. � ,.,,.. .
<br /> � � ' • �:
<br /> „ ,. . .
<br /> �. .
<br /> . _......... ..---
<br /> . .__v,. .K,:. , . ; .. . . . ...
<br /> F
<br /> ��� ������ �
<br /> coveNnNTO � •,
<br /> �1 , 1. Pny::t�ni0. Oono►nn a�trCnn to mako nl► iOV�)�c�nu �m tho a��cuiod Aobt whon duo. Untuoo Borrvv�or ond Lundor nproo othorwlao, any
<br /> " ` ���ym0��te{.Uett�ar tar.mvao huin (Souu��c1 a► �ni(iu�mfot'o hU�rof�I wi�� bn nPp��od ttrnt to any amountn 6nrrovror owon an tho nocurdd dobt
<br /> Iv��icifiii:o ni�onciino aliy�nrli^A{diid�piiql,iiiiit inpil It�ci o�;i iod do t nlpolii in fullal propoymar.t of tho oocur�d dnbt orscura for any ronaon.It wlll
<br /> 3�.C1Llf.tB A(,L11101 Y1113�(�nirrwt;�v�i�l�iny n��Ic)Muo, ��aor�amnc�utn, cmA othcr ahar�no onrlbutnblo to ehc�pra�nrty whim duo and wlll do}and tltlo
<br /> �,,�����imp;fr�p qi�nl �t nnq clowin��hL.h�•��c��!�1 I�up:�U Iti:�����������tm AooA of truot.londor moy raqulw Rnrrovror t�aanl�n any rfphto,ctolma or
<br /> � di�4p1190�VJhIL'h Ui111�1W9P itllSy h7Vt)Q((ttblrl Prt11R19 VJIiD aUUUIy 111h1q ot n1010t1�19 t0 ItltproVO of tiltll(ItAI�ib11 propOtly. ' .
<br /> ;�. N:tc�atco� (lunu��or v�tll hr.r.p Iha IvuUn��v u�5�cf od uildm tcruro occoutnblo tn lantfor ot BorroK+ot'o onpnnna and for Londor'o bonoflt.All
<br /> u09u�enr,o pul�cttm nS�cd1t1++�1uu;�a�+t�i�ul:;�A muit 1.".S•� s�°'�"n ui Ir.vm o11 nndor.l.ondor w1I1 bo nmm�d�rn tpnp pnyon ar nb tho Inaurod on nny suth
<br /> �i1toiFia oarivail ilollf��l��l.mii�n iccp�rein�ninitt��Un Ii eilrtir�in�Ilo�eiiwot�op,u�oo�tn Iaolntoln o ah Inau�iin o��a�ao lonp na Londor�romquiros ropertv
<br /> , ...�� - ':� m,i7op�sty.[lnttuwor v��Il Anop tha pru��mly m pm�d i muttlinn nnd utoYO all ropolro r0000nnbly nnaeaunr/. ,
<br /> '� Q.Fa4*sn�qi,ffi�rrnv�ar op�oan to poy nll 1 omior'n or u�mo� mcturlu�U reonanaE�Io uttornoya'faon,il I�nrrovror branko any cavononto In this�eod
<br /> aA t%a9t or u►�nY„���41ot1un r.acurod bV Ih�n da+�d ot �mM. Imrnv�ot wlll pny thouo amnunto to LtmAnr an prouldnd In Covonnnt 9 of thls dnad of
<br /> unnt �� „
<br /> ?�.Vttat O�CUtity tft ttR�t�.UNOp0 Ilorrmict �utt!�+i►1A�i1A �aij+(���n 1tNtan ton00M,Rnrrowot wi11 r»t mnku or pnrmlt anY chnnpoa ta uny prior ,�,'
<br /> �. Inc ut Jli,p Ui,owcr�f�clivaflpn°�tai iiinho�{�yinimie tavM��it m�►ulipot�m�n imAor any pNor ma►tgede� dnaA ot trunt or otnor oocurity oeraemnnt, :.F.
