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<br /> :;,:fi��.; �.U�E OF PII30PlEEtTY;�OMPLIAI�CE WITH I.AW.Bonower shall not seek,aIIree to or muke
<br /> !_±..::_.
<br /> ^"�R'"�'` a change in the use oP the Property or its zonin�classificution,unless Lender has aIIreed in wdtipB to the :-_--
<br /> cha��Qe. Borrower shaU comply wtth all laws, orsiinaaces, regulations and requirements ot aay E:�:
<br /> ' B�vammentul body appltcubte to the Property. r�-
<br /> ' ` C,g3J�0YtDINATE I.IEN3.Faccept as permlcted by federal law.Borrovrer sh�ll not altow any lien °__
<br /> � ���� infedor to che Security inatrument to ba perfected against che Property withouc L,ender's prior wdtten ;;-i_
<br /> � .-
<br /> ,. '' perrnission. '_=�-
<br /> p, itENT LOSS 6NSURANCE. Bornower shaU matntain iasurauce agaL►st rent losa in addition to �F`�-
<br /> the other hazards for which insurauce is required by Uniform Covenanc 5. ��--
<br /> � '�. E.°T�QDRltOVdER'S 2tYGM1 TO II2EINSTATE"DELETGD.Uniform Covenaat IS is deteted. _
<br /> .. F. gr{��OWE����CUpA1VC�'. Ualess Lender anA Ranrawer o�herwise agree Ia writinB. th� --
<br /> tirst sQntence in Unifortn Covenant 6 concernin� Barrower's occupancy of the Property is deteted. Ali --
<br /> : ., � � �lnuinin�covenauts and agreements set forth iu Uaiform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. -
<br /> � C.ASSIGNMEN'd'OF LCA3E�.Upan Lende�'s request, Borrawer shall assiga co L.ender all leases r:�°°
<br /> •,���"• of che P�c¢�pe�y end all secudty deposits raade !n conaeccion with leases of the Property. Upon the --
<br /> s�ssigaraena. M.nder sha116ave the dght to modify,extend or cerminate the exisdng teases and to eaecuce
<br /> new leases, ln Lcnder's sole discratioa. As used In tdte paragraph G, the word "leasa" shall mean
<br /> ��; 'j• "sublease" if the Securiry Insuument is on a leasehold.
<br /> '�` Borrowcr abEOlutely und uncondiuonally assigns nnd craasfers to Lender all the rents and revenues �._
<br /> .��. ',�a (•Rents") of the Property. regazdless of co whom ihe Rea�s at the Property are payable. Borrower �
<br />-�,�.., : •., auihari�L,.-stder ar I.cader'e ag�nts t�c�4le-���he Ren�s,and aarees thaz each teannt of the Property shall
<br /> � .� ' pay the Renut to Lender or Lender's agents. Howevci, Borrower shail receive�he Renta untii(I) Lendex _
<br /> - '""'• �` , das given @onov�er aotice af default pursuant to pa�agraph 21 of the Security tnstrument and(ii) Leade-r
<br /> '`�'4ti.',_�;' has�iven noilce to the teniunt(s>that the Renta aze to be paid to Lender or I.ender's agent.T6is assigament .
<br /> ''``"`'"'"'"• of Rents cn�stitutes an absolute asaignmeat and not an assi�nment for addidonai secuciry oNy. .
<br />_•_�;:�;.��.�t�, . ; If Lender glves nottce of bmuch to Borcower: (i)all Reats rrczived by Borrowar sba�Y be 4�eld bW
<br />,:,•,,.,..._,,r. gqrrowcr as trustee for the bene8t of I.ender only, to be applied to the su�ns secur�d by tha Securia�+
<br /> '�-'' '�`�� Insuument; (ii) Lender shNt be entttled to collect and receive all of the 12ents of the PeopLrty: (�33J
<br /> w�;"'""� Borrower agrees th�►t each tenant of the P�roporty shall pay all Rents due and unpaid ro Lender or L.endar's
<br />= !�.�=_.a� agents ugoa f.ender's wdtten demend to che cenant;(iv)ualess applicable law pmvldes othetwtse,atl Rents
<br /> =~=`�:rka+�t� collccted by Lender or Lendet's agents shail be applied tirst to the costa of takiag control of attd managing _
<br /> ���-�'�'"� the Property and coltecttng the Rents. includiaII, but aot limited tu. attorneys' fees. rcceivor's fees,
<br /> - _�.,�:_ �_�.,..
<br /> . °:``.-""— premiums on�+eceiver's Uonds,repnir aad maintenanae cos[s.iasurance premiums. taxes. a�sesaments and
<br /> 2'��`�"'�""� uther altarges on tho Properry. nnd then to the sums securad by tbe Securiry Inst�mtmt; (v) Lender,
<br />+��'�+'�"�� Lender's agents or any judicially appointed receive;xball be liabt4 to account for only those Rents actually
<br />:-��`�.'�;� reccived: and(vi) I.ender shall b$entitled to have a recefvor appointed to mlce possesston of and man�se
<br /> _ :'� the property�and collcct tlie Rents tiad profits derived fram th�Property w[chout any showinB as to the
<br /> . _�'��`�� Inadeqiw,ey of the Pc+o�seny as spcuriry.
<br /> •_ ',:,,._�� la{d818:
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