•- S . ..
<br /> 1
<br /> 1
<br /> �,
<br /> , 1�'. Y�OY�E�O� Of tFti 8 PPOpOY� OP 19 BOfl@YIBIBI Iflt�f@D4 (70 �OPPOWO�. II�II ot nny ptUt Of th0 PrOpIIrty Ot
<br /> any Intcroat In It Ia aotd or tranat-rtod(or If u banotlet�l intcroat 6+BoROwcr M ooid or UunataRed and Dprtowcr Is not a nntural
<br /> paroon)��Ithout Gond�r'a prtar e��ftt¢n conucnt,4cndor may,at ita aplton,rcputro Immodfato pnymant tn lul� ol ut1 ourna Gcaurod by , ,
<br /> this&courlty�neWm�nt. Ho«Gvcr, this optlon shp�l nat bo oxr.rclsod by Lnndat if oxorolso la prohibltod by iadorut 1a�v ao of tho ��
<br /> � duro of thls&aaurity inutrumunt.
<br /> if lcndcr oxcrol�ou thts optlon,Landcr ahpU Alro 9�ttotivcf nottca ot cccohrattan. Tho notico ohnA provtdo n pctlod ot not �
<br /> tosn ihun 30 dayo hom tho dato tho nptrp Ia ddNerod or malUd v�llhin v�hbh 8onorrcr muat pny np eumo accutad by thls � .
<br /> 3autily Instrumont. If�ortowor talt� to pny thea�Uume prio� to tho oxpMatlon af thl�porlod,Londar mc►y hvoko nny rcmndbs � .
<br /> pormittad by thls S�curity Inawrte:nt►vithout tudher natico or domnnd on Bortowor.
<br /> • 98. Bar�ower's Riph4 4o Fiotnotat�. It Bono►var ma�ta ccrtmn aondittona, eo�rowor siwt! hnva tho rtght to havo � .� • ;
<br /> anforeemont of thla Saourtty M�atrumant dlsaontinuod at nny timo prtor to tho oariku at (n)b dayu(o�auoh othor porlod aa � , .
<br /> ` � ppplloabto law may spcally ta«��U►statome�nt)betote t►nt�ot tho Proporty purauant to ttny pov�or of su�e eonlntnod In Ihis Sucurtty �
<br /> r
<br /> ' • " � � InatNmont;or (b)antry ot a�udgmont ontorotn0 thts Soaurfty �natrumont.Thoao oondttlono aro thAt Barrowor. (a)pnys Londar all � .
<br /> sums whbh thun woutd bo duo under thts Sucurfiy Inatrumemt and tho Nota aa M no ncco�rulion hnd occurrod; (b)curoa any
<br /> dct�ul!of any other covonc►nl or agreemtmta: (o) pnya oe o+rpc�nfA3 Incunod in ontoroln4 thin S°.aurity Inawmunt, inotudlnp,but •
<br /> nat linited to, ree3onabta uttompyw'is3s; end(d)mk�a suah notlan aa Lendor may ronsonnby requiro to nnnuro thut tho I�n of
<br /> this Soa�dry inatrument, Lende�'e rlphts In thn Ptnparty nnd BoROwa�a obiigallon to pay tho sums ctocuntd by this SECUrity ..
<br /> � Instrument ehalt contlnuo unohanped. Upon roU+�tatampnt by 8orrov�or, this Soaurtty Inatrum�nt und tho obligntionn the case � -i'� �"
<br /> hereby ahall romaln tulry efhxlMa ao M na nacot;rptlon hnd occurtsd. However,thls ripht to rotnstato shuli not opply
<br /> • of accobmt►on under paragroph 17• �
<br /> �� � 18. Sale of Note; CL�u��o mf Lann �ervlaar.Tho Noto or a o pnRfo► intcrest In the ao►e (togethe�wfth this � , ,
<br /> 5ecurity Inatrument)may be sotd c�or marn ttmpa wkhaut prfar�ot�o to 8ortower. A suFO may rosuR In a cAnnpe in the ontity -:,,
<br /> � (known an tha'lonn Servk:e�'?th�t ooltecta mnnthty poyment�due under th�Note and this Seeurity Instrumont. Thero nlso mny _
<br /> • be one or mam ahanpes of the Laan Sen�ker uncelated ta a seb ot thp Note. It there Is a ohongo ot tho Lonn Sanbor,
<br /> po�,ysr W�p bu q�ren vuritten noHce of tha oh�po tn n000rdenos wlth peragreph 14 ebove and appll�bb Isw. 1'ho notbe wtli :
<br /> •� s4�'�a the name and address o4 tho naw Loan yerv�er G;nd thfl address to whbh payments shoutd bo mado. The nottco r�t:l a�so ,
<br /> '.�.'.:_-
<br /> , :�4; ' aontnin nny other lntorrnatlon requlred by appllcebt�t�w.