<br /> 9.Air1Rnnssn of Rcn�mid Piot:tu.ilo1rnua nonito��e u�lc+utnr tNn�antn nnd ptaltta ot tha propnrty.Unlpaa(3orrovror ond Landor hovo aprood `�'.-
<br /> ot�atWfno 1��wr111n�1,��ttowar�nny collqct �nd ralnln Ihn ronto�n onp no Uorrowar la not in dnf+tult.If B�rrpvror dotoulto, Landor, lmnsor'o � .'_:
<br /> aganl. o o cnu�t npUntutad ror.a�vor ronV Inha pi�nnolai��n nnd mnnnUC� tho proparty und coltoa4 tkn ronto.AnV rontn landor coUooto oholl bo 'tr
<br /> '' n�pliad rlrat to tlto cunto ol�tm��optn�1�tui Pn�Ua��v�Inr.hiAm��cawl cnoto antl ottornoya' }000, cnmmla pionn to rontnl o�onta,and any othor i ,�_;
<br /> necoasnry ro�oted aMpannoo.Thn ramniinnt�nm:�unt �d ranto v�i 1 thon epply to poymonto on tho aoeurrtd dn pt ne provldod In ovonant 1. ',.:_
<br /> ' .7: p:.
<br /> ��:; 8.lraeholQe Go�aMs+�!dunui F1�misd U�dt Dovd¢„sn�nt�.tlor�nwar nnraoD to comp�y wlth thn rytovfnl�nn�14nV tonao i}thia dood of truat lo on �•i �
<br /> ';;';�.�4, p I8�aehold. 1�thta doa��1 trunt 1n on o wtu In o con�fnml i�utr►u9 a gl8tm3d unit dovolopmsnt, l�rrowor wo!�nAorm atl af Borrowor's d�rtioa ���.
<br /> under tha covannntb bydmva,ar ropulnUuna of Iho .:onflominUim a�plonnod unit dovotopm.,r+. j.•1•
<br /> �.,,�t:
<br /> , ,._,,.,�
<br /> �+�� F m.Auihnr�ty ot lesda�to Ptttwm ta�Borrow�t.If �ouovJOr tella to portorm eny nf Borronur'.a dutlao unAat thlo dood of truet, Lundm mny .i��',
<br /> ,•;�_:° p�rtmm tho dutlpa or onuao thnm to ba porl�rrtioA. loiector moy alpn uotrower'o nomo or pny am!o►neuM If noaoaoory tor potformanco.It onY „�� •,_
<br /> •.�!; conttrwitlan on tAo praporty Is dlacontUiuoA p►�mt ccrrta�o��In o roesonebto mnnnat,londer mnV dn v�hntnvor la nnooaoary to protoot londor'e ,. .^
<br /> � sccuflty Interesl Ut tho ptopotly.Thln mey Includo Complotlnp tho oonetruotlon. ,r��''
<br /> '``+' .,i�-;;;,_,,,
<br /> •���"' ' lcndat'�lofluro to portotm wlil rtot pr�cludo lonQa► trom axorolalnp ony at Itm othor rlphtn undor ehn Inv�or thla daod af truot. � ,
<br /> ���f, ,� f l'r°:'=::
<br /> �i qny oraounte patd by Londor to protoct Lando►'o nocwlty I�tofost wIU bo eoourod by thlo doad of tru�nt.Suah wmountn wlll bo duo o� domnnd �:,-,-r,,
<br /> t}' '+A end wlp boor Intcroet from tho doto of tho pnyn�ont unul pnl In tult et thn lntotast reto in oftoct on fhu nonurrtd dnbt. �Y�,1,
<br /> $�,
<br /> t0.D�teutt and Acasla�ttpn If Qorrowor teltn to moko eny poYmont Whcn 6uo or brnnks ony aovonnntn un4or thia daod of truct or anV ��;;;,5;,;
<br /> 't�� oWiOatS�gocurcd by thle dood of t►uet or onV P►1or mnripnpo ov daad of truat, londar moy aaaolnram thn mqturlty of tho oocurad dobt ond ir,,:_
<br /> �.,,�_::
<br /> .,���`�I demsn Immedlnto poymant and mny Invako tito powat ot aeto ond ony�ther romodloo pormlttod Uy oppllaadlo Iuw. i:;,;,_,
<br /> �r��� ....� an��•ef Oet�,tt.tt la harobv roquoriod thnt cuh�oa u/tho noticoo ot doteutt tml on�o bn sont to anah poroon who to o pony -
<br /> Z!.5'.�-�..^�.----- - ' �
<br /> ;.�„ " � hcroto,ot tho addreee ot aaoh nuah poraon,ae eot tonn neroin. ._,__
<br /> .?:', , _
<br /> �;���; • 12,pow�r af 8u�,lf tho Lendor invokoe tho powor of solp,tho Tnmtno ehall Ilret rocord(n 1hn o(t`.nn of thn repintar of dnoda of oaoh county l;I�°"
<br /> .;���.� wA�rcln tno trust propnny or somo pon or purcol thoroo}Is oltuatcd e nm�co of dofautt contalnhtp rthn Infarmntlon roqulrod by law.Tho Truatuo �:
<br /> umto,and to otRor
<br /> ,�i�;"� sypltcabtu lew.Not�loes thnn ono month�uttnr tho ru�ntoo rocordn tt,o natico ot�dotaultparMrt v montRn I1 thn truot prOp�nY pa o�tbnduny ���
<br /> :���s�' tncorporRtsd c►ry or vf�lopo and la unod In farminp aporottona asrriod on by tho truetot,tho ttue4RO ohnll plvo publld�otloo of 9t��o to tho poreane
<br /> ;t'%',` ; and In tRo mannor praecrlhad bV�nppptlanblo low. Truatoo�wlthout domond on flotrower,ahnll Ball etm proporty ot pub�la auatlon to tha hlphost
<br /> , e bfdder.19�oqulred by tho Farm Homoetond Protootlon Aat,T�uotao aholl otlar tho proportY tn twu ooporotn oola4 an requlrad by oppllcablo taw.
