<br /> � •
<br /> � , ,.
<br /> , � . .. „ " ....r.--` o
<br /> . .�
<br /> . �, � ... . . ..._.__ ....�...- --�...._._..,
<br /> „ , pnyaicntn tnay no lonBer be rcqui�cd,nt the aptton of Lcnder,if mortgage ia�surance cavcrnge(in the umount nnd for ehc period „
<br /> �� thnt l.endcr rcquires)praviAed by un iasurcr appravcd by Lendcr ngnin bec��mcs uvi►ilt+blc nnd is obt�ined. Bonawcr shull p�y
<br /> • thc�rcmiums required to matntnin mortIIn�e insu�iuice in effcct.or ta provide u loss rescrve,untU thc rcquirement!or mon�age ,
<br /> insurnn�e enclo in nccordunse with nny wriuen agreemom bet�ycen Borrawer:md I.ender or applicabic lnw.
<br /> � 9.Insptctlon.Lender or ita ngent muy mnko rensonnble entrics upon and inspectians of�he Property. l.cnder shall gire ' �
<br /> Barrower nottce ut the time of or prior ta an lnspccUan apccityinn rcnsonsble cuuse for thc inspectlon.
<br /> .,-. .;,,• iQ.Condemnntton.The praceecta of uny nward or dnim for dnmages,direct or cansequentini, in connecdon aith my (� -,
<br /> � � candomnation ur other tcilcin�;aE any part of the Property. or fot conveyan�e in lieu of mndemnntion,ure�hereby assl�ned nncl '� ��
<br /> '' shail be pnid to i.ender. �" -�
<br /> ,::-�-r' In the event of a total tnlcing of the Propeny. the proceeds shuil be�pplied to the sums secured by this Security In.gtrumwc, � ;,r,c.,
<br /> ,� �•�� �vhether or not then due.with any excesa paid to 8orcower. In the avent of u pactiul taking of the Property in which the Gir
<br /> � market vulue af the Pn�perty lmmedintcly boforc the tnking is equal to or grentcr chan the amaunt of the sums secured by ihis � `.`��;
<br /> 5ecuslty Insttumant immediately beforc the tnkin�.untess Horrower:►nd Le�der otherwlse agree in wdting,the sums securedby ''s
<br /> this Security lnatrument shall bc mduced by the amouat of tho proceeds muitiplied by the following fraction: (a) the tamt � .°�;
<br /> amount of the sums secured lmmedintely before the tak{ng,divided by(b)thc fair market value of the Propeny im.medi:�taly .:�;ti•
<br /> before the tuking. Any balance shaU be paid to Borrower.!n the event of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fnir ;,:.:�;,
<br /> market value of the Property immedintely before the taking is less than the amount of thc sums securcd immediataty before�hc 7':�;'
<br /> tulcing,unless Borrower and L.ender otherwise agree�n wridn�or unless applicnble law otherwise provides, the praceeds shdl �:r_�,.
<br /> �� be epplied to the sums secured by this�curity Instcument whether or not the sums are then due. _
<br /> � �^ If the Pcoperty Is abondoned by Bonower.or If. eRer notice ty Leader to Borcower that the candemnor offers to make u► �_
<br /> � i� award or setde a clalm for damages. Bunower fails to�v.�sput�d to ixnder wlthin 30 days a�ter the date tli� ueice Is �ivtn, �;�,�_
<br /> � ?�, � i.ender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds.ac tts optton,either to restorstton or repair of the Property oe eo�ho sums �__.�.
