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<br /> --� �"'�`� B.USE OC�ItOP�.k�TY:COAiPLIANC�W1TH LAW.Borrower shall not seek,agcec to or ms�lce
<br /> �;;;��:.� ,. ;°�:
<br /> .x„� a c6aaige in the use of the Properry or ita zoninII cleaslficacton.ualess Lender has agrced in writinB to the __
<br /> ;,a;:-'
<br /> � cban�+e. Botrower shall comply �vith all lawa. ordinances, regulatioas aad reyuirements of any •:F..
<br /> �ovornmentul bodY apPlicable w the Property.
<br /> " �,$i1BO1�AII�lA'T�LIF.NS. Eacept as permitted by fedeeal law, Borrower sbai!nat aliow any liea ___
<br /> ; infedor to the Securiry Insaument to be perfected agatnst the Property v�ithout Leader's prior vvdtten ;��
<br /> = g�mus�ion. ,�,
<br /> * D.ItENT L059�T�UI3ANCE. Borrower sdtall maintain lnsurartce agaiasc rent loss in addition to �_f�"-
<br /> , ' � tho other hezards for which inaurancc Is ra�uired by Uaiform Covennnt 5.
<br /> �; E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REYIVSTA'PC"DEL�'II'E�D.Uniform Coveaaut 18 is deleted. ;'�
<br /> ,. , �,�O��tAWF.R'S (?CCIJPANCY. Ual�s Lender ant� �ica:sawer othenuise agree in wciting� the t;-�"`
<br /> . ,,�= firat sentence In Uaifortn Covenaut 6 cnnceraing �a�rrower's vccupancy of t�..� Property is deleted. HII �_�,'�`.
<br /> ramaining covenants and ugreeiaeats set forth in Uunfce��Coveaswt 6 shali remne�'sn effect. °-
<br /> G.ASSIGNMEIV'Y'OE�L�ASGS.Upoa I..�nder's request.fenamwer sha11 assiga ro E.eader all leases F
<br /> . � �%' . of the Proparry and all s�c u t iry d e p+os its m�do in coanec t io a w i t h l e a s e s o f t h e P r o p e c t y. U p a n t h e 4_ �' .
<br /> ",� assignment, Lender shall have the d�t►t to modjt'y, e�tend or terminate the extstin�leas�s and to execute
<br /> � new lw�es� in Ixnder's sole discretion. Aa usefd 'zn this paragraph C3, the word 'lease" sball mean �z?---
<br /> - "subleue"if the Sec�uity Insaumewt is on a leasehole�. c"
<br /> ' �� - '.
<br /> Bomower absolutely and uncoadidonally assigns and aunsfers to Lender all the rents and reveaues �_
<br /> - : ('Renu') of the Property, regacdless of to whom the Rents of We Property are payable. Bornower
<br /> ..- �-_�:F�_- � :„nhcsrizes[.ender or Leuder's aA���s ta collect dte IItents.nnd agtees that earh ewnant of the Property shall
<br /> _: ,��,;: ;�
<br /> . ��'�' ,. pay t]nl�ents to i.eader¢r I.ender's agents.Ho�revPr. Borrower sheU receiv¢z'he Rents untii(ij ixa er �
<br /> . . . has givea Bon+ewer nodce of def�utt�vrsuaut to paragraph 21 of the Security Jnstavmeat and(li) I.ender
<br /> - � � has given aoticc to the tenant(s)c6�ai c*�R 3tsnts are to be paid to L.ender or Lender's agent. 'll�is assiBament ,
<br /> ,?3a*,. N..-- : ot Rcros constitutes an ebsolute assi��rnest and aat an assignment for addittonal security onty.
<br /> � •. °' � 1f L�ender gives notice of breach to Horrow�: (i) all Rents received by Borcower shnU be held by
<br /> - Borc+ower as cn►scee for �e bene�lt oP Ixnder o�1pf. to be applied to the sums secut�d by the Secudry
<br /> --- . ., ~. inaa�ument: (ii) I.ender shall be entitled to collest uud receive all of the Reats of the Propet�y: (iii)
<br /> � � �ocr�wer ag�+�that euch tenaat of t��Property ahall pay al!Rents due and uapn[d to Lender or Le�ader's .r
<br /> =.'�.•4,�.~',,• ageata upoa Geader's wrlttea demand co the tenunt:(iv)unles,s npplicnble taw provides othenvise,all Rents _
<br /> : . '' collectai by L.ender or I.ender's agents sha�l be applied firat to the costs of taking coatrol of aud ms�naging --
<br /> _:_,.;.�;,,,,� ;'�' �he propetty and coAecr.•i�$ the Reats, iacluding. but not limtted to. attomeys' fee�. receiver's fees. —
<br /> -�-�::r`�,.;{f�'�'`* �recaiums oa ceceiver's Q�+,nds.rePafr and maintenance costa. insurance pir.miums.taxes. as�ssments and _
<br /> �-�r.�'�tYT.� uther chrsrbes on the Fr�a �Y
<br /> :r.�:�:-•..�,�--. perty� and thea to the sums secured by the Secud Iastnimeut: (v) Leadar.
<br /> 1'--___
<br /> a r.,.r r i n�.. �
<br /> =�_R... sl.� Lcuder s agente or any Judlcially appointed receiver s6a11 be liable to uocount far oWy those Rents y
<br />"-� ':""�`��� rue6ved: and(vi) Lender shall b8 entided to have a recetver appoiated to take possession of and manuge _
<br /> -�..`��`;;�iy`'�• the propecty and callesa ^�e Rents and profiu derived from the Pc�operty witkout aay ahowing as to the
<br />-��'��;��`s���� inndequ�sY of the Pivpzrr;+as secudry.
<br /> :��:k��j�:, tnitin�s: —--
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