<br /> � �1�.� • TruoU�o moy poutpnno eato oi o11 or any poreal of tho R►aPonY bV W�»a nnrtouncomont ot tho tfmn ond ptnoo ot any piovlouoly oehoduloa eoto.
<br /> ;:�y.�„ � lend4�o�fte doatpnoo mey purchaso tho proporty ot eny oelo. _
<br /> �:`i � Upon�ecofpt of paYmunt of tho prlco btd,Truotao ohol►dollvur to tho purchonor Trueteo'a dead convuyUq thn propony.Thq realtlnln contulned In
<br /> '3�: �. TtWtco'e dood oholl bo prlme fecto ev:dloneo ot iho uuth ot tt.o statumonto contolnod thorolq TruotRO nh+Nl npply thn procoodo of tho oale In tho a�.�.,.
<br /> '.?t,' toltowtn0 ordon la) to el� axpnneos of tP+n eelo. I�otudln�, bun iwt ��mltud to, rcnsonobto T�uotao'a faoa, reneonnblo o4tarney's toos and =____
<br /> .�i i. � r c l n s t�t erteont foos;(bl to atl eume soeured by thle dood of truot,ond!o)tho balonco,If any,to tho pnrnonn lopatly ontlttod to recelvo It. __'_-
<br /> 79.Foatlosun.At Londor'o optlon,thla dnod of truet mey bo foroclosed 1n tho mennor provldo by oppllaobla Iov,tor fa�eo tonuro o i mor tpngo a
<br /> �t':4{ on re�►woperhr. �—_.
<br /> ���tir 14.ta�qc tlea Landor mey antor tho proporty to Inepoot It If londor dlvee liorcowor notlso Guforahnnd. Thn notlao muot etoto tho roaeonoNo ^.
<br /> ,`.. uuao tor le�or'e Inspeotlon.
<br /> ;�� tp,Cpnl�mnaUon.8onowor nsslen�n to 4onder tho�roceods ot eny eward or clalm fa�domn op oonnnotad wlth o Rnndomnntlon or otAcr tnklnp ��p�, ,
<br /> fs neeidnnt�nt to aubJoot to tho tarmu o4 any prlor �-rr;.
<br /> of eU or�ny Dan of tho property.such proceodo w I ba opplled oe provldad In Covonnnt 1. �._._;
<br /> �:�'r � ' eecu�ltyoproomont. `�i��:
<br /> h�: �
<br />- ;�'�; � 10.Wdvar.Dy axwcfaUg ony remedY ovallnblo tn landor,Londct dooe not qlvo u�ev�y Nphta W tomr uoo onV othor remndy.By not ozorclnlnp {�+�i`
<br /> ,�:, � �ny�emady upon Uorrowor's dotautt,londor doos eot walv4 ony rfpht to Intor cone dot tho ovont c+rfofaWt If It Mnppono efloln. �it,z.
<br /> ,•.; 1y� ty
<br /> GC:S'
<br /> •��};��� � Corr�er wh co slpne thsu do6d�nttn�e�Si�tiutadooi�ot io•alpn�Rho undo�rtn�dobt Ine�ua���MtulaQooe do onty to pront and ccnvoy th i ��
<br /> ••` pnrr�we�.'p Inrora�t ln tho WoFOriY to tRo Truetoo undor Iho terms of thlt Eo o truat.In esldltl
<br /> un,cuoh p fiurrowar oproee thot the londer and ��l}!
