. •.y •i:
<br /> +, . . .. . . .. . . .. . ,. . __. ._.�_ .
<br /> " ' TO�ETHER WITH nll tho Imptovemcnts nov+ on c�ro�(tc► crcctod on tho praporty,nnd nIi ca4omcnto, nppurtcnnnaon, nnd �
<br /> Ibfluros now on c�rcrsftar n paR ot tho propaRy.Ail reptaccmanta and nddittone s�aG nlso bo oovorad by thl3 Srcurity instrumant. .
<br /> Ail ot tho torcQoing 13 rofor�ud to tn th13 Soaurity instrumant ns tho "Property' � .
<br /> 80ARQWER COVENANTS thut Bortowct is tawlulty 80irad ot tho ostnt0 hcrCby canvoyod nnd hna !ho rtght to grant nnd •
<br /> acn�oy tho Propatty and thnt tho Property �S unCnCUn�bctod, oxcept 1or encuml�roncos ot rcoord, 8onovlcr warrnnts and wlil ^
<br /> dotcnd genctolty tho tttlo to tho Property aQolnot oll elntmn and damnnda,aubJxt to uny cnaumbrunces of rcaord. , .
<br /> � ' THIS SECUI�IYY INSTRUMGN? combinos uNtorm covananto for nntlonnl uso and non-unitorm covonnn's with Imitod � ,
<br /> vari�tlona by Jurl�dbtton to oanntttuto n unttorm accurity tnswm�nt aorring rost�rop�rty,
<br /> UNIFORM CON�NANT3. 8orta►ver and Lander eovannnt ond nflreo as tolbwa:
<br /> 9. Poyr�nont o4 Pvitnalpal ond Iwterot34; PPQ�1ay(rIQ61t IItiQ� L�tO CQQ±4PQ@il.8orro�vor shuil promptry poy whcn �
<br /> • duo tho rino�Onl of and intoio3t on tho dCbt avldanaad by tho Notv and a�y prcy�yn�ant and lata aharges d'uo undcr tho Noto.
<br /> � 2. �unds tor Taxea efld Ineurae�oe.SubJaat to apD�ieubb�Sw a to a writton wnMor by Lendor,8orcowor ahnli pay •
<br /> ' to Lcndor on tha day monthly ptsymonto nro duo undor the Noto, unt�tho Noto Is pald tn tull, n aum ('Funds")tor. (u)yaurty -
<br /> .-�� �� taxoa nnd nsso3smsnts whbh mny attaln prtorit�r ovar thW Sscur(ty Instrumont as n Ibn on tho Proporty; (b) yearly 4�nsohold �
<br /> paymtmto or ground retnta an tho Propurty, !t any; (o) yonry hnmrd or property n3ursnoo pramtuma; (d)yenrry(IOOd lnsurc►nee � •�•
<br /> prcmluma,if uny;(o) ya�ry mortgape tneuranco premiums,it tiny;and(n any wms pnyabto by Bortav�er to Londer tn accordnnco
<br /> wtih the provulona of panymph 8, in Iinu of tho poyment ot moRgaga tnsumnce promtuma. Thoso tt�ms aro call�d 'Escrow , , �
<br /> itema." londet �nay, at ony tlme,coltact and hotd Fundc in nn amount not to exceed the maxlmum umount n tender ror n ,
<br /> t4deralty retsted mortpago tonn mAy require for Borrowor's eserow account undsr Iho fodo�ai Reut EsWto Ssttbment Procedures ;
<br /> Aet of 1974 na amendad ftam rirna to timo, 12 U.S.C.8 2601 et saq.('FtESPA•), unlasa nnothar �►w that nppliva to the Fund� ;`,.: �
<br /> `',,....�•, .
<br /> sots a bsear emaunt. If so,Londor may, at any timo, eol!uct and hold Funds tn nn nmount not to oxcesd tho bssor amaunt.
<br /> ' Lender may asttmata tho amount ot Fundo duo on tho besis of ourrent d.�tu an�reusonaDtn estlmncos ot c�cpondtturos of tuture �''�1�
<br /> � Esorow Itama or achorwise In ncoardnnoe�vith applxabb L�w. ' � �_
<br /> . The Funds 4�+a!1 bo hotd In an tnstttutipn whoae doposits sre tnsurod by a faderai agenoy, Inatrument�t�,+,ar entfty(Inaludin8
<br /> �i Lsndes.�e Le+ntar 1� euoh un instttutlon)or In any Fedoret Home Loan Bank, Lender shati appy the Fund3 to pay the Escrow ,
<br /> itcrms. ivoder mey not ohttrpe Gorrowsr for ho�ding and npplyfig the Furtds,ennu9lFy ant�iya�np the ostsrow aCOOUnt,or vtirByNg �
<br /> �• , ; tho C-scraw ltems, uniess Londor pays Borrowar Interest oro tho Fund� t�nd t3ppibubie Ia�v permita I.ondor to mnke s�oh a , . _
<br /> �> � ohnrge. Howe�or,lendor mt►y requUe 8orrower to puy a an�i�m� chargA tor en indapendont real estnte tex repoAinp senrlee
<br /> usod by Lendr�r 1n aonntratlon wtth thls loan, unloss appticabta law provbos otherwlso. U�1998 tt0 C"$f88rtt��t IS mado or , _
<br /> `� applbAbb Ittw nsquUes Interest to be peld, Lsndor ehell not tro raquUed to pey 8orcower eny interest or�amingo on tho Funds. �
<br /> � " Borrower And Lendet mny ogree in wtitNg, howevor, tAat tnterest shall be pat�on tho Funds. Lendor ehaii gNo to Botrower, . �;.;�,.��;
<br /> ivtthout chargo, sn annuai a000unting of tho Funds, sho�vinp credNs nnd debits to the Funds and thv purpose tor whbh ouoh r ;,,,.,.;:,.
<br /> �. a� debR to Mo Funda v,�ae mado. The Funds aro pledped as a�edNbnai seourtry for atl euma seeurod by the Soaurtty InsWment. j;,�;'(��,st-
<br /> '`'?• If the Funds heid by Lendot oxcead thc►nmounts pertnitted to be Aetd by appUaab�e ktw, lender shalt acoount to 8ortower ��;:`l����lr,:;`=:
<br /> • Fqr the exooss �unds In acoordance wqh thn raqufrements of oppltcable tau�.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any ;r�,,•�•��'�,_
<br /> .� ,,
<br /> N' timo Is not sul�iei�nt to pay the Esorow Itema when duo,Lendor mny so c�otiy BoROV�er tn w�itlnfl,�u►d,fi suoh oasu Bortowor ,
<br /> • , shnll pay to Lerder tho amount necussary to make up tho dolbienay. 8ortowsx shap muke up tho deflc'rsnay h no moro than
<br />