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<br /> �� TO(}ETHER W1TH aU the impmvements now or hereafter erected an the property, and nll eacements,nppurtenances, :►nd � ��
<br /> ' fixturca no�v on c�rcafter �+ pt►rt of thc propeny. All replacoments nnd udditions shnU also be co�ercd by this Security
<br /> � Instrument. Ati of the fo�egoing Is referred to in this Security Instrument n.g the"Property." ,
<br /> ' BORROW�R CdVENANTS thnt Borrower is IawfuUy seisc�i of thc cstAtc hcreby convcyed and has the right to grant�nd �
<br /> convey the Property and thut the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrnnces af record. Borrower �varranis und will �
<br /> � defcnd Renerully thc titic to the Propeny agninst alt claims und deniunds,sub�ect to v►y cncumbran�es of record. �
<br /> �� THlS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifarm covennnts for nntion�l use nnd non-uniform covennnts with llmttcd
<br /> „ ;,� vunaeions by jurisdiceion ta co��sdtute a uniform security instn�ment coverin�real property. � � •
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Horro�ver und Lender wvenar►t nnd n$ree a.g follows: 1 when due the
<br /> � ..�� 1. Poyment af Principul and Intcrest; I'repayment and Lnte Chnr�cw. Barrower shall promptly p y �
<br /> , � "., princtpal of und interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and Any pmpayment und lute chur�cs due under the Note. �
<br /> � 2. F'undg for Tases nnd Insurance.Subject to Appttcnble law or to A written waiver by L.ender. Borrower sh�l! pAy to
<br /> � L.c�ndcr on the day monthly payments are due under the Nate,untfl the Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly taxes .
<br /> and assess�t�ents wt►ich may attain prfodty over this Security instrument ac a lien on the Praperty;(b)yearly leusehald puyments � �ti�•;
<br /> or ground rents on the Properry,if any;(c)yenrly hazard or property insurance pmmiums;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums, -
<br /> if any; (e)yeaciy mortga6e insurance pcemiums, if any;und(� any sums payable by Borrower to L.ender, !n accordance with °�'..
<br /> .i;i•::
<br /> tha provisions of para�r�ph 8,in lieu of the pnyment of mort�age insurance premiums.These items are culled"Escrow Items." 1 .,t_S,
<br /> L.ender may, at utry time, collect and hald Funds in an amount not to axceed die mauimum amount a lender for a federAlly
<br /> ut •;
<br /> ( related mongage loan may requlre for Borrower's escrow account und�r the fedetal Real Estate Settl�ment Pracedures Act of ,y,-1•
<br /> 1974 as:unen�ed from time to time. 12 U.S.C.SecUon 2b01 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that apptics to the Funds ..A,;_
<br /> `i sets a lesser t��onnt. If so, L.ender may.at any thue. coltect and hold Funds in un aatu�nt ao2 t�a eac.eal the lesser amaunt. J
<br /> .� Lender may�.�:imate the sunount of Funds due on the bs�sia of current data and reasonable estima:�s of expenditures of future �`:'.==;
<br /> Escrow Items or othenv3se in uccordance wlth applicable law. :`''.,.•;1�r:
<br /> ' <<=,
<br /> ' , �.� 7'he Furzds shali be held in an instiruNon whose deposlts tue insured by a federal agency, instrumentnlity, or enn::�• ;,;,,_
<br /> (including L,ender,If Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shnll apply the Funds to pay a?�e �.;,�'_
<br /> ,r �yzing thc escrow uc:count,or ,,.
<br /> - r n Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge�arrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually�nt �-,
<br /> � •Frr.; =—
<br /> t��; —
<br /> vedfying the Eserow Items,unless Len�flEr pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable I��v permits Lendor to mNce suc;. .r�
<br /> a char�e.However, Len der may requ ire Bo r r o w e r t o p a y a o n e-t i m e c h a r�e f o r a n i n d e p e n d e n t r e a l e s t a t e tax re portin g servic� `�;Y
<br /> ��,, 1 rased by Lender tn wnnection wfth this loan, unless applicable law pravides otherwise. Unless an ngreement is made or �__
<br /> . {.��
<br /> • a�plicablc luw requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not bc required to pay Borrower any interest or camings on the Funds. _
<br /> �� Borrowcr and Lender may agree in writiq,a, however. that interest shnll bB p�id an the Funds. Lender shull give to Borrowcr. _ _
<br /> _..