<br /> secureil by chis�:curicy Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> � � Un►�s D.ea���i and Borrowcr othecwise a�rec iu wdcing, any applicadon of proceeds to principal shall not eatend a:r �:.R=�'
<br /> a
<br /> �;"�� .,� ; postpone thc duz c�ure of ihe�ionthly paymenta refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changa the umount of such payments. •--_
<br /> , "�i 11.Borrower N�!l���m,�sed=Forbcarance Dy Le�tdcr Not o Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modlfication << ���<t
<br /> of umortiz�tinn of the sums secured by this Securlry Irutrument grantcd by I.ender to any successor In interest of Bonowcr skall �1;:;`_
<br /> �„ not operate tQ r�lease the liabiliry of the original Borrower ar Borronii s successors in interest.Lender shall not be requiredcm �:'°=
<br /> • ,�:t commence pr�u�ediags aguinst any successor Gi intenest or refuse to oaiend time for payment cn osB�erwise modlfy amortizatio�a a-""'
<br /> _ � of the sums secu��ed by this Secudty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the origiTO�l Borrower or porrowcr's �:
<br /> successors in interest. �1ny forb�arance by l.ender In eaenising any right or remc�y shall nnt be a waiver of ar prectuda�he
<br /> „ - 'r; easrCise of any ri�htor rcmedy. �>`=-
<br /> • , � .. 12. SLr�ora and Assigny Boupd; Joint end Several Liai�iltty; Co-slgnere. The covenants and agreemenia of�Ais _
<br /> • . Secudty Insun�ment shall bind and be�efit the successors and assigvs of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provistams o'i
<br /> paragraph 17. �onrower's cavenants and agreements ahall be joint 1r.d several. ,My Boxrawer who co-signs this Securi3y�
<br /> „ instnunsnt but doxs nat en�.cuie the Note: (a) is co-signing this Secur�ty Iastrum�nt only to mortgagc. grant and convey�du� �.3._
<br /> � Borrower's iaterest in tho Property under the terms of chis Security insuument; (0)is not personally oblfgut9d to pay the swns ��;��:;_
<br /> n
<br /> secured by th�s Secudty Instrument;und(c)agrees tha�Lender an�nmy�cr Borrower may agree ta extend,modify.forbearor ►�at•-
<br /> '� make any acca►mmodutions with regard to tY:e terma of this Securit}r Instn�rnent or d�e Note wtthout Rhnt Borrower's consent.
<br /> • ti 13.Loun Chnr�es.If the losui secured by this Securiry lnstrum�nt is subject to a law which seta msucimum loaa chardes.,
<br /> � a�xb that law fa finally lnterpreted so that the intereat or otheY loan charges collected or to bE wllected in connectlon with the __
<br /> , � lona exceed tlae petmitted limits. then:(a)nny such loar��3rge shnll bz reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the chuge _.
<br />`'•.''";" ••. �± to the permitted lim{r and (b)any sums almady wllat�d from Iiorrower which excezded germltted limits will be refunded t�
<br /> - ..':.:!�YI..
<br /> :-�,..,�,.,,�,, ' Boirower. U.�ncler may choose to matce ehls refund by reducing the principal owr� under tha Note or by making a ueca
<br /> - payment to 8ptrower. If a refund nedaict:s principal, thc mduction will be treated as a parttal prepayment without an�+
<br />_:;:�.�-�•:�`��• P�Payment chac6e under ihe Note. .-_.
<br />"'�'� � Y' 14.Notlecs.Any nr.t3ce to 8orrower provided for in this Security Instnunent;,hali be�iven by deltverin�it or by m�NlAn �''
<br /> y�, �,. �;z;:i:.
<br /> it by ficst class mail unlas applicable lneti requires use of another method.The notice shall be directeJ to the Property Address _
<br /> �.,' ..'"" or any ot�cr address Borrower d�iani�tes by notice to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall �e given by first class m�l to Y
<br /> 1: . Lender's eddress stated herein or any other nddress i.ender designatcs by nottce to Borrower.Ar.ay noticc provtded for inthia
<br /> --_'t���--, Secudty instrument ahall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or i,�nder when given us pmvided in this paragraph. -
<br /> '"""'��="•s�T IS.Governing Low; Severnbltity. `Iriis Security instcumenc sh�ll ix: gov�n►c:d by federal la�v nnd the law oftl±e �_
<br /> 'y� . • .� —
<br /> judsdictton in which tl�e Propert3+is tocated. in th� event thnt any prov[sion ur clause of this Securlty Instrument or the Note
<br /> : � wnflicts with applicable law,such c�nfi icx shap not atfect other provisions of this Scxurlry Instrument or the Note which can he
<br /> £. given effext without the conflict[ng proti•ision. To this end the proviaions of this Secudry Insuument aad die Note are declared
<br /> ;;,' :u : to be severable. �=_-
<br /> � �
<br /> 16.Botro�`��''s Copy.Borrower shall be�iven une conformed copy of the Nmte and of this Scxudty Instrument. Ir,.,,
<br /> • , � wm,aozo erga [�`;�;:
<br /> � ��tfRINEI c9z+z►a Pooe a or 6 m+nms. _
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