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<br /> M���pato IMt nl lntaaat Rato .�,_
<br /> - NnturootlndcOtadnas� LoanArtount Oa/O�� y.�0 •.vs'-�
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<br /> ' ' °:- hmeby pire Gommorcisi Fod�sn�18ank a Fedaral Savinga Bank('Commnrcid Fodarai').wfea.o ndd�ruu ia,�_eQr_�� �;�=--.
<br /> , �� � �{�p1 n��gu�fl,wltt►pax�cr ot eelo.ot tho(dlavnnfl PtoporiY teFiathct with a:l imgmvamffnte nower
<br /> .' � hmoatta orocxod on tho��o�'e�Y�and all nas[�montn,riphte und npAurtananccs tharoto: �-..� !-
<br /> ' , � �,' (l�a) Ai� T�A�
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<br /> y Shta Mortp�Dv sxuros o I�an mc�do bY Commm�io!Fedoml cvidanced � � A� .r,/,�inwrost m tl►o initiai mto a'! B.os'L�._-.-� ---
<br /> }� A��oto datod tho eamo doto w ihta Mortaag3 in tho amount ot S � �`-
<br /> +�r per ennum,eontetna tho tom+�s Iw ropnYmn�n a!that loan•It that noto fa rnvr a'��Miod ar roA�a�tiY o�ow nota,it wip bo aocuraf by thts MmcDa�a
<br /> • � 1 Rmmtsu tho toltowing thinp�: d v�fion dua
<br /> t, qp poymcnu cu�ony eoro a othur dabt tacurcd by th►a Mortpnao vmtl ba pN
<br /> �� �, 2. A:e lnaumnco poliey tar firo nnd axtandod carotago wtli bA kopt in taeo on ti�o proporty in an n**�a�nt ot lanat cqvul to 1l�o dobte aeoured btl thb =_
<br /> „ , �Jlcct��o plua uny otRar matgaDoa Qatod in pateDrePh 8 bota�v.Ti�a inwraneo campany must Do oatlataotory W Commoniat Fadwat,and -Y_I
<br /> .,. �,, . Cs�nnrmz►ciat Fadmal vN1 bo a�amod inaurod on tho potkcY• r f=_
<br /> ' 3. AII faxoa and as:.c:smmtu on!ho proncny valli bo pai�bofao thW►ycvc*�no ddinqunnt _
<br /> 4. I�to wasto w{U bo e:�arrittod w+tho prupenV nnd it will bo kopt 1n gnad rapair.
<br /> � 6. Tho PropartY witt t+ot Do aold(tne�udinp by land contruat).laased.end no intoraat e�aY�r.iD bo ar.slgnod!n uny way .
<br /> ,� ;� �t �...,.......•. cz.ROaT. s�Alf7 _—
<br /> i� osa anewribr.nnea�EXCEF?
<br /> �•'v<<,i�;.:�., Q A os�m 1fio p►cPartY ttoo and ctc:.r at any othor mortpo8 �
<br /> - r �• •l:�td.
<br /> 'r,'y�.;`<�.i .
<br /> .iJ(y:1���"'. wili ovcr bo uilowod to�r in�lafault a bo faocloscd. -=
<br /> . , , 7. Noolha moK�afioorlicnonu'+aproponN
<br /> �►�.
<br /> . .r' � If m�y ot theao P�s��ot kopt thcn C�mmorcial P�deral ctu+duels�°all of tho dcbt immodiatalY du�end�wya�la 9v�!'�tut ndvsnco Rotico. --.
