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202300841 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A Tract of tend located do pant of the SaMvrest Quarter of the Notlhvrast Quarter (SW1MNW1Nf) of Section Elwin (11), Township Twelve <br />(12), North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M.,1431 County, Nebraska, end mon particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at f e West* corner of Section Eleven (11), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12) W, odd paint also being the <br />point of beginning, thence on an assumed hearing of NOO°00100"E upon and along the wast One of the 149114 a distance of 933.39 feet; <br />thence S 681624E panned with the south line of said MNPfl4 a distance of 3330 fed toe* East eight -okay (ROW) line of Cameron road; <br />thence continuing S 88°9624"E penial with said south line a distance o1 900.38 feet; thence S00°00'OO'W parallel with said west lira <br />distance of 933.39 feet to said south line of the MANN; thence Nirdl'2S"W upon and slang sold south One a dbita me ofW039footle said <br />Eget ROW dna; thence (*Moiling N88102419 a distance of 33.00 het to the point of beginning. <br />