<br /> ' ;,�
<br /> " �t anthout char�e, an annuai au�u��te��"s�<iu� Fund°,•°.h°Wfng sr°-�!}tG an�t Acbjtc co thc Funds and thc purpose for which e4c
<br /> y . dleblt to the Funds was ma�le.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums cecured by this Ssxurity Instrument. _^'__
<br /> If the Funds held by Il��er excced the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, I.ender shall account to Borro�ver -
<br /> rs,:_
<br /> �" ' for the excess Futtds ln aeco�dance with the requirements of applicable law. [f the z+n►r�.uit of the Funds held by Lender at:u�y �;._
<br /> � tlme is�iot sufficient to pay the Escrow ltems when due, I.ender may so natify Borro�ver in wr(tins,end.in such case BorroNPr _
<br /> '` � shull pay to l.ender the amouat necessary to make up the deficiency. Boauwer shull rnuke up the deficiency in no more eun:�
<br /> �j� twelve monthly payments,At[.ender's sole discretion. _._
<br /> „ ,�,K. ' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by th[s Sa;uriry Instrument, Lender shnll promp�ly Tcfund cn Borrower any
<br /> •• . � ��, 1Funda held by Lcnder. If,under paragraPh 21,I.endcr shall acquire or sell the Proporty. i.ender,prior to the r,^s�risition or sale
<br /> �• •, of the Progerty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender nt �he time of acquisltinn or sale as a credtt against the sums secured by
<br /> " • � this Security 6matcument.
<br /> � ' �� 3.Applicntion of Payments. Untess appllcablc law pmvtdes othotwise,ali payments re�eived by I.ender under para&rnphs
<br /> ,.,.�... ._„�. '�` 1 cinnd 2 ahall be applied:fa�9t,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second. to amounts payuble under paragraph 2: _
<br /> � third,to interest due:foeut'h.to�r�ncipal due;and lasc,to any iate chazgea due under the Note. __
<br />'���'�..� 4.Char�es;Ltens.�ortower shail pay all caxes.asscssments. charges, fines and impositions attdbutnble to the Property �
<br /> • y�,;�i'. , which may attain pdoriry over this Security instrument. and Ieasetaold paymen�g or gruund rents, if any. Borrower sh�ll pay ��
<br /> . � these oAligations ln the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not pai�l in that ntonner,Bocrowsr shall pay them on Hme directtv ,r
<br />�'`� " �:` , 4o the person owed payment.Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lendcr ull notices�ot amounts to bo paid under this paragv.�ph. ��:�
<br /> � '—
<br />=_r �.! � �t Sorrower makes t l aese��yments directly, Botrower sball promptly tl�mish to L.ender reccipta evidencing thz payments. �:-_
<br /> -------- �• � Rorrower shell'pro�ptiy dischnrRe any lien which has priority over this Secudry Inatrument unless Bormwer:(u)aBtees in �•-P
<br /> n '�� F: ��+� writing to the gayment of the obli�atlon sccured by thc lien in a ma�tner acceptabte to Lendex;(��concests in guud[a1Q�d»tien �_
<br /> • ' �' by. or defenAs a��insc enforcement of the lien in, Iegal pmceediogs which in the Lendur's opinlon operate to prevent the �.�
<br /> ' .'� enforcement of the I{en;or(c)secures from che holder of the Ilen an agreement satisfactory to L,ender subotdinatin�the licn to ":�.,:.
<br />. `,,::..:
<br /> � � this Security instcument. If Lender determines that any parc of the Property is subject to a lien whtch may attain prtodty over t::�=
<br /> r., . n thie Secudty Instrument,Lender may�ive 1Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shnll sacisfy the Iten or take one or �`;F:-
<br /> k:;'_�z=
<br /> � ;;� moro of the actions set fonh abovc wi¢��in am duys of the IIiving of notice.
<br /> � Form 3028 9100 ��
<br /> Podo 4 a10 �
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