<br /> � �n1I otASt Ootrow Qr under tnn ueed of uusi may o�tnud,w,,,{It u+niako nny nthcr eluu+u^a 1r+t�n tonbe ef thlo daod ot truut ot tho BoCUrod �r__:
<br /> s;"R , d�ut wf[haut thnt Dorrowcr'e coneent ond wlthout rolonaing thet�orrowor tram tho tormo 07 tt�ln doad at uuut. �•-�-
<br />- ,�i�'� � Tho du41ea end bonotits ot tNS doed of truat sholl bind and 6onolit tho uuacoaoora end aenlpna u!t,00Aor:ind Itorrnwor. �
<br /> R7€=
<br /> (':;;:.
<br /> , � . 18.qotic�.Untoee othorwlso requlrod by low,ond notico to Borro�vcr shell be ytvon y Aotivn tnb it nr CV'nn�u on�„otloo to Londor b��Co►ttlod ��__
<br /> COttov�tsr dt tho ptopotlY addro88 ot an1I othar eddroso thflt Oorcovia� hoe qlvofl ro�enAor.�otrowVt ra►f��t
<br /> - . i m�fll to Londcr's addraes qn peflu 1 of ifif�d�ad of nuot,or to e�y othar eRdrees wti GN Lon ar hue�Eo04F�notutf.AnV othar notico to LanOCr ohnll
<br /> � � po eent to Lendor e oddroao eo stotc�on pepo t of thlp dood ol Q�uot.
<br /> �' � Any ttotico sho0 bo dnomcd to hovo boon glvon to Qorrowo�or lcsfldcr whon plvon U�Iha mnnnut etotod obovu.
<br /> - ' 1 . Trtsater o!tRe Prc;aM�r c�e Ban�2lr�st int�te�t in tttr Batt��r'N. ��d��ot eny p:tt�af lho ptouattY oc eny lntaront�n It to antd er tran�forrad
<br />- . ' ' r ��t�saut l.orutor'o prler rrdtten consant, lcndor mW demond krnmod�eto �►nq�emn� o tF�q flor.uta[� O�Dt. londat mnv nlao cSmm�nd immodloto
<br /> ��' AemonA peymoM In tho�obovo oltuotiony69��ie prnlubltod by fedarct lovi�oe ol tfm 11nia ot thli duo�nf tn�si���orre0. Howuvoi, landor moy not
<br /> 20. RtCOnvayenc�. Whon tho obllpetlon oor.wcd by ihlo dnoA a!tn�ot hno Acan pold und lonAo�hn� ��o fF+rthnr obUpouon ta anokn ctivancoo
<br />-- undnr tRa Inatrumenta or oproomunte aocurad by 1Na doad of trual, tho tniatao oP�nlf,uuo�+�+Nttan re4��oof b�tho Gwidor,�eoonvoV lho truat
<br /> � , •. �� proRarty.7ho Londat ahal!dolivor to tho Oorrow�r,or to fiorrewor'o oucconanr m mtcronl,thn nuol Qittxl nnA t ro aoto or otRnr ovldnnoo ot tRo "
<br /> � -- ---- oCltnatton eo enttnftod.[3orrowor ehnit pny ony roc�rdotton coa�a. „
<br /> _�_--- ---- ''.._
<br /> Z�. Oucaoator Yr�atr�. londor, 01 �ORdOf'0 0pt1011� O10v t01ri[1Y0 TfU4SCU OItA C11(1t1117S O 6tlflCC0E0f INtQ11f0 DY i1�ef, mqn�n� o i.aiyj u� i�m
<br /> eubodtutloe ot trwtoo ea roquttod by eppllaoWo low,ond ihon,by 1�unn Itm subtiquhittnn at n�!otoo fm rot:nrQ 111 Ut0 UIIItlO Ut lh0 fOQlBlflt Ot�OOQO
<br /> , iucco6d to aUiho D hWCr dution�nuthoity ond tlito otp�ho Trl►otao imiinil n¢ti�N d��rA�u�9li1��anA 1i1 ony�ai,lol,cnosor�truatoo.ot tho proport�.al+atl
<br /> I�nps 7 0l?I '
<br />—' - EAti1111150Y0T�f�6.Pif:.OT f.tODU.l4p66�01�I CUD�D7 771U tQC>aOLDMTOttE 0��0�01
<br /> i .
<br />-.x
<br /> �"_., __ _ _ _ -
<br />