<br /> � �`' Czeoytiono mnY bo roquired Op�o�a.iho intorost mto wii{tnctoas+o w SJd1�Se�t any Iouor o!tho mwdct+un+t�+m nilovrablo by 4mw at thot tlmu�nd this --
<br /> �qrtp�go ye�f bo faroelosoG in aeeordaneo withopplken6lo�ow.lf�ho c3ab�Da c�ecolorotad.thnn 1 n1tA assi 7f OTV mnt ot othar Inedno fram t31v��RiIV m
<br />. ..)�: .� Commercfal foCe�aL 7HE PAAIIES AaREF.THAT THIS CONSTIMES A C,Ar�4b1TERAl REAL E�'t or h+ko�b an�Y ueovena�°r°in tha�-�t1�0 Lm�ay26 - -
<br /> :.,. �,;.� �
<br /> •��;s . .e� QFOH Sd.'DAKOTA RESIO�MS ONL1�. in thu mwnt ot anY dotnuft fn tho m�'king of nnY Dal►m°� v_
<br /> 1F toroetosod W ootton.w bH��ttt�n�is p^rovfd al�Y���i�u ond n v'amonpdr�nont�t�and mr�y�v zin awtu t�asry costo ortd nttumay taa��D�n8�d
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<br /> c�� • : •, .;�r: OK.af►d MI rosidonin�onh��• '°��_
<br /> . �,... inofud!n9 eny toxa�a tnnuraneo i havo nbroed to N-
<br /> ::-.?�,.�.; 1l%�";?1 Certuin orreotu+ts can bopatd by Commorciaa�►a Cammorcia!Fodoral paya it It iIIamnd o pa irty uMt nnY ln.y�a1 aatfon broupht bY aomoono otao eae�cemtna the :___--
<br /> 'y.'y�,;:tr :'.�� poy�ut iti1 t0.nny ottomay faas a ea�at wcPm+�S�ich iho Iow mi M eltow if Commorefat Fadarol ha���m to court aga:nat me to eotleeet tho do6t ar ���•
<br /> ,;,.;,,:,�,� :- � proporry,pnd nny ettomay t��T�°�" thon tho add�itkonnl dnbt vJ,tt aceruo intor�o�t a!tha aarrn roto e�tho rost of tho dobt bnd mutt ae Pa3d
<br /> toroctoao thia rtsartgag a I t ony oi tlw�thinga hoppm. P`=
<br /> , � � immediatnty. tor s+atis u:o,cny praaendu of tho tsktnp �'�_-
<br /> . r Q thla P�i�U ia arcr a°�'d°�►�undar tho pauzo dl on+fna��t domoin ot nny ¢imilar mothod of tokinD ProA�Y P ---
<br /> :.� rei11 bo atid to Con%merclal Fedoral up t°mo fuit amnuns c�fl9ho debt socurod. .
<br /> Qo�roya�r svaivns utI dtiht uf Mimoatu:.d 0jo*+v�q��+�in thu proporiy a�d t�turo waivos all�ightooi�odomptlon.oaumption.diat�butivu ahaw ond dowar.
<br /> � t+l�:uz�Ro�+ar tar ODd�hmne ;A war ot atte hn��a+n . in thlo[1flortp�r,A}s�sr o}sab me ellew th�h5�4ti�,;1�'�to tnin the i ,-
<br /> ' �ir a*� en s� w ar�n• ur+c tzro ar �an P+» ouI[��Q�'�n: ar s wy��
<br /> ., f �..,f.-�++"'�" �•
<br /> . '�;; ��2l��99 �� g � gorrewate S�nnturo � �'
<br /> ' I T�da�ra t2ato Bamvwfo TYD
<br /> + �1 Hort�awele 6�Ono�
<br /> _ __,,_ _ .
<br /> 6ortatiticl'e tym+o iaanm
<br /> ,,, a „ 260�4II�t' dRS CiE�ID I6I�2ID. I3II: 68801
<br /> . •� tin o ross
<br /> _ .. SYATL•OP � � a�. .
<br /> COUNiY OF �+ �� .�g 99 ,boYoro nro.o notmy publto in nnd tor ca'.d eaw+N•F�+��Y C°^7°
<br /> - a^U'�e �"�� d�►'°� to mo knovun ro ho thn ida�tkal parson or pexmm�isa'.a
<br /> �� g� � Qeknewlcdga!tho anfd fnatrum=nt¢nd�ho mmeuL'w�thsrcot to 6n thalr
<br /> enmo fa or nro otfixod to thea4iavu�BSII�end thoy.Ro%ho/thoy eov�ru'•lY �
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<br /> � vo!untary aat and dcad. ora �
<br /> , " VJIINESS mY hand and�n �1 b,�� In4l� abova. l . � �� . _
<br /> 01 NJ � ' '� ���
<br /> „ My commtr�tm+mcptros: - - ot�y pir.��,c'o tpnuturo Dj1}.1077 (07/97)
<br /> ME-IRt•11N9f•1!.-SD•M
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