<br /> `.� 20. Flt)?.8Td10U4 SUbDttli1C8t3. Botmwer shnll nat aauea or permit the presence, use. dl�posal,storage, or reteaae af
<br /> any Hanudous SubnWnoes on or in the Prqporty Borto�ver stell not do, nor a�low anyono else to do,anything aN�ting tho
<br /> �••, Property thut Is In vlotstlon of anY Environmmtnl Law. The proceding two sontoncos shuli not appN to the prosonce, use,or _
<br /> storoge on the Property ot cmat�h�antitbs of Ht�mrdous Substances that aro generaly rc�ognized to be appropr�ite to normat
<br /> � residentlal ueos and to mainten�anca af the PropeAy.
<br /> ;; 'y Borrower ahoil ptomptry �Me lender writton aotice of any Mvoatigatton, alaim, demand, lawsuft or other notton by any .: _�_``
<br /> ;; ` govemmontal or rpgutatory easncq^r prlvate paAy InvoNing tho Proporty and eny Hcuazdoua Substance a EnvUonmenutl Law of � ,`
<br /> ��y�h ���h�g g��g���e+wbdoa. If Borcower k�ame. or Is notitted by any govemrtsontal or reg�tatary authorlty, thut any _
<br /> am
<br /> • mmovat or othw romodt�tkn mf nny Haznrdouc SubuWnee aHOOtMg Propany ts necossary, eortower shan prompcy iaka uii ° .
<br /> '�:�';� neaessary remedlat eattone in Uosordenee wtth Envaonmontal i.aw. �^
<br /> .,. t . :�y�,t�s�.,_
<br /> ;�r•�.;;'��. As used h thb porti9►eDh�0�"HasazdODU SubstfinCC�" Are thoso substsnCAS deMed ea toxb or harardoue subsTnncos by `,�',`�,,:i�_��
<br /> r
<br /> ��"'`r " Environmontal Law and the 9o@o�ving au0siances: gesaltna, keroser+s, othor fiummabta or toxb povoleum produots, toxb �±.,,Y,«�
<br /> ,4;;�'� :
<br /> , postbides nnd heTbbtdos,volatilo eoWento, mn4srlats contahtng asbostos or forma�dohyds, and redtoaotNe rtwtorlats. As used In y�!r.•, --�
<br /> L_._..
<br /> �,� p pnmgraph 20,'Envkonmontul Lpw" meana federal Iaws and lawa of tho Jurisdlotton whoro He Property b tocated that rolato to ,��V
<br /> ';'(.;';'�� � � health,st►toty or anvironmflntal protactton. ��`�`'_
<br /> rJ ,1''I S x�`�4:rr:'::'�-:�_
<br /> ,p�;,y NON•UNIFORM COV�NASV7S.9orrower and Lender turthor aovenant and ugreo as foltowe: ,
<br /> " " 21. Acc0leraUon; �amediea. Lender eheil give rtottce to Bo�rower pNor to ncaeleratton ""`" �r�`-
<br /> " 1'� :
<br /> followine �mrQ�wor'e bre�eb of any aovonent or agreoment In this Security Instrumee�t (but not #� -
<br /> � ;� prlor to eac�leration under paragre�h 17 unloss applic�ble lav+r provide�other►vHsse). The noUae rY ,+
<br /> �,,;2, x s�ntl epeeiry: (e) the detau�t; (b) tho aation required to auro the detauit; (e)� da8�� not tess then :,:�:�r'`
<br /> �....�.;�...
<br /> "���� " 90 d�ys 1'�om the dete the notlae!a given 4� �orron+rer, by which th�detault Qnust be e�ava�l; end �k,,,-
<br /> „ � (d) thet Mlture to eure the defnult on or IaoQore lha dete speeipod ir� the �ottao me�y result in _u�_.�_
<br /> acceteretton of tho sums eocurod by this Securiry Inetrunnont and oate of ihe Property.Tho notlae '�'.��:��_'=
<br /> � �� ` ' shnll turt�er inbrm Borrower ot the right to relnatete etter e�aeeleration end 4?� right to bring e _._�_:
<br /> court ectlon to nsaert the aon-ext84ence ot a detault or any other dotaaa�+ ot Borrower to =:�''�"`�'
<br /> �, e � i;'
<br /> <�w•ui2;;.::
<br /> , „ � , acoeleration and aole. If the d�fautt Is no3 2ured on or bebre tls� clate e�eoifled in t�o no ae, , .,•.y.
