:i?i, t ��-:"`_`---- <br /> _�;o �. 8� t� gon�amica�r faas�b or Londota soaudty woutd be lessened, tho hsurnnee proceeds etuil be applNd to tR� eurea ea►urod by thls � _ - <br />-'• .e.:=:1:'�1;:r:.. � <br /> �;frs�_:•�Y::���') 3ocurlty Inetrumetu,whethor ar not thcn duo,LrEth any excess paid to Bortower. If 0arowa ab�ndon� fh�Prop�rty, or doas not ;��,;g.,;,�;�_ <br /> _ 1-_�;f��L �S� t ..�ti;,:t:_- <br /> t:uci�:::.�.�___�. nns�vcr r�hhin 30 dnys A not�Ce ham l.end�►thet fhe hswnrsaa cartier has oHernd to e�ttM s okYn, ►�M LfndN' moy oOAeot th0 �;��.,;,:+_ <br /> �'`�"n"_"r�:s�,�,; inaurpnoo procea0e. t,ender may use the procooda to �at� �r restore the Properry or to pt� eums n�ourad by tht� 6eaurNy `F,r, � <br /> , _R1� h�r�`"r f� `_- <br />��.�y;'� ,,. ,s�.� ��;� Insbumant,whoi�er or not thon due.The 30�6ay�ortod w1A Itep�n when QRtr�toti¢8 ID pM�n, ` <br /> ...;y.�,.�,y,., .,� t_:,Mm. <br /> ��;°li-��s�t'y �;;�.�'� Un�osn Lent£a er►d Dono►vor othorniso agrmn In wrRinp,any eyptlr,�cgr�ot proaoed�ro prholpai fhQil nat uR�nd or poatpona the {;a„•�..y <br />_ ,���fi.'�?.,�'i'��..,., a.,,.,,�.------- <br />�.�����13;f�;; • du�dato of thc� rra�lh poymonts rotarcod to h aragre P�s 9 artd a cr ohanpa the nmuunt ot tFio paym�n�e. If und�r parcareph 21 '��' � <br /> �,.r.:�x�.-- <br /> � , y p p <si,�Y.;i:��°- <br /> � •�' • � i 17a�Wroyerty Is�equ�r�ed by lsndor,Borrov+►ors rlght to any tr�3:�f�ttca po(�be ond pr000ede reauRksp hom dunta�to th�PropaRy prlor , ,���,�:y_�, <br /> _,�,�i,. .,, , im a�n acqulsAAn ahnl► pass to Londor to tho oxtant of tho ssm� oeaured by thts 8eaur►ry Uttrunn4nt Ommtd{aUy prlor to tho f �,,;;;.;.;_: <br /> }� ' ; na4ulsit�r�. [��', r�tj"':`;' <br /> V ��S y� J . <br /> � �}t,�t,{�3�. . i. . 'l ��r-:. <br /> t l�.".�n�;l���;�t,';;"`��s';�. ' �. O��y[Ae��y, ��Qaarvatlon� Malntonana� end Pr�taatl�n of the P�apettyi Boteowor'e Loen �"`... <br /> _.,ti;���,.5�.,�k,j�`�J�( �.. !(pg�py�; (�,gp�BhOlAB. 8onowor ahnU ocauPy,esteh;ES�,and uoo tho proporty ae Bonower� prktoqel raaidenc�wllhln abcry ���''l:''=':' <br /> ,9 <br /> �tir�, ,;,c�fj�Yn�� � �p � �,�°�i,,_ <br /> �Y�,,, }�t{�`�f�����, dayn aftar the�xewtxn•o J�h� �eca,r t ry Inc t r umon t an d u h�!6 c anttnuo to 000u p y tho Pro p e�t y as 8onowe�'e Qrrapal mld��c�tor ut ti4�, �,, <br /> .,, ;�i`y��zt��,�t!��, bast ons year otxr 9he Ceta sJ� ccaupu�oy, unbsa LcnOOr otherwiso agraoo In writtnp,whbh oon0enf ohall not be unroneonflbly �i1it �F' <br /> c �'��'E�+���� �' �i withhetd,at�t��;.�as�o�tenuatHg okoumatancoa m.�ct v�hbh uro boyond sorrowore aonUOi. BorrowGr Oht�ti not dOaVOy,dtmeQe or ImpBlr t''� �+�4� <br /> �r r .�'3'�(t r ':°�•. � � �y �`.�: <br /> l�t i�s�J� ��' tho Prcqcr��,d6s�+rlhe Propari�r to dotcdorato,ov aemmk wnate on tho P�opeit�r. Borrow�r sAill ba In d�uu�H�ny toAeRuta catton or �i ,, <br /> ,��'vr'���n;h��.1 pr0000ding,wnether eNll or oriminat,Is bogun that b Londer's good talth JudOment ooutd resuR h torttKun of IM PropMy or othHVrKa � ����rt.;; <br /> • � ��'+���'i ti���:+ matertaly lmpotr the Ilen ore:►ted by thls 3eourfty Inatrument or Londo�8 aeauNty htereyG 90R0►Y�r nur ouw auon o deitun eio t - <br /> - ��. .. �'�P.c�.a��iif `H..`.. <br /> -_= rolnstato, ea provlded In pamgraph 18,by oauahg tho nation or proCeedinp to bo dbmiated witN o ru{�p thet,in I.�td�fo Qoad tGAh ;,; .. <br /> � �•�:' �1r}' dotorminntton, preoludes toAolturo ot tho 8nrrowo�� Intoro3t in tho PropoRy or other nwteiial imp�ORMnt ot ll�m iten oras�tsd by thts � '°�;�,':�;` <br /> , � ' Soouritq InoWrreonl or Londota socu�tly tntorost. Borrowor ohotl nt�o Do In detauE U Borrovra. du�inp tR� loan e,pplbetEOn proao3e. '• ••'' :y <br /> . t,.... • <br /> - �'•4 puvo matartaiy tulso or inncoumto Intormutton or atctMmtinta to Londer (or fal$d to�rovida lCnd:t r+Nh any mateik�l Ntorm�tlon) In - <br /> : eonnoetton wkh tho lonn ovtdanced by tho Noto, IneNtl6�g,but not Umitod to,representotlono oonatmhp OorroNe/a oCOUpsnoy ef th� •. � . <br /> „ � � propoRy na n prNo�pal rostdonao. �t thta Socurity Instrumont i� on n Inaoohold, �orrower tshell aomply wMlt nll ihe provl3lono o! lho '�"r: <br /> ,c:�.. . <br /> toaao. It Bortowar aaqulroo tno tttb to tho Proporty, tho tnaaohotd a�d the tao t[4b 6hnG not merpe unte90 !he Lor►clar naree�to the ; , <br /> _'. � morgor In wrrih9• ��o�m oouo otoo . :. - <br /> ,� F1079.LM�(t/00� Pep�0 ot 6 � •��•,:: <br /> � ' � � , <br /> 49000 �. <br /> -- Y.--.� — ..-.... ..._�.. ......_ ._�... . <br /> �.-i.. _._ .....�. -�---...,�..__.�,,.._...,�. __ . . <br /> — __r.�_��._--�r--^ .. .,_ - .... . - <br /> R . :�._...,..�„�-- -•,------- <br />