<br /> Londer nt(ts opUon nnay eoqutro Immedietm �ayment in fuit ot all ev�s seourod by thts Seourity _'rl
<br /> •� Inatrumeeet withou4 turth�r domend and may invoke tho pawe� of sate ond Any other �omedlea r� r '
<br /> - " �� permttte�l �� apPticebi0 tev�. i.and�r sHali be e��tl�lesi t� �o{Icac4 Alt QupQn�;s 4�aurrod In purculeep .:;
<br /> �.,; tl�o romedlea providnd in thls pnragraph 21. includtng, �ut not Ilmltodl to,r�asonable e4toraeys' '"`;W�-:
<br /> .. ,':�;iy�:;;:;;
<br /> ..�. �ee�and co�4s of tiUm evidcnce. .. ;;;,,,..
<br /> .. ip tho power of s�te Is invoked, Yruatm� chall �ocord e notiea o! dofaust tn eaeh c�a�nty In :�t�:
<br /> whieh any part of tho Prop�rty Io tocated and shalt matl coples ot such noliee in th� enonn�r ,v���
<br /> ,. ��� preseNbed �ry o�ptioablo InYS t� Barrower and to 4he o4hor�ercona preIIart9a�G�y applicablo lnw. -
<br /> �' A4t�r tho tlmc roquirQd by aSpD�cabte ia�cu�T�usteo ahnii give pubtie natice o4 eu7e ho tho perso�is
<br /> �`"{�� ' ' en� In ti9e mnnner proscrib�d by�pptict�ble Inw. Trus400,withou4�1�mana! on Borrowor, �hall soii �
<br /> ��'���`"% 41to �ro�e r t s+ M p�tebit� meett�n to tho higfo�a3 bic9der et 4he time mauai tuce and under tho terms �"
<br /> t�.r,�•.1.� ,� � .::�,����;�:
<br /> �''>���' deagno��� tn tho notiee ot c�ele In on� e� u�oro parc�to ond in ceny ordcr 7ru e t ee de term in o a .
<br /> � 7ruete� vu��y poatPon� ealo of mlt or arey par�el of tha� 6�aop�rty by pubitc asra�aunaem�nt et tt�e
<br /> qm� amaD �9aeo of any provto�aly s�Nedu��� o�lQ. G.�'r��der or it� d�si���� r�ey puPOhase the
<br /> ..';��"; �cpeny M any gale.
<br /> ,.. - �_�..
<br /> .,..,..,.�.. .:.,:.
<br /> ''_";.1�,�;'•:�:"_ ___ UDOIt f@CO�D� af p��iii&ii4 OT Ui8 jriie.c I�C��� '=iii.:LL'e �O! de!l�er to the (IUPCRaBCP YPqI'i�0�3 °'. '•.:;:,
<br /> -_ ___ •�� ��t� �.dJ�.u� w1 _____ -
<br /> � .,. deed eanvoying ti�e Pre�p�rtZl.Tho roaimto Ire me rruetc�u�a deed snuii oo pneow ��.o o...•o..-� ... --
<br /> ' tho Vuth ot tho cstnt�ments �cLda theroln. Trueteo ehail appty tho proce��la of tP�e esato in tho •
<br /> bltawtng order: (e) to oll �►t� ond exponseo of exeroieing tho power of a�lo� and tho eale� .
<br /> Inetudin�tho pay�mont of tho Truatao'o Qoes aetuatly Ineurrod, no�}�Q����Q1�a� amo�nt of tho
<br /> noto M tho timo ot the doelutetion ot dofeult.ond �QOUOnAblo atternny'cs ivea as pQrmtttod by lati+;
<br /> . (b) to sit auma�ourod by tl�Is Se�eurity inotrum�nt; and (aD ac�y axeess ta tho pe�aon or poraans
<br /> legatly a�n4tUod to 14
<br /> . Ft�tO.LMO tVCO) P�po t o�6 C���- ���+�o� ` .
<br /> S
<br /> � '� ocooa
<br />